George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Fort Point from east with photographer,
Bancroft Library.
George Lewis
Arch of Triumph.
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Igbo (Nigeria) figure (ikenga)
Fowler Museum of Cultural History. Unive
Textile, kain songket, dance costume. In
Fowler Museum of Cultural History. Unive
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Ready for start, Centennial Regatta, San
Bancroft Library.
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Captain Whipple and coaches, including G
Bancroft Library.
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Cotwater [ship]
Bancroft Library.
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
"The Pluton River, (4x5), view (K1)," Un
Bancroft Library.
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
"1897, Mining, Chemistry, Library [negat
Bancroft Library.
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Illustrating position of woman sitting N
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Textile, sarong, child's clothing. Indon
Fowler Museum of Cultural History. Unive
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Textile, sarong, child's clothing. Indon
Fowler Museum of Cultural History. Unive
Tsongo (Gabon) harp for use in rituals o
Fowler Museum of Cultural History. Unive
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Textile, tampan, gift wrapping. Indonesi
Fowler Museum of Cultural History. Unive
1900-Collected 1974
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Letter: How I got that way
Bancroft Library.
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Great White Fleet off Fort Point, San Fr
Bancroft Library.
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
"U.C. baseball [player], 1899," Universi
Bancroft Library.
Wave (yacht) sailing party. [photographi
Bancroft Library.
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
George Lewis
War Memorial Weimar, Germany.
UCR/California Museum of Photography
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Susie's House Number: 124 Place: At Weit
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
R. Robinson [ship]
Bancroft Library.
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Textile, pua. Malaysia
Fowler Museum of Cultural History. Unive
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Ishi drying a new fire drill over fire P
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
George Lewis
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography