Show Less
. Silver gela
10 plastic pag
11 black and wh
11 strips of b
12 black and w
13 black and w
16 black and w
2 black and whi
25 black and w
26 black and w
26 photocopies
30 color slide
31 color slide
35 mm
35mm film
37 black and w
38 color slide
48 black and w
54 color slide
8 black and wh
8 color slides.
A black binder
Acrylic on ca
Acrylic on lin
Acrylic on maso
Acrylic on new
Acrylic on pap
Acrylic on wood
Acrylic revers
Acrylic, ename
ADOX KB 21 fil
ADOX R 21 film
Agfa film
Agfa Isopan I
Agfa L IF fil
Agfa L Isopan
Agfa L Isopan
Agfa L ISS fil
Agfa L ISU fi
Agfa nitrate f
Agfa Safety Fi
Agfa Superpan
Agfa Superpassp
Agricultural b
Agricultural l
Alberti, Leon
album leaves:
album: ink and
album: ink and
album: ink on
altar (religio
amphitheater (
An envelope wit
Ansco Safety F
Ansco Super Hy
Ansco Superpan
apartment hou
Apollo (Greek
Architectural s
Arconati famil
Arcrylic and p
art museum
Artificial wat
Artist book
Artist book. B
Artist book. H
Artist book. S
artist's book,
assemblage (sc
Atlas (Greek m
atlas (support
Axes (open sp
B/W gelatin si
B/W offset
B/W photograph
B/W Print
back tension l
bank (buildin
Barbarini famil
Barbiani di Bel
Barco (Villa L
bas-relief (s
batik tulis
Bird's-eye vie
Black and whit
Black and whit
black and whi
Black and whit
Black ink and
Black press ty
Blood on rice
Borders (Ornam
Borghese famil
Borghese Famil
Borromeo famil
Boskets (bosqu
Boundary walls
Bowling greens
bracket (struc
bridge (built
broadcasting s
Cabinets (garde
Canopy trees
cap batik
capital (colum
capital city
Capponi family
Capponi Family
carousel (ride
cartoon (work
Carved acrylic
Casinos (garde
cast (sculptur
castle (fortif
Ceiling paintin
ceremonial mas
Cerretani fami
chair (furnitu
chapel (room
Children playi
choir loft
Cibachrome glos
Cibachrome prin
ciborium (stru
cista (toiletry
Cities and tow
city gate
city hall
Coats of arms
coffer (ceiling
collage (visua
Collage on pape
Color photo
Color photocop
Color photogra
column (archit
Columns (archi
compound vault
concert hall
condominium (
Conti family
continuous sup
copy negative
Cortile del Bel
costume (char
cotton fabric
cotton thread
Country houses
cremation urn
Crescenzi, Pie
decorative arts
Decorative Ar
Deer park (Vil
Del Monte fami
devotional imag
Diana (Roman d
Digital print
dining room
Dionysus (Gree
dome (architec
Doric order
dormitory (bui
double ikat
drawing (visu
drawing on pape
drawing on pape
drawing on pap
drawing on pap
drawing on pap
drawing on pa
drawing on pap
drawing on pap
drawing on pa
drawing on tint
drawing on tint
drawing on tin
drawing on tint
drawing on tin
Drawings and W
Eastman 35mm
Eastman 35mm
Eastman nitrat
Eastman Safe
Eastman Super-
Eating and dri
engraving (pr
Engraving (pr
equestrian st
Erie, Lake
etching (print
Etching with h
excavation (s
Exedrae (site e
exhibition bui
fabric, cotton
factory (struct
Farnese family
Fashion, Cost
Felt tip pen on
film photone
First terrace
Fishponds (art
float weave
floor (surfac
Floor plans
Florence (Ital
Flower beds
Flower gardens
Flowers (plant
Formal garden,
Formal gardens
forum (open sp
Found objects
Fourth terrace
frame loom
frame loom(?)
Frascati (Italy
fresco (pain
Fresco paintin
frieze (entabl
Fruit trees
Full-color woo
gable (archite
Gambara family
Gambara Family
Garden and Lan
Garden sculpt
garden structu
Garden viewin
Gardener's Hou
Gevaert film
Gevaert Safety
Gianicolo (hil
Gianicolo (Rom
Giardini segr
Giardino di Bo
glass beads
glass negative
glass plate ne
Glyphograph wit
Godi family
gold metallic t
Golden age
Gouache on pape
Graphic Design
Graphite on pa
Graphite on vel
Gwinn (Clevela
Gwinn (residenc
Hadrian's Vil
Hadrian, Emper
hand coloring
hand sewn
hand spun
hand woven
handspun cott
Handwritten tex
Handwritten tex
hanging scroll
hanging scroll:
hanging scroll
hanging scroll
hanging scroll:
Heemstede (Utr
Herb gardens
Herbaceous bor
Hercules (Roma
Hippodromes (g
historic site
Holly (ilex)
holy water sto
Horace's Villa
hotel (public
housing proje
Hudson River (
Hunting parks
ideal city
Ilford Hyperse
illuminated man
Imperial (Roma
indigo dye
inhabited plac
Initials (Layou
ink and color o
ink and colors
ink and gouach
ink on paper
ink, gouache,
Ink, photo sil
installation (
Isola Bella (L
Keys (texts)
Kodak 35mm T
Kodak Panchro
Kodak Panchro
Kodak Plus X
Kodak Plus X
Kodak Safet
Kodak Super X
Kodak Tri X P
Kythera Island
landscape arch
Landscape descr
Lantern slide
Lapi family
Lapi Family
Laurentian Vil
lavabo (sink)
Letters (corres
Letters of Pli
library (buil
Lino cut
Lino cut on jap
Lucca (Italy)
machine woven
magazine (perio
Mail Art
Manuscripts and
maquette (scul
Mario, Monte (
Maze gardens
Medici family
Medici Family
Medicinal plant
metallic threa
Mixed media
Mixed media ins
Mixed media on
Mixed media on
Mixed media, ce
Mixed medium an
mixed-use dev
model (represe
Montalto family
Monte Pincio
morinda dye
mosaic (visua
Mosaic floors
Mount Helicon
Mount Parnassu
multimedia wor
mural paintin
Mural painting
Muses (Greek d
Musical Instrum
nassa shell
necropolis (cem
Neptune (Roman
nitrate film
office buildi
Offset lithogr
Oil and encaust
Oil crayon
Oil on canvas
oil on canvas
oil on canvas,
Oil on linen
Oil on paper
Oil on vellum
Oil on wood
Oil on wood pan
Oil pastel
Oil, wax on bo
Oplontis (Torr
opus sectile (
Orpheus (Greek
Outdoor furnitu
Outdoor recrea
Ovid, 43 B.C.-
painting (vi
painting on bo
painting on can
painting on ca
painting on pap
painting on pa
painting on pa
Palazzo Farnese
Palazzo Mondrag
Palladian land
Pamphili famil
Pamphili Famil
panel painti
Papal palaces
Papal villas
Paper collage
park (recreati
Park Charlotte
Park Sanssouci
Parks (grounds
Parks (Grounds)
Parks (recreat
Parterres de b
Pastel on pape
Pavilions (gar
Pegasus (Greek
Pen and ink
Pen and ink on
Pen, ink, penc
Pencil on grap
Peristyles (col
Philippe I [Mo
Photographic ph
Photographic p
Piranesi, Giova
plain weave
Plans (drawing
Planters (con
Pleasure garde
Pliny the Youn
Polaroid pictu
Polymer resin
Polyphemus (Gre
Pompeii (extinc
Pools (artific
Porcelain and c
Potted plants
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on pape
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on pape
print on pape
print on pape
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on porcel
print on tinte
print on tinte
print on tinted
print on tinte
printing, prin
reception room
red-figure vas
Reflecting poo
Regions (geogr
relief (scul
Retaining wall
River gods
rock painting
Rockwork (Rocai
Roman bath spa
Rome (Italy)
Romulus and Rem
rose window
Rotundas (build
royal palace
safety film
Saint Cloud (H
Schloss Hellbr
school (buildi
screen print
sculpture (v
Sculpture an
Second terrace
sepulchral cha
Shell niches
shopping arcad
Sight lines
silk thread
Silk, leather
Silver gelatin
Silver print
Sitting outdoor
society buildi
Sony XBR KCA-30
Sony XBR KCS-20
Springs (bodies
stained glass
studio (work s
Super XX film
supplementary w
tabernacle (ae
tabernacle (li
tapestry (wall
Temples (garde
textiles, weavi
theater (build
Theaters (gard
theatrical ma
Third terrace
Tiburtine Siby
Topography (ima
tract house
traveling exhi
Triclinia (room
triumphal arc
Tuscan Villa (
Typewritten tex
Typewritten tex
urban and top
Vatican Palace
vegetable fiber
Venus (Roman d
Vicenza (Italy
Victory (allego
Video docuemen
Villa Arconati
Villa Barbaro
Villa Belgioios
Villa Belveder
Villa Belvedere
Villa Borghes
Villa Como (Fra
Villa d'Este
Villa Doria Pa
Villa Emo (Fanz
Villa Falconier
Villa Farnese
Villa Farnese,
Villa Gamberai
Villa Garzoni
Villa Giulia (
Villa Godi (Lon
Villa I Tatti
Villa Lante (
Villa Ludovisi
Villa Madama (
Villa Medici (
Villa Medici (
Villa Medici (
Villa Mondrago
Villa of the My
Villa Pia (Vat
Villa Piccolom
Villa Rotonda
Villa suburban
Villa Torlonia
Villae suburba
Villae urbanae
Villas (compl
volute krater
warp ikat
Water chains
Water organ (Vi
Water parterre
Water theaters
Water tricks
watercolor (pa
Watercolor on
Watercolor, in
Wattled fences
Wax, oil, pigm
weft ikat
Women and natur
woodcut (proce
Work on paper
Zorgvliet (Hag
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Unidentified residence.] Sa
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Unidentified residence.] San Andreas. 1957. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
H169. [Exhibit garden, Palac
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H169. [Exhibit garden, Palace of Fine Arts (Bernard R. Maybeck, architect). "The Scalp" (Edward Berge, sculptor), left, "Primitive Man" (Olga Popoff Muller, sculptor), right.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Jap farm labor bed. [Makeshi
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Jap farm labor bed. [Makeshift shelter for Japanese farm laborers.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[H153? "Niche of Ceres" half
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[H153? "Niche of Ceres" half dome, Court of Four Seasons (Henry Bacon, architect). "The Harvest" (Albert Jaegers, sculptor), illuminated, atop. Tower of Jewels, illuminated, in distance.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Casitas, ten mule team hauli
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Casitas, ten mule team hauling 5,800 pounds casing line up the grade. October 10, 1912 |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Stage Driver's Retreat, sal
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Stage Driver's Retreat, saloon and billiard hall.] Columbia. 1936. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Front view of boilers, showi
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Front view of boilers, showing set up. Very well done. June 2, 1911. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
View of the ruins of the chu
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
View of the ruins of the church, and buildings of the Ex-Mission of San Juan Capistrano. The church destroyed by the earthquake of 1812. (cf. Vischer Pictorial no. 37, Vischer Missions no. 14). Date: May 9, 1865 Size: 16.3 x 25.3 cm. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H218. ["Garden Figure" (Eliz
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H218. ["Garden Figure" (Elizabeth Woodman Burroughs, sculptor), exhibit garden, Palace of Fine Arts.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Doorway. Ruins of bank, sto
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Doorway. Ruins of bank, store and office building.] El Dorado. 1946. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berkeley: [exterior, detail of trellises] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Makeshift shelter for labor
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Makeshift shelter for laborers on a ranch.] Visalia 1908. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Roos House, San Francisco: [
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Roos House, San Francisco: [interior, woman posing in unidentified room] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Court of Four Seasons (Henr
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Court of Four Seasons (Henry Bacon, architect). Colonnade topped with "Feast of the Sacrifice" (Albert Jaegers, sculptor), illuminated.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H160. [Italian Pavilion.]
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H160. [Italian Pavilion.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Typical Mexican family - in
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Typical Mexican family - in one room shack. Some sleep in the two beds - the others sleep on the floor. S.E.R.A. Photo, 4/17/35 |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Store fronts from across st
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Store fronts from across street.] Foresthill. 1963. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Main Street. Sutter Creek. 1
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Main Street. Sutter Creek. 1939. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Spring, 1936, Kern County. A
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Spring, 1936, Kern County. A makeshift privy serving squatters in a camp near Weedpatch. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Water well, Section 11-24-18
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Water well, Section 11-24-18. Used for watering sheep. Good drinking water. Stands in well about 30 feet below surface. Possible source of supply for us though 5 miles from camp. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
[H332? "Fountain of the Sett
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[H332? "Fountain of the Setting Sun" (Adolph A. Weinmann, sculptor), Court of the Universe (McKim, Mead and White, architects, "The Star" figure, along top of colonnade, by A. Stirling Calder.).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
H278. [Court of the Universe
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H278. [Court of the Universe (McKim, Mead and White, Architects). "Water" (Robert I. Aitken, sculptor), Arch of the Rising Sun, topped with "The Nations of the East" (A. Stirling Calder, Leo Lentelli, Frederick G. R. Roth, sculptors), illuminated.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
View from location of the ol
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
View from location of the old oil well number one, and is looking toward the south.The immediate foreground is underlain by vaqueros shales in the trough of the syncline that passes through this point. The lefthand background shows the west end of Red Mountain anticline. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Casitas, lowering 20 foot st
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Casitas, lowering 20 foot stem to derrick |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H24. [Hedge, South Garden, d
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H24. [Hedge, South Garden, dome of Festival Hall in background.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H436. [Colonnade, California
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H436. [Colonnade, California Building.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H38. [Colonnade, Court of Pa
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H38. [Colonnade, Court of Palms (George W. Kelham, architect).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Stage Stop. Goodyear's Bar.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Stage Stop. Goodyear's Bar. 1954. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Tank wagon loading oil at In
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Tank wagon loading oil at Independent Producers Pipe Line on Section 32. Large tank 35,000 bbls. Smaller tanks owned by oil companies buying fuel. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Palace of Fine Arts, San Fra
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco: [detail of sculpture, rotunda exterior] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
La Belle number three gas re
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
La Belle number three gas regulator. December 14, 1914 |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Chinatown, Los Angeles. 1911
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Chinatown, Los Angeles. 1911. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Fendler house: [exterior, ga
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Fendler house: [exterior, gate] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H135. [Beneath Arch of the R
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H135. [Beneath Arch of the Rising Sun (McKim, Mead and White, architects).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H425. [Colonnade and rotunda
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H425. [Colonnade and rotunda, Palace of Fine Arts (Bernard R. Maybeck, architect).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H322. ["Beauty and the Beast
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H322. ["Beauty and the Beast" fountain (Edgar Walter, sculptor), Italian Tower, Court of Flowers (George W. Kelham, architect), corner dome, Festival Hall (Robert Farquhar, architect), left distance.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H215. ["The Genius of Creati
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H215. ["The Genius of Creation" (Daniel Chester French, sculptor), at entrance to Palace of Machinery.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Bingham house, Santa Barbara
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Bingham house, Santa Barbara [exterior, yard and rear of house] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H84. [Lagoon and colonnade,
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H84. [Lagoon and colonnade, Palace of Fine Arts (Bernard R. Maybeck, architect).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
"Blanket Stiff". [Man carryi
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
"Blanket Stiff". [Man carrying bedroll on his back.], "Blanket Stiff". [Two men carrying bedrolls on their backs.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Chick house, Oakland: [inter
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Chick house, Oakland: [interior, fireplace in living room] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Casitas, rock ridge we had t
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Casitas, rock ridge we had to cut away to get to well |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
H442. [Colonnade, Court of t
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H442. [Colonnade, Court of the Universe (McKim, Mead and White, architects).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
[Native Sons of the Golden W
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Native Sons of the Golden West building, formerly Wells Fargo office.] Hornitos. 1940. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
H209. ["A Faun's Toilet" (At
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H209. ["A Faun's Toilet" (Attilio Piccirilli, sculptor), exhibit garden, Palace of Fine Arts.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Chinese, San Francisco. [Peo
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Chinese, San Francisco. [People gathered on street corner.], Chinese. San Francisco. [Chinese boys and men on sidewalk, Chinatown.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
North-east view of Temecola
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
North-east view of Temecola Valley, 10 miles west of San Luis Rey. South-Cala. scenery. Excursion of 1871. Group remodelled with the aid of W.H. Hilton. Temecola Valley lands. The refuge and abode of San Diego and San Luis Rey Indians, after many years occupancy threatened with expropriation. Date: 1871 Size: 14.6 x 21 cm. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
New ironclad barn with corra
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
New ironclad barn with corral. October 27, 1911 |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Lohry's store. Lotus. 1963.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Lohry's store. Lotus. 1963. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[H358? "The End of the Trail
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[H358? "The End of the Trail" (James Earle Fraser, sculptor). Tower of Jewels (Thomas Hastings, architect), illuminated, in background.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
La Belle looking south. Twen
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
La Belle looking south. Twenty five Hill in distance |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H78. [South facade, Palace o
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H78. [South facade, Palace of Varied Industries, (W.B. Faville, architect). "Man with the Pick" figure (Ralph Stackpole, sculptor).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H106. ["Autumn" (Furio Picci
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H106. ["Autumn" (Furio Piccirilli, sculptor), northeast corner, Court of Four Seasons.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Spring, 1936, Kern County. A
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Spring, 1936, Kern County. Arvin Migratory Labor Camp - Recreation Platform |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berkeley: [exterior, view of pergola] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Roos House, San Francisco: [
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Roos House, San Francisco: [interior, conference room] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Doorway, ruins of unidentif
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Doorway, ruins of unidentified building.] Hornitos. 1940. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berkeley: [exterior] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H53. [Colonnade, Court of th
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H53. [Colonnade, Court of the Universe (McKim, Mead and White architects).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H124. [Japanese Gardens.]
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H124. [Japanese Gardens.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Fire house. Auburn. 1963.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Fire house. Auburn. 1963. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Cathedral Rocks. Valley of t
The Bancroft Library.
Title |
Cathedral Rocks. Valley of the Yosemite. 2600 Feet High. No. 7. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
California Counties Oil Comp
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
California Counties Oil Company Boilers set. Stacks on the ground. Connections partially complete. April 25, 1911. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
San Francisco Jap town. [Jap
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
San Francisco Jap town. [Japanese commercial district.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Load ten inch casing, two jo
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Load ten inch casing, two joints 21 feet 9 inches long, weight 5,800 pounds September 21, 1911 |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
H210. [ "An Outcast" (Attili
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H210. [ "An Outcast" (Attilio Piccirilli, sculptor), exhibit garden, Palace of Fine Arts.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
H15. [Colonnade, Court of th
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H15. [Colonnade, Court of the Universe (McKim, Mead and White, architects).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H39. ["Cortez" (Charles Nieh
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H39. ["Cortez" (Charles Niehaus, sculptor) and colonnade, south facade, Tower of Jewels (Thomas Hastings, architect).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Side of wooden house.] Roug
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Side of wooden house.] Rough & Ready. 1946. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Ridge looking toward Casitas
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Ridge looking toward Casitas pass near the oil spring on branch of Coyote Creek |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H292. [Denmark Building.]
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H292. [Denmark Building.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Ruins of unidentified stone
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Ruins of unidentified stone building.] Shingle Springs. 1949. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Old pioneer saloon. Columbia
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Old pioneer saloon. Columbia. 1945. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Street scene.] Columbia. 19
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Street scene.] Columbia. 1945. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H395. ["Fountain of the Risi
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H395. ["Fountain of the Rising Sun" (Adolph A. Weinman, sculptor). "Fountain of the Setting Sun" (also by Calder) and Arch of The Setting Sun, topped with "The Nations of the West" (A. Stirling Calder, Leo Lentelli, and Frederick G.R. Roth, sculptors) in distance. Court of the Universe (Mckim, Mead and White, architects).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Same. Well ten minutes later
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Same. Well ten minutes later shooting gas,water and oil through six inch connection under heavy gas pressure. June 6, 1912 |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Solaro's Hotel. North San Ju
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Solaro's Hotel. North San Juan. 1939. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Miocene Oil Company's well n
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Miocene Oil Company's well number two, flowing 7,000 bbls. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Palace of Fine Arts, San Fra
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco: [detail of facade, rotunda exterior] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Removing debris at engine Ma
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Removing debris at engine March 1, 1914 |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Palace of Fine Arts, San Fra
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco: [view of rotunda and pond] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Dr. H.A. Miller & Shima and
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Dr. H.A. Miller & Shima and Jap laborers near Stockton. [Laborers and ranch owners.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berkeley: [interior, fireplace] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Jap farm house, near Sacrame
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Jap farm house, near Sacramento, Cal. [Housing for Japanese farm laborers.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Wild Cat Fall. Valley of the
The Bancroft Library.
Title |
Wild Cat Fall. Valley of the Yosemite. No. 30. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. |
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berkeley: [exterior, view of vines and windows] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
[Horses hauling wagon]
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Horses hauling wagon] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
[Unidentified man.] Coloma.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Unidentified man.] Coloma. 1947. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
View from the cemetery. Nort
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
View from the cemetery. North San Juan. 1946. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
[Buildings along street.] Ja
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Buildings along street.] Jamestown. 1933. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Roos House, San Francisco: [
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Roos House, San Francisco: [interior, detail of staircase] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Chapel and principal buildin
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Chapel and principal buildings of the Ex-Mission San Fernando. [Founded] 1798. Instances of extreme old age. Genl. D. Andres Pico, with his adoptive daughter, visiting the quarters of the aged Sn. Fernando Indians. The oldest surviving mission-Indians of California. Alifonso' 130 (by computation) Agapito' 115, the first adult gentil [sic] baptized [sic] here, (then a grandfather). Their wives also abt. 100 years old. (cf. Vischer Missions no. 12) Date: 1865 Size: 16.8 x 25.5 cm. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Roos House, San Francisco: [
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Roos House, San Francisco: [exterior, detail of wooden railing] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H296. [Court of the Universe
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H296. [Court of the Universe (McKim, Mead and White, architects).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Hill Hotel. El Dorado. 1949.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Hill Hotel. El Dorado. 1949. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Emporium building.] Jamesto
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Emporium building.] Jamestown. 1946. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
County Road where it passes
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
County Road where it passes through the Ranch Buildings |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Chinatown. Merced, Cal.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Chinatown. Merced, Cal. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H179. [Colonnade, Court of A
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H179. [Colonnade, Court of Abundance (Louis Christian Mullgardt, architect).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H421. [Colonnade, Court of t
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H421. [Colonnade, Court of the Universe (McKim, Mead and White, architects.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Tutokanula. Valley of the Yo
The Bancroft Library.
Title |
Tutokanula. Valley of the Yosemite. The Great Chief "El Capitain." 3500 Feet High. No. 9. (2 copies) |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Spire, unidentified buildin
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Spire, unidentified building.] Nevada City. 1938. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
["Winter" fountain (Furio Pi
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
["Winter" fountain (Furio Piccirilli, sculptor), southeast corner, Court of Four Seasons (Henry Bacon, architect).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H234. [Court of Palms and It
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H234. [Court of Palms and Italian Tower (George W. Kelham, architect), as seen from "Niche of Ceres," Court of Four Seasons.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
The Pompoms. Valley of the Y
The Bancroft Library.
Title |
The Pompoms. Valley of the Yosemite. The Jumping Frogs Reflected. No. 13. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Ruins of the Ex-Mission of L
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Ruins of the Ex-Mission of La Purisima Concepcion. Drawn between 1 & 6 of April '78. The last stone to the temple. After a photograph, the valuable contribution of Mrs. Josephine Bishop completing the mission collection on Author's 70th birthday. Photograph of 1876. Date of foundation Dec. 8, 1787. Date: April 1-6, 1878 Size: 16.4 x 24.6 cm. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
[Locomotive on display.] Cou
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Locomotive on display.] Coulterville. 1950. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
H96. [Beneath Tower of Jewel
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H96. [Beneath Tower of Jewels (Thomas Hastings, architect). "Gateway of All Nations" mural (William de Leftwich Dodge, painter), "Fountain of Youth" (Edith Woodman Burroughs, sculptor) in distant niche.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Spring, 1935, Hooverville, K
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Spring, 1935, Hooverville, Kern County. On highway north of Bakersfield. Hand made camp stove, made by a stranded worker out of sheet iron gathered from automobile bodies found in the city dump. Contains a grate, oven and door latch. Sold at $3.50. Kept this man off relief. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Oscar Maurer studio, Berkele
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Oscar Maurer studio, Berkeley: [exterior, view of front room] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Camp of Equitable Petroleum
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Camp of Equitable Petroleum Company, Section ten. June 2, 1912 |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Rose Walk, Berkeley: [path a
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Rose Walk, Berkeley: [path and streetlamp] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Roos House, San Francisco: [
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Roos House, San Francisco: [exterior, view of upper story] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
H355. ["The Net," panel of m
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H355. ["The Net," panel of mural "Water" (Frank Brangwyn, painter), colonnade, Court of Abundance.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Roos House, San Francisco: [
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Roos House, San Francisco: [exterior, detail of upper story] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Specially made 10 inch bit,
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Specially made 10 inch bit, Casitas |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[General Store.] Foresthill.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[General Store.] Foresthill. 1963. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Stone store w. gas pump. Was
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Stone store w. gas pump. Washington [Nevada County, Calif.] 1954. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Spring, 1936, Kern County. A
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Spring, 1936, Kern County. Arvin Migratory Labor Camp - Campers volunteer labor in improving entrance to camp. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |