Show Less
. Silver gela
10 plastic pag
11 black and wh
11 strips of b
12 black and w
13 black and w
16 black and w
2 black and whi
25 black and w
26 black and w
26 photocopies
30 color slide
31 color slide
35 mm
35mm film
37 black and w
38 color slide
48 black and w
54 color slide
8 black and wh
8 color slides.
A black binder
Acrylic on ca
Acrylic on lin
Acrylic on maso
Acrylic on new
Acrylic on pap
Acrylic on wood
Acrylic revers
Acrylic, ename
ADOX KB 21 fil
ADOX R 21 film
Agfa film
Agfa Isopan I
Agfa L IF fil
Agfa L Isopan
Agfa L Isopan
Agfa L ISS fil
Agfa L ISU fi
Agfa nitrate f
Agfa Safety Fi
Agfa Superpan
Agfa Superpassp
Agricultural b
Agricultural l
Alberti, Leon
album leaves:
album: ink and
album: ink and
album: ink on
altar (religio
amphitheater (
An envelope wit
Ansco Safety F
Ansco Super Hy
Ansco Superpan
apartment hou
Apollo (Greek
Architectural s
Arconati famil
Arcrylic and p
art museum
Artificial wat
Artist book
Artist book. B
Artist book. H
Artist book. S
artist's book,
assemblage (sc
Atlas (Greek m
atlas (support
Axes (open sp
B/W gelatin si
B/W offset
B/W photograph
B/W Print
back tension l
bank (buildin
Barbarini famil
Barbiani di Bel
Barco (Villa L
bas-relief (s
batik tulis
Bird's-eye vie
Black and whit
Black and whit
black and whi
Black and whit
Black ink and
Black press ty
Blood on rice
Borders (Ornam
Borghese famil
Borghese Famil
Borromeo famil
Boskets (bosqu
Boundary walls
Bowling greens
bracket (struc
bridge (built
broadcasting s
Cabinets (garde
Canopy trees
cap batik
capital (colum
capital city
Capponi family
Capponi Family
carousel (ride
cartoon (work
Carved acrylic
Casinos (garde
cast (sculptur
castle (fortif
Ceiling paintin
ceremonial mas
Cerretani fami
chair (furnitu
chapel (room
Children playi
choir loft
Cibachrome glos
Cibachrome prin
ciborium (stru
cista (toiletry
Cities and tow
city gate
city hall
Coats of arms
coffer (ceiling
collage (visua
Collage on pape
Color photo
Color photocop
Color photogra
column (archit
Columns (archi
compound vault
concert hall
condominium (
Conti family
continuous sup
copy negative
Cortile del Bel
costume (char
cotton fabric
cotton thread
Country houses
cremation urn
Crescenzi, Pie
decorative arts
Decorative Ar
Deer park (Vil
Del Monte fami
devotional imag
Diana (Roman d
Digital print
dining room
Dionysus (Gree
dome (architec
Doric order
dormitory (bui
double ikat
drawing (visu
drawing on pape
drawing on pape
drawing on pap
drawing on pap
drawing on pap
drawing on pa
drawing on pap
drawing on pap
drawing on pa
drawing on tint
drawing on tint
drawing on tin
drawing on tint
drawing on tin
Drawings and W
Eastman 35mm
Eastman 35mm
Eastman nitrat
Eastman Safe
Eastman Super-
Eating and dri
engraving (pr
Engraving (pr
equestrian st
Erie, Lake
etching (print
Etching with h
excavation (s
Exedrae (site e
exhibition bui
fabric, cotton
factory (struct
Farnese family
Fashion, Cost
Felt tip pen on
film photone
First terrace
Fishponds (art
float weave
floor (surfac
Floor plans
Florence (Ital
Flower beds
Flower gardens
Flowers (plant
Formal garden,
Formal gardens
forum (open sp
Found objects
Fourth terrace
frame loom
frame loom(?)
Frascati (Italy
fresco (pain
Fresco paintin
frieze (entabl
Fruit trees
Full-color woo
gable (archite
Gambara family
Gambara Family
Garden and Lan
Garden sculpt
garden structu
Garden viewin
Gardener's Hou
Gevaert film
Gevaert Safety
Gianicolo (hil
Gianicolo (Rom
Giardini segr
Giardino di Bo
glass beads
glass negative
glass plate ne
Glyphograph wit
Godi family
gold metallic t
Golden age
Gouache on pape
Graphic Design
Graphite on pa
Graphite on vel
Gwinn (Clevela
Gwinn (residenc
Hadrian's Vil
Hadrian, Emper
hand coloring
hand sewn
hand spun
hand woven
handspun cott
Handwritten tex
Handwritten tex
hanging scroll
hanging scroll:
hanging scroll
hanging scroll
hanging scroll:
Heemstede (Utr
Herb gardens
Herbaceous bor
Hercules (Roma
Hippodromes (g
historic site
Holly (ilex)
holy water sto
Horace's Villa
hotel (public
housing proje
Hudson River (
Hunting parks
ideal city
Ilford Hyperse
illuminated man
Imperial (Roma
indigo dye
inhabited plac
Initials (Layou
ink and color o
ink and colors
ink and gouach
ink on paper
ink, gouache,
Ink, photo sil
installation (
Isola Bella (L
Keys (texts)
Kodak 35mm T
Kodak Panchro
Kodak Panchro
Kodak Plus X
Kodak Plus X
Kodak Safet
Kodak Super X
Kodak Tri X P
Kythera Island
landscape arch
Landscape descr
Lantern slide
Lapi family
Lapi Family
Laurentian Vil
lavabo (sink)
Letters (corres
Letters of Pli
library (buil
Lino cut
Lino cut on jap
Lucca (Italy)
machine woven
magazine (perio
Mail Art
Manuscripts and
maquette (scul
Mario, Monte (
Maze gardens
Medici family
Medici Family
Medicinal plant
metallic threa
Mixed media
Mixed media ins
Mixed media on
Mixed media on
Mixed media, ce
Mixed medium an
mixed-use dev
model (represe
Montalto family
Monte Pincio
morinda dye
mosaic (visua
Mosaic floors
Mount Helicon
Mount Parnassu
multimedia wor
mural paintin
Mural painting
Muses (Greek d
Musical Instrum
nassa shell
necropolis (cem
Neptune (Roman
nitrate film
office buildi
Offset lithogr
Oil and encaust
Oil crayon
Oil on canvas
oil on canvas
oil on canvas,
Oil on linen
Oil on paper
Oil on vellum
Oil on wood
Oil on wood pan
Oil pastel
Oil, wax on bo
Oplontis (Torr
opus sectile (
Orpheus (Greek
Outdoor furnitu
Outdoor recrea
Ovid, 43 B.C.-
painting (vi
painting on bo
painting on can
painting on ca
painting on pap
painting on pa
painting on pa
Palazzo Farnese
Palazzo Mondrag
Palladian land
Pamphili famil
Pamphili Famil
panel painti
Papal palaces
Papal villas
Paper collage
park (recreati
Park Charlotte
Park Sanssouci
Parks (grounds
Parks (Grounds)
Parks (recreat
Parterres de b
Pastel on pape
Pavilions (gar
Pegasus (Greek
Pen and ink
Pen and ink on
Pen, ink, penc
Pencil on grap
Peristyles (col
Philippe I [Mo
Photographic ph
Photographic p
Piranesi, Giova
plain weave
Plans (drawing
Planters (con
Pleasure garde
Pliny the Youn
Polaroid pictu
Polymer resin
Polyphemus (Gre
Pompeii (extinc
Pools (artific
Porcelain and c
Potted plants
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on pape
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on pape
print on pape
print on pape
print on paper
print on paper
print on paper
print on porcel
print on tinte
print on tinte
print on tinted
print on tinte
printing, prin
reception room
red-figure vas
Reflecting poo
Regions (geogr
relief (scul
Retaining wall
River gods
rock painting
Rockwork (Rocai
Roman bath spa
Rome (Italy)
Romulus and Rem
rose window
Rotundas (build
royal palace
safety film
Saint Cloud (H
Schloss Hellbr
school (buildi
screen print
sculpture (v
Sculpture an
Second terrace
sepulchral cha
Shell niches
shopping arcad
Sight lines
silk thread
Silk, leather
Silver gelatin
Silver print
Sitting outdoor
society buildi
Sony XBR KCA-30
Sony XBR KCS-20
Springs (bodies
stained glass
studio (work s
Super XX film
supplementary w
tabernacle (ae
tabernacle (li
tapestry (wall
Temples (garde
textiles, weavi
theater (build
Theaters (gard
theatrical ma
Third terrace
Tiburtine Siby
Topography (ima
tract house
traveling exhi
Triclinia (room
triumphal arc
Tuscan Villa (
Typewritten tex
Typewritten tex
urban and top
Vatican Palace
vegetable fiber
Venus (Roman d
Vicenza (Italy
Victory (allego
Video docuemen
Villa Arconati
Villa Barbaro
Villa Belgioios
Villa Belveder
Villa Belvedere
Villa Borghes
Villa Como (Fra
Villa d'Este
Villa Doria Pa
Villa Emo (Fanz
Villa Falconier
Villa Farnese
Villa Farnese,
Villa Gamberai
Villa Garzoni
Villa Giulia (
Villa Godi (Lon
Villa I Tatti
Villa Lante (
Villa Ludovisi
Villa Madama (
Villa Medici (
Villa Medici (
Villa Medici (
Villa Mondrago
Villa of the My
Villa Pia (Vat
Villa Piccolom
Villa Rotonda
Villa suburban
Villa Torlonia
Villae suburba
Villae urbanae
Villas (compl
volute krater
warp ikat
Water chains
Water organ (Vi
Water parterre
Water theaters
Water tricks
watercolor (pa
Watercolor on
Watercolor, in
Wattled fences
Wax, oil, pigm
weft ikat
Women and natur
woodcut (proce
Work on paper
Zorgvliet (Hag
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of "Ishi Site;" same bu
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of "Ishi Site;" same bush and fence as in previous negatives |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of "Ishi Site;" man in
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of "Ishi Site;" man in checkered shirt standing by bush and fence |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of "Ishi Site;" same bu
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of "Ishi Site;" same bush and fence as in previous negatives |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of "Ishi Site;" locale
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of "Ishi Site;" locale uncertain |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of "Ishi Site;"bush and
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of "Ishi Site;"bush and tree stump in foreground, house in background |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Nahl, Charles Christian (181
[San Francisco, California,
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[San Francisco, California, near Pacific Street] 1853 |
Creator Name |
Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1853 |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of "Ishi Site;" locale
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of "Ishi Site;" locale uncertain, negative indicates bush and fence |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Nahl, Charles Christian (181
The Central America & Califo
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1853]
Title |
The Central America & California Steam Ship Company's Steamer Brother Jonathan |
Creator Name |
Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1853] |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of area taken from insi
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of area taken from inside slaughter house enclosure |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Nahl, Charles Christian (181
[United States southern and
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1854]
Title |
[United States southern and midwestern state seals] |
Creator Name |
Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1854] |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of "Ishi Site;" man in
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of "Ishi Site;" man in checkered shirt standing by bush and fence |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Nahl, Charles Christian (181
Pavillons des Puissances mar
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1853]
Title |
Pavillons des Puissances maritimes |
Creator Name |
Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1853] |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of "Ishi Site;" view of
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of "Ishi Site;" view of grassy field and bush |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Nahl, Charles Christian (181
[Historic ship types]
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1853]
Title |
[Historic ship types] |
Creator Name |
Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1853] |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of "Ishi Site;" man in
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of "Ishi Site;" man in checkered shirt pointing |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Nahl, Charles Christian (181
Sacramento Street in May 185
Bancroft Library.
May 1854
Title |
Sacramento Street in May 1854 (San Francisco, California) |
Creator Name |
Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
May 1854 |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of "Ishi Site;" man in
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of "Ishi Site;" man in checkered shirt standing in field, house in background |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Nahl, Charles Christian (181
[Historic ship types]
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1853]
Title |
[Historic ship types] |
Creator Name |
Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1853] |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of "Ishi Site;" man in
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of "Ishi Site;" man in checkered shirt pointing |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Nahl, Charles Christian (181
[United States state seals]
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1854]
Title |
[United States state seals] |
Creator Name |
Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1854] |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of country around slaug
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of country around slaughterhouse |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Nahl, Charles Christian, 181
California fruit : paintur f
Bancroft Library.
Title |
California fruit : paintur for C.A. Shelton. |
Creator Name |
Nahl, Charles Christian, 1818-1878 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of slaughter house near
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of slaughter house near Oroville, Calif., where Ishi was captured. |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Nahl, H.W. Arthur
Aspinwall California Railway
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Aspinwall California Railway |
Creator Name |
Nahl, H.W. Arthur |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of "Ishi Site;" man in
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of "Ishi Site;" man in checkered shirt standing by bush and fence |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Nahl, Hugo Wilhelm Arthur, 1
Santa Anna [Church?] Panama
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Santa Anna [Church?] Panama |
Creator Name |
Nahl, Hugo Wilhelm Arthur, 1833-1889 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer
View of country around slaug
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of country around slaughter house (similar view to 15-19164 |
Creator Name |
Bruce A. Hardy, Photographer, Theodora Kroeber, Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1963 |
Bry, Auguste, French, printe
[San Francisco from elevated
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[San Francisco from elevated point on south coast, California] |
Creator Name |
Bry, Auguste, French, printer, Le Breton, L., French, lithographer |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[18--] |
Narjot, Ernest (1826-1898),
[Placer mining at Foster's B
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Placer mining at Foster's Bar, California] |
Creator Name |
Narjot, Ernest (1826-1898), French, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
185[1?] |
Narjot, Ernest (1826-1898),
[Days of gold]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Days of gold] |
Creator Name |
Narjot, Ernest (1826-1898), French, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1884 |
Bry, Auguste, French, printe
[View of Sacramento, Califor
Bancroft Library.
[not before 1849]
Title |
[View of Sacramento, California in 1849] |
Creator Name |
Bry, Auguste, French, printer, Le Breton, L., French, artist and lithographer |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[not before 1849] |
Buff, Conrad, 1886-1975
[Southwest canyon landscape]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Southwest canyon landscape] |
Creator Name |
Buff, Conrad, 1886-1975 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Narjot, Ernest (1826-1898),
[Still life with a dead quai
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Still life with a dead quail] |
Creator Name |
Narjot, Ernest (1826-1898), French, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1876 |
Narjot, Ernest, 1826-1898
San Francisco ca. 1875
Bancroft Library.
Title |
San Francisco ca. 1875 |
Creator Name |
Narjot, Ernest, 1826-1898 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Bufford, J. H., lithographer
View at San Quentin Bay, Low
Bancroft Library.
[not before 1851]
Title |
View at San Quentin Bay, Lower California, July 20th, 1851 |
Creator Name |
Bufford, J. H., lithographer, Moody, Edwin (active ca. 1850-ca. 1861), artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[not before 1851] |
Bufford, J. H., lithographer
Wreck of the packet ship "St
Bancroft Library.
[not before 1853]
Title |
Wreck of the packet ship "Staffordshire" on the night of Dec[ember] 29th, 1853, off Seal Island |
Creator Name |
Bufford, J. H., lithographer, Drew, C., artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[not before 1853] |
Neal, Davis
[Hager, John S.]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Hager, John S.] |
Creator Name |
Neal, Davis |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Bufford, J. H., lithographer
Wreck of Steamship Union on
Bancroft Library.
[not before 1851]
Title |
Wreck of Steamship Union on the coast of lower California, July 5th, 1851 |
Creator Name |
Bufford, J. H., lithographer, Moody, Edwin (active ca. 1850-ca. 1861), artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[not before 1851] |
Burgess, George Henry (1831-
San Francisco in 1849 [Calif
Bancroft Library.
Title |
San Francisco in 1849 [California] |
Creator Name |
Burgess, George Henry (1831-1905), British, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1894 |
Burgess, George Henry (1831-
[Man crossing a stream, Cali
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Man crossing a stream, California?] |
Creator Name |
Burgess, George Henry (1831-1905), British, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[18--] |
Burgess, George Henry (1831-
San Francisco [California, 1
Bancroft Library.
Title |
San Francisco [California, 1849] |
Creator Name |
Burgess, George Henry (1831-1905), British, artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[18--] |
Burgess, George Henry (1831-
Port of Honolulu [Hawaii]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Port of Honolulu [Hawaii] |
Creator Name |
Burgess, George Henry (1831-1905), British, artist and lithographer |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1857 |
Needham, D. (active ca. 1850
The gold seeker
Bancroft Library.
[between 1849 and 1852]]
Title |
The gold seeker |
Creator Name |
Needham, D. (active ca. 1850), undetermined |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[between 1849 and 1852]] |
Burgess, George Henry, 1831-
[The Pacific Guano and Ferti
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[The Pacific Guano and Fertilizer Co., Berkeley, CA, at Second and Hearst] |
Creator Name |
Burgess, George Henry, 1831-1905 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Nehlig, Victor, 1830-1910
[Daniel Boone]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Daniel Boone] |
Creator Name |
Nehlig, Victor, 1830-1910 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Burgess, George Henry, 1831-
[The Pacific Guano and Ferti
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[The Pacific Guano and Fertilizer Co., Kalihi, HI] |
Creator Name |
Burgess, George Henry, 1831-1905 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Nels C. Nelson, Both Photogr
View of Ishi and his house
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of Ishi and his house |
Creator Name |
Nels C. Nelson, Both Photographer and Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1912 |
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Burns |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Nels C. Nelson, Both Photogr
View of Ishi's house
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of Ishi's house |
Creator Name |
Nels C. Nelson, Both Photographer and Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1912 |
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Burns |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Nels C. Nelson, Both Photogr
View of Ishi and his house
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anth
Title |
View of Ishi and his house |
Creator Name |
Nels C. Nelson, Both Photographer and Donor |
Current Location |
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley. |
Date |
1912 |
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Burns |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Neuhaus, Eugen, 1879-1963
[Rooftops in Kassel, Germany
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Rooftops in Kassel, Germany] |
Creator Name |
Neuhaus, Eugen, 1879-1963 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Burns |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Neuhaus, Eugen, 1879-1963
Lake [Merced?]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Lake [Merced?] |
Creator Name |
Neuhaus, Eugen, 1879-1963 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
Burns |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Neuhaus, Eugen, 1879-1963
[View of a Lake]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[View of a Lake] |
Creator Name |
Neuhaus, Eugen, 1879-1963 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Burton, C. W. (active ca. 18
Camp at Donner Lake, Nov. 18
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Camp at Donner Lake, Nov. 1846, [California] |
Creator Name |
Burton, C. W. (active ca. 1879), American, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[1879?] |
Neuhaus, Eugen, 1879-1963
[California Bungalow]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[California Bungalow] |
Creator Name |
Neuhaus, Eugen, 1879-1963 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Burton, C. W. (active ca. 18
View of the proposed Trinity
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1870?]
Title |
View of the proposed Trinity Church, San Francisco, California |
Creator Name |
Burton, C. W. (active ca. 1879), American, lithographer, Michelin, Francis (active ca. 1852), printer |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1870?] |
Ni Hung-ao (-hao?)
River Landscape with Villa
Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific
Title |
River Landscape with Villa |
Creator Name |
Ni Hung-ao (-hao?) |
Current Location |
Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive |
Burvel (active ca. 1856), en
Scene in the last grand para
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Scene in the last grand parade and review of the Vigilance Committee, San Francisco... [California] |
Creator Name |
Burvel (active ca. 1856), engraver, Vance, Robert H. (active ca. 1851-ca. 1862), American, photographer |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[1856] |
Norris, B.F.
[Horse's head]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Horse's head] |
Creator Name |
Norris, B.F. |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Bush, Norton, 1834-1894
[Sierra Landscape]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Sierra Landscape] |
Creator Name |
Bush, Norton, 1834-1894 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active
A good place for ducks
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1880?]
Title |
A good place for ducks |
Creator Name |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active ca. 1880), artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1880?] |
Bush, Norton, 1834-1894
[The Chagres River, Panama]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[The Chagres River, Panama] |
Creator Name |
Bush, Norton, 1834-1894 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active
Noon on the coast
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1880?]
Title |
Noon on the coast |
Creator Name |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active ca. 1880), artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1880?] |
Butler (active ca. 1850), ar
Chinese life: Dupont Street
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Chinese life: Dupont Street [San Francisco?, California] |
Creator Name |
Butler (active ca. 1850), artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[18--] |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active
On the grade near Felton, S[
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1880?]
Title |
On the grade near Felton, S[an]ta Cruz Co[unty], Cal[ifornia] |
Creator Name |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active ca. 1880), artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1880?] |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active
[Behlers or Black Point, Son
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1880?]
Title |
[Behlers or Black Point, Sonoma County, California] |
Creator Name |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active ca. 1880), artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1880?] |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active
[North from Fisherman Bay to
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1880]
Title |
[North from Fisherman Bay to Gualala, Mendocino County, California] |
Creator Name |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active ca. 1880), artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1880] |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active
[View of lake, Lake Tahoe, C
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1880?]
Title |
[View of lake, Lake Tahoe, California?] |
Creator Name |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active ca. 1880), artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1880?] |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active
[South from Fisherman Bay, B
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1880?]
Title |
[South from Fisherman Bay, Black Point looking toward Stewart's Point, San Francisco, California] |
Creator Name |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active ca. 1880), artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1880?] |
Butler, B. F., Johnson, W.H.
[Portrait of John Augustus S
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Portrait of John Augustus Sutter] |
Creator Name |
Butler, B. F., Johnson, W.H., Pierce, J.H. |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 18
East side of Portsmouth Squa
Bancroft Library.
Title |
East side of Portsmouth Square [San Francisco, California] |
Creator Name |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 1851-ca. 1852), lithographer |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[1851] |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 18
Columbia: from the N.E. with
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Columbia: from the N.E. with Springfield in the distance |
Creator Name |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 1851-ca. 1852), lithographer, Campbell, T. S. (active ca. 1853), artist, Hunnewell, A. A. (active ca. 1853), publisher |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1853 |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 18
Miner's cabin, result of the
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Miner's cabin, result of the day |
Creator Name |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 1851-ca. 1852), lithographer, Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist, Shelton, C. A. (active ca. 1852), publisher, Wenderoth, A. (active ca. 1852), artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1852 |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 18
Miner prospecting
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Miner prospecting |
Creator Name |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 1851-ca. 1852), lithographer, Nahl, Charles Christian (1818-1878), German, artist, Shelton, C. A. (active ca. 1852), publisher, Wenderoth, A. (active ca. 1852), artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1852 |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 18
Marion Rifles [certificate]
Bancroft Library.
[before 1855]
Title |
Marion Rifles [certificate] |
Creator Name |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 1851-ca. 1852), lithographer, Kuchel, C. C. (1820-ca. 1865), Swiss, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[before 1855] |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active
And an angler by a brook [Sa
Bancroft Library.
[ca. 1880?]
Title |
And an angler by a brook [Santa Cruz Mountains, California?] |
Creator Name |
Nystrom, Charles W. (active ca. 1880), artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[ca. 1880?] |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 18
East side of Montgomery St[r
Bancroft Library.
Title |
East side of Montgomery St[reet] from Jackson St[reet] south [San Francisco, California] |
Creator Name |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 1851-ca. 1852), lithographer |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[18--] |
O'Grady, William H. (active
San Francisco [California]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
San Francisco [California] |
Creator Name |
O'Grady, William H. (active ca. 1854-ca. 1857), American?, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1850 |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 18
The merchants of San Francis
Bancroft Library.
Title |
The merchants of San Francisco [California] to Col[onel] James Collier |
Creator Name |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 1851-ca. 1852), lithographer and publisher |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1851 |
O'Grady, William H. (active
Corlappich, Klamath River In
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Corlappich, Klamath River Indian Chief, 1851 |
Creator Name |
O'Grady, William H. (active ca. 1854-ca. 1857), American?, artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1851 |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 18
A testimonial of the high re
Bancroft Library.
Title |
A testimonial of the high regard entertained for Col[onel] James Collier |
Creator Name |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 1851-ca. 1852), lithographer and publisher |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1851 |
O'Grady, William H. (active
[Yurok? Indian woman with ba
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Yurok? Indian woman with basket on her head] |
Creator Name |
O'Grady, William H. (active ca. 1854-ca. 1857), American?, artist (attributed to) |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[1851] |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 18
A testimonial of the high re
Bancroft Library.
Title |
A testimonial of the high regard entertained for Col[onel] James Collier |
Creator Name |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 1851-ca. 1852), lithographer and publisher |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1851 |
Ogilby, Robert E. (Ogibly) (
Grass Valley, Nevada County,
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Grass Valley, Nevada County, California |
Creator Name |
Ogilby, Robert E. (Ogibly) (active ca. 1852-ca. 1868), artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[185-] |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 18
The merchants of San Francis
Bancroft Library.
Title |
The merchants of San Francisco [California] to Col[onel] James Collier |
Creator Name |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 1851-ca. 1852), lithographer and publisher |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1851 |
Ogilby, Robert E. (Ogibly) (
View of Grass Valley [Nevada
Bancroft Library.
Title |
View of Grass Valley [Nevada County, California] |
Creator Name |
Ogilby, Robert E. (Ogibly) (active ca. 1852-ca. 1868), artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[1852?] |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 18
State Insane Asylum, Stockto
Bancroft Library.
Title |
State Insane Asylum, Stockton, Cal[ifornia] |
Creator Name |
Butler, B. F. (active ca. 1851-ca. 1852), undetermined |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[1855] |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Qunita de Garland 1861, nea
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Qunita de Garland 1861, near Valparaiso, Chile." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
Butler, W. C., engraver, Hut
Hutchings' panoramic scenes,
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Hutchings' panoramic scenes, Northern California [and Oregon] |
Creator Name |
Butler, W. C., engraver, Hutchings, J. M. (James Mason) (1820-1902), publisher, Roman, A. (active ca. 1855), publisher |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1855 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Nitrate Manufacture, Tarapa
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Nitrate Manufacture, Tarapaca, Peru, 1863," with laborers and windmill. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
Butler, W. C., engraver, Kuc
Columbia [California?]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Columbia [California?] |
Creator Name |
Butler, W. C., engraver, Kuchel, C. C. (1820-ca. 1865), Swiss, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[18--] |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"First tunnel, Ferrocarril [
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"First tunnel, Ferrocarril [railroad] de Valparaiso a Santiago, Chile."[photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
Butler, W. C., engraver, Hut
Hutchings' panoramic scenes,
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Hutchings' panoramic scenes, Northern California [and Oregon] |
Creator Name |
Butler, W. C., engraver, Hutchings, J. M. (James Mason) (1820-1902), publisher |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1855 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Santiago de Chile, The Alam
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Santiago de Chile, The Alameda in 1867." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1867 |
Butler, W. C., engraver, Hut
Commandments to California w
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Commandments to California wives: commandments are given to make a happy home |
Creator Name |
Butler, W. C., engraver, Hutchings, J. M. (James Mason) (1820-1902), publisher, Kuchel, C. C. (1820-ca. 1865), Swiss, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1855 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
Art work, "Copied with a hom
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Art work, "Copied with a home-made camera and lens in 1860." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1860 |
Butler, Warren C., publisher
"Sugar on your lime:" a path
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Sugar on your lime:" a pathetic ballad, with allusions to suit modern palates [sic] |
Creator Name |
Butler, Warren C., publisher |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[18--] |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Building new nitrate works
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Building new nitrate works in 1863, near Iquique, Peru [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Dwellings of the workmen, n
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Dwellings of the workmen, nitrate mines 1863, Pampa de Tamarugal," Peru. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"The Almendral, Valparaiso,
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"The Almendral, Valparaiso, Chile." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Nitrate Manufacture, Tarapa
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Nitrate Manufacture, Tarapaca, Peru, 1863." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Santiago and Valparaiso Rai
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Santiago and Valparaiso Railroad," trestle over ravine Viaducto Los Maquis. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Dwellings at the nitre work
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Dwellings at the nitre works near Iquique, Peru [Chile]," with men, women and children. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
Butman, Frederick A. (1820-1
[Surveyor's camp]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Surveyor's camp] |
Creator Name |
Butman, Frederick A. (1820-1871), American, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1858 |
Butman, Frederick A., 1820-1
[Mount Shasta and Shastina L
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Mount Shasta and Shastina Lake] |
Creator Name |
Butman, Frederick A., 1820-1871 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Butterworth, J. E. (active c
Clipper ship "Dreadnought"
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Clipper ship "Dreadnought" |
Creator Name |
Butterworth, J. E. (active ca. 1853-ca. 1854), artist, Currier, Nathaniel (1813-1888), American, lithographer and publisher, Parsons, Charles R. (1821-1910), American, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1854 |
Butterworth, J. E. (active c
Clipper ship "Young America
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Clipper ship "Young America " |
Creator Name |
Butterworth, J. E. (active ca. 1853-ca. 1854), artist, Currier, Nathaniel (1813-1888), American, lithographer and publisher, Palmer, Francis Florabond (Fanny) (1812-1876), British, lithographer |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1853 |
Butterworth, J. E. (active c
Clipper ship "Racer"
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Clipper ship "Racer" |
Creator Name |
Butterworth, J. E. (active ca. 1853-ca. 1854), artist, Currier, Nathaniel (1813-1888), American, lithographer and publisher, Parsons, Charles R. (1821-1910), American, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1854 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Hotel Colon, Valparaiso, Ch
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Hotel Colon, Valparaiso, Chile, 1867," with people on the 2nd and 3rd floor balconies. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1867 |
Butterworth, J. E. (active c
Clipper ship "Great Republic
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Clipper ship "Great Republic" |
Creator Name |
Butterworth, J. E. (active ca. 1853-ca. 1854), artist, Currier, Nathaniel (1813-1888), American, lithographer |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1853 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Chile 1861," rural scene. [
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Chile 1861," rural scene. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
Butterworth, J. E. (active c
Clipper ship "Nightingale" g
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Clipper ship "Nightingale" getting underway off the Battery, New York |
Creator Name |
Butterworth, J. E. (active ca. 1853-ca. 1854), artist, Currier, Nathaniel (1813-1888), American, lithographer and publisher, Parsons, Charles R. (1821-1910), American, artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1854 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Ranchito, Chile, 1860." [ph
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Ranchito, Chile, 1860." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1860 |
Butterworth, J. E. (active c
The wreck of the steamship "
Bancroft Library.
Title |
The wreck of the steamship "San Francisco": disabled on her voyage from New York to San Francisco [California], Dec[ember] 24th, 1853 and in a sinking condition |
Creator Name |
Butterworth, J. E. (active ca. 1853-ca. 1854), artist, Currier, Nathaniel (1813-1888), American, lithographer and publisher |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
c1854 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
Quinta Waddington, Valparais
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Quinta Waddington, Valparaiso, Chile. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1867 |
Buttre, John Chester (1821-1
[Portrait of] Maj[or] Gen[er
Bancroft Library.
[not after 1861]
Title |
[Portrait of] Maj[or] Gen[eral] John C. Fremont |
Creator Name |
Buttre, John Chester (1821-1893), engraver |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[not after 1861] |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Valparaiso in 1862." [photo
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Valparaiso in 1862." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1862 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Nitrate Manufacture, Tarapa
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Nitrate Manufacture, Tarapaca, Peru, 1863," with laborers. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
Bühler, F.
Spruance Stanley & Co., Wine
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Spruance Stanley & Co., Wines & liquors, San Francisco |
Creator Name |
Bühler, F. |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Bridge, Valparaiso & Santia
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Bridge, Valparaiso & Santiago Railway, 1867," over el Mapocho, Chile. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1867 |
Bühler, F. (active ca. 1881)
In the foothills [Sierra Nev
Bancroft Library.
Title |
In the foothills [Sierra Nevada, California?] |
Creator Name |
Bühler, F. (active ca. 1881), artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[18--] |
Bühler, F. (active ca. 1881)
[Berkeley overlooking Univer
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Berkeley overlooking University of California campus] |
Creator Name |
Bühler, F. (active ca. 1881), artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[18--] |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Valparaiso, Chile, 1864," v
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Valparaiso, Chile, 1864," view from hill showing ship in dry dock in harbor. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1864 |
Bühler, F. (active ca. 1881)
[Gold mining]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Gold mining] |
Creator Name |
Bühler, F. (active ca. 1881), artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[18--] |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Valparaiso, Chile, 1861," b
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Valparaiso, Chile, 1861," bird's-eye view with harbor. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
Bühler, F. (active ca. 1881)
[Artist F. Bühler self-port
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Artist F. Bühler self-portrait] |
Creator Name |
Bühler, F. (active ca. 1881), artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1881 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Cemetery Hill in 1861, Valp
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Cemetery Hill in 1861, Valparaiso, Chile." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
C M (M C?) [monogram], undet
[Chinese immigrants coming t
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Chinese immigrants coming to San Francisco, California] |
Creator Name |
C M (M C?) [monogram], undetermined |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[18--] |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Compania de Bomberos no.1 i
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Compania de Bomberos no.1 in 1861, Valparaiso, Chile" [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
C. A. P., artist, Hunckel, G
The port of San Francisco [C
Bancroft Library.
Title |
The port of San Francisco [California] A/C from the north |
Creator Name |
C. A. P., artist, Hunckel, G., German, lithographer |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[18--] |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Almacenes Fiscales in 1861.
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Almacenes Fiscales in 1861. Valparaiso, Chile, from Cerro de la Concepcion." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
C. D., artist
Pasadena, Los Angeles County
Bancroft Library.
[not before 1885]
Title |
Pasadena, Los Angeles County, Cal[ifornia] |
Creator Name |
C. D., artist |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[not before 1885] |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Limache Road, Chile, 1860."
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Limache Road, Chile, 1860." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1860 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
Plaza de Armas and Cathedral
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Plaza de Armas and Cathedral, Santiago. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Casa Blanca, Chile," group
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Casa Blanca, Chile," group of 3 women and 3 men under trees. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"On the new road, Ferrocaril
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"On the new road, Ferrocaril [railroad] de Santiago, Chile, 1861."[photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Corral de Carretas, Chile,
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Corral de Carretas, Chile, 1865," carts and peasants. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1865 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Nitrate of Soda works in 18
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Nitrate of Soda works in 1863, Pampa de Tamarugal, Peru." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Pisagua, Peru, 1863." [phot
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Pisagua, Peru, 1863." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
Two story house with people
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Two story house with people on balconies of both stories. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Double deckers [horse railr
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Double deckers [horse railroads], Valparaiso, Chile, 1867." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1867 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Santa Rosa Pass, La Cordill
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Santa Rosa Pass, La Cordillera (15,600 ft.), Chile, 1863." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Mr. Ginder, 1863," studio p
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Mr. Ginder, 1863," studio portrait. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Limache, Chile." [photograp
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Limache, Chile." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"La Bolsa de Valparaiso in 1
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"La Bolsa de Valparaiso in 1867" with horse carts in front. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1867 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Cerro Alegre in 1861. Valpa
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Cerro Alegre in 1861. Valparaiso, Chile." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
Art work, "Copied with a hom
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Art work, "Copied with a home-made camera and lens in 1860." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1860 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"La Victoria, nitrate of sod
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"La Victoria, nitrate of soda works in 1863, near Pisagua, Peru," group portrait of men in front of building. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
Large outcropping near rocky
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Large outcropping near rocky shore, pier in distance. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
Group of seven men on porch
Bancroft Library.
Title |
Group of seven men on porch of building. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Mrs. Ginder, 1863," studio
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Mrs. Ginder, 1863," studio portrait. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Iquique, Peru [Chile], the
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Iquique, Peru [Chile], the principal nitrate port." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Kennels of the Valparaiso H
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Kennels of the Valparaiso Hunt Club in 1861," with a man in hunting costume. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
California, San Gabriel Vall
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
California, San Gabriel Valley |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Pisagua, Peru." [photograph
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Pisagua, Peru." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Almacenes Fiscales 1861. (C
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Almacenes Fiscales 1861. (Custom House Stores), Valparaiso, Chile." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Cauquenes Sulphur Baths, Ch
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Cauquenes Sulphur Baths, Chile, 1865." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1865 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Mission de Casa Blanca, Chi
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Mission de Casa Blanca, Chile, 1860." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1860 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Pisagua, Peru, Nitrate of S
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Pisagua, Peru, Nitrate of Soda port in 1863." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Cerro Alegre in 1861, Valpa
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Cerro Alegre in 1861, Valparaiso, Chile." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Bolsa de Valparaiso in 1861
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Bolsa de Valparaiso in 1861, Chile." seen from boat filled shoreline. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Nitrate Manufacture, Tarapa
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Nitrate Manufacture, Tarapaca, Peru, 1863," with laborers and windmill. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
[Locomotive Design]
Bancroft Library.
Title |
[Locomotive Design] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Nitrate of Soda works in 18
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Nitrate of Soda works in 1863, Pampa de Tamarugal, Peru," with windmills. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Valparaiso roadstead in 186
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Valparaiso roadstead in 1861," with view of ships in harbor. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Qunita de Garland in 1861,
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Qunita de Garland in 1861, near Valparaiso, Chile." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Nitrate of Soda works in 18
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Nitrate of Soda works in 1863, Pampa de Tamarugal, Peru." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Railway station, Santiago,
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Railway station, Santiago, Chile, 1865." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1865 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Iquique, Peru [Chile], (Nor
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Iquique, Peru [Chile], (North end in 1863, water works)." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"A ranch, Chile," [Casa Blan
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"A ranch, Chile," [Casa Blanca Rancho] with peasants and cattle. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Heavy Grade, Valp[arais]o a
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Heavy Grade, Valp[arais]o and Santiago RR, Chile." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Quinta Waddington, Valparai
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Quinta Waddington, Valparaiso, Chile." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"La Cordillera (18,350 ft.),
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"La Cordillera (18,350 ft.), Chile, 1863." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Nitrate of Soda works in 18
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Nitrate of Soda works in 1863, Pampa de Tamarugal, Peru." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Ferrocarril [railroad] de S
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Ferrocarril [railroad] de Santiago, Chile, built in 1860." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
[186-?] |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Almacenes Fiscales in 1862,
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Almacenes Fiscales in 1862, Valparaiso, Chile," view along waterfront. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1862 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Pisagua, Peru, Nitrate port
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Pisagua, Peru, Nitrate port." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"House in 1861, Valparaiso,
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"House in 1861, Valparaiso, Chile," with four men and a dog. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1861 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Casa Blanca Rancho, Chile,
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Casa Blanca Rancho, Chile, 1860." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1860 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Plaza de la Victoria, Valpa
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Plaza de la Victoria, Valparaiso, Chile, 1865." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1865 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Caliche mines in 1863, (Chi
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Caliche mines in 1863, (Chile nitre), Pampa de Tamarugal, Peru," with miners. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Convent of San Francisco, S
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Convent of San Francisco, Santiago, Chile, 1865," view of courtyard. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1865 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Nitrate of Soda works in 18
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Nitrate of Soda works in 1863, Pampa de Tamarugal, Peru." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Nitrate of Soda works in 18
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Nitrate of Soda works in 1863, Pampa de Tamarugal, Peru." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Officials of San Antonio Wo
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Officials of San Antonio Works, Nitrate of Soda in 1863, Pampa de Tamarugal, Peru." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Nitrate Manufacture, Tarapa
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Nitrate Manufacture, Tarapaca, Peru, 1863," with laborers and windmill. [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1863 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-
"Placilla Road, Valparaiso,
Bancroft Library.
Title |
"Placilla Road, Valparaiso, Chile, 1864." [photographic print] |
Creator Name |
Oliver, William Letts, 1844-1918 |
Current Location |
Bancroft Library. |
Date |
1864 |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |
C. H. Graves
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Pho
Title |
[Title not known] |
Creator Name |
C. H. Graves |
Current Location |
UCR/California Museum of Photography |