Iwata, Jack, Japanese Americ
Japanese American National M
[St. Charles Hotel.] Downiev
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Iwata, Jack, Japanese Americ
Basketball game
Japanese American National M
Interior view of pumping sta
The Bancroft Library. Univer
J. Alden Mason, Both Photogr
Two youngest children of Ped
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
September, 1910
H392. ["Triumph of the Field
The Bancroft Library. Univer
J. Alden Mason, Both Photogr
Mission San Antonio in prese
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
September, 1910
[Independent Order of Odd Fe
The Bancroft Library. Univer
J. Alden Mason, Both Photogr
Home of Pedro Encinales
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
September, 1910
Recto: Renovated chapel, and
The Bancroft Library. Univer
J. Alden Mason, Both Photogr
Perfecta Encinales and her d
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
September, 1910
H143. [Gateway, Tower of Jew
The Bancroft Library. Univer
A Californian magnate in his
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Hopps house, Ross: [exterior
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Fiddletown. Chinese adobe de
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Oil fire Buick and Pacific C
The Bancroft Library. Univer
H257. [Colonnade, rotunda an
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Hopps house, Ross: [interior
The Bancroft Library. Univer
H128. [Rotunda, Palace of Fi
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Spring, 1936, Kern County. S
The Bancroft Library. Univer
J. Alden Mason, Both Photogr
Wife and children of Pedro E
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
September, 1910
Murphy's Hotel. Formerly Mit
The Bancroft Library. Univer
J. Alden Mason, Both Photogr
Jose Maria Cruz, Flujensio S
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
September, 1910
J. Alden Mason, Both Photogr
A typical landscape in Salin
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
September, 1910
J. Alden Mason, Both Photogr
Josie Encinales, daughter of
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
September, 1910
J. Alden Mason, Both Photogr
Flujensio Santana, cripple
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
September, 1910
J. Alden Mason, Both Photogr
Home of Perfecta Encinales
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
September, 1910
J. Alden Mason, Photographer
Pedro Encinales
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
J. Hamilton
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
J. Harshman
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
J. Harshman
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
H199. [Tower, Court of Abund
The Bancroft Library. Univer
J. Harshman
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Jap [but livers?] near Woodl
The Bancroft Library. Univer
J. R. B., artist
Napa Valley, California
Bancroft Library.
[Farm.] Near Mokelumne Hill.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
J. W. W. (active ca. 1884),
[Sidewheel paddle steamer Yo
Bancroft Library.
Catholic Church. Georgetown.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
J.C. Hawver, Both Photograph
Old blind Indian woman at wo
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Jackson, M. (b.1872?), Ameri
San Miguel Arcangel [Mission
Bancroft Library.
H157. [Portal and lion fount
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Jackson, Wesley (active ca.
Jackson, Amador Co[unty Cali
Bancroft Library.
[Doorway, unidentified build
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Jackson, Wesley (active ca.
Jackson, Amador County, Cal[
Bancroft Library.
These Hooverville children a
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Jacopo de' Barbari, Italian,
View of the City of Venice (
Grunwald Center for the Grap
ca. 1514
Ruins of Brewery. Columbia.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Ruins of the church and buil
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Hooverville, Sacramento, Cal
The Bancroft Library. Univer