Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Pohona. Valley of the Yosemi
The Bancroft Library.
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Casitas, Ranch Road construc
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Hopps house, Ross: [exterior
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
[From Malakoff Diggins mine.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Casitas, hauling 10 inch cas
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Indian rancheria of Jose Ant
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
[Ruins of unidentified build
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
[H379? Colonnade and exhibit
The Bancroft Library. Univer
H301. [Court of Palms (Georg
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Chick house, Oakland: [inter
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Miocene Oil Company's well n
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Meat Market. San Andreas. 19
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Picnicing [sic] At Camp Tayl
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
H226. [Lion at portal (Alber
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Graveyard. Columbia. 1945.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
H190. [Base, Arch of the Set
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
St. Anne's Church. Columbia.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Hunt house, Berkeley: [inter
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
California Counties Oil Comp
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Hunt house, Berkeley: [inter
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Bayley House, nr. Coloma. 19
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
[Unidentified building.] Val
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
[H302? Italian Tower, Court
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Gen'l Mdse. Store. [C.G. Nun
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Hunt house, Berkeley: [inter
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
San Luis Obispo, the lower (
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
H237. [Colonnade and exhibit
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
H207. ["Wood Nymph" (Isidore
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Spudding in crew. [left to r
The Bancroft Library. Univer
[Imperial Hotel, from porch
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Hay & feed store. Auburn. 19
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Chinese. San Francisco.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Amador Hotel. Amador City. 1
The Bancroft Library. Univer
[Unidentified buildings.] Co
The Bancroft Library. Univer
[Post office.] Columbia. 194
The Bancroft Library. Univer
[Ruins of bank, store and of
The Bancroft Library. Univer
[Picket fence, unidentified
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Firehouse. Nevada City. 1934
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Ex-Mission (now Parish-Churc
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Jap bed. [Makeshift shelter
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
[Ruins of unidentified build
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
H86. [Florentine Court? Towe
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Orleans Hotel. Auburn. 1939.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Teams hauling water and fuel
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
July, 1936. Kern County, Ker
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Yo Semite [Yosemite] Falls F
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Part Chinatown. Fresno, Cal.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
H216. ["Summer" fountain (Fu
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Graves near Camptonville. 19
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Casitas, lower end of spear
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
[Unidentified residence.] Ne
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Stone wall detail. Mariposa
The Bancroft Library. Univer
600 barrel redwood reservoir
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Packard showroom, San Franci
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Foundations of mint. Mt. Oph
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
[Ruins of bank, store and of
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Spring, 1936, Kern County. A
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
[Porch, St. George Hotel.] V
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Discovery Rocks. Valley of t
The Bancroft Library.
Stone wall. Mariposa to Ben
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
West-view of the ruins of th
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Hooverville residents don't
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Roos House, San Francisco: [
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Church. Clinton. 1938.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Load of water pipe in Kettle
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Jap farm laborer's shack. [H
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Views of Camp for well numbe
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
[Unidentified building.]
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Yo Semite [Yosemite] Falls F
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
H267. [Colonnade and courts,
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Mokelumne Hill. 1933. [C.G.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Casitas, showing the spot wh
The Bancroft Library. Univer
H312. ["Princeton Student" (
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Grave near Fiddletown. 1939.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Tank wagon hauling fuel. Cap
The Bancroft Library. Univer
[H303? Beneath Arch of the R
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
H454. [Base of "Water Sprite
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Prince & Garabardi [i.e. Pri
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Hauling first load to lease.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Spring, 1936, Kern County. A
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Casitas, ten mule team hauli
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Fuel Tank Calllows. October
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Chinese Children, San Franci
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Valley of the Yosemite. From
The Bancroft Library.
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Casitas, proposed site for w
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Pumping plant Esperanza Cons
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Hopps house, Ross: [interior
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Organ in church. Chinese Cam
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Wells Fargo Bldg. Columbia.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
[H417? "Fountain of the Risi
The Bancroft Library. Univer
H14. [Rotunda, Palace of Fin
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Casitas Ranch Road
The Bancroft Library. Univer
[Colonnade, Palace of Fine A
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Lake City. 1954. [Farm.]
The Bancroft Library. Univer
H359. [Pavilion of Portugal.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
H13. ["Fountain of El Dorado
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
[H305? Colonnade, Court of F
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
July, 1936, Kern County, Ker
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Bayley House. Near Coloma. 1
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Land cleared, number one wel
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Spring, 1936, Kern County. [
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Pacific Crude gusher burning
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Roos House, San Francisco: [
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
No captions
The Bancroft Library. Univer
[Butte Store.] Butte City. 1
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
H295. [Colonnade, Tower of J
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
["The End of the Trail" (Jam
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
View across the Ranch south
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho