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D.H. Ashton
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
D.H. Ashton
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
D.H. Ashton
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
D.H. Ashton
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
D.H. Ashton
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Dallas (active ca. 1856), artist
Great excitement in San Francisco [Calif …
Bancroft Library.
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Daniells, T. G., publisher, Elliott, Wil …
Alameda, Cal[ifornia]
Bancroft Library.
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Daniels, J. H. (active ca. 1861), lithog …
Mammoth Arbor Vitae [redwood]: standing …
Bancroft Library.
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Lindy and wife arrive at Air Meet.
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Pres. Hoover at Springfield, Ill.
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Pres. Hoover at Springfield, Ill.
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Philip Brigandi
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Darley, Felix Octavius Carr (1822-1888), …
Native Californians lassoing a bear
Bancroft Library.
Darley, Felix Octavius Carr (1822-1888), …
Emigrants crossing the plains
Bancroft Library.
Darley, Felix Octavius Carr (1822-1888), …
Native Californians lassoing a bear
Bancroft Library.
Darley, Felix Octavius Carr (1822-1888), …
[Indian captive]
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1880?]
David Cox, 1783-1859, British
Landscape with a House by a Stream
Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, UC …
ca. 1804-1807
David Smith
Voltri XIII
Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive