Hildebrandt, Eduard (1881-1869), German,
[San Francisco Bay, California]
Bancroft Library.
[not before 1864]
Roos House, San Francisco: [exterior, ge
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco: [det
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
[Main Street. Independent Order of Odd F
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berke
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berke
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berke
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
H107. [Portal, east wall, Pavilion of Bo
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Abandoned schoolhouse, Section 23-24-18.
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hildebrandt, Eduard (1881-1869), German,
[San Francisco Bay, California]
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1863]
Jap farm house, near Sacramento. [Housin
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hildebrandt, Eduard (1881-1869), German,
San Francisco [California]
Bancroft Library.
375. [Gateway, Tower of Jewels (Thomas H
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hildebrandt, Eduard, 1818-1868, Wagner,
San Francisco: [Looking up California St
Bancroft Library.
Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco: [rot
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hill, Thomas (1829-1908), British, artis
[Sierra Nevada landscape]
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1880]
A reminiscense [sic] of 1842: Bullfight,
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hill, Thomas (1829-1908), British, artis
[Byrnes Ferry on the Stanislaus River, C
Bancroft Library.
H338. [Arch of the Rising Sun (McKim, Me
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hill, Thomas (1829-1908), British, artis
[Irrigating at strawberry farm, Santa Cl
Bancroft Library.
Casitas, ten mule team hauling on grade.
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hill, Thomas (1829-1908), British, artis
Yosemite Valley [California]
Bancroft Library.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berke
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hill, Thomas (1829-1908), British, artis
[El Capitan, Yosemite, California]
Bancroft Library.
H171. [Rotunda, Palace of Fine Arts (Ber
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hill, Thomas (1829-1908), British, artis
[Ceremony to drive the golden spike at P
Bancroft Library.
[not before 1869]
Hearst Gymnasium, University of Californ
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hill, Thomas, 1829-1908
Near Almaden [sic - titled on verso]
Bancroft Library.
Hill, Thomas, 1829-1908
The Grizzly
Bancroft Library.
Hill, Thomas, 1829-1908
The Wawona
Bancroft Library.
Hill, Thomas, Virgil Troyon, 1871-1922
[Nevada Falls, Yosemite]
Bancroft Library.
Hinshelwood, Robert (1812-ca. 1875), Sco
The Rocky Mountains
Bancroft Library.
Hinton, John, d. 1781
A True and Exact Representation of the A
Bancroft Library.
Hittell , K. (Catherine?), American, art
The old mill
Bancroft Library.
Little School? Church? Washington [Nevad
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
H309. [Colonnade, Tower of Jewels. Pavil
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
H255. ["Triumph of the Field" (Charles R
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
H149. [Pueblo village, Grand Canyon of A
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hangman's Tree. Second Garotte. 1951.
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Office tent, Casitas. August 6, 1912
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
H331. [Court of Flowers (George W. Kelha
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
H371. [Colonnade and tower, California B
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hittell , K. (Catherine?), American, art
View from Camp Vann, Mt. San Hedrin [Men
Bancroft Library.
[Doorway, unidentified building.] North
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hittell , K. (Catherine?), American, art
Eel River, from Devil's Elbow Camp [Mend
Bancroft Library.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berke
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hittell , K. (Catherine?), American, art
Camp Three Girls: Sonoma Co[unty] Cal[if
Bancroft Library.
Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco: [det
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
H318. [Portal, Palace of Varied Industri
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hittell, Charles [Carlos] J. (1861-1938)
The Transit, tug[boat]
Bancroft Library.