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1 212 13 14 15 16 17999 1000
1,301-1,400 of 100,000
Van Oyen, A. A. Vorstermann
Melius esse quam videri
Description States, "Ex Libris A.A. Vorsterman van Oyen;" features the goddess, Nike, wrting on a tablet in an emblem. Also features a quartered shield supported by two lions with the motto "Melius esse quam videri." Signed at bottom "A.L."
Format 1 print : col., 19 x 13 cm.
Language Latin
Artist A.L.
American Numismatic Society, …
Parva ne pereant
Description States, "The American Numismatic Society" with motto "Parva Ne Pereant;" features an emblem with three acorns, three leaves and is surrounded by garland. Signed "Agry Gr. Paris."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Description States, "JV 1897;" depict three violet silhouettes. Signed at bottom right "PV."
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 6 cm.
Artist PV
Ames & Rollinson
American Society of Mechanic …
Description States, "Ex Libris American Society of Mechanical Engineers New York;" features a torch on top of an open book, the initials "ASME" in a clover, and ornate leaves. Signed at bottom right "Ames & Rollinson, Sc. N.Y."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Artist Ames & Rollinson
Vogelmann, Adolf
Habent sua fata libelli
Description States, " Ex-Libris Adolf Vogelmann" with motto "Habent sua fata libelli;" features a shield with an open book, a caduceus, a helmet, and a winged horse in a tree setting with a cityscape in the background.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Ames & Rollinson
American Society of Mechanic …
Description States, "Ex Libris American Society of Mechanical Engineers New York;" features a torch on top of an open book, the initials "ASME" in a clover, and ornate leaves. Signed at bottom right "Ames & Rollinson, Sc. N.Y."
Format 1 print : col., 15 x 10 cm.
Artist Ames & Rollinson
Voss, Fritz
Description States, "Ex Libris Firtz Voss;" depicts an acorn tree framing the face of a wolf surrouned by an acorn frame. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 10 cm.
Amory, Thomas C.
Amory amistad
Description States, "Thomas C. Amory" with motto "Amory amistad;" features a shield with three horizontal stiped behing a diagonal stripe and a crest with a mural coronet and a demi-beast. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Joyce M. Howell
Wahle, Lucia Ann
Description States, "In memory of Lucia Ann Wahle;" features a young girl, a Raggedy Ann dool, a black cat, and two homes. Signed at bottom right "Joyce M. Howell."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 10 cm.
Language English
Artist Joyce M. Howell
Description Features the monogram "WM" and a ducal coronet with a crescent. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 6 cm.
Gise Warnecke geb von Landwu …
Description States, "Ex-libris Gise Warnecke geb von Landwust;" depicts a library setting with a bookshelf, two shields, a desk, and a stool. Signed at bottom with a scrolled icon.
Format 1 print : col., 15 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Bell, Charles H.
Nec quaerere honorem nec spe …
Description States, "Charles H. Bell" with motto "Nec quaerere honorem nec spernere;" features a shield with three bells and a horizontal stripe. The crest features a falcon.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Abbey, E., A.N.M.
Watkins, Thomos Coke
Description States, "Ex Libris Thomas Coke Watkins;" depicts a man gazing out a window while seated at a desk with a stack of books. Signed at bottom left "A.N.M. Sc." and bottom right "E. Abbey 1886."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Artist Abbey, E., A.N.M.
Laudatur et alget
Description States, "Ex Libriis" with motto "Laudatur et alget;" features a shield with three gryphons rampant and a chevron stripe. The crest featues a demi-gryphon with a crown around his neck. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Weber, Franz
Description States, "Ex Libris Franz Weber;" depicts a drape of fabic with a pattern made up of the initials "FW' and surrounded by two columns and a leaf patterned frame. Singed at bottom right "06."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Anthony, Henry B.
Description States, "Henry B. Anthony;" features a shield with a vertical stripe, a lion's mask, and two roundels. The crest features a demi-goat. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
French, Edwin Davis, 1851-19 …
Wendell, Barrett
Description States, "Barrett Wendell;" depicts a window with a view of a shield containing a ship and anchors, a helmet, a ship, and a ribbon that states "Evert Iansen Wendell Regerenden Dyaken. 1656." Signed at bottom "EDF 1898."
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 6 cm.
Artist French, Edwin Davis, 1851-1906
Bennett, Lillian Barbour
Nimil nisi cruce
Description States, "Ex Libris Lillian Barbour Bennett" with motto "Nimil Nisi Cruce;" features a monk writing in a book on a desk with a stack of books, a candle, and a quill. Also features a shield with three three-pointed stars and a cross. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Von Andrian-Werburg
Description States, "1908 Ex Libris;" features a quartered shield with a helmet, wing and ribbon. Signed in pencil at bottom "von Andrian-Werburg."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Artist G.
Mary Antoinetta Marchioness …
Description States, "Mary Antoinetta Marchioness of Huntly" within a simple border. Features a ducal coronet and stylized branch. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col. ;
Language English
look up
Wheeler, Florence Syla
Description States, "Florence Sylva Wheeler;" depicts a young reading an open book with a magnifying glass and surrounded by stacks of books, two roses, and his bow and arrow all of which is framed by an oval garland. Signed at the top right "Del. HE Sc. M.D.CCC.XCV OP 24."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Anderson, A.
Apprentices' Library
Description States, "Apprentices' Library Presented by…;" depicts two young boys looking to an elderly man with a walking stick who is pointing to a library on a distant mountain top. Signed at bottom right "A. Anderson Sc."
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 10 cm.
Language English
Artist Anderson, A.
Wheeler, Florence Syla
Description States, "Florence Sylva Wheeler;" depicts a young reading an open book with a magnifying glass and surrounded by stacks of books, two roses, and his bow and arrow all of which is framed by an oval garland. Signed at the top right "Del. HE Sc. M.D.CCC.XCV OP 24."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Artist EH
Apprentices' Library
Description States, "New-York Apprentices' Library;" depicts four varying bookplates with simple borders. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 5 x 8 cm., 5 x 7 cm., 5 x 8 cm., 5 x 8 cm.
Language English
E.E.O., S.C.
Whitbeck, Alice Grover
But al that he mighte of his …
Description States, "Ex Libris Alice Grover Whitbeck" with motto "But al that he mighte of his frendes hente On bokes and on lerninge he it spente;" depicts the back of a figure walking past a bookshop with an owl sign. Signed at bottom left "E.E.O. 1908 Sc."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language English
Artist E.E.O., S.C.
Avery Architectural Library
Description States, "Library of Columbia University. Avery Architectural Library. In memory of Henry Ogden Avery Architect. Born Thirty-First January M DCCC L II died Thirtieth April M DCCC LXXX. His parents Samuel P. Avery and Mary Ogden Avery have founded this reference library of architecture and decorative art;" depicts an arch with two corintheum columns. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 9 cm.
Language English
White, Andrew Dickson
Inter folia fructus
Description States, "Andrew Dickson White" with the motto "Inter Folia Fructus;" depicts a bookshelf with stacks of books surrounded by a garland and ornate frame. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 14 cm.
Language Latin
Apprentices' Library
Description States, "Apprentices' Library No., New=York Apprentices' Library" and "Books may be retained two weeks but no longer, unless renewed;" depicts three labels. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 7 cm., 6 x 9 cm., 4 x 7 cm.
Language English
Sherbornfecit, C.W.
White, Margaret
Plaisir et sagesse
Description States, "Margaret White" with motto "plaisir et sagesse;" features sunflowers, books, a painting, an hourglass, a harp, and a vase with tulips. Signed in the botton center "C.W. Sherbornfecit 1894."
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 10 cm.
Language French
Artist Sherbornfecit, C.W.
Arbuthnot, Robert
Innocent and true
Description States, "Robert Arbuthnot" with motto "Innocent and true;" features a shield surrounded by garland and the shield bears a crescent, three molets, and an estoile. The crest features a demi-peacock. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language English
Beach, Ruth
White, Niles G.
Description States, "Ex Libris Niles G. White;" depicts a library setting with books, a door, and paintings. Signed at bottom right "Ruth Beach."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Artist Beach, Ruth
Arnbarrow, Harry Arnold
Ut vivas vigila
Description States, " Harry Arnold, Arnbarrow" and the motto "Ut vivas vigila;" features a demi-tiger holding an arrow. Handwritten at bottom "Q. 29."
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
White Star Line
Description States, "Launch of S.S. Oceanic. White Star Line" and "Europa. Columbia;" features a photograph of a cruise ship, a five-pointed star, and two goddesses. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
A.W. Elson & Co., D. de la F …
Whitmore, William H.
Description States, "William H. Witmore. Boston Mass.;" depicts two Native Americans and a woman draped in garland holding a tablet that states "Ancestral Tablets. Collection of Diagrams for Pedigrees…Eight Generations of the Ancestors of any Person…By William H. Whitmore, A.M...." Signed at bottom of tablet "D. de la Fueille 1695. A.W. Elson & Co. 1895."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 10 cm.
Artist A.W. Elson & Co., D. de la Fueille
Whittier, Isabella L.
Description States, "This book belongeth to Isabella L. Whiittier;" depicts an owl with a wing around a cherubim. An open book, violets, and a music sheet are featured in the background. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Language English
Wick, Otto
Description States, "Ex Libris Otto Wick;" features a lion, an open book, the bust of a woman, and a shield. Signed at the top left "BW 1908."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Artist WB
Wiedamann, Eugen
Description States, "Ex Libris Eugen Wiedamann;" features an open book with two tools. Signed at bottom center "Ra 1900."
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 6 cm.
Artist Ra
Wienskowitz, Hans
Description States, "Ex Libris Hans Wienskowitz;" depicts a road winding to a house with a tree. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Willets, Howard
Description States, "Ex Libris Howard Willets;" features a portrait of a man, a crown with a dragon, and an anchor. Signed at bottom "EDF."
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 5 cm.
Language Latin
Artist EOF
Williams, Lila L.I.
On n'est jamais si heureux n …
Description States, "Ex Libris 1903 Lila L.I. Williams" with motto "On n'est jamais si heureux ni si malheureux qu'on s'imagine;" depicts an open book atop two closed books. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 5 cm.
Language French
Williamson, Geo.
Sua cuique voluptas
Description States, "Geo. Williamson. Sing Sing. N.Y." with motto "Sua cuique voluptas;" features and open book with the initials "STS." Unsinged.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 10 cm.
Language English, Latin
James E. Howell Collection o …
Description States, "The James E. Howell Collection of Books in English Literature. The Free Public Library, Newark, N.J. 1902;" depicts men and women on horseback in an archetectural setting with the title "The Cantebury Pilgrims Ellsmere Manuscripts." Signed at bottom right "O.C.G. del."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language English
Artist O.C.G.
Williamson, G.M.
With all thy getting get und …
Description States, "Ex Libris G.M. Williamson" with the motto "With all thy getting get understanding;" depicts a man and woman reading books beneath a fruit tree. Signed at bottom right "AG."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language English
Artist AG
Richard C. Jenkinson Collect …
Description States, "Free Public Library. Newark, New Jersey. The Richard C. Jenkinson Collection of Technical Books: 1902;'" depicts smoke emerging from the chimneys of an industrial cityscape. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Language English
Winkler, Fritz
Description States, "Ex Libris Fritz Winkler;" depicts a man reading a book while standing with a book wedged betwwen his knees and other books on the floor. Signed at top right "RM."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Artist RM
Springerova, F.
Description States, "Ex-Libris Muj Domou-Me Kralovstvi F. Springerova, 1908;" features a chair, a desk, an open book, a clock, and a window with a lace curtain. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 14 x 10 cm.
Witt, Hans Milly
Description States, "ex libris: Hans Milly Witt;" depicts a monkey sitting on a stack of books with an open book, an inkwell and quill. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 14 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Tiffany and Company
Guthrie, William D.
Description States, "Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Ex Libris et Ex Dono William D. Guthrie 1924." Signed "Tiffany & Co."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Artist Tiffany and Company
Wolff, Sally U. Rahel
Description States, "Ex Libris Sally U. Rahel Wolff;" depicts a man with his arm around a woman holding a flower, in the man's right hand is a book with a six-pointed star. Signed at bottom right "E.D.G.09."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 11 cm.
Artist E.D.G.
Athenaeum of New York, The
Description States, "The Athenaeum of New York Founded 1925;" features a border made of architectural elements, cherubs, garland, and two women holding books. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Zarth, Hans
Description States, "Ex Libris Z;" depicts a woman holding a female statue. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 15 x 11 cm.
Young Men's Christian Associ …
Description States, "A Volume from the Library presented by Mrs. Charlemagne Tower,1525 Spruce Street. Philadelphia, Pa. To the Young Men's Christian Association Waterville. Oneida Co. N.Y.;" features a tower. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 10 cm.
Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Zeitlin, Miss E.
Description States, "Miss E Zeitlin Ex-Libris;" depicts the Olympian god, Hermes, holding a caduceus and grapes while kneeling on one knee. Signed at right "Ismael Smith."
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 6 cm.
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Forward coeur de lion
Description States the motto, "Forward coeur de lion;" features a shield with a helmet supported by a lamb with a crown and a cat beast with a crown, both are holding flags. A crest with feathers and a crest with a crown and demi-cat are also featured. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 6 cm.
Language English
Zimmermann, A.
Description States, "Ex Libris A. Zimmermann;" depicts man with raised ax chopping wood with three trees in the distant. Signed at far left "A.H."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Artist A.H.
Bachtolshalm, Mathilde
Straben ist ladan
Description States, "Mathilde Bachtolshalm" and motto "Straben ist ladan;" features an emblem with a shield, a helmet, and heraldic roses. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 10 cm.
Language German
Kimball, H.I.
Ars et erudito
Description States, "Ars et erudito;" features a tree with a serpent winding around the trunk, a shield with the monogram "HIK", a cityscape, and a lion. Signed in pencil at bottom "H I Kimball."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
But my hope is not broken, C …
Description States the motto, "But my hope is not broken;" features a shield divided by a horiztontal stripe with three estoiles and a helmet. A crest with a demi-stag rampant and a crest with a hand holding an anchor and the motto "Court hope" are also features. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 6 cm.
Language English
Moore, James Spelham
Foritudo fidelis honore mune …
Description States, "James Spellham Moore Sheftin Hall Salop" with motto "Foritudo fidelis honore munerata;" features a shield with three cat's masks, a helmet, and an ealge rising. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 18 x 12 cm.
Language Latin
Ne cede malis
Description States the motto , "Ne cede malis;" depicts a shield supported by two crowned lions and the shield features three sheashells. The crest consists of an earl coronet and a ducal coronet with a swan. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
W. Owends
Rights, Robert M.
I will lift up mine eyes unt …
Description States, "Robert M. Rights" with the motto "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills From whence cometh my help;" depicts a man standing with arms opening out to a landscape of hills. Signed at bottom right "W. Owens."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language English
Artist W. Owends
Baker, Geoe.
Description States, "Geoe. Baker;" depicts a tower surrounded by garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 5 cm.
Henrich, Adolf
Description States, "Ex Libris Adolf Henrich. Architekt;" features ionic column, open and closed books, and a shield with an inverted triangle and a compass. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Language Latin, German
Nimand zonder, omnibus efful …
Description States the motto, "Nimand zonder, omnibus effulgior;" features a quartered shield with a cross, crows, stars, chevron stripes, and a helmet. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 15 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Geyer, Georg
Hexamer, Emile
Description States, "Ex Libris Emile Hexamer;" depicts a seated female woman holding a book. Nex to the figure is a bird and a stream. Signed at bottom right "Georg Geyer."
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Geyer, Georg
Be just and generous
Description States the motto "Be just and generous;" features a shield with three arrows, three martlet, and a molet. The shield is surrounded by a garland of roses. The crest features a demi-cat with a rat in his mouth. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language English
Geyer, Georg
Hehamer, Ida
Description States, "Ex-Libris Ida Hehamer Kreuznach;" depicts a reclining femail figure gazing upon a starry night. The image is surrounded by a frame made of vines and roses. Signed at bottom right "Georg Geyer 1908."
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Geyer, Georg
Baldwin, Orville Raymond
Vim vi repello ex fide forti …
Description States, "Baldwin" with motto "Vim vi repello ex fide fortis;" features a shield with various heraldic elements, a helmet, and a crest with a squirrell. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Hildebrand, Wm. A.
Description States, "Dramatic Collection of Wm A. Hildebrand;" depicts two sets of comedy and tragedy masks surrounded by a simple frame. Signed "Wm. A. Hildebrand."
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 10 cm.
Language English
de Grey and Ripon
Qualis ab incepto
Description States, "de Grey & Ripon" with motto "Qualis ab incepto;" features two crowns and a stag at gaze. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Ehringhausen, Willy
Hoffschulte, Johanna
Description States, "Johanna Hoffschulte;" depicts a town with a river and cathedrals. The image is surrounded by a large rose frame. Signed at the bottom center "WE."
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 10 cm.
Artist Ehringhausen, Willy
Baldwin, Orville Raymond
Vim vi repello ex fide forti …
Description States, "Ex libris Orville Raymond Baldwin" with motto "Vim vi repello ex fide fortis;" features a shield with various heraldic elements, a helmet, and a crest with a squirrell. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Ehringhausen, Willy
Hoffschulte, Konrad
Corpus juris
Description States, "Ex libris Konrad Hoffschulte Corpus juris 1906;" depicts a man leaning against a tree in the woods while gazing upon an open field with a house. The image is surrounded by a stylized grapevine frame. Signed at the bottom left "WE."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Ehringhausen, Willy
Pari animo
Description States the motto, "Pari animo;" features a quarted shield with martlets, towers, a helmet, and a crest with a canon. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
le Mazurier, Alexandre
Description States, "Ex Collectis Alexandre le Mazurier" with the Greek alphabet letters "Pi Alpha Nu Alpha Chi Eta Zeta;" depicts an arrangement of postcards. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Language Latin, Greek
Bangor Public Library
Description Top: States, "Bangor Public Library Established A.D. 1883. From the Mechanics Association Fund;" depicts a seated woman holding a shield in each hand. Bottom: States, "Bangor Public Library Established A.D. 1883 from the Hersey Fund;" depicts a portrait of Samuel Freeman Hershey with a woman holding a torch and reading a book to the left and a young boy holding an oillamp. Unsigned.
Format 2 prints : col., 7 x 9 cm.
Language English
Bangor Public Library
Description Top: States, "Bangor Public Library Established A.D. 1883. From the Mechanics Association Fund;" depicts a seated woman holding a shield in each hand. Bottom: States, "Bangor Public Library Established A.D. 1883 from the Hersey Fund;" depicts a portrait of Samuel Freeman Hershey with a woman holding a torch and reading a book to the left and a young boy holding an oillamp. Unsigned.
Format 2 prints : col., 7 x 9 cm.
Language English
Edward Jackson Barrou
Description States, "Edward Jackson Barron. F.S.A." and motto "Vigilans;" features a shield with a chevron stripe and three garb. The crest features an eagle rising with a sword. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Barrou, Edward Jackson
Description States, "Edward Jackson Barron. F.S.A." and motto "Vigilans;" features a shield with a chevron stripe and three garb. The crest features an eagle rising with a sword. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Ludwig Bassermann
Description States, "Ex Libris Ludwig Bassermann;" depicts a library setting. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Bassermann, Ludwig
Description States, "Ex Libris Ludwig Bassermann;" depicts a library setting. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Description Features a shield with two fleur-de-lis and a crescent. The crest is a demi-swan with a crown. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 4 cm.
Holl, Dr.
Quad me fidellus
Description States, "Ex Libris Dr. Holl. Quad Me Fidellus;" depicts a fairy sitting on an open book and two olws above her. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Description Features a shield with two fleur-de-lis and a crescent. The crest is a demi-swan with a crown. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 4 cm.
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
Hollyer, Madeline Charlotte
Come and take a choice of al …
Description States, "Ex Libris Madeline Charlotte Hollyer. 1878. Come and take a choice of all my library & sobeguile thy sorrow;" depicts a woman with a book and a guitar seating in a chaise lounge in a library setting. Signed at bottom right "S. Hollyer" and at bottom left "Mrs. Hollyer."
Format 1 print : col., 19 x 13 cm.
Language Latin, English
Artist Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
Louis Batigne
Description States, "Bibliotheque de Louis Batigne;" depicts a decorative object surrounded by garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : black on green paper, 7 x 6 cm.
Language French
Hopson, William Fowler, 1849 …
Hopson, Ada M.
Tongues in trees, books in r …
Description States, "Ada M. Hopson. Her Book. Brookside 1898. 'Tongues in trees, books in running brook, sermons in stones and good in everything.';" depicts an image of a forest and a brook surrounded by a stylized frame wich is layered upon a library and a garden setting. Signed at bottom right "W.F. Hopson. 1910."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Language English
Artist Hopson, William Fowler, 1849-1935
Batigne, Louis
Description States, "Bibliotheque de Louis Batigne;" depicts a decorative object surrounded by garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : black on green paper, 7 x 6 cm.
Language French
Hopson, William Fowler, 1849 …
Hopson, W.F.
Description States, "Ex-Libris W.F. Hopson 1909;" depicts a man with a picnic basket reading under a tree while fishing next to a lake and a house. Signed at bottom right "W.F. Hopson."
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Hopson, William Fowler, 1849-1935
Nil desperandum
Description States the motto, "Nil desperandum;" features a quartered shield with a diagonal stripe and a crest with a gryphon. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Hopson, William Fowler, 1849 …
Hopson, W.F.
Old books to read. Old print …
Description States, "Ex-Libris W.F. Hopson, New Haven" with the motto "Old wood to carve. Old books to read. Old prints to scan. Old friends to greet;" features an open book, closed books, a painting easel and a letterpress. Signed "WFH
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Language English, Latin
Artist Hopson, William Fowler, 1849-1935
Nil desperandum
Description States the motto, "Nil desperandum;" features a quartered shield with a diagonal stripe and a crest with a gryphon. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Hoskyns, Blanche
Book openeth book
Description States, "Ex Libris Blanche Hoskyns North Perrott Manor" with the motto "Book Openeth Book;" features the ornate initials "BH" surrounded by a stylized frame, ribbon, books and a stringed instrument. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 14 x 11 cm.
Language English, Latin
Naturae donum
Description States the motto, "Naturae donum;" features a quartered shield with gryphons, crescents, and martlets. Also features a helmet and a crest with a demi-peacock wearing a crown. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Hutton, Laurence
Description States, "Laurence Huttion;" depicts a library setting with an alcove, books, a Greek tragegy mask, and a statue of the Vanity Fair author William Makepeace Thackeray. Signed at the bottom right "EHB."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 9 cm.
Artist EHB
Naturae donum
Description States the motto, "Naturae donum;" features a quartered shield with gryphons, crescents, and martlets. Also features a helmet and a crest with a demi-peacock wearing a crown. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Irving, Henry
Description States, "Henry Irving" on a scrolled piece of paper held by a beastly bird. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 15 x 11 cm.
A.W. Beecher
Description States, "A.H. Beecher. 82 Columbia St., Brooklyn, N.Y." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 9 cm.
Language English
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
Jackson, Robert
Description States, "Robert Jacskon;" depicts a man seated in a chair reviewing an illustration of a reclining figure. Signed "S.Hollyer."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Artist Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
Beecher, A.W.
Description States, "A.H. Beecher. 82 Columbia St., Brooklyn, N.Y." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 9 cm.
Language English
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