Iwata, Jack, Japanese American, photogra
Japanese American National Museum
[St. Charles Hotel.] Downieville. 1939.
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Iwata, Jack, Japanese American, photogra
Basketball game
Japanese American National Museum
Interior view of pumping station. Pumps
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
J. Alden Mason, Both Photographer and Do
Two youngest children of Pedro Encinales
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
September, 1910
H392. ["Triumph of the Field" (Charles R
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
J. Alden Mason, Both Photographer and Do
Mission San Antonio in present condition
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
September, 1910
[Independent Order of Odd Fellows Buildi
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
J. Alden Mason, Both Photographer and Do
Home of Pedro Encinales
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
September, 1910
Recto: Renovated chapel, and ruins of th
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
J. Alden Mason, Both Photographer and Do
Perfecta Encinales and her daughter
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
September, 1910
H143. [Gateway, Tower of Jewels (Thomas
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
A Californian magnate in his home. Gener
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hopps house, Ross: [exterior, detail of
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Fiddletown. Chinese adobe detail. 1957.
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Oil fire Buick and Pacific Crude propert
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
H257. [Colonnade, rotunda and altar, Pal
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hopps house, Ross: [interior, dining roo
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
H128. [Rotunda, Palace of Fine Arts (Ber
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Spring, 1936, Kern County. Showing Publi
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
J. Alden Mason, Both Photographer and Do
Wife and children of Pedro Encinales, an
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
September, 1910
Murphy's Hotel. Formerly Mitchler Hotel.
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
J. Alden Mason, Both Photographer and Do
Jose Maria Cruz, Flujensio Santana (seat
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
September, 1910
J. Alden Mason, Both Photographer and Do
A typical landscape in Salinan territory
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
September, 1910
J. Alden Mason, Both Photographer and Do
Josie Encinales, daughter of Pedro Encin
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
September, 1910
J. Alden Mason, Both Photographer and Do
Flujensio Santana, cripple
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
September, 1910
J. Alden Mason, Both Photographer and Do
Home of Perfecta Encinales
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
September, 1910
J. Alden Mason, Photographer
Pedro Encinales
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
J. Hamilton
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
J. Harshman
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
J. Harshman
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
H199. [Tower, Court of Abundance (Louis
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
J. Harshman
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Jap [but livers?] near Woodland. [Japane
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
J. R. B., artist
Napa Valley, California
Bancroft Library.
[Farm.] Near Mokelumne Hill. 1947.
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
J. W. W. (active ca. 1884), artist
[Sidewheel paddle steamer Yosemite]
Bancroft Library.
Catholic Church. Georgetown. 1963.
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
J.C. Hawver, Both Photographer and Donor
Old blind Indian woman at work on basket
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Un
Jackson, M. (b.1872?), American?, artist
San Miguel Arcangel [Mission, San Miguel
Bancroft Library.
H157. [Portal and lion fountain, south f
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Jackson, Wesley (active ca. 1857), publi
Jackson, Amador Co[unty California]
Bancroft Library.
[Doorway, unidentified building.] Volcan
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Jackson, Wesley (active ca. 1857), publi
Jackson, Amador County, Cal[ifornia], 18
Bancroft Library.
These Hooverville children are ashamed o
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Jacopo de' Barbari, Italian, 1440/50-bef
View of the City of Venice (Bird's Eye V
Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, UC
ca. 1514
Ruins of Brewery. Columbia. 1947.
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Ruins of the church and buildings of the
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali
Hooverville, Sacramento, California. A t
The Bancroft Library. University of Cali