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39,951-40,000 of 100,000
Colyer, Vincent (1825-1888), American, artist
Apaches awaiting distribution of presents from Indian Commissione …
Bancroft Library.
Title Apaches awaiting distribution of presents from Indian Commissioner [White Mountain Reservation, Arizona Territory]
Creator Name Colyer, Vincent (1825-1888), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date 1871
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Colyer, Vincent (1825-1888), American, artist
San Felipe, Rio Grande [Texas]
Bancroft Library.
Title San Felipe, Rio Grande [Texas]
Creator Name Colyer, Vincent (1825-1888), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date 1869
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Colyer, Vincent (1825-1888), American, artist
Santa Barbara, Lower California
Bancroft Library.
Title Santa Barbara, Lower California
Creator Name Colyer, Vincent (1825-1888), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date 1871
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Colyer, Vincent (1825-1888), American, artist
Kansas Prairie, Arizona Territory
Bancroft Library.
Title Kansas Prairie, Arizona Territory
Creator Name Colyer, Vincent (1825-1888), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date 1871
Colyer, Vincent (1825-1888), American, artist (attributed to)
Wagons at the stockade [Arizona Territory?]
Bancroft Library.
Title Wagons at the stockade [Arizona Territory?]
Creator Name Colyer, Vincent (1825-1888), American, artist (attributed to)
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date [1871?]
Conts, C. G. (active ca. 1850), artist
San Diego 1850 [California]
Bancroft Library.
Title San Diego 1850 [California]
Creator Name Conts, C. G. (active ca. 1850), artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date 1850
Cook, C. B., artist
Bird's-eye view of Haywards [Hayward, California]
Bancroft Library.
Title Bird's-eye view of Haywards [Hayward, California]
Creator Name Cook, C. B., artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date [18--]
Cook, C. B., artist, Elliott, William W. (active ca. 1870-ca. 189 …
Auburn, [Placer County] Cal[ifornia]
Bancroft Library.
[not before 1887]
Title Auburn, [Placer County] Cal[ifornia]
Creator Name Cook, C. B., artist, Elliott, William W. (active ca. 1870-ca. 1890), lithographer
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date [not before 1887]
Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Mormon Bar, on the North Fork, American River [Mariposa County, C …
Bancroft Library.
Title Mormon Bar, on the North Fork, American River [Mariposa County, California]
Creator Name Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date c1852
Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Chagres, from the castle, looking down, 1851 [Panama]
Bancroft Library.
Title Chagres, from the castle, looking down, 1851 [Panama]
Creator Name Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date c1852
Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Chagres from the anchorage, Feb[ruary] 14th, 1849 [Panama]
Bancroft Library.
Title Chagres from the anchorage, Feb[ruary] 14th, 1849 [Panama]
Creator Name Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date c1852
Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
South Fork, American River [California]
Bancroft Library.
Title South Fork, American River [California]
Creator Name Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date c1852
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Entrance to the River Chagres [Panama]
Bancroft Library.
Title Entrance to the River Chagres [Panama]
Creator Name Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date c1852
Philip Brigandi
Title not known
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title Title not known
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Mormon Bar on the North Fork [of the] American River [California]
Bancroft Library.
Title Mormon Bar on the North Fork [of the] American River [California]
Creator Name Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date [18--]
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Interior of the castle at Chagres [Panama]
Bancroft Library.
Title Interior of the castle at Chagres [Panama]
Creator Name Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date c1852
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Castle at Acapulco [Mexico]
Bancroft Library.
Title Castle at Acapulco [Mexico]
Creator Name Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date c1852
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Between Sacramento and the mines [California]
Bancroft Library.
Title Between Sacramento and the mines [California]
Creator Name Cooper, George Victor (1810-1878), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date c1852
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
Our night camp on the Eagle River [Canada], expecting the Crees [ …
Bancroft Library.
Title Our night camp on the Eagle River [Canada], expecting the Crees [Indians]
Creator Name Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date 1865
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
Over the mountain, near Jasper House [Ottawa, Canada]
Bancroft Library.
Title Over the mountain, near Jasper House [Ottawa, Canada]
Creator Name Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date 1865
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
Swamp formed by beaver, with ancient beaver house and dam [Dog Ri …
Bancroft Library.
Title Swamp formed by beaver, with ancient beaver house and dam [Dog River, Canada]
Creator Name Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date 1865
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Cooper, J., engraver, Wilson, J. H. (active ca. 1865), artist
Mr. O'B triumphantly crosses river
Bancroft Library.
Title Mr. O'B triumphantly crosses river
Creator Name Cooper, J., engraver, Wilson, J. H. (active ca. 1865), artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date 1865
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
The trail at an end
Bancroft Library.
Title The trail at an end
Creator Name Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date 1865
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
Our misadventure with raft in crossing the Canoe River [Canada]
Bancroft Library.
Title Our misadventure with raft in crossing the Canoe River [Canada]
Creator Name Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date 1865
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
View from hill opposite Jasper House, the upper lake of the Athab …
Bancroft Library.
Title View from hill opposite Jasper House, the upper lake of the Athabasca River and Priest's Rock, Canada]
Creator Name Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date 1865
Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
Our winter hut - La belle Prairie
Bancroft Library.
Title Our winter hut - La belle Prairie
Creator Name Cooper, J., engraver, Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865), artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date 1865
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name Philip Brigandi
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
39,951-40,000 of 100,000