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Schwarz, Heinrich
Description States, "Aus der Bibliothek h.Schwarz;" depicts a phoenix or an eagle wrapping his wings around podium with a book. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Maverick Set. Crown Street
New York Society Library
Emollit mores
Description States, "New-York Society Library 1789;" depicts a woman exchanging a book with a Native American with an ax. Behind the two figures is a bookshelf with the motto "Emollit mores." The image is surrounded by branches. Signed at bottom "Maverick Set. Crown Street."
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 10 cm.
Language English
Artist Maverick Set. Crown Street
Schwarz, Beiner
Description States, "ex libris Beiner Schwarz;" depicts a man holding a book under his right arm while walking and casting a shadow on a wall. Signed at bottom right "FN."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Artist FN
E.H. G.?
Norcross, Mary E.
Ti guidero felice
Description States, "Ex Libris Mary E. Norcross The Vines" with motto "Ti guidero felice;" depicts a cherub reading an open book with another cherub reading over his/her shoulder. Signed with monogram at top "E.H. G.? MD CCCXCVI No. 32."
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Artist E.H. G.?
Schwarz, Heinrich
Description States, "Ex Libris Heinrich Schwarz;" depicts a woman holding a skull in her left and and the strings to a court jester puppet in her right hand with the sun setting on a body of water in the background and a vine with roses beneath. Signed "FS '09."
Format 1 print : col., 16 x 6 cm.
Artist FS
Schworer, Joseph
Description States, "Ex Libris Josephi Schworer;" depicts a stork standing on top of a book. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 14 x 11 cm.
Novacka, Z Knih J.
Description States, "Z Knih J. Novacka;" depicts a book, bookmarked by a flower with a bee. Signed with the monogram "RV."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Artist RV
Schworer, Joseph
Description States, "Ex Libris Josephi Schworer;" depicts a stork standing on top of a book. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Obratil, Josef
Description States, "Ex Libris Josef Obratil;" depicts a man plowing a farm. Signed at bottom right "K.J.O."
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 10 cm. Seems to be reproduction
Artist K.J.O.
Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht …
Description States, "Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club Presented by_________Date____No____;" depicts a Viking oar ship at sea with the sun setting in the background. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Obratil, K.J.
Description States, "Ex Libris K.J. Obratil;" depicts a landscape setting with a path that winds around a tree. Also depicts a bookshelf with books, an inkwell, and a quill. Signed at bottom "A.K."
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 6 cm.
Artist A.K.
Serbebaye, Henri
Description States, "Ex Libris Henri Serbebaye;" features a fence, a lamb, and a pig. Signed at left "RE."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 9 cm.
Artist rE
Oesterle, O. A.
Description States, "O.A. Oesterle;" depicts flowers, a boiling pot, a caduceus, and various symbols. Signed at bottom "M.F."
Format 1 print : b&w, 15 x 9 cm.
Artist M.F.
Seifert, Richard
Description States, "Ex Libris Richard Seifert;" depicts two silhuetted figures on horseback with the sun setting in the background. Signed "e 10."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Artist E
Henry, André
Olivier, Eugene, Dr.
Primum non nocere
Description States, "Ex-Libris Docteur Eugene Olivier" with motto "Primum non nocere;" depicts a naked woman pointing while seated in a chair with the sun radiating behind her. The woman is framed by trees and surrounded by children. Signed at bottom "Henry-Andre. 1910."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Henry, André
Sheepshank, John
Description States, "John Sheepshanks" with motto "Perserverando;" features a shield with a sheep, Tudor roses, a chevron stripe, and a helmet. Signed at bottom "John Sheepshanks."
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Hopson, William Fowler, 1849 …
Peabody, May
Ne quid nimis, Book brings b …
Description States, "Ex-Libris May Peabody. Oakend 1895" with motto "Ne quid nimis;" depicts a stack of books with an open book on the top that states "Book brings books. The books are surrounded by an acorn branc, a shield, and a winged hourglass. Signed at right "W.F. Hopson. N.H."
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 8 cm.
Language Latin, English
Artist Hopson, William Fowler, 1849-1935
Dempsey & Carroll, N.Y.
Sherwin, Clara Prentis
Droit et avant
Description States, "Droit et Avant Clara Prentis Sherwin;" depicts a mountaneous landscape framed by two tree, a stone fence, and flowers. Signed at bottome center "Dempsey & Carroll, NY."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Language French
Artist Dempsey & Carroll, N.Y.
Hopson, William Fowler, 1849 …
Phillips, Augustus
Description States, "Ex Libris Augustus Phillips" with motto "Quod tibivis tieri facias;" features a library setting, a portrait, stacks of book, and garland. Signed at bottom "W.F. Hopson. N.H. 1897 20."
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 12 cm. Handpainted
Language Latin
Artist Hopson, William Fowler, 1849-1935
W.H. Shir-Cliff
Washington, W.H. Shir-Cliff
Description States, "Ex Libris W.H. Shir-Cliff Washington 1897;" depicts the two maidens Prose and Poetry reading to one another while sitting under a tree. The image is framed by a pattern made of cherubs, vines, and open books. Signed at bottom at bottom left "Rmead" and bottom center "Copyright 1897 by W.H. Shir-Cliff."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Artist W.H. Shir-Cliff
Pleadwell, Frank Lester
Description States, "Ex Libris Frank Lester Pleadwell No…Vol…;" depicts a sailing ship, an eagle with wings displayed, and two shields. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 9 cm.
Shrimplin, W.B.
Crescit enim cum amplitudine …
Description States, "Ex Libris W.B. Shrimplin" and the mottos "Cresit enim cum amplitudine rerum vis ingeni" and "Mea vita mea libra;" depicts a chair, a desk with bookmaking material, and a bookshelf containing works by Mark Twain, Milton, Shakeshere, Goldsmith, Virgil, De Poe, Epictetius, Adison, Dickens, and Hugo. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 14 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Finchen, H.
Potter, Edwin L., Dr.
Malo mori quam foedari
Description States, "Edwin L Potter M.D. Philadelphia" with motto "Malo mori quam foedari;" features a shield with horizontal stripes, two roundels, a heraldic rose, and a demi-lion holding a crescent. The shield is surrounded by garland, book, a microscope, and a skull. Signed at bottom "HFincken. Phila. 1904."
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Finchen, H.
Poivys, John
Description States, "John Ponvys Esqr.;" features a shield with a claw, two crosses, a crest with a claw holding a fleur-de-lis. The shield is surrounded by garland, fruit, and wheat. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 7 cm.
Proctor, Thomas Redfield, Pr …
The best books of the best m …
Description States, "Thomas Redfield Proctor Maria Watson Williams Proctor" with the motto "The best books of the best men;" depicts a library setting. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 10 cm.
Language English
Provost, Samuel
Pro libertate
Description States, "Saml Provost Esqr. Coll Pet Cant" with motto "Pro liberatate;" features a shield with three pierced molets, an armored arm holding an arrow, garland, and a dragon. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
Pruyn, Mrs. John V.L.
I pray the Master, as thou l …
Description States, "Mrs. John V.L. Pruyn" with motto "I pray the Master, as thou lovest me and lovest too they bokes, see to itt thou loon them onlie to trustie and well beloved friends (God send thee such);" depicts distant view a street corner with a tree and people walking. Signed at bottom "1907 Hollyer."
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 13 cm.
Language English
Artist Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
Pruyn, Mrs. John V.L.
Description States, "Mrs. John V.L. Pruyn;" depicts the "Old Dutch Church 1656" and the "Old St. Peters Church 1715" next to eachother with a castle in the distance. Also features a shield with three birds and wings. Signed at bottom "1907 Hollyer."
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 9 cm.
Artist Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
Purcell, Francis
Semper fidelis
Description States, "Francis Purcell Esqr." with motto "Semper fidelis;" depicts a shield with a boar, three roundels, a hand with a military object. The shield is surrounded by a robe and books. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Quantin, Leon
Description States, "Ex Libris Leon Quantin;" depicts a building with a bench. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 10 cm.
a rassafoose?
Nec fallere nec nocere
Description States, "Ex Libris MR 1849 1909" with motto "Nec fallere nec nocere;" depicts a naked woman holding an object behind her back while standiing on a book titled "Liber." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 14 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Artist a rassafoose?
M. Schultz
Shultz, Mary Janet
Description States, "Ex Libris Mary Janet Shultz" features a bookshelf with an oil lamp, two shields, a house, and a border made of roses and pomegranites. Signed at bottom "M. Shult 1905 St. Louis."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 9 cm.
Artist M. Schultz
Read, William
Indeffessus vigilando
Description States, "Wm. Read" with motto "Indeffessus vigilando;" features a shield with a diagonaol of three birds, a chevron of three roundels, a crest with a belt and a bird, and a tree. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Siemssen, Elisabeth
Description States, "Elisabeth Siemssen;" depicts a scene a a lake with two sailboats framed by a picket fence and a trellis with roses. Signed at bottom right "AS."
Format 1 print : col., 15 x 11 cm.
Artist AS
de Liphart, O. Retowski E.
Nulla dies sine linea
Description States, "Ex Libris O. Retowski E. De Liphart Inv. Et Fecit MDCCCVII" with motto "Nulla dies sine linea;" depicts a man holding a quill in his right hand and an open book in his left hand while gazing up. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Sigales y Ponsa, B.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Reynolds, James Burton
Description States, "James Burton Reynolds Owneth This Book;" depicts a man reading a book while sitting in a chair by a fireplace. Signed at bottom "EJT."
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 8 cm.
Artist E.J.T.
Simms, Julia
Description States, "Ex Libris Julia Simms;" depicts a young woman with trees in the background. Signed in the bottom center "AWC."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 7 cm.
Artist AWC
Major, John Richardson
Description States, "John Richardson Major;" features a shield with a demi-dog. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 8 cm.
Simms, Julia
Description States, "Ex Libris Julia Simms;" depicts a young woman with trees in the background. Signed in the bottom center "AWC."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Artist AWC
The Richards Library
Description States, "The Richards Library, Warrensburgh, N.Y." depicts a hand holding a scale that balances a sword and a feather. Signed at bottom K.C. 1902."
Format 1 print : b&w, 8 x 7 cm.
Artist K.C.
Simpson, Edith M.
Otium sine literis mors est
Description States, "No…Edith M. Simpson 1876" with motto "Otium sine literis mors est;" depicts a stack of books and a book with the monogram "EMS" on the cover. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
J.R., GI
Richepin, Jacques
Description States, "Jacques Richepin" depicts a crane standing in a marsh with the monogram "J.R." Signed at bottom right with the monogram "GI."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Artist J.R., GI
Spenceley, J. Winfred (Josep …
Smith, Charles Steward
Semper silentes sed semper f …
Description States, "Charles Steward Smith" with motto "Semper silentes sed semper fideles sunt libri;" depicts a bookshelf with a scale and an open book that states "Nunquam Minus Solus Quam Solus." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Spenceley, J. Winfred (Joseph Winfred), 1865-1908
Roberston, Robert
Virtus gloria merces
Description States, "Robt. Robertson Esqr. Of Auchleeks" with the motto "Virtus gloria merces;" features a shield with three demi-beasts, a helmet, a crest with a hand holding a crown, and a man in shackles. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Smith, Senor Ismael
Description States, "Ex-libris Senor Ismael Smith" and "'The Chesterfield' 260 Riverside, New York City, Phone 9826 Riverside;" depicts a David and Goliath scene after the giant has fallen, with David holding a sling in one hand and Goliaths chin in the other. Signed "Senor Ismael Smith 1919."
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 11 cm.
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Spenceley, J. Winfred (Josep …
Sands, M.M.
Description States, "M.M. Sands;" depicts a tree with the view of a lake and mountain seen through the branches. Signed at bottom "J.W.S. '95."
Format 1 print : b&w, 5 x 9 cm.
Artist Spenceley, J. Winfred (Joseph Winfred), 1865-1908
Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Smith, Senor Ismael
Description States, "Ex=Libris Senor Ismael Smith, Original Drawings New York City;" depicts a fashionable woman in a dress, a jacket and boots adjusting her hat. Signed at right "Ismael Smith 1916."
Format 1 print : col., 16 x 10 cm.
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Schmoll, Mrs. Armand, Jr.
Description States, "Mrs. Armand Schmoll Jr. Ex-Libris;" depicts a naked man sitting next to a fire. Signed at bottom "Senor Ismael Smith."
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 8 cm.
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Shaw, Samuel T.
Description States, "1920 Ex-Libris Samuel T. Shaw;" depicts a naked woman kneeling and holding onto a ribbon while surrounded by grape stems. Signed at bottom "Senor Ismael Smith New-York.States."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 11 cm.
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Sellonf, Jean Leonard
Fai bien crain rien
Description States, "Jean Leonard Sellonf" with motto "Fai bien crain rien;" features a shield with three horns and a crest of horns surrounded by garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Smith, Julian Pearce
Description States, "Ex Libris Julian Pearce Smith;" depicts a wall of roses with a an arched door in the bottom left reavealing a scence of man and woman sitting together and a maiden on a horse. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Senfft, H.
Description States, "Ex Libris H. Senfft;" features a shiled with a claw, a helmet, and a demi-king with a military object. Signed at left. "S."
Format 1 print : b&w/blue ink on white paper, 12 x 11 cm.
Artist S.
W. F????
Smith, Mary Nixon
Description States, "Mary Nixon Smith. May 1902;" depicts a man knocking on a the front door of a brick building. Signed in the bottom right W. Fi???sen 1906."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Artist W. F????
Seybold, B.
Description States, "Aus der bucherei B. Seybold;" depicts a man seated at a desk in a library settin with an open window. Also features three shields. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 9 cm.
Smith, William
Mores meliore metallo
Description States, "William Smith Esqr. L.L.D.;" features a quartered shield with a crown, and a unicorn beast surrounded by garland and a feather. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Smith, Harry Worcester
Description States, "Harry Worcester Smith;" depicts a shield with an image of horse racing supported by a racoon and a fox. The crest features an elk with two rifles crossed and a bup. Signed at bottom "S.L.S. 1921."
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 9 cm.
Artist S.L.S.
Springerova, F.
Description States, "Ex-Libris Muj Domou-Me Kralovstvi F. Springerova;" depicts a chair, a desk with an open book and a window with lace curtains. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 14 x 10 cm.
W. ?olz.
Solz, Wendel
Description States, "Ex Libris: Wendel Solz;" depicts a Greek temple with a landscape in the background and a shield supporte by two beasts at the bottom. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 18 x 11 cm.
Artist W. ?olz.
von Smolinska, Georgine
Amico pactus, hosti frontem
Description States, "Georgine von Smolinska" with motto "Amico pactus, hosti frontem;" features a shield with a column and a crown. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Stiebel, Heinrich Eduard
Description States, "Bibliothek Heinrich Eduard Stiebel, Frankfurt 1894;" depicts an interior setting featuring a desk with a globe, books, and various other objects. The image is surrounded by architecural elements. Signed at bottom right "CTK."
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 10 cm.
Language German
Artist CTK
von Smolinska, Georgine
Description States, "Ex Libris Georgine von Swolinska 1908;" depicts a standing woman looking out a window to a view of the mountains. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 14 x 8 cm.
Ehringhausen, Willy
Grieve, Elisabeth
Ehr is dwang gnog
Description States, "Elisabeth Grieve" with motto "Ehr is dwang gnog;" depicts a landscape setting with mountain, trees, buildings, and a road enclosed in a circular border surrounded by garland. Signed at bottom center "WE 1912."
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 10 cm.
Artist Ehringhausen, Willy
Description States, "Social Liby. Company" with motto "'Tis books a lasting pleasure can supply. Charm while we live & teach us how to die. Seek here ye Young the anchor of your mind. Here suffering Age a blest provision find;" featues two cherubs holding a scroll stating "Theology, History, Biography, Voyages & Travels, Classical." Also features a landscape, a globe and books. Signed at bottom "A. Doolittle del et sculp."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Artist Doolittle
Karl Fincke, Koenigsberg. PR …
Stobbe, Horst
Description States, "Ex Libris Horst Stobbe;" depicts an interior setting with a chair, a desk, and a window with a view of a cathedral. Also features owls and books at the bottom. Signed at bottom center "Karl Fincke Koenigsberg. PR."
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Artist Karl Fincke, Koenigsberg. PR.
Description States, "Ex Libris Spears" with motto "Qui s'y. Frotte s'y. Pique;" depicts an oil lamp with two Native Americans on each side holding arrows. Also features an armored hand holding two arrows. Signed "Mie Latz 1900."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Artist Mielatz
Hopson, William Fowler, 1849 …
Stoddard, E.G.
Festina lente
Description States, "Ex-Libris E.G. Stoddard" with motto "Festina lente;" features an image of a library setting, a ship, a shield, horses, a portrait, and a crown. Signed at bottom "W.F. Hopson 1895."
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Hopson, William Fowler, 1849-1935
von Staden, Thea
Description States, "Ex Libris Thea von Staden;" depicts a woman sitting in a field of daisies looking at five children holding hands in a circle. Signed at the bottom right "T.H."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Artist T.H.
Soane, Harry
Tatum, Georgius Benson
Non est potestas nisi a deo
Description States, "Georgius Benson Tatum, A.M." with motto "Non est potestas nisi a deo;" features a shield with thre birds and a hat. Signed at bottom right "Henry Soane. London. 1892."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Soane, Harry
Stanford, Marjorie Greville
Description States, "Marjorie Greville Stanford Ex Libris The Roy Croft Shop 1910;" depicts a hillside with three mushrooms, three trees and clouds in the distant. Signed at bottom right "GI."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Tavsch, K.
They do not speak until spok …
Description States, "Ex Libris K. Tavsch" with motto "They do not speak until spoken to;" depicts an interior setting with a man reading a book at a desk. The room also contains a globe, paintings, windows, and bookshelves. The image is framed by a floral border. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 8 x 6 cm.
Language English
Gorham Co.
Semper fidelis
Description States the motto, "Semper fidelis;" features a shield with a five-pointed star, a helmet, and a bird with wings displayed. Signed at bottom left "Gornham Co."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Gorham Co.
Bird, Elisha Brown
Taylor, Charles H., Jr.
Description States, "Chas H Taylor;" features open books, a sailing ship, a printing press, and a silhouetted skyline. Signed at bottom "1896 Bird EDF sc."
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Artist Bird, Elisha Brown
Pellens, Edward
Starr, Frederick
Description Depicts a scanned bookplate and a cataloged record of the bookplate. States, "Frederick Star, Chicago Illinois. Ex libris for collection of book relating to Africa. Design. His personal servant, Manoeli, a Baluba, playing 'cat's cradle,' upon which as played in Africa, the owner has written. Two stars: one is a rebus play upon the name, the other is the emblem of the Congo Free State. Edward Pellens, Antwerp, Belgium, 1906. Wood engraving."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 16 cm.
Artist Pellens, Edward
Townley, Richard
Tenez le vray
Description States, "Ex libris Bibliotheca Domefticae Richard Towneley of Towneley in Agro Lancaftrensi Armigeri Anno} Aetatis: 73 Domini: 1702" with motto "Tenez le vray;" features a shield with a horizontal stripe, three molets, a helmet, and a martlet. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 9 cm.
Language French
Steell, Willis
Description States, "Ex Libris Willis Steell;" depicts two silhouetted deer in a forest and their reflections in a pond. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 6 cm.
Fisher, William Edgar, b. 18 …
Vita sine literis mors est
Description States, "TFU" with the motto "Vita sine literis mors est;" depicts a shield on a tree with a man trapped in the branches. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 12 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Fisher, William Edgar, b. 1872
Macdonald, Arthur Nelson, 18 …
Stewart, Judd
Verdad es verde
Description States, "Ex Libris Judd Stewart" with motto "Verdad es verde;" depicts a portrait of a man. Features a stack of books and garland. Signed at bottom "R.N. Macdonald. Sc. 1909." Written on bottom "HW Parker Compliments of Jud?????."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Macdonald, Arthur Nelson, 1866-1940
Pariz, V.P.
Vanous, A.F.
Description States, "Ex Libris A.F. Vanous;" features a portrait of a young woman. Signed at bottom left "V.P. Pariz 1900."
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 7 cm.
Artist Pariz, V.P.
Tolten, Marjorie J.
Description States, "Marjorie;" depicts three, silhouetted butterflies in various states of flight. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 8 cm.
Laszlo, Szamossy
Veress, Andr., Dr.
Description States, "Ex Libriis Dr. Andr: Veress Kolozsvar;" depicts a man reading some papers in a library setting. Signed at bottom "1903 Szamossy Laszlo, Roma."
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Laszlo, Szamossy
v. Hardt Stremayr, Agathe
Description States, "Zu Eigen: Agathe v. Hardt Stremayr;" depicts an window with curtains, a bowl of roses and a view a chateau. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Artist SA
Viola, J.
Description States, "Ex-Libris J. Viola" in purple ink. Depicts a single violet. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 6 cm.
Spenceley, J. Winfred (Josep …
Taft, Mary Florence
Similia similibus curantur
Description States, "Ex Libris Mary Florence Taft" with motto "Similia similibus curantur;" features a library setting, a stack of books, an hourglass, an inkwell, a quill, an oil lamp, and garland. Signed at bottom "J.W. Spenceley Boston. 1902."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Spenceley, J. Winfred (Joseph Winfred), 1865-1908
Tapley, H.F.
Old friends to meet old book …
Description States, "H.F. Tapley;" depicts a cherublike child in a garden setting holding an open book that reads "Old friends to meet old books to read old wood to burn old fields to roam old woods to walk." Signed at bottom left "S.L.S. '97."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language English
Artist S.L.S.
Tarkington, NB
Description States, "NB Tarkington;" depicts a creature playing a wind instrument inside a large "T." Signed at left "AH."
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 7 cm.
Artist AH
Taylor, JF
Cum tacent clamant
Description States, "JF Taylor" with motto "Cum tacent clamant;" depicts a woman reading a book while sitting under a tree with a Greek temple in the distant. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
C.M. Nichol RE
Taylor, Garrett Oddin
Description States, "Ex Libris Garrett Oddin Taylor;" depicts a a pathway and and archway leading to a medieval town. Signed at bottom right "C.M. Nichols RE."
Format 1 print : col., 17 x 12 cm.
Artist C.M. Nichol RE
Bird, Elisha Brown
Technology Club of New York
Description States, "Technology Club of New York Ex Libris;" features the seal of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a cityscape of Boston. Signed at bottom "E.B. Bird, M.I.T. '91."
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 9 cm.
Artist Bird, Elisha Brown
Tellini, A.
Description States, "Ex-Libris=A. Tellini;" depicts a pomegranite tree growing on top of a globe and a five-pointed star. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 8 cm.
Artist A.B.
Tellini, A.
Description States, "Ex-Libris=A. Tellini;" depicts a pomegranite tree growing on top of a globe and a five-pointed star. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 8 cm.
Artist A.B.
Viola, Jacinto
Description States, "Ex-Libris Jacinto Viola" Depicts a naked man holding a torch in right hand with red flames spelling "Ex-Libris" and books in his left. The man stands atop a banner with "Jacinto Viola" printed in red ink. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 5 cm.
Language Latin
Tellini, A.
El la esperantaj libroj
Description States, "El la Esperantaj Libroj A. Tellini;" features a pomegranite branch with two shields. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 10 cm.
Voight, P.
Taylor, James Arthur
Fidelisque ad morem
Description States, "James Arthur Taylor" with motto "Fidelisque ad morem;" features a shield with estoiles, horses, roundels, seashells, and a crest with a demi-lion holding a cross. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Voight, P.
Tellini, A.
El la esperantaj libroj
Description States, "El la Esperantaj Libroj A. Tellini;" features a pomegranit branch with two shields. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 10 cm.
Vogel, Elfriede
Description States, "Ex Libris Elfriede Vogel;" features a shield with a bird, a helmet, and a crest with a bird. Two shield, a cityscape, and musical notes are also featured at the bottom. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 15 x 10 cm.
Artist C.K
Pilbri, Q.
Tellini, Nievo
Per pacienco venas scienco
Description States, "Ex Libris Nievo Tellini" with motto "Per pacienco venas scienco;" features a seated woman, a column, a telescope, a shield, and a cityscape. Signed at upper right "Q.Pilbri."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 15 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Pilbri, Q.
Voight, P.
Voight, Paul
Description States, "Ex Libris Paul Voigt;" depicts a desk setting with an open book, an inkwell with a quill, a book shell, and a man peering through a window. Signed at left with monogram "PV."
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 9 cm.
Artist Voight, P.
Temple, Robert
Description States, "Ex Libris Robert Temple;" depicts a medieval trumpeter playing a trumpet in a tower with a mountaineous landscape in the background. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 11 cm.
Description States, "Walker" with motto "Wonder Working Providence -Chap XXV;" depicts a pilgrim with a rifle in a wooded setting and a Native American with a bow and arrow in the distant. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 8 cm.
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