Show Less
A.L. Bancroft
Aalto, Alvar
Abbatini, Guid
Adler and Sull
Aelst, Pieter
African (gener
AFSP (Atelier
Agesandros of
Agostino di Du
Akpaliapik, Man
Albacini, Carl
Albanese, Giova
Alberti, Antoni
Alexander Cons
Alexsavich, B.
Alfonzo, Carlo
Alfred L. Kroe
Alfred L. Kroe
Alfred L. Kro
Algardi, Aless
Alleyn, Edmund
Allori, Alessa
Almerico di Ven
Almerico, Paol
American India
Ammannati, Ba
Ancient Greek
Ancient Roman
Ando, Tadao
Andrea da Fire
Angelico, Fra
Anna H. Gayton
Ansel Adams
Anthony & Bake
Antiochus of At
Apollonia di G
Apollonios of
Apollonios of
Arcimboldi, Gi
Arconati, Coun
Arellano, Juan
Armstead, Hen
Arnoldi, Alber
Arnolfo di Cam
art historian
Artisan Homes
Asprucci, Anto
Asprucci, Mari
Atelier In Sit
Athanadoros of
Athey, Ron
Augustus, Empe
Aurora Painter
Aveele, Johann
Avellino, Domi
Ayres, Thomas A
B. L. Single
B. W. Kilburn
B.F. Butler's L
B.F. White, Ph
B.W. Kilburn
Baker, George H
Baker, George
Bandinelli, Ba
Barbaro, Daniel
Barbaro, Marc'A
Barber & Baker
Barbiano di Bel
Barbiano di Bel
Barbiano di Bel
Barili, Antonio
Barnes, Edward
Baronzio, Giov
Barrière, Domi
Bartolommeo, F
Basaiti, Marco
Basquiat, Jean-
Behnisch und P
Belgian (moder
Bella, Gabriele
Bellini, Genti
Bellini, Giova
Belluschi, Piet
Benedetto da M
Benes, Barton
Berenson, Bern
Berg, Copy
Bernini, Gian
Bernini, Pietr
Bert Underwood
Bettini, Franc
Bicci di Loren
Bierstadt, Albe
Bird, John
Bird, John_ : K
Bizzacheri, Car
Bofill, Ricard
Bohlin, Cywins
Bommer, John
Bonino da Camp
Bonnard, Jacqu
Borghese, Camil
Borghese, Giov
Borghese, Marc
Borghese, Scip
Borghese, Scip
Borrero, Angel
Borromeo, Carl
Borromeo, Gibe
Borromeo, Vita
Bosqui Eng. &
Botticelli, Sa
Bouchard, Henri
Boucher, John
Boyle, Bern
Bracci, Pietro
Bradley & Rulof
Brainard, Joe
Brandani, Fede
Brandard, J., l
Bregno, Andrea
Brigandi, : O
Brigandi, Phi
Brigandi, Phil
Brigandi, Phil
Brigandi, Phi
Brigandi_ : K
Briggs, Thomas
British (moder
Britton & Rey
Britton & Rey
Britton & Rey
Britton, Rey &
Brock, Garrett
Bronzino, Agno
Brown, Gary
Brown, Rodney
Bruce A. Hardy
Brusasorci, Do
Brusca, Jack
Buczak, Brian
Buonarroti, M
Burton, Scott
Butler, B. F. (
Butterworth, J.
C. H. Graves
C. Hart Merria
C. Hart Merria
Caffi, Ippolito
Caja, Jerome
Calandrino, Pa
Calatrava Vall
Camerer, Eugene
Cameron, John
Canina, Luigi
Cannon Dashiel
Canova, Antoni
Capponi, March
Capriani, Franc
Caravaggio, Mi
Caris, Valerie
Carle, Luis
Carpaccio, Vit
Carpeaux, Jean-
Carracci, Annib
Cassidy, Gerald
Castagno, And
Castell, Rober
Cati, Pasquale
Cavalcanti, And
CDI (Creative
Cellini, Benve
Central Africa
Ch'en Hung-sho
Cha, Theresa
Chagall, Marc
Chalgrin, Jean
Charles Rotkin
Chastain Haag,
Cherone, Peter
Cheung, H. Ala
Chirico, Giorg
Choris, Ludwig
Circignani, An
Civita Architec
Clement VIII,
Clericho, Lucha
Coggins, Leola
Coghetti, Franc
Coit, Daniel W
Colonna, Franc
Como, Tomaso d
Compton, Walte
Conca, Tommaso
Cooke & Le Cou
Cooper, George
Cooper, J., en
Coppi, Giacomo
Corduba, Franc
Cormont, Thoma
Cornacchini, A
Corso di Buono
Cortes, Jose L
Corti, Bob
Cortona, Pietr
Cosimo I, Gran
Cratsley, Bruc
Credi, Lorenzo
Crescenzi, Pie
Cresy, Edward
Crivelli, Anto
Crivelli, Carl
Cullum, Willia
Currier & Ives
Currier & Ives
Currier, Natha
Curtis, Leland
D'Este, Alessan
D'Este, Ippol
D. Appleton & C
D. P. Mossman
D.H. Ashton
Dahlbergh, Eric
Dal Re, Marc'A
DalÃ, Salvador
Danti, Vincenz
David Baker Ar
David W. Peri,
Davidson, Cynt
Davis, John B.
De Hoyos, Joe
Della Bella, St
Della Valle, F
Deneault, Jaso
Department of
DeSana, Jimmy
Desiderio da S
Dimakopoulos, D
Diodati, Ottav
Dioskourides o
Ditson, Oliver
Doidalsas of Bi
Dorothea La
Downey, Gail
Downing, Andre
Duca, Giacomo
Duca, Giacomo d
Dugdale, John
E. A. Ingram
E. L. Bowers
E. L. Fisher
E.H. Kemp, Phot
Eades, Larry
Earley, Sean
Eastman, Harri
Edo (African cu
Edward Sapir, B
Edward W. giffo
Edward W. gif
Egyptian (anci
Egyptian (mode
Eldridge_ : Ke
Elliott, Willia
Emmert, Paul,
Eric Davy, AIA
Erminie W. Voe
Eugene Golomsh
Eugene R. Prin
Eyck, Jan van
F. White
F.E. Clements,
Falda, Giovann
Farber, Robert
Farnese, Aless
Faulk, David
Faulkner, Juli
Feher, Tony
Fel'ten, Yury
Felici, Vincen
Fern, Arnold
Ferran, Augusto
Ferrando, Migu
Ferrari, Gaude
Fisher, E.L._
Flack, Robert
Fontaine, Pier
Fontaine, Pier
Fontana, Carlo
Fontana, Prosp
Ford, Henry Ch
Forlì, Melozzo
Foster, Norman
Fourdrinier, P
Francesca, Pi
Francia, Franc
Francis Dare
Fraser, James
Frederick Will
Freeman, Marti
Friedlander, L
Félibien, Andr
G.F. Nesbitt &
Gaddi, Taddeo
Gagliardi, Fili
Gagliardo, Pirr
Galt (active c
Gambara, Giova
Garcia Latex, M
Garzoni, Roman
Gauguin, Paul
Gaulli, Giovan
Gehry, Frank
Gens, Mark
Gensler (Firm)
Gentile da Fab
George Cruiksh
George Humphre
George Lewis
Gerini, Niccol
Gerron, Christ
Ghiberti, Lor
Ghinucci, Toma
Gifford, Charle
Gifford, Charl
Gilchrist, Sc
Gill, Irving J
Giordano, Luca
Giovanni da Udi
Giovanni dal Po
Giulio Romano
Giulio Romano (
Gizdulich, Fran
Glover, Edwin
Glover, Edwin S
Glykon of Athe
Goddard, George
Goes, Hugo van
Gogh, Vincent
Gonzalez, Rubi
González de Le
Goodman, Ken
Gozzoli, Benoz
Gran Fury
Grandjean de M
Grasso, Lauren
Graves, C.H.
Gray, M. (activ
Greek (ancien
Greek (modern)
Greenberg, Max
Greene, Tony
Greenwood, Jam
Gris, Juan
Guazzi, Anselm
Guberman, Rebe
Guicciardini &
Guimard, Hecto
H. C. White
H. M. Jordan
H.J. Biddle, Do
H.S. Crocker &
Hadrian, Emper
Hagemeyer, J
Hansen, James
Hansen, Russ
Hargreaves Ass
Haring, Keith
Harry L. Samp
Hartley, Marsd
Hawksmoor, Nic
Helen Nestor
Heliodoros of
Henry VI, King
Hetzel Design
Hill, Frank
Hill, Thomas (1
Hittell, Charl
Hittell, Charl
Hohenems, Mark
Holcomb, Chet
Holland_ : Key
Holliday, Fran
Hood, Raymond
Hooten, Jerry
Hoyer, Joel
Huang Shen
Hujar, Peter
Humphries, W. (
Hutchings, J.
Incerti, W. Be
Indian (South
Isozaki, Arata
Israel, Frank
Iwata, Jack,
J. Alden Mason
Jacopo di Cione
Jacopo, Fra
Jaime de Angul
James C. Saw
James C. Sawyer
Jayavarman VI
Jefferson, Aff
Jefferson, Tho
Jellicoe, Geof
Jen Hsiung
Jester, David
Jocelyn, Tim
Joel W. Hedgp
John VII, Pope
Johns, Jasper
Johnson & Burg
Johnson, Phili
Johnstone, Mic
Jones, Seth C.
Jordan, : Origi
Jordan_ : Keys
Josepha Havem
Julius III, Po
Jump, Edward (
Jump, Frank H.
Justh, Quirot &
K. Hovnanian H
K.W. Fasold
Kaliades, Lesl
Katsushika Hoku
Key, John Ross
Koch, Augustus
Kohn Pederson
Koons, Jeff
Kostovny, Ken
Krisel, Willia
Kuchel & Drese
Kuchel & Drese
Kuchel, C. C.
Kuchel, C. C.
Kundoo, Anupam
L. Prang & Co.
Laboureur, Ale
Lachaise, Gast
Lamberti, Nicc
Lan Ying
Landi, Nerocci
landscape arc
Lanfranco, Gio
Langsdorff Gro
Langsdorff, Ge
Lapi, Zanobi
Larabee, John
Laurana, Franc
Laurence, Jane
Laurens, Henri
Lauri, Filippo
Lawrie, Lee Os
Le Blond, Aubr
Leduc, Fernand
Lee, David
Lee, Michael
Legorreta, Rob
Legros, Pierre,
Leitch, R. P.
Leiter, Jonath
Lemay et associ
Lemoins, Nance
Lenné, Peter J
Leonardi, Dome
Leonardo da Vi
Leoni, Giacomo
Lesnick, John
Lewis, Samuel
Li Fang-ying
Lida, Marc
Lightner, Edwa
Ligorio, Pirro
Lim, Kek Tee
Linwood, Ellio
Lipchitz, Jacqu
Lippi, Annibale
Lippi, Filipp
Lippi, Filippo
Lippo Memmi
Lironi, Giusep
Longhena, Bald
Loomis, Pascal
Loomis, Pascal
Lopez, Marcos
Lorenzetti, Am
Lorenzetti, Pie
Lorenzi, Batti
Lotto, Lorenzo
Ludovisi, Bern
Luzarches, Rob
Léger, Fernand
Maccarone, Cur
Maceri, Bill
Maderno, Carlo
Maffei, Andrea
Maggi, Giovann
Mallo, Maruja
Manning, Warren
Mantegna, And
Mantovano, Rin
Marchetti, Gio
Marini, Marino
Marq, Charles
Marquier, Luis
Marryat, Franc
Martini, Arturo
Martini, Simon
Mary Jean Kenn
Master of Fitz
Master of Sant'
Master of the F
Mather, Willia
Matisse, Henri
McArthur, Albe
McCarron, Tim
McIntosh, Jame
McMurtrie, Wil
McMurtrie, Wi
Medici, Cosimo
Medici, Ferdin
Medici, Giovan
Medici, Giulio
Meier, Richard
Melano, Lino
Mendoza, Rogel
Merl La Voy
Merl Lavoy
Mesa, Mundo
Meucci, Vincen
Michelozzo di
Michelozzo di
Mies van der Ro
Miller, Alfred
Miniato, Pietro
Miró, Joán
Mitchell, Joan
Mitchell, Mich
Mitoraj, Igor
Miyake, Issey
Mochi, Frances
Mochis, Corrad
Moderati, Fran
Molner, Eric
Monaco, Lorenz
Monet, Claude
Monroe, Ronald
Monroe, Steve
Montferrand, Au
Moore, Edwin S
Moore, Frank
Moore, Rob
Moretti, Raymo
Morin, Ricardo
Morrisroe, Mar
Mosca, Simone
Moser, Kolo
Mottis, Cristo
Moucheron, Isa
Mozzanica, Ago
Muramoto, Wal
N. A. Forsyth
Nagel, Louis (
Nahl, Charles
Nahl, Charles
Naldini, Giova
Nancy de Angul
Nanni di Bacci
Nanni di Banco
Nardo, Mariott
Nash, John
Natalini, Adol
Native America
Neel, Alice
Nellie T. McG
Nelson, David
Neri di Bicci
Nicholson Earl
Nicolaus and Jo
Niquet, Antony
Noisy Carrier'
Northrop, Agnes
Nouvel, Jean
Novius Plautius
Nystrom, Charle
Oliver, Willia
Organization fo
Orlovsky, Boris
Ottaviano Riar
Pacetti, Vince
Paiement, Alain
Palladio, Andr
Pamphili, Cami
Parker, Mike
Parker, Robert
Parler family
Parodi, Giovan
Paron, Mark
Parrish, Maxfi
Parsons, Charl
Parsons, Charle
Paul I, Pope
Paul S. Taylor
Peabody_ : Ke
Penck, A. R.
Penni, Giovan
Percier, Charl
Perelle, Adam
Perelle, Gabri
Perelle, Nicol
Perino del Vag
Perkins & Will
Persius, Ludwi
Peruzzi, Bald
Peter, Wenzel
Philip Briga
Philip M. Jone
Philip, John
Philoxenos of
Pia, Luciano
Piano, Renzo
Picasso, Pabl
Pierantoni, Gio
Pieratti, Domen
Piero di Cosim
Pillement, Vic
Pimenov, Stepa
Pin, Hsieh
Pinsent, Cecil
Piranesi, Franc
Piranesi, Giova
Pirolo, Philip
Pisano, Andrea
Pisano, Giovan
Pisano, Nicola
Pisano, Nino
Pittman, Lari
Pius II, Pope
Platt, Charles
Pliny E. Godd
Pliny, the You
Podesti, Franc
Pollaiuolo, An
Pollard & Britt
Polydoros of R
Ponce de León,
Ponzio, Flamin
Popick, Tara
Porta, Giacomo
Porta, Giovann
Pozzo, Andrea
Pradier, James
Primaticcio, F
Princess Ghyka
published by Ni
Purvis, Tag
Pécheux, Lauren
Pépin, Lysanne
Quirot & Compa
R.W. Caldwell
Raffaello, San
Raffins_ : Key
Raggi, Antonio
Ralph Shanks,
Rastrelli, Bar
Reichle, Hans
Renoir, Pierre
Reva, Jim
Reveron, Domin
Reville, Jean-B
Reyes, David
Reynolds, Kurt
Rhein, Eric
Ricci, Giovann
Richard Conrat
Richärd + Bau
Ridolfi, Barto
Riopelle, Jean
Robbia, Andrea
Robbia, Giovan
Robbia, Luca d
Robert F. Heiz
Roberti, Ercol
Robeski, Danie
Rodriguez, Abn
Rohnacher, Tho
Roman (ancie
Romanelli, Gio
Romano, Antoni
Romano, Stephe
Ron Partridge
Roncalli, Crist
Rondal Partrid
Rosenfield, A.
Rossellino, An
Rossi, Giovann
Rossi, Karl
Rossi, Mariano
Rosso Fiorenti
Rude, François
Rudolph, Paul
Rupalley, Jule
Rupalley, Jule
Russell, Grego
Safdie, Moshe
Saint Cecilia
Salimbeni, Ja
Salimbeni, Lo
Samuel A. Barr
Samuel A. Bar
San (Khoisan-s
Sanchez, Juan
Sangallo, Anto
Sangallo, Giul
Santos, Rene
Sarony & Major
Sarto, Andrea
Sawders, : Orig
Sawders_ : Keys
Saxton T. Pope
Saxton T. Pope
Scamozzi, Vinc
Schiavo, Paolo
Schinkel, Kar
Schwartz, Phil
Scott, Geoffre
Scott, George
Scultori, Giov
Sebastiano del
Selldorf Archi
Senser, Andrea
Sermei, Cesare
Shepherd, John
Shimada, Mori
Signorelli, Lu
Sinclair, Thoma
Singley, : Ori
Sir Norman Fos
Skidmore, Owing
Slocum, Michae
Smyth, William
Smyth, William,
Sogliani, Giov
Solari, Santin
Soleri, Paolo
Soriano, Hecto
Spinello Areti
Stabilito, Jos
Steers, Hugh
Steinegger, He
Stone, Edward D
Stracke_ : Key
Strozzi, Zanob
Sugimoto, Hen
Sun Print (acti
Sykes, John (1
Sykes, John (17
Tacca, Pietro
Tait, A. F. (ac
Tauriskos of T
Taylor, Georg
Taylor, Steed
Thek, Paul
Theodora Kroeb
Thomas T. Wate
Thomas T. Wat
Thorvaldsen, B
Ticciati, Giro
Tiffany Studios
Tino di Camaino
Tintoretto, Ja
Tirali, Andrea
Tisdale, Willi
Tonkin Zulaikh
Treitner, Rich
Tribolo, Nicco
Triggs, H. Ini
Trimmier, Benj
Tseng, K'an
Tseng, Kwong C
Tung Pang-ta
Twiford_ : Key
U.C. Regents
Uccello, Paolo
Underwood_ : U
unknown Ancien
unknown, India
Utagawa Hirosh
Vanni, Raffaell
Varble, Stephen
Vasanzio, Giov
Vasarely, Vict
Vasari, Giorg
Venard, Claude
Venturini, Gio
Verona, Liberal
Veronese, Paol
Verrocchio, An
Vignola, Jaco
Vischer, Edwar
Viti, Timoteo
Vivarini, Alvis
Vivarini, Bart
Vliete, Gillis
Vélez, Wilmer
W. Wright
Wagner, Otto
Walker, Alan
Wallower, Nora
Wang Ch'en
Wang Chien
Wassenhove, Joo
Waugh_ : Keyst
West African (
Western_ : H.C
Wharton, Edith
Wide West Offi
Wikersheim, Fr
Will Bruder +
William D. Str
William Hall &
Williams, Davi
Williams, Will
Winn, Albert J
Wojnarowicz, D
Wong, Martin
Wores, Theodore
Wright, Frank
Young, Laurenc
Yun Shou-p'ing
Zabludovsky, A
Zacharias, Pop
Zelotti, Giova
Zimmerman, Phi
Zuccaro, Feder
Zucchi, Jacopo
Stage Stop. Goodyear's Bar.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Stage Stop. Goodyear's Bar. 1954. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Tank wagon loading oil at In
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Tank wagon loading oil at Independent Producers Pipe Line on Section 32. Large tank 35,000 bbls. Smaller tanks owned by oil companies buying fuel. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Palace of Fine Arts, San Fra
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco: [detail of sculpture, rotunda exterior] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
La Belle number three gas re
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
La Belle number three gas regulator. December 14, 1914 |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Chinatown, Los Angeles. 1911
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Chinatown, Los Angeles. 1911. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Fendler house: [exterior, ga
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Fendler house: [exterior, gate] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H135. [Beneath Arch of the R
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H135. [Beneath Arch of the Rising Sun (McKim, Mead and White, architects).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H425. [Colonnade and rotunda
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H425. [Colonnade and rotunda, Palace of Fine Arts (Bernard R. Maybeck, architect).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H322. ["Beauty and the Beast
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H322. ["Beauty and the Beast" fountain (Edgar Walter, sculptor), Italian Tower, Court of Flowers (George W. Kelham, architect), corner dome, Festival Hall (Robert Farquhar, architect), left distance.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H215. ["The Genius of Creati
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H215. ["The Genius of Creation" (Daniel Chester French, sculptor), at entrance to Palace of Machinery.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Bingham house, Santa Barbara
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Bingham house, Santa Barbara [exterior, yard and rear of house] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H84. [Lagoon and colonnade,
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H84. [Lagoon and colonnade, Palace of Fine Arts (Bernard R. Maybeck, architect).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
"Blanket Stiff". [Man carryi
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
"Blanket Stiff". [Man carrying bedroll on his back.], "Blanket Stiff". [Two men carrying bedrolls on their backs.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Chick house, Oakland: [inter
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Chick house, Oakland: [interior, fireplace in living room] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Casitas, rock ridge we had t
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Casitas, rock ridge we had to cut away to get to well |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
H442. [Colonnade, Court of t
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H442. [Colonnade, Court of the Universe (McKim, Mead and White, architects).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
[Native Sons of the Golden W
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Native Sons of the Golden West building, formerly Wells Fargo office.] Hornitos. 1940. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
H209. ["A Faun's Toilet" (At
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H209. ["A Faun's Toilet" (Attilio Piccirilli, sculptor), exhibit garden, Palace of Fine Arts.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Chinese, San Francisco. [Peo
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Chinese, San Francisco. [People gathered on street corner.], Chinese. San Francisco. [Chinese boys and men on sidewalk, Chinatown.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
North-east view of Temecola
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
North-east view of Temecola Valley, 10 miles west of San Luis Rey. South-Cala. scenery. Excursion of 1871. Group remodelled with the aid of W.H. Hilton. Temecola Valley lands. The refuge and abode of San Diego and San Luis Rey Indians, after many years occupancy threatened with expropriation. Date: 1871 Size: 14.6 x 21 cm. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
New ironclad barn with corra
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
New ironclad barn with corral. October 27, 1911 |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Lohry's store. Lotus. 1963.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Lohry's store. Lotus. 1963. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[H358? "The End of the Trail
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[H358? "The End of the Trail" (James Earle Fraser, sculptor). Tower of Jewels (Thomas Hastings, architect), illuminated, in background.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
La Belle looking south. Twen
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
La Belle looking south. Twenty five Hill in distance |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H78. [South facade, Palace o
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H78. [South facade, Palace of Varied Industries, (W.B. Faville, architect). "Man with the Pick" figure (Ralph Stackpole, sculptor).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H106. ["Autumn" (Furio Picci
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H106. ["Autumn" (Furio Piccirilli, sculptor), northeast corner, Court of Four Seasons.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Spring, 1936, Kern County. A
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Spring, 1936, Kern County. Arvin Migratory Labor Camp - Recreation Platform |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berkeley: [exterior, view of pergola] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Roos House, San Francisco: [
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Roos House, San Francisco: [interior, conference room] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Doorway, ruins of unidentif
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Doorway, ruins of unidentified building.] Hornitos. 1940. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
First Church of Christ, Scie
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Berkeley: [exterior] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H53. [Colonnade, Court of th
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H53. [Colonnade, Court of the Universe (McKim, Mead and White architects).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H124. [Japanese Gardens.]
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H124. [Japanese Gardens.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Fire house. Auburn. 1963.
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Fire house. Auburn. 1963. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Cathedral Rocks. Valley of t
The Bancroft Library.
Title |
Cathedral Rocks. Valley of the Yosemite. 2600 Feet High. No. 7. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
California Counties Oil Comp
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
California Counties Oil Company Boilers set. Stacks on the ground. Connections partially complete. April 25, 1911. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
San Francisco Jap town. [Jap
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
San Francisco Jap town. [Japanese commercial district.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Load ten inch casing, two jo
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Load ten inch casing, two joints 21 feet 9 inches long, weight 5,800 pounds September 21, 1911 |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
H210. [ "An Outcast" (Attili
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H210. [ "An Outcast" (Attilio Piccirilli, sculptor), exhibit garden, Palace of Fine Arts.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
H15. [Colonnade, Court of th
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H15. [Colonnade, Court of the Universe (McKim, Mead and White, architects).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H39. ["Cortez" (Charles Nieh
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H39. ["Cortez" (Charles Niehaus, sculptor) and colonnade, south facade, Tower of Jewels (Thomas Hastings, architect).] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Side of wooden house.] Roug
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Side of wooden house.] Rough & Ready. 1946. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Ridge looking toward Casitas
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
Ridge looking toward Casitas pass near the oil spring on branch of Coyote Creek |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
H292. [Denmark Building.]
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
H292. [Denmark Building.] |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |
Harry L. Sampson
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Harry L. Sampson |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
[Ruins of unidentified stone
The Bancroft Library. Univer
Title |
[Ruins of unidentified stone building.] Shingle Springs. 1949. |
Current Location |
The Bancroft Library. University of California, Berkeley. |