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  1. "cermuk" (8)
  2. "songket" (28)
  3. "sungkit" (11)
  4. . Silver gelatin photoprint. (852)
  5. 10 plastic pages containing 8 … (24)
  6. 11 black and white photographs … (8)
  7. 11 strips of black and white f … (23)
  8. 12 black and white photographs … (20)
  9. 13 black and white slides. (13)
  10. 16 black and white photographs … (15)
  11. 2 black and white slides and 8 … (9)
  12. 25 black and white slides. (25)
  13. 26 black and white photographs … (27)
  14. 26 photocopies. (26)
  15. 30 color slides. (30)
  16. 31 color slides. (31)
  17. 35 mm (6)
  18. 35mm film (7138)
  19. 37 black and white slides. (37)
  20. 38 color slides. (38)
  21. 48 black and white slides. (48)
  22. 54 color slides. (54)
  23. 8 black and white photographs. (10)
  24. 8 color slides. (8)
  25. A black binder with plastic sl … (21)
  26. Acrylic (64)
  27. Acrylic on canvas (237)
  28. Acrylic on linen (17)
  29. Acrylic on masonite (6)
  30. Acrylic on newspaper (19)
  31. Acrylic on paper (41)
  32. Acrylic on wood (6)
  33. Acrylic reverse painted on ple … (11)
  34. Acrylic, enamel, collage on pa … (24)
  35. ADOX KB 21 film (99)
  36. ADOX R 21 film (20)
  37. aedicule (8)
  38. Agfa film (95)
  39. Agfa Isopan ISS film (207)
  40. Agfa L IF film (774)
  41. Agfa L Isopan F film (47)
  42. Agfa L Isopan U film (36)
  43. Agfa L ISS film (72)
  44. Agfa L ISU film (113)
  45. Agfa nitrate film (30)
  46. Agfa Safety Film (85)
  47. Agfa Superpan Press (310)
  48. Agfa Superpassport film (9)
  49. agora (87)
  50. Agricultural buildings (14)
  51. Agricultural land (43)
  52. Agriculture (65)
  53. Alberti, Leon Battista, 1404-1 … (26)
  54. album leaves: ink and colors o … (13)
  55. album: ink and color on paper (52)
  56. album: ink and colors on silk (12)
  57. album: ink on paper (26)
  58. Allées (76)
  59. altar (70)
  60. altar (religious building fixt … (29)
  61. altarpiece (611)
  62. amphitheater (built work) (44)
  63. An envelope with 6 cards print … (8)
  64. Animals (27)
  65. Ansco Safety Film (16)
  66. Ansco Super Hypan Safety film (43)
  67. Ansco Superpan Press film (22)
  68. antependium (6)
  69. Antiquarianism (43)
  70. apartment house (156)
  71. Apollo (Greek deity) (11)
  72. appliqued (16)
  73. Arbors (9)
  74. Arcades (17)
  75. arch (60)
  76. Archaeological sites (145)
  77. archaeology (29)
  78. architectural drawings (237)
  79. Architectural drawings (53)
  80. architectural elements (700)
  81. Architectural sculpture (9)
  82. architecture (3657)
  83. Architecture (57)
  84. Architecture and City Planning (471)
  85. archivolts (12)
  86. Arconati family (28)
  87. Arcrylic and polyurethane on m … (10)
  88. art museum (377)
  89. Artificial water channels (15)
  90. Artist book (264)
  91. Artist book. Black print on 7 … (15)
  92. Artist book. Hard bound. Self … (62)
  93. Artist book. Soft bound. 45 pa … (94)
  94. artist's book, ink stamped on … (7)
  95. assemblage (sculpture) (34)
  96. Atlas (Greek mythology) (12)
  97. atlas (supporting element) (18)
  98. auditorium (165)
  99. Aviaries (20)
  100. Axes (open spaces) (108)
  101. B/W gelatin silver print (20)
  102. B/W offset (9)
  103. B/W photograph (20)
  104. B/W Print (7)
  105. back tension loom (48)
  106. Balustrades (93)
  107. bank (building) (111)
  108. Barbarini family (8)
  109. Barbiani di Belgioioso (7)
  110. Barco (Villa Lante, Bagnaia, I … (16)
  111. bas-relief (sculpture) (244)
  112. Basins (26)
  113. batik (94)
  114. batik tulis (29)
  115. beaded (9)
  116. Belvederes (19)
  117. Benches (11)
  118. Berceaux (22)
  119. Bird's-eye views (44)
  120. Birds (16)
  121. Black and white photograph (30)
  122. Black and white photography (20)
  123. Black and white print (13)
  124. black and white print (360)
  125. Black ink and blue paint on 15 … (15)
  126. Black press type on paper. 12 … (24)
  127. black-and-white photograph (29)
  128. Blacks (7)
  129. Blood on rice paper (20)
  130. Boats (23)
  131. book (236)
  132. Book (13)
  133. Books (325)
  134. Borders (Ornament areas) (11)
  135. Borghese Family (21)
  136. Borghese family (99)
  137. Borromeo family (30)
  138. Boschetti (10)
  139. Boscos (96)
  140. Boskets (bosquets) (10)
  141. Boundary walls (67)
  142. Bowling greens (11)
  143. bracket (structural element) (26)
  144. bridge (built work) (32)
  145. broadcasting studio (39)
  146. Bronze (7)
  147. Busts (10)
  148. C-print (61)
  149. Cabinets (gardens by location … (8)
  150. Canals (29)
  151. Canopy trees (72)
  152. cap batik (8)
  153. capital (column component) (77)
  154. capital city (66)
  155. Capponi family (60)
  156. Capponi Family (8)
  157. carousel (ride) (37)
  158. Carriages (9)
  159. cartoon (working drawing) (135)
  160. Cartouches (8)
  161. Carved acrylic (6)
  162. Caryatids (15)
  163. Cascades (42)
  164. Casinos (16)
  165. Casinos (garden structures) (48)
  166. cassone (10)
  167. cast (sculpture) (88)
  168. castle (fortification) (25)
  169. Castles (6)
  170. cathedral (36)
  171. ceiling (261)
  172. Ceiling paintings (7)
  173. cemetery (80)
  174. cenotaph (12)
  175. Centaurs (11)
  176. ceremonial mask (43)
  177. Cerretani family (69)
  178. chair (furniture form) (12)
  179. chancel (151)
  180. chapel (room or structure) (218)
  181. Children playing (29)
  182. choir loft (62)
  183. choirbook (6)
  184. church (55)
  185. Cibachrome (20)
  186. Cibachrome glossy print (8)
  187. Cibachrome print (6)
  188. ciborium (structure) (32)
  189. cista (toiletry container) (8)
  190. Cities (9)
  191. Cities and towns (24)
  192. city gate (87)
  193. city hall (25)
  194. classroom (115)
  195. Coats of arms (34)
  196. coffer (ceiling component) (6)
  197. Collage (30)
  198. collage (visual work) (27)
  199. Collage on paper (6)
  200. college (21)
  201. Color photo (11)
  202. Color photocopies attached to … (18)
  203. Color photograph (46)
  204. column (architectural element) (86)
  205. Columns (architectural element … (14)
  206. compound vault (27)
  207. concert hall (62)
  208. condominium (built work) (156)
  209. Conti family (10)
  210. continuous supplementary weft (20)
  211. copper (7)
  212. Copy (17)
  213. copy negative (11)
  214. corridor (56)
  215. Cortile del Belvedere (Vatican … (6)
  216. costume (character dress) (117)
  217. cotton (351)
  218. cotton fabric woven (21)
  219. cotton thread (9)
  220. Country houses (11)
  221. Courtyards (47)
  222. cremation urn (37)
  223. Crescenzi, Pietro de', ca. 123 … (62)
  224. cubiculum (77)
  225. Cupids (26)
  226. cutout (22)
  227. Cyanotype (20)
  228. Cypresses (34)
  229. decorative arts (9)
  230. Decorative Arts, Utilitarian O … (577)
  231. Deer park (Villa Borghese, Rom … (15)
  232. Del Monte family (42)
  233. devotional image (religious wo … (8)
  234. Diagrams (8)
  235. Diana (Roman deity) (14)
  236. Digital print (13)
  237. dining room (56)
  238. Dionysus (Greek deity) (14)
  239. diptych (52)
  240. discontinuous supplementary we … (16)
  241. Documentation (539)
  242. Dogs (49)
  243. Dolphins (17)
  244. dome (architectural element) (79)
  245. Domes (9)
  246. door (227)
  247. Doric order (6)
  248. dormitory (building) (84)
  249. double ikat (7)
  250. Dovecotes (15)
  251. Dragons (24)
  252. drawing (163)
  253. Drawing (43)
  254. drawing (visual work) (224)
  255. drawing on paper mounted on pa … (9)
  256. drawing on paper: ink (9)
  257. drawing on paper: ink and wash (22)
  258. drawing on paper: pen and ink (11)
  259. drawing on paper: pen and wash (12)
  260. drawing on paper: pencil (229)
  261. drawing on paper: wash (10)
  262. drawing on paper: watercolor (85)
  263. drawing on paper: watercolor a … (114)
  264. drawing on tinted heavy paper: … (9)
  265. drawing on tinted paper: penci … (6)
  266. drawing on tinted paper: penci … (12)
  267. drawing on tinted paper: penci … (7)
  268. drawing on tinted paper: water … (32)
  269. Drawings and Watercolors (62)
  270. Dreams (61)
  271. dyed (41)
  272. Eagles (14)
  273. Eastman 35mm Panatomic x film (159)
  274. Eastman 35mm Plus X film (1703)
  275. Eastman nitrate film (23)
  276. Eastman Safety Film (1335)
  277. Eastman Super-sensitive Panchr … (18)
  278. Eating and drinking (23)
  279. embroidered (26)
  280. Engraving (17)
  281. engraving (printing process) (206)
  282. Engraving (prints) (173)
  283. entablature (22)
  284. Entrances (61)
  285. equestrian statue (108)
  286. Erie, Lake (10)
  287. Espalier (23)
  288. Etching (35)
  289. etching (printing process) (77)
  290. Etching with hand coloring (31)
  291. Etchings (134)
  292. excavation (site) (344)
  293. Exedrae (site elements) (9)
  294. exhibition building (36)
  295. fabric (365)
  296. fabric, cotton (18)
  297. Facades (120)
  298. factory (structure) (7)
  299. Farms (17)
  300. Farnese family (30)
  301. Fashion, Costume and Jewelry (120)
  302. façade (27)
  303. Felt tip pen on paper (8)
  304. Fences (9)
  305. Ferns (9)
  306. Festoons (11)
  307. figurine (49)
  308. Film (7)
  309. film photonegative (1960)
  310. First terrace (Villa Lante, Ba … (17)
  311. Fishing (6)
  312. Fishponds (artificial) (28)
  313. float weave (6)
  314. floor (surface element) (133)
  315. Floor plans (12)
  316. Florence (Italy) (35)
  317. Flower beds (16)
  318. Flower gardens (48)
  319. Flowers (plants) (77)
  320. Follies (17)
  321. Footpaths (77)
  322. Forecourts (8)
  323. Forests (7)
  324. Formal garden, Gwinn (Clevelan … (8)
  325. Formal gardens (51)
  326. fortification (109)
  327. Fortifications (7)
  328. forum (open space) (15)
  329. Found objects (13)
  330. fountain (13)
  331. Fountains (478)
  332. Fourth terrace (Villa Lante, B … (16)
  333. Fragments (11)
  334. frame loom (8)
  335. frame loom(?) (16)
  336. Frascati (Italy) (7)
  337. fresco (painting) (4242)
  338. Fresco painting (21)
  339. frieze (entablature component) (47)
  340. Fruit trees (54)
  341. Full-color woodcut (nishiki-e) (45)
  342. gable (architectural element) (34)
  343. Gambara Family (7)
  344. Gambara family (93)
  345. Garden and Landscape (23)
  346. Garden sculpture (309)
  347. garden structure (15)
  348. Garden viewing (131)
  349. Gardener's House and Roman Bat … (17)
  350. Gardeners (22)
  351. Gardens (122)
  352. gatehouse (47)
  353. Gates (23)
  354. Gevaert film (29)
  355. Gevaert Safety film (48)
  356. Gianicolo (hill, Rome, Italy) (25)
  357. Gianicolo (Rome, Italy) (17)
  358. Giardini segreti (117)
  359. Giardino di Boboli (Florence, … (12)
  360. glass beads (10)
  361. glass negative (26)
  362. glass plate negative (26)
  363. Glyphograph with hand coloring (8)
  364. Godi family (6)
  365. gold metallic thread hand wove … (8)
  366. Golden age (21)
  367. Gouache on paper (8)
  368. Granaries (7)
  369. Granite (6)
  370. Graphic Design and Illustratio … (17)
  371. Graphite on paper (32)
  372. Graphite on vellum (8)
  373. Grotesques (12)
  374. Grottoes (108)
  375. Gwinn (Cleveland, Ohio, USA) (28)
  376. Gwinn (residence) (Cleveland, … (6)
  377. Hadrian's Villa (Tivoli, Italy … (105)
  378. Hadrian, Emperor of Rome, 76-1 … (93)
  379. hand coloring (33)
  380. hand sewn (30)
  381. hand spun (7)
  382. hand woven (64)
  383. handspun cotton (134)
  384. handwoven (313)
  385. Handwritten text in pencil, bl … (8)
  386. Handwritten text in pencil, bl … (6)
  387. hangar (12)
  388. hanging scroll: ink and color … (18)
  389. hanging scroll: ink and color … (8)
  390. hanging scroll: ink and colors … (10)
  391. hanging scroll: ink on paper (12)
  392. hanging scroll: ink on silk (9)
  393. harpsichord (6)
  394. Harvesting (8)
  395. headdress (9)
  396. Hedges (222)
  397. Heemstede (Utrecht, Netherland … (25)
  398. Herb gardens (38)
  399. Herbaceous borders (40)
  400. Herbs (9)
  401. Hercules (Roman mythology) (14)
  402. herm (14)
  403. Herms (41)
  404. Hills (73)
  405. Hippodromes (garden structures … (14)
  406. historic site (541)
  407. Holly (ilex) (8)
  408. holy water stoup (34)
  409. Horace's Villa (Licenza, Italy … (25)
  410. Hornbeam (9)
  411. Horses (35)
  412. Horticulture (61)
  413. hotel (public accommodation) (73)
  414. house (121)
  415. Houses (22)
  416. housing project (155)
  417. Hudson River (N.Y. and N.J.) (18)
  418. Humanism (22)
  419. Hunting (39)
  420. Hunting parks (8)
  421. ideal city (31)
  422. ikat (6)
  423. Ilford Hypersensitive Panchrom … (62)
  424. illuminated manuscript (6)
  425. illumination (11)
  426. Illuminations (11)
  427. Imperial (Roman) (42)
  428. indigo (33)
  429. indigo dye (13)
  430. inhabited place (31)
  431. Initials (Layout features) (8)
  432. ink and color on silk (9)
  433. ink and colors on paper (11)
  434. ink and gouache on paper (17)
  435. ink on paper (7)
  436. ink, gouache, and gold on pape … (54)
  437. Ink, photo silk screen print (17)
  438. installation (visual work) (73)
  439. installation, environmental, s … (12)
  440. Islands (28)
  441. Isola Bella (Lake Maggiore, It … (31)
  442. Keys (texts) (20)
  443. keystone (32)
  444. Kodak 35mm Tri X film (3001)
  445. Kodak Panchromatic Plus X Safe … (552)
  446. Kodak Panchromatic Tri X safet … (124)
  447. Kodak Plus X film (1220)
  448. Kodak Plus X Pan film (1422)
  449. Kodak Safety Film (10100)
  450. Kodak Super XX film (214)
  451. Kodak Tri X Pan film (958)
  452. kouros (6)
  453. Kythera Island (Greece) (7)
  454. Labyrinths (15)
  455. Lakes (8)
  456. landscape architecture (22)
  457. Landscape descriptions (6)
  458. Lantern slide. Silver gelatin … (371)
  459. Lapi family (35)
  460. Lapi Family (7)
  461. Laurentian Villa (Pliny) (15)
  462. lavabo (sink) (23)
  463. Lawns (39)
  464. lekythos (6)
  465. Lemon (14)
  466. Letters (correspondence) (6)
  467. Letters of Pliny the Younger ( … (80)
  468. library (building) (216)
  469. Limonaias (24)
  470. Lino cut (10)
  471. Lino cut on japanese paper (7)
  472. Linoleum (8)
  473. Lions (9)
  474. lithograph (12)
  475. loggia (267)
  476. Loggias (125)
  477. Love (18)
  478. Lucca (Italy) (39)
  479. machine woven (81)
  480. madrasa (12)
  481. magazine (periodical) (6)
  482. Mail Art (8)
  483. maiolica (24)
  484. mansion (19)
  485. Manuals (62)
  486. Manuscripts (11)
  487. Manuscripts and Manuscript Ill … (6)
  488. Maps (15)
  489. maquette (sculpture) (45)
  490. Mario, Monte (Rome, Italy) (17)
  491. Maze gardens (6)
  492. Meadows (6)
  493. Medici Family (19)
  494. Medici family (224)
  495. Medicinal plants (9)
  496. metal (6)
  497. metallic thread (70)
  498. micromosaic (8)
  499. mirror (11)
  500. Mixed media (311)
  501. Mixed media installation (6)
  502. Mixed media on canvas (15)
  503. Mixed media on paper (43)
  504. Mixed media, ceramics (8)
  505. Mixed medium and collage on pa … (8)
  506. mixed-use development (222)
  507. model (representation) (92)
  508. Monoprint (18)
  509. Montalto family (8)
  510. Monte Pincio (Rome, Italy) (162)
  511. monument (638)
  512. morinda dye (18)
  513. mosaic (visual work) (340)
  514. Mosaic floors (9)
  515. mosaics (160)
  516. Mosaics (34)
  517. mosque (8)
  518. motif (95)
  519. Mount Helicon (15)
  520. Mount Parnassus (mythological) (22)
  521. Mountains (30)
  522. multimedia work (56)
  523. mural painting (visual work) (374)
  524. Mural painting and decoration (9)
  525. Muses (Greek deities) (14)
  526. museum (19)
  527. Music (26)
  528. Musical Instruments (7)
  529. Mythology (8)
  530. nassa shell (8)
  531. necropolis (cemetery form) (7)
  532. Neptune (Roman deity) (13)
  533. Niches (79)
  534. nitrate film (134)
  535. Nymphaea (37)
  536. Nymphs (51)
  537. Oban (35)
  538. Obelisks (32)
  539. office building (330)
  540. Offset lithography (17)
  541. Oil (11)
  542. Oil and encaustic on canvas (6)
  543. Oil crayon (10)
  544. Oil on canvas (248)
  545. oil on canvas (140)
  546. oil on canvas, mounted on boar … (25)
  547. Oil on linen (27)
  548. Oil on paper (10)
  549. Oil on vellum (7)
  550. Oil on wood (8)
  551. Oil on wood panels with moldin … (8)
  552. Oil pastel (9)
  553. Oil, wax on board (10)
  554. Oplontis (Torre Annunziata, It … (12)
  555. opus sectile (visual work) (23)
  556. Orchards (11)
  557. Orpheus (Greek mythology) (10)
  558. Outdoor furniture (7)
  559. Outdoor recreation (94)
  560. outhouse (22)
  561. Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D. (15)
  562. Owls (7)
  563. painting (1854)
  564. Painting (469)
  565. painting (visual work) (1467)
  566. painting on board: oil (18)
  567. painting on canvas mounted on … (6)
  568. painting on canvas: oil (30)
  569. painting on paper mounted on b … (7)
  570. painting on paper: watercolor (39)
  571. painting on paper: watercolor … (15)
  572. Paintings (5319)
  573. palace (18)
  574. Palaces (48)
  575. Palazzo Farnese (Caprarola, It … (8)
  576. Palazzo Mondragone (Frascati, … (9)
  577. Palladian landscape (99)
  578. Pamphili Family (11)
  579. Pamphili family (39)
  580. panel painting (1104)
  581. Papal palaces (11)
  582. Papal villas (87)
  583. Paper collage (18)
  584. Papercut (10)
  585. park (recreation area) (22)
  586. Park Charlottenhof (Sanssouci, … (57)
  587. Park Sanssouci (Potsdam, Germa … (57)
  588. Parks (grounds) (13)
  589. Parks (Grounds) (8)
  590. Parks (recreation areas) (49)
  591. Parterres (169)
  592. Parterres de broderie (50)
  593. Pastel (14)
  594. Pastel on paper (11)
  595. Pavilions (garden structures) (40)
  596. pediment (34)
  597. Pegasus (Greek mythology) (20)
  598. Pen and ink (13)
  599. Pen and ink on paper (20)
  600. Pen, ink, pencil on paper (15)
  601. Pencil on graph paper. 16 shee … (11)
  602. Pergolas (43)
  603. Peristyles (colonnades) (9)
  604. petroglyph (215)
  605. Philippe I [Monsieur], Duc d'O … (11)
  606. Photocollage (20)
  607. photograph (676)
  608. Photograph (16)
  609. Photographic photoprint. Silve … (6)
  610. Photographic print. Silver gel … (16)
  611. photography (20811)
  612. Photogravure (102)
  613. Photomontage (12)
  614. photonegative (20656)
  615. photonegative strip (11098)
  616. pigment (24)
  617. Piranesi, Giovanni Battista, 1 … (8)
  618. plain weave (21)
  619. Plans (drawings) (54)
  620. Planters (containers) (168)
  621. plaza (65)
  622. Pleasure gardens (68)
  623. Pliny the Younger (22)
  624. Polaroid pictures (12)
  625. Polymer resin (14)
  626. Polyphemus (Greek mythology) (8)
  627. Pompeii (extinct city) (7)
  628. Pools (artificial) (88)
  629. Porcelain and celadon glaze wi … (6)
  630. Porches (6)
  631. portal (38)
  632. Portals (28)
  633. portico (90)
  634. Porticoes (58)
  635. Postcard (20)
  636. Potted plants (154)
  637. predella (134)
  638. Print (90)
  639. print on paper mounted on boar … (22)
  640. print on paper mounted on boar … (12)
  641. print on paper mounted on boar … (52)
  642. print on paper mounted on boar … (6)
  643. print on paper mounted on pape … (15)
  644. print on paper mounted on pape … (7)
  645. print on paper mounted on pape … (11)
  646. print on paper: engraving (128)
  647. print on paper: engraving and … (29)
  648. print on paper: engraving, col … (12)
  649. print on paper: engraving, col … (83)
  650. print on paper: engraving, han … (55)
  651. print on paper: etching (61)
  652. print on paper: letterpress (36)
  653. print on paper: lithograph (186)
  654. print on paper: lithograph, co … (288)
  655. print on paper: lithograph, ha … (176)
  656. print on paper: pen lithograph (12)
  657. print on paper: photomechanica … (19)
  658. print on paper: wood engraving (30)
  659. print on porcelain plate: engr … (7)
  660. print on tinted paper: engravi … (16)
  661. print on tinted paper: lithogr … (47)
  662. print on tinted paper: pen lit … (7)
  663. print on tinted paper: wood en … (14)
  664. printing (41)
  665. printing, printmaking (29)
  666. Prints (27)
  667. Pruning (6)
  668. pulpit (66)
  669. Quincunx (8)
  670. ramin (8)
  671. Ramps (20)
  672. reception room (22)
  673. Reconstructions (26)
  674. red-figure vase painting (visu … (12)
  675. Reflecting pools (26)
  676. Regions (geographic areas) (10)
  677. relief (sculpture) (1257)
  678. Reliefs (11)
  679. reliquary (22)
  680. replica (261)
  681. restaurant (6)
  682. Retaining walls (58)
  683. River gods (27)
  684. Rivers (28)
  685. Roads (9)
  686. Rocaille (12)
  687. rock painting (18)
  688. Rockwork (Rocaille) (9)
  689. Roman bath spaces (24)
  690. Romances (61)
  691. Rome (Italy) (14)
  692. Romulus and Remus (9)
  693. rose window (8)
  694. Roses (13)
  695. Rotundas (buildings) (9)
  696. royal palace (109)
  697. Ruins (147)
  698. Rustication (159)
  699. safety film (404)
  700. Saint Cloud (Hauts-de-Seine, F … (11)
  701. sarcophagus (156)
  702. Schloss Hellbrunn (Salzburg, A … (30)
  703. Scholars (10)
  704. school (building) (30)
  705. screen print (46)
  706. sculpture (1209)
  707. Sculpture (28)
  708. sculpture (visual work) (3387)
  709. Sculpture and Installations (3062)
  710. Seasons (17)
  711. Second terrace (Villa Lante, B … (23)
  712. sepulchral chapel (96)
  713. Serial (6)
  714. sewn (49)
  715. Shell niches (10)
  716. Shells (6)
  717. shopping arcade (40)
  718. Sight lines (113)
  719. silk (50)
  720. silk thread (25)
  721. Silk, leather (8)
  722. silk? (6)
  723. Silver gelatin print (40)
  724. Silver print (54)
  725. Sitting outdoors (7)
  726. skyscraper (304)
  727. society building (59)
  728. Sony XBR KCA-30XBR. Video Cass … (7)
  729. Sony XBR KCS-20XBR. Video Cass … (7)
  730. Spouts (13)
  731. Springs (bodies of water) (8)
  732. stadium (16)
  733. stained glass (visual work) (175)
  734. Stairs (87)
  735. steel (7)
  736. stele (40)
  737. Stereograph. Silver Gelatin Ph … (39994)
  738. Stereograph. silver gelatin ph … (652)
  739. store (83)
  740. Streams (6)
  741. street (31)
  742. stuccowork (343)
  743. studio (work space) (38)
  744. Super XX film (138)
  745. supplementary warp (8)
  746. supplementary weft (199)
  747. tabernacle (aedicule) (20)
  748. tabernacle (liturgical contain … (28)
  749. Tables (9)
  750. tapestry (wall hanging) (35)
  751. temple (539)
  752. Temples (13)
  753. Temples (garden structures) (21)
  754. Terraces (189)
  755. Terracotta (7)
  756. Text (14)
  757. textile (44)
  758. textiles, weaving and fiber ar … (9)
  759. theater (building) (47)
  760. Theaters (12)
  761. Theaters (garden structures) (21)
  762. theatrical mask (117)
  763. Third terrace (Villa Lante, Ba … (20)
  764. Tholoi (8)
  765. Tiburtine Sibyl (15)
  766. tomb (219)
  767. tondo (122)
  768. Tools (25)
  769. Topiary (56)
  770. topographical view (413)
  771. Topography (image-making) (7)
  772. Towers (8)
  773. tract house (14)
  774. traveling exhibition (99)
  775. Treatises (80)
  776. Trees (17)
  777. Trellises (22)
  778. Triclinia (rooms) (9)
  779. triptych (84)
  780. triumphal arch (memorial arch) (153)
  781. Triumphs (6)
  782. Tuscan Villa (Pliny) (13)
  783. twining (7)
  784. tympanum (18)
  785. Typewritten text on paper. 6 p … (6)
  786. Typewritten text on typing pap … (7)
  787. university (85)
  788. unknown (163)
  789. urban and topographical views (325)
  790. vase (42)
  791. Vatican Palace (Vatican City) (23)
  792. vegetable fiber (9)
  793. Venus (Roman deity) (21)
  794. Vicenza (Italy) (10)
  795. Victory (allegory) (7)
  796. Video (15)
  797. Video docuementary/video still (12)
  798. Villa Arconati (Castellazzo di … (30)
  799. Villa Barbaro (Maser, Italy) (11)
  800. Villa Belgioioso (Belgioioso, … (7)
  801. Villa Belvedere (Aldobrandini, … (65)
  802. Villa Belvedere (Vatican City) (7)
  803. Villa Borghese (Rome, Italy) (104)
  804. Villa Como (Frascati, Italy) (8)
  805. Villa d'Este (Tivoli, Italy) (164)
  806. Villa Doria Pamphili (Rome, It … (56)
  807. Villa Emo (Fanzolo, Italy) (7)
  808. Villa Falconieri (Frascati, It … (9)
  809. Villa Farnese (Caprarola, Ital … (47)
  810. Villa Farnese, Casino (Capraro … (29)
  811. Villa Gamberaia (Settignano, F … (71)
  812. Villa Garzoni (Collodi, Italy) (39)
  813. Villa Giulia (Rome, Italy) (43)
  814. Villa Godi (Lonedo di Lugo, It … (9)
  815. Villa I Tatti (Settignano, Ita … (17)
  816. Villa Lante (Bagnaia, Italy) (106)
  817. Villa Ludovisi (Frascati, Ital … (8)
  818. Villa Madama (Rome, Italy) (18)
  819. Villa Medici (Castello, Italy) (76)
  820. Villa Medici (Fiesole, Italy) (60)
  821. Villa Medici (Rome, Italy) (62)
  822. Villa Mondragone (Frascati, It … (23)
  823. Villa of the Mysteries (Pompei … (7)
  824. Villa Pia (Vatican City, Italy … (16)
  825. Villa Piccolomini (Frascati, I … (10)
  826. Villa Rotonda (Vicenza, Italy) (11)
  827. Villa suburbanae (68)
  828. Villa Torlonia (Frascati, Ital … (21)
  829. Villae suburbanae (27)
  830. Villae urbanae (26)
  831. Villas (63)
  832. Villas (complexes) (165)
  833. Villeggiatura (135)
  834. Vines (30)
  835. Vineyards (10)
  836. volute krater (9)
  837. Walking (73)
  838. warp ikat (112)
  839. Water (393)
  840. Water chains (44)
  841. Water organ (Villa d'Este, Tiv … (7)
  842. Water parterre (Villa Lante, B … (10)
  843. Water theaters (32)
  844. Water tricks (118)
  845. Watercolor (42)
  846. watercolor (painting) (51)
  847. Watercolor on paper (14)
  848. Watercolor, ink, on paper (11)
  849. Waterworks (6)
  850. Wattled fences (7)
  851. wax (22)
  852. Wax, oil, pigment, laser print … (15)
  853. weft ikat (23)
  854. window (302)
  855. Women and nature (8)
  856. wood (76)
  857. Woodcut (8)
  858. woodcut (process) (71)
  859. Woods (21)
  860. wool? (8)
  861. Work on paper (46)
  862. woven (31)
  863. Zorgvliet (Hague, the, Netherl … (17)
  1. 0 (378)
  2. Abu Sunbul (29)
  3. Aegean Region (8)
  4. Agrigento (21)
  5. Ahmadābād (13)
  6. Aidone (15)
  7. Aigues-Mortes (13)
  8. Aix-en-Provence (7)
  9. Albuquerque (7)
  10. Alcalá de Henares (12)
  11. Amiens (36)
  12. Amsterdam (158)
  13. Angkor (deserted settlement) (194)
  14. Angkor Wat (233)
  15. Annapolis (14)
  16. Arezzo (136)
  17. Arizona (401)
  18. Arles (29)
  19. Arlington (31)
  20. Assisi (158)
  21. Aswan (59)
  22. Athens (400)
  23. Austria (112)
  24. Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (48)
  25. Avignon (19)
  26. Baltimore (7)
  27. Bancroft Library. (5499)
  28. Bangkok (172)
  29. Barcelona (17)
  30. Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Fi … (1295)
  31. Berlin (137)
  32. Berlin (state) (137)
  33. Beverly Hills (40)
  34. Bologna (125)
  35. Budapest (20)
  36. Budapest (special city) (20)
  37. Cagnes-sur-Mer (12)
  38. Cairo (16)
  39. California (392)
  40. Cambodia (427)
  41. Cambridge (84)
  42. Campania (596)
  43. Canada (915)
  44. Catalonia (17)
  45. Charlottesville (81)
  46. Chicago (74)
  47. China (106)
  48. Connecticut (8)
  49. Cordes Junction (31)
  50. Croatia (10)
  51. District of Columbia (35)
  52. Distrito Federal (40)
  53. Egypt (104)
  54. Emilia-Romagna (152)
  55. England (225)
  56. Ephesus (8)
  57. Europe--Austria--Salzburg (30)
  58. Europe--Belgium--Flanders--Bru … (11)
  59. Europe--France--Ile-de-France- … (122)
  60. Europe--Germany--Brandenburg-- … (57)
  61. Europe--Germany--Rheinland-Pfa … (41)
  62. Europe--Italy----Torre Annunzi … (12)
  63. Europe--Italy----Veneto (12)
  64. Europe--Italy--Campania--Pompe … (7)
  65. Europe--Italy--Lazio--Bagnaia (90)
  66. Europe--Italy--Lazio--Caprarol … (27)
  67. Europe--Italy--Lazio--Frascati (63)
  68. Europe--Italy--Lazio--Licenza (25)
  69. Europe--Italy--Lazio--Rome (322)
  70. Europe--Italy--Lazio--Tivoli (209)
  71. Europe--Italy--Lombardia--Belg … (6)
  72. Europe--Italy--Lombardia--Cast … (11)
  73. Europe--Italy--Lombardia--Mila … (25)
  74. Europe--Italy--Piemonte--Lake … (23)
  75. Europe--Italy--Tuscany--Castel … (75)
  76. Europe--Italy--Tuscany--Collod … (28)
  77. Europe--Italy--Tuscany--Fiesol … (49)
  78. Europe--Italy--Tuscany--Floren … (15)
  79. Europe--Italy--Tuscany--Settig … (72)
  80. Europe--Italy--Veneto--Maser (8)
  81. Europe--Italy--Veneto--Venice (32)
  82. Europe--Italy--Veneto--Vicenza (18)
  83. Europe--Italy--Vicenza provinc … (9)
  84. Europe--Netherlands--Noord-Hol … (65)
  85. Europe--Sweden--Stockholm (9)
  86. Europe--UK----London (88)
  87. Florence (3301)
  88. Florida (43)
  89. Fowler Museum of Cultural Hist … (952)
  90. France (1149)
  91. Germany (144)
  92. Glendale (72)
  93. Granada (25)
  94. Grand Est (12)
  95. Greece (400)
  96. Grunwald Center for the Graphi … (194)
  97. Gubbio (16)
  98. Gujarāt (13)
  99. Hauts-de-France (6)
  100. Houston (7)
  101. Hungary (21)
  102. Illinois (74)
  103. India (238)
  104. Italy (10745)
  105. Japan (40)
  106. Japanese American National Mus … (769)
  107. Kanto (40)
  108. Kolkata (69)
  109. Krung Thep (172)
  110. KwaZulu/Natal (18)
  111. Languedoc-Roussillon (63)
  112. Lazio (3594)
  113. Lille (6)
  114. Lintong Qu (third level subdiv … (106)
  115. Ljubljana (6)
  116. Ljubljana-Center (6)
  117. Lombardy (655)
  118. London (204)
  119. Los Angeles (107)
  120. Lyon (48)
  121. Madrid (262)
  122. Mahārāshtra (53)
  123. Maine (130)
  124. Mantua (391)
  125. Marches (277)
  126. Maryland (21)
  127. Massachusetts (261)
  128. Mesa (23)
  129. Metz (12)
  130. Mexico (40)
  131. Mexico City (40)
  132. Miami (28)
  133. Midi-Pyrénées (32)
  134. Milan (264)
  135. Minneapolis (6)
  136. Minnesota (6)
  137. Montignac (215)
  138. Montpellier (42)
  139. Montréal (505)
  140. Mumbai (53)
  141. N & C America--USA--New York-- … (95)
  142. N & C America--USA--Ohio--OH-- … (18)
  143. N & C America--USA--Ohio--OH-- … (10)
  144. Naples (596)
  145. Netherlands (158)
  146. New Haven (7)
  147. New Mexico (13)
  148. New York (187)
  149. Nice (255)
  150. North Holland (158)
  151. Nouvelle-Aquitaine (215)
  152. Nîmes (8)
  153. Oakland Museum of California (20850)
  154. Ontario (223)
  155. Ottawa (20)
  156. Oxford (21)
  157. Palermo (17)
  158. Palm Beach (13)
  159. Palm Springs (83)
  160. Paris (316)
  161. Peoria (26)
  162. Periféreia Protevoúsis (400)
  163. Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthro … (4061)
  164. Phoenix (112)
  165. Picardy (36)
  166. Piedmont (45)
  167. Pisa (143)
  168. Pittsfield (146)
  169. Portland (32)
  170. Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (421)
  171. Québec (692)
  172. Rimini (27)
  173. Rockland (16)
  174. Rome (3594)
  175. Rome (Vatican City) (842)
  176. Rossiya (51)
  177. Russia (51)
  178. Rājasthān (77)
  179. Saint Petersburg (51)
  180. Saint-Paul (63)
  181. Saint-Tropez (18)
  182. San Diego (52)
  183. San Francisco (110)
  184. Santa Fe (6)
  185. Santa Sede (Holy See) (842)
  186. Scottsdale (137)
  187. Seville (7)
  188. Shaanxi (106)
  189. Si?m Réab (233)
  190. Sicily (93)
  191. Siena (169)
  192. Siĕm Réab (194)
  193. Slovenia (6)
  194. South Africa (18)
  195. Spain (346)
  196. Spello (39)
  197. Switzerland (26)
  198. Syracuse (40)
  199. Texas (7)
  200. Thailand (172)
  201. The Bancroft Library. (45)
  202. The Bancroft Library. Universi … (1561)
  203. Tokyo (40)
  204. Toronto (203)
  205. Toulouse (32)
  206. Turin (45)
  207. Turkey (8)
  208. Tuscany (3749)
  209. UCR/California Museum of Photo … (41891)
  210. uKhahlamba-Drakensberg Park (18)
  211. Umbria (213)
  212. United Kingdom (225)
  213. United States (1762)
  214. Upper Egypt (88)
  215. Urban (16)
  216. Urbino (277)
  217. Utah (41)
  218. Uttar Pradesh (23)
  219. Valencia (35)
  220. Vence (17)
  221. Veneto (529)
  222. Venice (419)
  223. Verona (19)
  224. Vicenza (91)
  225. Vienna (112)
  226. Virginia (112)
  227. Washington (35)
  228. Waterville (80)
  229. Wauwatosa (15)
  230. West Bengal (69)
  231. Wien (112)
  232. Wisconsin (15)
  233. Zagreb (10)
  234. Zagreb, Grad (10)
  235. Zurich (26)
  236. Zürich [canton] (26)
  237. Île-de-France (316)
  238. Āgra (23)
  239. Āmer (77)
  1. [Unknown] (225)
  2. A.L. Bancroft & Company (activ … (21)
  3. Aalto, Alvar (84)
  4. Abbatini, Guido Ubaldo (28)
  5. Adler and Sullivan (58)
  6. Aelst, Pieter van, the younger (19)
  7. African (general, continental … (19)
  8. AFSP (Atelier des Fac-Similés … (215)
  9. Agesandros of Rhodes (50)
  10. Agostino di Duccio (12)
  11. Akpaliapik, Manasie (8)
  12. Albacini, Carlo (18)
  13. Albanese, Giovanni Battista (7)
  14. Alberti, Antonio (9)
  15. Aldobrandini, Pietro (31)
  16. Alexander Construction Company (38)
  17. Alexsavich, B.R. (12)
  18. Alfonzo, Carlos (20)
  19. Alfred L. Kroeber, Both Photog … (97)
  20. Alfred L. Kroeber, Donor (24)
  21. Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographe … (508)
  22. Algardi, Alessandro (35)
  23. Alleyn, Edmund (7)
  24. Allori, Alessandro (90)
  25. Almerico di Ventura (6)
  26. Almerico, Paolo (11)
  27. American (1923)
  28. American Indian Films, Reposit … (24)
  29. Ammannati, Bartolomeo (152)
  30. Ancient Greek (227)
  31. Ancient Roman (32)
  32. Ando, Tadao (10)
  33. Andrea da Firenze (70)
  34. Angelico, Fra (217)
  35. Anna H. Gayton, Photographer (15)
  36. Ansel Adams (11)
  37. Anthony & Baker (active 1850s) … (23)
  38. Antiochus of Athens (8)
  39. Apollonia di Giovanni (10)
  40. Apollonios of Athens (30)
  41. Apollonios of Tralles (42)
  42. architect (719)
  43. Arcimboldi, Giuseppe (28)
  44. Arconati, Count Galeazzo (11)
  45. Arellano, Juan (20)
  46. Armstead, Henry Hugh (126)
  47. Arnoldi, Alberto (22)
  48. Arnolfo di Cambio (10)
  49. Arquitectonica International C … (28)
  50. art historian (17)
  51. Artisan Homes Inc. [Phoenix] (42)
  52. artist (29)
  53. Ashton (12)
  54. Asprucci, Antonio (16)
  55. Asprucci, Mario, the Younger (11)
  56. Atelier In Situ (26)
  57. Athanadoros of Rhodes (50)
  58. Athey, Ron (20)
  59. Augustus, Emperor of Rome (21)
  60. Aurora Painter (7)
  61. Austrian (122)
  62. author (312)
  63. Aveele, Johannes van den (18)
  64. Avellino, Dominic (20)
  65. Ayres, Thomas A. (1816-1858), … (7)
  66. B. L. Singley (1636)
  67. B. W. Kilburn (203)
  68. B.F. Butler's Lith. (active ca … (6)
  69. B.F. White, Photographer (17)
  70. B.W. Kilburn (18)
  71. Bacchiacca (18)
  72. Baga (9)
  73. Baker, George Holbrook (1827-1 … (7)
  74. Baker, George Holbrook (1827-1 … (13)
  75. Baker-Cimini, Linda (146)
  76. Bandinelli, Baccio (10)
  77. Barbaro, Daniel (8)
  78. Barbaro, Marc'Antonio (8)
  79. Barber & Baker (active ca. 185 … (6)
  80. Barbiano di Belgioioso, Alberi … (6)
  81. Barbiano di Belgioioso, Antoni … (6)
  82. Barbiano di Belgioioso, Ludovi … (6)
  83. Barili, Antonio (6)
  84. Barnes, Edward Larrabee (7)
  85. Baronzio, Giovanni (12)
  86. Barrière, Dominique (18)
  87. Bartolommeo, Fra (36)
  88. Basaiti, Marco (6)
  89. Basquiat, Jean-Michel (7)
  90. Behnisch und Partner (36)
  91. Belgian (modern) (12)
  92. Bella, Gabriele (8)
  93. Bellini, Gentile (17)
  94. Bellini, Giovanni (31)
  95. Belluschi, Pietro (9)
  96. Belorussian (17)
  97. Benedetto da Maiano (34)
  98. Benes, Barton Lidice (20)
  99. Bennet-Alder, Wendy (20)
  100. Berenson, Bernard (17)
  101. Berg, Copy (20)
  102. Bernini, Gian Lorenzo (346)
  103. Bernini, Pietro (10)
  104. Bert Underwood (7)
  105. Bettini, Francesco (14)
  106. Biasioto (9)
  107. Bicci di Lorenzo (89)
  108. Bierstadt, Albert (1830-1902), … (7)
  109. Bird, John (7)
  110. Bird, John_ : Keystone View Co … (7)
  111. Bizzacheri, Carlo Francesco (7)
  112. Boardman (12)
  113. Bofill, Ricardo (42)
  114. Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Fir … (53)
  115. Bommer, John (20)
  116. Bonino da Campione (34)
  117. Bonnard, Jacques Charles (16)
  118. Borghese, Camillo (6)
  119. Borghese, Giovanni Battista (24)
  120. Borghese, Marcantonio IV (20)
  121. Borghese, Scipione (50)
  122. Borghese, Scipione, Cardinal (68)
  123. Borrero, Angel (20)
  124. Borromeo, Carlo III (23)
  125. Borromeo, Giberto III (23)
  126. Borromeo, Vitaliano VI (23)
  127. Bosqui Eng. & Ptg. Co. (active … (10)
  128. Botticelli, Sandro (96)
  129. Bouchard, Henri Louis (7)
  130. Boucher, John (24)
  131. Boyle, Bern (20)
  132. Bracci, Pietro, I (46)
  133. Bradley & Rulofson, photograph … (7)
  134. Brainard, Joe (20)
  135. Brandani, Federico (20)
  136. Brandard, J., lithographer (8)
  137. Bregno, Andrea (30)
  138. Brigandi (152)
  139. Brigandi, : Original Publisher … (134)
  140. Brigandi, Philip (343)
  141. Brigandi, Philip _ : Keystone … (15)
  142. Brigandi, Philip, : Original P … (95)
  143. Brigandi, Philip_ : Keystone V … (341)
  144. Brigandi_ : Keystone View Comp … (281)
  145. Brigandi_Philip : Keystone Vie … (18)
  146. Briggs, Thomas Francis (20)
  147. British (221)
  148. British (modern) (10)
  149. Britton & Rey (active 1851-190 … (76)
  150. Britton & Rey (active 1851-190 … (44)
  151. Britton & Rey (active 1851-190 … (50)
  152. Britton, Rey & Co. (active ca. … (11)
  153. Brock, Garrett (15)
  154. Bronzino, Agnolo (31)
  155. Brost (23)
  156. Brown, Gary (20)
  157. Brown, Rodney (20)
  158. Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer (16)
  159. Brunelleschi, Filippo (16)
  160. Brusasorci, Domenico, the Elde … (63)
  161. Brusca, Jack (30)
  162. Buczak, Brian (17)
  163. Buffalmacco (20)
  164. Buonarroti, Michelangelo (430)
  165. Burton, Scott (30)
  166. Butler, B. F. (active ca. 1851 … (6)
  167. Butterworth, J. E. (active ca. … (7)
  168. Byzantine (98)
  169. C. H. Graves (115)
  170. C. Hart Merriam Collection, Ba … (16)
  171. C. Hart Merriam, Photographer (35)
  172. Caffi, Ippolito (9)
  173. Caja, Jerome (20)
  174. Calandrino, Paolo (13)
  175. Calatrava Valls, Santiago (29)
  176. Cambodian (431)
  177. Camerer, Eugene (1830-1898), G … (6)
  178. Cameron, John (active ca. 1852 … (42)
  179. Canadian (507)
  180. Canaletto (14)
  181. Canina, Luigi (6)
  182. Cannon Dashiell, David (33)
  183. Canova, Antonio (39)
  184. Capponi, Marchese Scipione (30)
  185. Capriani, Francesco (6)
  186. Caravaggio, Michelangelo Meris … (18)
  187. Caris, Valerie (20)
  188. Carle, Luis (20)
  189. Carpaccio, Vittore (14)
  190. Carpeaux, Jean-Baptiste (9)
  191. Carpenter (11)
  192. Carracci, Annibale (6)
  193. Cassidy, Gerald, 1879-1934 (6)
  194. Castagno, Andrea del (111)
  195. Castell, Robert (17)
  196. Catalan (23)
  197. Cati, Pasquale (23)
  198. Cavalcanti, Andrea di Lazzaro (9)
  199. CDI (Creative Designers Intern … (30)
  200. Cellini, Benvenuto (60)
  201. Central African (24)
  202. Ch'en Hung-shou (12)
  203. Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung (883)
  204. Chagall, Marc (574)
  205. Chalgrin, Jean François Thérès … (28)
  206. Chamberlain (215)
  207. Charles Rotkin (7)
  208. Chastain Haag, Patti (37)
  209. Cherone, Peter (12)
  210. Cheung, H. Alan (20)
  211. Chinese (106)
  212. Chipperfield, David (23)
  213. Chirico, Giorgio de (11)
  214. Choris, Ludwig (1795-1828), Ru … (7)
  215. Cimabue (36)
  216. Circignani, Antonio (37)
  217. Civita Architecture Urbanisme (6)
  218. Clement VIII, Pope (15)
  219. Clericho, Lucha (6)
  220. Cochrane (27)
  221. Coggins, Leola Hall, 1881-1930 (13)
  222. Coghetti, Francesco (6)
  223. Coit, Daniel Wadsworth, 1787-1 … (12)
  224. Colonna, Francesco (61)
  225. Como, Tomaso da (13)
  226. Compton, Walter (20)
  227. Conca, Tommaso (69)
  228. Cooke & Le Count (active ca. 1 … (10)
  229. Cooper, George Victor (1810-18 … (50)
  230. Cooper, J., engraver (12)
  231. Coppi, Giacomo (19)
  232. Corduba, Francesco (19)
  233. Cormont, Thomas de (36)
  234. Cornacchini, Agostino (18)
  235. Corso di Buono (36)
  236. Cortes, Jose Luis (34)
  237. Corti, Bob (10)
  238. Cortona, Pietro da (55)
  239. Cosimo I, Grand-Duke of Tuscan … (81)
  240. Cratsley, Bruce (20)
  241. Credi, Lorenzo di (6)
  242. Crescenzi, Piero de' (62)
  243. Cresy, Edward (190)
  244. Crivelli, Antonio (23)
  245. Crivelli, Carlo (15)
  246. Croatian (10)
  247. Cullum, William (20)
  248. Currier & Ives (active 1857-19 … (16)
  249. Currier & Ives (active 1857-19 … (33)
  250. Currier, Nathaniel (1813-1888) … (24)
  251. Curtis, Leland, 1897-1989 (11)
  252. Cypriote (10)
  253. D'Este, Alessandro (7)
  254. D'Este, Ippolito II (107)
  255. D. Appleton & Co. (active ca. … (8)
  256. D. P. Mossman (18)
  257. D.H. Ashton (8)
  258. Dahlbergh, Eric Jönson (9)
  259. Dal Re, Marc'Antonio (25)
  260. Dalí, Salvador (49)
  261. Danti, Vincenzo (25)
  262. Dare (11)
  263. David Baker Architects (66)
  264. David W. Peri, Photographer (24)
  265. Davidson, Cynthia C. (39)
  266. Davis (49)
  267. Davis, John B. (18)
  268. De Hoyos, Joe (20)
  269. Della Bella, Stefano (6)
  270. Della Valle, Filippo (46)
  271. Deneault, Jason (30)
  272. Department of Anthropology, U. … (274)
  273. DeSana, Jimmy (29)
  274. Desiderio da Settignano (37)
  275. Dimakopoulos, Dimitri (8)
  276. Diodati, Ottaviano (28)
  277. Dioskourides of Samos (14)
  278. Ditson, Oliver (active ca. 185 … (11)
  279. Doidalsas of Bithynia (7)
  280. Donatello (122)
  281. Dorothea Lange (20662)
  282. Downey, Gail (26)
  283. Downing, Andrew Jackson (19)
  284. draftsman (48)
  285. Duca, Giacomo del (6)
  286. Duca, Giacomo Del (19)
  287. Duccio (37)
  288. Dugdale, John (20)
  289. Dunn (15)
  290. Dutch (162)
  291. E. A. Ingram (96)
  292. E. L. Bowers (29)
  293. E. L. Fisher (10)
  294. E.H. Kemp, Photographer (6)
  295. Eades, Larry (20)
  296. Earley, Sean (19)
  297. Eastman, Harrison (1823-1886), … (11)
  298. Edo (African culture) (9)
  299. Edward Sapir, Both Photographe … (8)
  300. Edward W. gifford, Donor (6)
  301. Edward W. gifford, Photographe … (486)
  302. Egyptian (ancient) (50)
  303. Egyptian (modern) (75)
  304. Eidgenössische Technische Hoc … (27)
  305. Eldridge (78)
  306. Eldridge_ : Keystone View Comp … (14)
  307. Eliason-French, Garland (11)
  308. Elliott, William W. (active ca … (7)
  309. Emmert, Paul, 1826-1867 (10)
  310. engraver (52)
  311. Eric Davy, AIA & Associates (32)
  312. Erminie W. Voegelin, Photograp … (28)
  313. etcher (51)
  314. Etruscan (77)
  315. Eugene Golomshtok, Photographe … (33)
  316. Eugene R. Prince, Photographer (15)
  317. Euler (6)
  318. European (248)
  319. Eyck, Jan van (6)
  320. F. White (1181)
  321. F.E. Clements, Photographer (22)
  322. Falda, Giovanni Battista (43)
  323. Farber, Robert (21)
  324. Farnese, Alessandro (27)
  325. Faulk, David (20)
  326. Faulkner, Julian (20)
  327. Feher, Tony (20)
  328. Fel'ten, Yury (16)
  329. Felici, Vincenzo (10)
  330. Fern, Arnold (20)
  331. Ferran, Augusto (1813-1879), S … (7)
  332. Ferrando, Miguel (20)
  333. Ferrari, Gaudenzio (20)
  334. Fisher, E.L._ : Keystone View … (10)
  335. Flack, Robert (20)
  336. Flemish (40)
  337. Fontaine, Pierre François Léon … (48)
  338. Fontaine, Pierre-François-Léon … (12)
  339. Fontana, Carlo (23)
  340. Fontana, Prospero (31)
  341. fontaniere (33)
  342. Ford, Henry Chapman (1828-1894 … (46)
  343. Forlì, Melozzo da (49)
  344. Foster, Norman Robert (12)
  345. Fourdrinier, Pierre (17)
  346. Francesca, Piero della (140)
  347. Francia, Francesco (19)
  348. Franciabigio (38)
  349. Francis Dare (256)
  350. Fraser, James Earle (16)
  351. Frederick William IV, King of … (57)
  352. Freeman, Martin (20)
  353. French (1282)
  354. Friedlander, Leo (16)
  355. Félibien, André, sieur des Ava … (14)
  356. G.F. Nesbitt & Co., printer (89)
  357. Gabonese (6)
  358. Gaddi, Taddeo (57)
  359. Gagliardi, Filippo (6)
  360. Gagliardo, Pirrino del (6)
  361. Galt (active ca. 1855-ca. 1860 … (11)
  362. Gambara, Giovanni Francesco (82)
  363. Garcia Latex, Milton (8)
  364. Garofalo (6)
  365. Garvin (8)
  366. Garzoni, Romano di Alessandro (28)
  367. Gauguin, Paul (13)
  368. Gaulli, Giovanni Battista (41)
  369. Gehry, Frank Owen (212)
  370. Gens, Mark (20)
  371. Gensler (Firm) (17)
  372. Gentile da Fabriano (61)
  373. George Cruikshank, 1792-1878, … (64)
  374. George Humphrey, London, publi … (10)
  375. George Lewis (4901)
  376. Gerini, Niccolò di Pietro (33)
  377. German (143)
  378. Gerron, Christopher (18)
  379. Ghiberti, Lorenzo (232)
  380. Ghinucci, Tomaso (52)
  381. Ghirlandaio, Domenico (122)
  382. Giambologna (63)
  383. Gifford, Charles B. (active ca … (6)
  384. Gifford, Charles B. (active ca … (10)
  385. Gilchrist, Scott (292)
  386. Gill, Irving J. (20)
  387. Giordano, Luca (50)
  388. Giorgione (6)
  389. Giottino (7)
  390. Giotto (92)
  391. Giovanni da Udine (Giovanni di … (9)
  392. Giovanni dal Ponte (8)
  393. Giulio Romano (526)
  394. Giulio Romano (Giulio Pippi) (8)
  395. Gizdulich, Franco (8)
  396. Glover, Edwin S. (active ca. 1 … (10)
  397. Glover, Edwin S. (active ca. 1 … (9)
  398. Glykon of Athens (15)
  399. Goddard, George H. (active ca. … (7)
  400. Goes, Hugo van der (15)
  401. Goff (26)
  402. Gogh, Vincent van (36)
  403. Gonzalez, Rubin (20)
  404. Gonzalez-Torres, Felix (20)
  405. González de León, Teodoro (18)
  406. Goodman, Ken (20)
  407. Gozzoli, Benozzo (84)
  408. Gran Fury (24)
  409. Grandjean de Montigny, Auguste … (46)
  410. Grasso, Laurent (26)
  411. Graves, C.H. (12)
  412. Gray, M. (active ca. 1872), pu … (6)
  413. Greek (ancient) (391)
  414. Greek (modern) (9)
  415. Greenberg, Max (20)
  416. Greene, Tony (20)
  417. Greenwood, James (20)
  418. Gris, Juan (11)
  419. Guariento (15)
  420. Guazzi, Anselmo (17)
  421. Guberman, Rebecca (20)
  422. Guicciardini & Magni Architett … (19)
  423. Guimard, Hector (40)
  424. Guinean (9)
  425. H. C. White (12)
  426. H. M. Jordan (22)
  427. H.J. Biddle, Donor (7)
  428. H.S. Crocker & Co. (active ca. … (14)
  429. Hadrian, Emperor of Rome (92)
  430. Hagemeyer, Johan (1465)
  431. Hansen (28)
  432. Hansen, James (20)
  433. Hansen, Russ (20)
  434. Hargreaves Associates (23)
  435. Haring, Keith (33)
  436. Harry L. Sampson (914)
  437. Hartley, Marsden (23)
  438. Hawksmoor, Nicholas (21)
  439. Helen Nestor (34)
  440. Heliodoros of Rhodes (23)
  441. Henry VI, King of England (21)
  442. Hetzel Design (9)
  443. Hill, Frank (10)
  444. Hill, Thomas (1829-1908), Brit … (6)
  445. Hittell, Charles [Carlos] J. ( … (50)
  446. Hittell, Charles [Carlos] J. ( … (23)
  447. Hohenems, Markus Sittikus von (26)
  448. Holcomb, Chet (20)
  449. Holdridge (11)
  450. Holister (6)
  451. Holland (222)
  452. Holland_ : Keystone View Compa … (87)
  453. Holliday, Frank (10)
  454. Hood, Raymond M. (39)
  455. Hooten, Jerry Harold (20)
  456. Horace (25)
  457. Hoyer, Joel (20)
  458. Huang Shen (7)
  459. Hujar, Peter (20)
  460. Humphries, W. (d.1799), artist (7)
  461. Hutchings, J. M. (James Mason) … (12)
  462. illuminator (11)
  463. illustrator (13)
  464. Incerti, W. Benjamin (10)
  465. Indian (South Asian) (252)
  466. Ingersol (13)
  467. Islamic (54)
  468. Isozaki, Arata (46)
  469. Israel, Frank (26)
  470. Israeli (6)
  471. Italian (8048)
  472. Ivorian (18)
  473. Iwata, Jack, Japanese American … (162)
  474. J. Alden Mason, Both Photograp … (10)
  475. Jacopo di Cione (8)
  476. Jacopo, Fra (36)
  477. Jacquemin (592)
  478. Jaime de Angulo, Photographer (10)
  479. James C. Sawders (1190)
  480. James C. Sawyers (8)
  481. Japanese (42)
  482. Jayavarman VII (194)
  483. Jefferson, Affrekka (17)
  484. Jefferson, Thomas (81)
  485. Jellicoe, Geoffrey Alan (59)
  486. Jen Hsiung (15)
  487. Jester, David (16)
  488. Jocelyn, Tim (20)
  489. Joel W. Hedgpeth, Donor (133)
  490. John VII, Pope (13)
  491. Johns, Jasper (41)
  492. Johnson (6)
  493. Johnson & Burgee (10)
  494. Johnson, Philip (10)
  495. Johnstone, Michael (20)
  496. Jones, Seth C. (1853-1930), Am … (29)
  497. Jordan, : Original Publisher,K … (6)
  498. Jordan_ : Keystone View Compan … (10)
  499. Josepha Haveman, Photographer (564)
  500. Julius III, Pope (36)
  501. Jump, Edward (1832-1883), Fren … (10)
  502. Jump, Frank H. (20)
  503. Justh, Quirot & Co. (active ca … (8)
  504. K. Hovnanian Homes (26)
  505. K.W. Fasold (30)
  506. Kaliades, Leslie (20)
  507. Kallikrates (71)
  508. Kallimachos (19)
  509. Katsushika Hokusai, Japanese, … (6)
  510. Kelley (19)
  511. Kelly (8)
  512. Key, John Ross (1832-1920), Am … (14)
  513. Koch, Augustus (active ca. 187 … (11)
  514. Kohn Pederson Fox (86)
  515. Kongo (14)
  516. Koons, Jeff (6)
  517. Kostovny, Ken (46)
  518. Krisel, William (48)
  519. Kuchel & Dresel (active ca. 18 … (23)
  520. Kuchel & Dresel (active ca. 18 … (22)
  521. Kuchel, C. C. (1820-ca. 1865), … (10)
  522. Kuchel, C. C. (1820-ca. 1865), … (16)
  523. Kundoo, Anupama (22)
  524. L. Prang & Co. (active 1868-ca … (6)
  525. Laboureur, Alessandro Massimil … (12)
  526. Lachaise, Gaston (39)
  527. Lamberti, Niccolò di Pietro (16)
  528. Lan Ying (14)
  529. Landi, Neroccio di Bartolomeo … (15)
  530. landscape architect (156)
  531. Lanfranco, Giovanni (13)
  532. Langsdorff Group (1803-1807), … (10)
  533. Langsdorff, Georg Heinrich von … (13)
  534. Lanier (20)
  535. Lapi, Zanobi (28)
  536. Larabee, John Henry (20)
  537. Laurana, Francesco (10)
  538. Laurence, Janet (12)
  539. Laurens, Henri (15)
  540. Lauri, Filippo (6)
  541. Lawrie, Lee Oskar (39)
  542. Le Blond, Aubrey, Mrs (50)
  543. Leau (26)
  544. Leduc, Fernand (6)
  545. Lee, David (12)
  546. Lee, Michael (14)
  547. Legorreta, Robert "Cyclona" (27)
  548. Legros, Pierre, II (7)
  549. Leitch, R. P. (active ca. 1865 … (12)
  550. Leiter, Jonathan aka "Reuben S … (30)
  551. Lemay et associés (8)
  552. Lemoins, Nancer (16)
  553. Lenné, Peter Joseph (24)
  554. Leochares (36)
  555. Leonardi, Domenico Felice (15)
  556. Leonardo da Vinci (39)
  557. Leoni, Giacomo (24)
  558. Lesnick, John (30)
  559. Lewis, Samuel F. (17)
  560. Li Fang-ying (14)
  561. Lida, Marc (20)
  562. Lightner, Edward (26)
  563. Ligorio, Pirro (26)
  564. Lim, Kek Tee (20)
  565. Linwood, Elliott (20)
  566. Lipchitz, Jacques (7)
  567. Lippi, Annibale (9)
  568. Lippi, Filippino (201)
  569. Lippi, Filippo (22)
  570. Lippo Memmi (11)
  571. Lironi, Giuseppe (18)
  572. Longhena, Baldassare (15)
  573. Loomis, Pascal (1826-1878), Am … (6)
  574. Loomis, Pascal (1826-1878), Am … (19)
  575. Lopez, Marcos Reyes (20)
  576. Lorenzetti, Ambrogio (74)
  577. Lorenzetti, Pietro (6)
  578. Lorenzi, Battista (38)
  579. Lotto, Lorenzo (6)
  580. Lowe (753)
  581. Ludovisi, Bernardino (23)
  582. Luzarches, Robert de (36)
  583. Lysippos (67)
  584. Léger, Fernand (6)
  585. Maccarone, Curzio (22)
  586. Maceri, Bill (20)
  587. Maderno, Carlo (87)
  588. Maffei, Andrea (46)
  589. Magdalenian (215)
  590. Maggi, Giovanni (19)
  591. Mallo, Maruja (7)
  592. Manning, Warren Henry (8)
  593. Mantegna, Andrea (123)
  594. Mantovano, Rinaldo (34)
  595. Marchetti, Giovanni Battista (50)
  596. Marini, Marino (46)
  597. Marq, Charles (8)
  598. Marquier, Luis, lithographer (10)
  599. Marryat, Francis Samuel (1826- … (11)
  600. Martin (57)
  601. Martini, Arturo (7)
  602. Martini, Simone (25)
  603. Mary Jean Kennedy, Both Photog … (38)
  604. Masaccio (170)
  605. Masolino (156)
  606. mason (13)
  607. Master of Fitzwilliam MS. 268 (11)
  608. Master of Sant'Anastasia (7)
  609. Master of the Fiesole Epiphany (6)
  610. Mather, William Gwinn (26)
  611. Matisse, Henri (57)
  612. Maxwell (23)
  613. McArthur, Albert Chase (70)
  614. McCarron, Tim (19)
  615. McIntosh, James (20)
  616. McKern (136)
  617. McMurtrie, William Birch (1816 … (31)
  618. McMurtrie, William Birch (1816 … (102)
  619. Medici, Cosimo de' (54)
  620. Medici, Ferdinand I de' (47)
  621. Medici, Giovanni de' (49)
  622. Medici, Giulio de' (9)
  623. Meier, Richard (89)
  624. Melano, Lino (11)
  625. Mendoza, Rogelio (25)
  626. Menelaos (12)
  627. Merl La Voy (19)
  628. Merl Lavoy (53)
  629. Mesa, Mundo (18)
  630. Meucci, Vincenzo (22)
  631. Mexican (43)
  632. Michelozzo di Bartolomeo (30)
  633. Michelozzo di Bartolommeo (51)
  634. Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig (8)
  635. Miller, Alfred Jacob (7)
  636. Miniato, Pietro di (8)
  637. Miró, Joán (26)
  638. Mitchell, Joan (43)
  639. Mitchell, Michael (20)
  640. Mitoraj, Igor (8)
  641. Miyake, Issey (10)
  642. Mochi, Francesco (25)
  643. Mochis, Corrado (28)
  644. Moderati, Francesco (18)
  645. Molner, Eric (13)
  646. Monaco, Lorenzo (25)
  647. Monet, Claude (9)
  648. Monroe, Ronald Bruce (24)
  649. Monroe, Steve (12)
  650. Montferrand, August Ricard de (7)
  651. Moore, Edwin S. (active ca. 18 … (10)
  652. Moore, Frank (20)
  653. Moore, Rob (20)
  654. Moretti, Raymond (29)
  655. Morin, Ricardo (20)
  656. Morrisroe, Mark (28)
  657. mosaicist (13)
  658. Mosca, Simone (47)
  659. Moser, Kolo (37)
  660. Mottis, Cristoforo de' (28)
  661. Moucheron, Isaac de (25)
  662. Mozzanica, Agostino da (17)
  663. Muramoto, Walter (360)
  664. Myron (30)
  665. N. A. Forsyth (8)
  666. Nagel, Louis (active ca. 1844- … (48)
  667. Nagorski (53)
  668. Nahl, Charles Christian (1818- … (19)
  669. Nahl, Charles Christian (1818- … (12)
  670. Naldini, Giovanni Battista (38)
  671. Nancy de Angulo, Donor (10)
  672. Nanni di Baccio Bigio (24)
  673. Nanni di Banco (16)
  674. Nardo, Mariotto di (12)
  675. Nash, John (24)
  676. Natalini, Adolfo (19)
  677. Native American (26)
  678. Neel, Alice (14)
  679. Nellie T. McGraw Hedgpeth, Pho … (133)
  680. Nelson, David (20)
  681. Neri di Bicci (43)
  682. Netherlandish (37)
  683. Nicholson Earle, Brent (20)
  684. Nicolaus and Johannes (8)
  685. Nigerian (19)
  686. Niquet, Antony Gregoire (12)
  687. Noisy Carrier's Book and Stati … (13)
  688. Northrop, Agnes F. (9)
  689. Nouvel, Jean (31)
  690. Novius Plautius (8)
  691. Nystrom, Charles W. (active ca … (8)
  692. Oliver, William Letts, 1844-19 … (80)
  693. Orcagna (20)
  694. Organization for Permanent Mod … (9)
  695. Orlovsky, Boris (7)
  696. Ottaviano Riario (10)
  697. Oudine (40)
  698. Pacetti, Vincenzo (16)
  699. Paiement, Alain (9)
  700. painter (93)
  701. Palladio, Andrea (90)
  702. Pamphili, Camillo (23)
  703. Parker, Mike (20)
  704. Parker, Robert Miles (20)
  705. Parler family (10)
  706. Parodi, Giovanni Battista, II (11)
  707. Paron, Mark (20)
  708. Parrish, Maxfield (13)
  709. Parsons, Charles R. (1821-1910 … (10)
  710. Parsons, Charles R. (1821-1910 … (6)
  711. patron (1004)
  712. Paul I, Pope (29)
  713. Paul S. Taylor (9)
  714. Peabody (444)
  715. Peabody_ : Keystone View Compa … (101)
  716. Penck, A. R. (8)
  717. Penni, Giovanni Francesco (266)
  718. Percier, Charles (60)
  719. Perelle, Adam (13)
  720. Perelle, Gabriel (12)
  721. Perelle, Nicolas (12)
  722. Perino del Vaga (25)
  723. Perkins & Will (25)
  724. Persius, Ludwig (33)
  725. Perugino (18)
  726. Peruzzi, Baldassare (275)
  727. Peter, Wenzel (9)
  728. Phidias (20)
  729. Philip Brigandi (1201)
  730. Philip M. Jones, Photographer (72)
  731. Philip, John Birnie (126)
  732. Phillips (278)
  733. Philoxenos of Eretria (33)
  734. photographer (50)
  735. Photographer's Name Not Known (21067)
  736. Photographer's Name Not Known … (9)
  737. Photographer's Name Not Known … (97)
  738. Photographer's Name Not Known … (415)
  739. Photographer's Name Not Known … (184)
  740. Photographer's Name Not Known_ … (27)
  741. Photographer's Name Not Known_ … (13)
  742. Photographer's Name Not Known_ … (21)
  743. Photographer's Name Not Known_ … (164)
  744. Photographer's Name Not Known_ … (6)
  745. Photographer's Name Not Known_ … (983)
  746. Photographer's Name Not Known_ … (11)
  747. Photographer's Name Not Known_ … (686)
  748. Pia, Luciano (45)
  749. Piano, Renzo (44)
  750. Picasso, Pablo (137)
  751. Pierantoni, Giovanni (6)
  752. Pieratti, Domenico (7)
  753. Piero di Cosimo (12)
  754. Pillement, Victor (10)
  755. Pimenov, Stepan (28)
  756. Pin, Hsieh (11)
  757. Pinsent, Cecil (57)
  758. Pinturicchio, Bernardino (54)
  759. Piranesi, Francesco (8)
  760. Piranesi, Giovanni B. (8)
  761. Pirolo, Philip (20)
  762. Pisano, Andrea (95)
  763. Pisano, Giovanni (16)
  764. Pisano, Nicola (69)
  765. Pisano, Nino (98)
  766. Pittman, Lari (8)
  767. Pius II, Pope (6)
  768. Platt, Charles Adam (28)
  769. Pliny E. Goddard, Both Photogr … (353)
  770. Pliny, the Younger (17)
  771. Podesti, Francesco (16)
  772. Pollaiuolo, Antonio (38)
  773. Pollard & Britton (active ca. … (7)
  774. Polydoros of Rhodes (50)
  775. Ponce de León, Mónica (39)
  776. Pontormo (42)
  777. Ponzio, Flaminio (14)
  778. Popick, Tara (20)
  779. Porta, Giacomo della (23)
  780. Porta, Giovanni Battista della (13)
  781. Pozzo, Andrea (44)
  782. Pradier, James (28)
  783. Praxiteles (20)
  784. Primaticcio, Francesco (29)
  785. Princess Ghyka (20)
  786. printmaker (231)
  787. published by Nishimuraya Yohac … (8)
  788. Purvis, Tag (8)
  789. Pécheux, Laurent (9)
  790. Pépin, Lysanne (26)
  791. Quirot & Company (active ca. 1 … (15)
  792. R.W. Caldwell (6)
  793. Raffaello, Sangallo (28)
  794. Raffins (53)
  795. Raffins_ : Keystone View Compa … (11)
  796. Raffius (14)
  797. Raggi, Antonio, I (41)
  798. Ralph Shanks, Photographer (11)
  799. Raphael (565)
  800. Rastrelli, Bartolomeo Francesc … (15)
  801. Reichle, Hans (36)
  802. Renoir, Pierre-Auguste (13)
  803. Reva, Jim (34)
  804. Reveron, Domingo (11)
  805. Reville, Jean-Baptiste (7)
  806. Reyes, David (20)
  807. Reynolds, Kurt (29)
  808. Rhein, Eric (24)
  809. Ricci, Giovanni (33)
  810. Richard Conrat (32)
  811. Richärd + Bauer Architecture (160)
  812. Ridolfi, Bartolomeo (84)
  813. Riopelle, Jean-Paul (91)
  814. Robbia, Andrea della (51)
  815. Robbia, Giovanni della (25)
  816. Robbia, Luca della (47)
  817. Robert F. Heizer, Donor (19)
  818. Roberti, Ercole de' (19)
  819. Roberts-Auli, Cory (20)
  820. Robeski, Daniel (19)
  821. Rodriguez, Abnel (24)
  822. Rohnacher, Thomas (20)
  823. Roman (364)
  824. Roman (ancient) (1990)
  825. Romanelli, Giovanni Francesco (18)
  826. Romano, Antoniazzo (12)
  827. Romano, Stephen (20)
  828. Ron Partridge (9)
  829. Roncalli, Cristoforo (8)
  830. Rondal Partridge (17)
  831. Rosenfield, A. (active ca. 186 … (6)
  832. Rossellino, Antonio (16)
  833. Rossi, Giovanni Jacopo (39)
  834. Rossi, Karl (28)
  835. Rossi, Mariano (17)
  836. Rosso Fiorentino (52)
  837. Rude, François (28)
  838. Rudolph, Paul (7)
  839. Rupalley, Jules (active ca. 18 … (40)
  840. Rupalley, Jules (active ca. 18 … (68)
  841. Russell, Gregory (20)
  842. Russian (57)
  843. Safdie, Moshe (20)
  844. Saint Cecilia Master (55)
  845. Saint-Phalle, Niki de (18)
  846. Salimbeni, Jacopo (175)
  847. Salimbeni, Lorenzo (175)
  848. Samuel A. Barrett, Both Photog … (63)
  849. Samuel A. Barrett, Photographe … (318)
  850. San (Khoisan-speaking peoples) (18)
  851. Sanchez, Juan (18)
  852. Sangallo, Antonio da, the youn … (56)
  853. Sangallo, Giuliano da (21)
  854. Santos, Rene (20)
  855. Sarony & Major (active ca.1846 … (9)
  856. Sarto, Andrea del (143)
  857. Sawders, : Original Publisher, … (7)
  858. Sawders_ : Keystone View Compa … (8)
  859. Saxton T. Pope, Both Photograp … (10)
  860. Saxton T. Pope, Photographer (91)
  861. Scamozzi, Vincenzo (18)
  862. Schiavo, Paolo (12)
  863. Schinkel, Karl Friedrich (105)
  864. Schwarqwald (7)
  865. Schwartz, Phillip (20)
  866. Scott, Geoffrey (17)
  867. Scott, George Gilbert, I (126)
  868. sculptor (73)
  869. Scultori, Giovanni Battista (29)
  870. Sebastiano del Piombo (98)
  871. Seirichs (12)
  872. Selldorf Architects (19)
  873. Senser, Andreas (11)
  874. Sermei, Cesare (14)
  875. Shepherd, John C. (59)
  876. Shimada, Mori, Japanese Americ … (110)
  877. Signorelli, Luca (18)
  878. Sinclair, Thomas S. (active ca … (8)
  879. Singley, : Original Publisher, … (64)
  880. Sir Norman Foster and Partners (33)
  881. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (9)
  882. Slocum, Michael (15)
  883. Slovene (6)
  884. Smyth, William (1800-1877), Br … (21)
  885. Smyth, William, 1800-1827 (6)
  886. Sodoma (115)
  887. Sogliani, Giovanni Antonio (22)
  888. Solari, Santino (26)
  889. Soleri, Paolo (31)
  890. Soriano, Hector A. (35)
  891. Spanish (165)
  892. Spinello Aretino (40)
  893. Stabilito, Joseph (32)
  894. Stanton (103)
  895. Steers, Hugh (20)
  896. Steinegger, Henry [Stggr] (act … (12)
  897. Stone, Edward Durell (6)
  898. stonecutter (19)
  899. Stracke (22)
  900. Stracke_ : Keystone View Compa … (15)
  901. Strozzi, Zanobi di Benedetto (20)
  902. Sugimoto, Henry (133)
  903. Sun Print (active ca. 1850), p … (8)
  904. Swiss (15)
  905. Sykes, John (1773-1858), Briti … (50)
  906. Sykes, John (1773-1858), Briti … (8)
  907. Tacca, Pietro (36)
  908. Tait, A. F. (active ca. 1862), … (6)
  909. TAMassociati (19)
  910. Tauriskos of Tralles (42)
  911. Taylor, George Ledwell (190)
  912. Taylor, Steed (30)
  913. Thai (172)
  914. Thek, Paul (30)
  915. Theodora Kroeber, Donor (16)
  916. Thomas T. Waterman, Both Photo … (36)
  917. Thomas T. Waterman, Photograph … (151)
  918. Thorvaldsen, Bertel (12)
  919. Ticciati, Girolamo (24)
  920. Tiffany Studios (New York, N.Y … (9)
  921. Tino di Camaino (6)
  922. Tintoretto, Jacopo (19)
  923. Tirali, Andrea (10)
  924. Tisdale, William Lincoln (20)
  925. Titian (12)
  926. Tonkin Zulaikha Greer, Archite … (12)
  927. Treitner, Richard (20)
  928. Tret (12)
  929. Tribolo, Niccolò (77)
  930. Triggs, H. Inigo (50)
  931. Trimmier, Benjamin (20)
  932. Tseng, K'an (13)
  933. Tseng, Kwong Chi (31)
  934. Tung Pang-ta (8)
  935. Twiford (31)
  936. Twiford_ : Keystone View Compa … (15)
  937. U.C. Regents, Donor (2465)
  938. Uccello, Paolo (59)
  939. Underwood (229)
  940. Underwood_ : Underwood and Und … (15)
  941. unknown (4507)
  942. Unknown (125)
  943. unknown Ancient Greek (79)
  944. unknown, India (85)
  945. Utagawa Hiroshige, Japanese, 1 … (22)
  946. Vanni, Raffaello (8)
  947. Varble, Stephen (8)
  948. Vasanzio, Giovanni (27)
  949. Vasarely, Victor (33)
  950. Vasari, Giorgio (175)
  951. Venard, Claude (6)
  952. Venturini, Giovanni Francesco (36)
  953. Verona, Liberale da (9)
  954. Veronese, Paolo (83)
  955. Verrocchio, Andrea del (44)
  956. Vignola, Jacopo da (121)
  957. Vischer, Edward (1808-1879), G … (13)
  958. Viti, Timoteo (32)
  959. Vivarini, Alvise (6)
  960. Vivarini, Bartolomeo (11)
  961. Vliete, Gillis van den (6)
  962. Vélez, Wilmer (16)
  963. W. Wright (20)
  964. Wagner, Otto (108)
  965. Walker, Alan (20)
  966. Wallower, Nora (20)
  967. Wang Ch'en (13)
  968. Wang Chien (12)
  969. Wassenhove, Joos van (6)
  970. Wasson (8)
  971. Waugh (226)
  972. Waugh_ : Keystone View Company (98)
  973. West African (general) (12)
  974. Western (95)
  975. Western_ : H.C. White (60)
  976. Wharton, Edith (13)
  977. Wide West Office (active ca. 1 … (10)
  978. Wikersheim, Fritz (active ca. … (46)
  979. Will Bruder + Partners (72)
  980. William D. Strong, Photographe … (49)
  981. William Hall & Son (active ca. … (7)
  982. Williams, David (20)
  983. Williams, Williams, & Williams (31)
  984. Winn, Albert J. (20)
  985. Wojnarowicz, David (29)
  986. Wong, Martin (17)
  987. Wores, Theodore, 1858-1939 (6)
  988. Wright, Frank Lloyd (125)
  989. writer (17)
  990. Yolanda (20)
  991. Yost (17)
  992. Young, Laurence (20)
  993. Yun Shou-p'ing (12)
  994. Zabludovsky, Abraham (18)
  995. Zacharias, Pope (37)
  996. Zelotti, Giovanni Battista (22)
  997. Zimmerman, Philip (20)
  998. Zuccaro, Federico (16)
  999. Zucchi, Jacopo (73)
  1. 10/21/1944 (10)
  2. 100-20 (7)
  3. 11/12/1944 (7)
  4. 1458-1462 (49)
  5. 1470 (11)
  6. 1495 (41)
  7. 1504 (10)
  8. 1514-1600 (8)
  9. 1517-1527 (8)
  10. 1537-1574 (66)
  11. 1549-1558 (6)
  12. 1551-1555 (6)
  13. 1552-1555 (26)
  14. 1558-1583 (7)
  15. 1560-1575 (31)
  16. 1561 (63)
  17. 1563-1565 (9)
  18. 1564-1587 (6)
  19. 1565-1569 (11)
  20. 1565-1576 (8)
  21. 1566-1567 (7)
  22. 1566-1570 (13)
  23. 1568 (9)
  24. 1568-1609 (6)
  25. 1569 (16)
  26. 1570 (22)
  27. 1572 (6)
  28. 1573-1600 (35)
  29. 1574-1587 (18)
  30. 1576-1587 (9)
  31. 1578 (31)
  32. 1584-1586 (17)
  33. 1598-1603 (14)
  34. 1606-1621 (20)
  35. 1609-1610 (14)
  36. 1609-1621 (11)
  37. 1610-1630 (9)
  38. 1610-1744 (19)
  39. 1613-1615 (24)
  40. 1614-1620 (7)
  41. 1620 (7)
  42. 1627 (11)
  43. 1630 (23)
  44. 1633-1797 (28)
  45. 1640-1798 (14)
  46. 1644-1652 (9)
  47. 1650 (26)
  48. 1651-1653 (6)
  49. 1661 (6)
  50. 1661-1714 (8)
  51. 1665 (7)
  52. 1688 (14)
  53. 1691 (72)
  54. 1691-1698 (17)
  55. 1697-1702 (23)
  56. 1706 (14)
  57. 1719-1744 (10)
  58. 1719-1898 (17)
  59. 1721 (24)
  60. 1726 (10)
  61. 1726-1770 (6)
  62. 1728 (17)
  63. 1743 (15)
  64. 1781-1789 (8)
  65. 1800-1900 (7)
  66. 1809 (49)
  67. 1826-1829 (16)
  68. 1829-1830 (6)
  69. 1835 (11)
  70. 1836 (7)
  71. 1847 (13)
  72. 1849 (10)
  73. 1850 (14)
  74. 1851 (29)
  75. 1852 (27)
  76. 1853 (24)
  77. 1854 (11)
  78. 1855 (26)
  79. 1856 (40)
  80. 1857 (30)
  81. 1858 (21)
  82. 1859 (7)
  83. 1860 (12)
  84. 1861 (20)
  85. 1863 (33)
  86. 1865 (24)
  87. 1867 (11)
  88. 1871 (12)
  89. 1873 (6)
  90. 1877 (10)
  91. 1879 (12)
  92. 1880 (7)
  93. 1880-1900 (7)
  94. 1881 (24)
  95. 1883 (56)
  96. 1884 (8)
  97. 1886 (6)
  98. 1889 (27)
  99. 1890 (7)
  100. 1900 (27)
  101. 1900-1900 (7)
  102. 1900-Collected 1974 (58)
  103. 1900. (6)
  104. 1901 (75)
  105. 1901-1906 (34)
  106. 1901. (7)
  107. 1902 (75)
  108. 1902. (6)
  109. 1903 (61)
  110. 1904 (21)
  111. 1904-1905 (69)
  112. 1904-1906 (19)
  113. 1905 (6)
  114. 1905-1930 (27)
  115. 1905. (23)
  116. 1906 (165)
  117. 1907 (313)
  118. 1907-1909 (6)
  119. 1908 (41)
  120. 1909 (6)
  121. 1909-1914 (17)
  122. 1909. (8)
  123. 1910 (17)
  124. 1911 (21)
  125. 1912 (11)
  126. 1920 (25)
  127. 1920 - 1930. (73)
  128. 1920s (54)
  129. 1921 (7)
  130. 1922 (11)
  131. 1922. (15)
  132. 1923 & 1928 (18)
  133. 1923-1931 (17)
  134. 1923. (85)
  135. 1924 (9)
  136. 1924-1932 (20)
  137. 1925 (64)
  138. 1925. (299)
  139. 1926 (72)
  140. 1926. (488)
  141. 1927 (27)
  142. 1927. (172)
  143. 1928 (98)
  144. 1928. (159)
  145. 1928? (7)
  146. 1929 (25)
  147. 1929. (24)
  148. 1930 (35)
  149. 1930. (7)
  150. 1931 (53)
  151. 1931-32 (8)
  152. 1932 (41)
  153. 1933 (54)
  154. 1934 (50)
  155. 1935 (71)
  156. 1936 (25)
  157. 1937 (12)
  158. 1938 (222)
  159. 1939 (48)
  160. 1940 (33)
  161. 1940-1945 (44)
  162. 1940-42 (12)
  163. 1940? (8)
  164. 1941 (266)
  165. 1942 (56)
  166. 1942-1945 (276)
  167. 1943 (55)
  168. 1943-1944 (19)
  169. 1944 (106)
  170. 1944-1945 (12)
  171. 1945 (56)
  172. 1946 (30)
  173. 1947 (11)
  174. 1948 (64)
  175. 1948? (10)
  176. 1949 (19)
  177. 1949? (6)
  178. 1950 (27)
  179. 1951 (124)
  180. 1952 (200)
  181. 1953 (1043)
  182. 1954 (139)
  183. 1955 (254)
  184. 1955-1960 (20)
  185. 1955-57 (13)
  186. 1956 (343)
  187. 1957 (130)
  188. 1958 (162)
  189. 1959 (239)
  190. 1960 (740)
  191. 1961 (171)
  192. 1962 (51)
  193. 1962? (11)
  194. 1963 (167)
  195. 1963 - early 1964 (36)
  196. 1964 (93)
  197. 1966 (12)
  198. 1972 (6)
  199. 1973 (10)
  200. 1974 (46)
  201. 1975 (145)
  202. 1976 (203)
  203. 1977 (204)
  204. 1978 (197)
  205. 1979 (39)
  206. 1979-1984 (18)
  207. 1980 (140)
  208. 1981 (54)
  209. 1982 (59)
  210. 1982-1983 (11)
  211. 1983 (62)
  212. 1984 (57)
  213. 1985 (86)
  214. 1986 (66)
  215. 1987 (95)
  216. 1988 (91)
  217. 1988-1988 (19)
  218. 1988-1993 (17)
  219. 1988-89 (9)
  220. 1989 (111)
  221. 1990 (132)
  222. 1990-1990 (7)
  223. 1991 (120)
  224. 1991-1993 (11)
  225. 1992 (183)
  226. 1993 (169)
  227. 1994 (238)
  228. 1994-1996 (24)
  229. 1995 (333)
  230. 1995-1996 (8)
  231. 1996 (431)
  232. 1996-1997 (7)
  233. 1997 (308)
  234. 1998 (71)
  235. 50 BCE - 50 CE (12)
  236. 65-8 BCE (24)
  237. 76-138 (92)
  238. 7778 (21)
  239. 8/20/1944 (7)
  240. 9/23/1944 (12)
  241. [18--?] (19)
  242. [18--] (475)
  243. [1825-1827] (21)
  244. [1845-1851] (39)
  245. [1849] (14)
  246. [185-?] (7)
  247. [185-] (154)
  248. [1850-1855] (15)
  249. [1850?] (6)
  250. [1850] (15)
  251. [1851] (15)
  252. [1852] (8)
  253. [1853] (6)
  254. [1854] (10)
  255. [1855] (12)
  256. [1856] (27)
  257. [1857] (11)
  258. [186-?] (17)
  259. [187-?] (9)
  260. [1871?] (11)
  261. [1879] (8)
  262. [19--?] (8)
  263. [between 1791 and 1795] (62)
  264. [between 1803 and 1807] (31)
  265. [ca. 1849] (8)
  266. [ca. 1850] (25)
  267. [ca. 1854] (9)
  268. [ca. 1862-ca. 1874] (22)
  269. [ca. 1880?] (9)
  270. [not before 1849] (11)
  271. [not before 1850] (6)
  272. [not before 1853] (8)
  273. [not before 1854] (20)
  274. [not before 1862] (6)
  275. Abstract Expressionist (39)
  276. Andhra (8)
  277. Angkorean (427)
  278. Antonine (21)
  279. April 1, 1965 (17)
  280. April 10, 1940 (6)
  281. April 13, 1945 (8)
  282. April 17, 1933. (19)
  283. April 19, 1940 (9)
  284. April 1940 (8)
  285. April 1943 (11)
  286. April 1945 (13)
  287. April 1952 (14)
  288. April 1957 (51)
  289. April 1961 (34)
  290. April 1964 (72)
  291. April 24, 1957 (17)
  292. April, 1925 (15)
  293. Archaic (Greek) (18)
  294. Art Deco (70)
  295. Art Nouveau (104)
  296. Arts and Crafts (movement) (20)
  297. August 15, 1982 (7)
  298. August 1938 (8)
  299. August 1941 (16)
  300. August 1951 (25)
  301. August 1954 (63)
  302. August 1960 (163)
  303. August 7, 1952 (6)
  304. August, 1907 (44)
  305. August, 1918 (62)
  306. August, 1922 (69)
  307. August, 1957 (11)
  308. August, September 1960 (30)
  309. Augustan (44)
  310. Baroque (1417)
  311. Brutalist (7)
  312. c. 1603 (16)
  313. c1849 (21)
  314. c1850 (7)
  315. c1851 (10)
  316. c1852 (61)
  317. c1853 (15)
  318. c1854 (12)
  319. c1855 (17)
  320. c1856 (17)
  321. c1857 (19)
  322. c1862 (22)
  323. c1864 (6)
  324. c1866 (12)
  325. c1868 (9)
  326. c1869 (8)
  327. c1873 (8)
  328. c1874 (7)
  329. c1875 (10)
  330. c1876 (7)
  331. c1878 (9)
  332. ca. 1919 (12)
  333. ca. 1919 -1922 (12)
  334. ca. 1920s (55)
  335. ca. 1922 (6)
  336. ca. 1934 (6)
  337. ca. 1935 (48)
  338. ca. 1938 (271)
  339. ca. 1940 (181)
  340. ca. 1941 (162)
  341. ca. 1942 (265)
  342. ca. 1943 (155)
  343. ca. 1944 (24)
  344. ca. 1952-1954 (24)
  345. ca. 1954 (1897)
  346. ca. 1955 (88)
  347. ca. 1956 (1329)
  348. ca. 1957 (827)
  349. ca. 1958 (3862)
  350. ca. 1959 (65)
  351. ca. 1960 (205)
  352. ca. 1961 (37)
  353. ca. 1962 (79)
  354. ca. 1963 (1936)
  355. ca. 1964 (439)
  356. Chicago School (58)
  357. Classical (425)
  358. Collected 1930s (77)
  359. Country place era (28)
  360. Cubist (49)
  361. Date Not Indicated. (2427)
  362. December - January, 1923-1924 (8)
  363. December 1934 (19)
  364. December 1944 (21)
  365. December 1960 (30)
  366. December 1962 (32)
  367. December 5, 1956 (10)
  368. December, 1903 (12)
  369. December, 1924 (6)
  370. early 1930.s (10)
  371. early 1964 (81)
  372. Early Christian (53)
  373. Early Classical (6)
  374. Early Gothic (16)
  375. Early Imperial (70)
  376. early November 1957 (33)
  377. Easter 1961 (61)
  378. Easter vacation 1961 (8)
  379. Eighteenth century (278)
  380. eighth century (dates CE) (13)
  381. Empire (73)
  382. Expressionist (39)
  383. Fall 1942 (9)
  384. Fatimid (16)
  385. Fauve (11)
  386. February & March 1940 (28)
  387. February & March 1940 (Spring … (11)
  388. February 10, 1953 (35)
  389. February 10, 1954 (10)
  390. February 17, 1950 (9)
  391. February 19, 1940 (11)
  392. February 19, 1964 (31)
  393. February 1943 (12)
  394. February 1964 (97)
  395. February, 1925 (7)
  396. February, March 1964 (35)
  397. Fifteenth century (1884)
  398. First Style (29)
  399. Fourteenth century (413)
  400. Fourth Style (129)
  401. Futurist (6)
  402. Gandhara (11)
  403. Gothic (Medieval) (727)
  404. Gothic Revival (138)
  405. Greco-Etruscan (63)
  406. Greco-Roman (525)
  407. Greek (ancient) (10)
  408. Gupta (13)
  409. Hellenistic (417)
  410. Imperial (91)
  411. Imperial (Roman) (1804)
  412. Impressionist (29)
  413. International Style (modern Eu … (8)
  414. Inuit (Canadian Arctic Native … (15)
  415. Italianate (17)
  416. Italo-Byzantine (59)
  417. January 12, 1951 (7)
  418. January 15, 1955 (6)
  419. January 1942 (6)
  420. January 1944 (11)
  421. January 1952 (15)
  422. January 1957 (21)
  423. January 1964 (16)
  424. January 2, 1961 (23)
  425. January February 1954 (18)
  426. January, 1917 (18)
  427. January, 1918 (14)
  428. January, 1925 (10)
  429. July '54 (22)
  430. July 1, 1929 (12)
  431. July 1952 (11)
  432. July 1954 (56)
  433. July 1957 (46)
  434. July 1961 (33)
  435. July 23, 1934. (11)
  436. July 4, 1952 (11)
  437. July 4, 1954 (41)
  438. July 5 - 12, 1953 (12)
  439. July, 1906 (29)
  440. July, 1907 (17)
  441. July, 1908 (6)
  442. July, 1913 (49)
  443. July, 1922 (194)
  444. July, 1928 (22)
  445. July/August 1961 (20)
  446. June 10, 1926. (23)
  447. June 11, 1957 (22)
  448. June 14, 1952 (11)
  449. June 15, 1926. (7)
  450. June 16, 1952 (13)
  451. June 1928. (9)
  452. June 1938 (22)
  453. June 1954 (34)
  454. June 1955 (19)
  455. June 1957 (52)
  456. June, 1904 (16)
  457. June, 1907 (6)
  458. June, 1908 (11)
  459. June, 1916 (34)
  460. June, 1923 (46)
  461. June, 1924 (23)
  462. June, 1931 (8)
  463. Khmer (general) (198)
  464. Kinetic (style) (8)
  465. Kota (Kota-Mbete region style) (6)
  466. Labor Day, September 1939 (12)
  467. late 1963 (12)
  468. late 1963 - early 1964 (70)
  469. Late Classical (28)
  470. Late Gothic (537)
  471. late March 1961 (22)
  472. Late Republican (73)
  473. Lyrical Abstraction (19)
  474. Mannerist (28)
  475. Mannerist (Renaissance-Baroque … (1575)
  476. March 13, 1957 (41)
  477. March 15, 1940 (7)
  478. March 1940 (7)
  479. March 1945 (7)
  480. March 1955 (13)
  481. March 1957 (40)
  482. March 1964 (49)
  483. March 4, 1905. (15)
  484. March 8 (1965?) (28)
  485. May 10, 1940 (7)
  486. May 14- June 2, 1914 (79)
  487. May 14-June 2, 1914 (126)
  488. May 16-June 23, 1907 (189)
  489. May 1952 (13)
  490. May 1957 (69)
  491. May 1958 (53)
  492. May 1961 (22)
  493. May 1964 (13)
  494. May 23, 1934. (66)
  495. May 30, 1957 (8)
  496. May 5, 1957 (22)
  497. May 6, 1906 (7)
  498. May 6, 1926. (43)
  499. May, 1923 (14)
  500. Medieval (21)
  501. Memorial Day 1960 (11)
  502. Metaphysical (modern Italian f … (7)
  503. Mid-Century Modernist (83)
  504. Minimal (139)
  505. Modern (210)
  506. Modernist (451)
  507. Mudéjar (32)
  508. n.d. (1496)
  509. Nasrid (25)
  510. nd (9)
  511. Neo-Attic (26)
  512. Neo-Expressionist (15)
  513. Neo-Impressionist (14)
  514. Neoclassical (397)
  515. New Kingdom (Egyptian) (30)
  516. Nineteenth century (738)
  517. Nineteenth Dynasty (29)
  518. no date (33)
  519. November 11, 1963 (27)
  520. November 1925. (7)
  521. November 1934 (20)
  522. November 1940 (10)
  523. November 1944 (6)
  524. November 1957 (52)
  525. November 1963 (32)
  526. November, 1924 (13)
  527. Néo-Grec (23)
  528. Oct. 4, 1929. (16)
  529. October 1942 (6)
  530. October 1960 (60)
  531. October 7, 1931. (6)
  532. October, 1906 (28)
  533. October, 1909 (27)
  534. October, 1914 (9)
  535. Op art (26)
  536. Pala (Indian style) (12)
  537. Palladian (88)
  538. Pergamene (sculpture style) (37)
  539. Photorealist (11)
  540. Picturesque, the (23)
  541. Pop (10)
  542. Post-Impressionist (51)
  543. Postmodern (160)
  544. Ptolemaic (8)
  545. Qin (106)
  546. Rajasthani (culture or style) (82)
  547. Ramesside period (29)
  548. Renaissance (4580)
  549. Richardsonian Romanesque (58)
  550. Rocaille (6)
  551. Roman Period (6)
  552. Romanesque (17)
  553. Romanesque Revival (58)
  554. Romano-Egyptian (6)
  555. San (Khoisan-speaking peoples … (18)
  556. Sarnath (12)
  557. Second Style (90)
  558. September 1943 (23)
  559. September 1957 (30)
  560. September 1960 (151)
  561. September 4, 1951 (13)
  562. September, 1910 (11)
  563. September, 1911 (12)
  564. September, 1923 (6)
  565. Seventeenth century (323)
  566. Sezessionstil (108)
  567. Sixteenth century (1302)
  568. Spring 1942 (24)
  569. Spring 1943 (30)
  570. Spring 1945 (9)
  571. Spring 1949 (8)
  572. Spring 1952 (19)
  573. Spring 1954 (12)
  574. Spring 1958 (14)
  575. Spring 1960 (20)
  576. Spring 1961 (85)
  577. Spring ca. 1959 (19)
  578. Summer 1944 (12)
  579. Summer 1955 (72)
  580. Summer 1957 (165)
  581. Summer 1959 (29)
  582. Summer, 1948 (38)
  583. Sunday July 13, 1941 (7)
  584. Surrealist (85)
  585. Suryavarman II (233)
  586. Third Style (179)
  587. Twentieth century (2270)
  588. Twenty-first century (1835)
  589. Umayyad (7)
  590. Upper Paleolithic (215)
  591. Winter 1961 (12)