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L'Eveil du Printemps | Manteau Reversible en Serge, "Motifs Grill …
Pratt Institute
Subject Coats -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Reversible coat of serge, decorated with "motifs grillages," by Rodier: Planche 17 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 3. Signed in lower right with monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Broderie de Laine sur Kasha
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Dress of kasha with wool embroidery: Croquis XIV (14) in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 2. Unsigned.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Le Cocu Magnifique | Robe en Taffetas Imprime, de Bianchini
Pratt Institute
Subject Coats -- France, Dresses -- France, Men -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Printed tafetta dress, by Bianchini, also depicts a man's polka-dotted coat: Planche 25 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. [?]. Signed in lower right with monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Serge Galonnee
Pratt Institute
Subject Suits (Clothing) -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Serge suit with braiding: Croquis XV (15) in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 2. Unsigned.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Lepape, Georges, 1887-1971
Le Bon Accueil | Robe D'apres-midi, de Martial et Armand
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Dresses -- France
Description Black afternoon dress with white trimming, by Martial and Armand: Planche 32 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. [?]. Signed in lower left, "Lepape | 1922," with monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
[Robe] Hindoue
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Hindu-style, patterned dress: Croquis XVI (16) in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 2. Unsigned.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
García Benito, Eduardo, 1891-
L'Heure du The | Manteau de fourrure, de Jeanne Lanvin
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Coats -- France, Fur garments -- France
Description Fur coat by Jeanne Lanvin: Planche 51 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 7. Signed in lower left, "Benito," with monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
[Croquis No. XIX]
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Dresses -- France
Description Blue dress with white bows: Croquis XIX (19) in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 3. Signed at bottom, "David."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Martin, Charles, 1848-1934
Pravia | Parfum Ultra-Persistant | Ed. Pinaud
ca. 1920
Pratt Institute
Subject Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Advertising -- France -- History -- 20th century, Perfumes -- France -- Paris
Description Advertisement for Pravia, a long-lasting perfume sold by Ed. Pinaud, located at "18, Place Vendome, Paris": probably appeared in Gazette du Bon Ton. Signed near lower left, "C. Martin."
Format.Medium Advertisements, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
[Croquis No. XX]
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Two dresses decorated with ribbons: Croquis XX (20) in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 3. Unsigned.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Leloir, Héloïse Colin, 1820-1873
Le Magasin des Familles | Rue Richev, 34, a Paris
Jan 1854
Pratt Institute
Subject Dress accessories -- France, Dresses -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1850-1859, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 19th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 19th century -- Pictorial works
Description Two women's dresses, with matching shawls and bonnets: in Le Magasin des Familles, January, 1854. Signed in lower left, "Louis Bertier," with "Leloir del." in lower right, includes partial, unidentified name in lower right, "Imp. Marit…" [?].
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
[Croquis No. XXI]
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Brown dress with blue trimmings and sash: Croquis XXI (21) in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 3. Signed at bottom, "David."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Marty, Andre-Edouard, 1882-1974
Au Loup! | Robe en "Fleurs des Bles" et Robe en "Giurlande Fleuri …
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Dresses -- France
Description Two flowered dresses by Rodier: Planche 26 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 4. Signed in lower right, "A.E. Marty - 1921," and monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
[Croquis No. XXII]
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Dresses -- France
Description Pink, patterned dress decorated with ribbons: Croquis XXII (22) in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 3. Unsigned.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
[Croquis No. XXVIII]
Pratt Institute
Subject Suits (Clothing) -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Yellow tailored suit: Croquis No. XXVIII (28) in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 4. Unsigned.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
[Croquis No. XXIII]
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Dresses -- France
Description Brown dress with blue stripes and blue ribbon: Croquis XXIII (23) in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 3. Unsigned.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Barbier, George, 1882-1932
La Premiere Imprudence | Robe du Soir, de Beer
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Evening gowns -- France, Men -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Green evening gown by Beer, also depicting a man wearing a tuxedo: Planche 15 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 2. Signed in lower left, "George Barbier 1920," and monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
[Croquis No. XXV]
Pratt Institute
Subject Suits (Clothing) -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Black tailored suit with patterned vest: Croquis XXV (25) in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. [3?]. Unsigned.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Marty, Andre-Edouard, 1882-1974
Les Plaisirs de la Campagne | Robe de Paul Poiret
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Dresses -- France
Description Blue, striped dress by Poiret: Planche 32 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 4. Signed in lower left, "A.E. Marty - 1921," and monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
[Croquis No. XXVI]
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Suits (Clothing) -- France
Description Brown tailored suit with green-patterned decoration: Croquis XXVI (26) in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. [4?]. Unsigned.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Barbier, George, 1882-1932
Rosalinde | Robe du Soir, de Worth
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Evening gowns -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Evening gown by Worth: Planche 75 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 10. Signed in lower left, "George Barbier 1922."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
La Plume de Basse-Cour
Pratt Institute
Subject Dress accessories -- France, Hats -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Hats, fan, shawl and other accessories trimmed with poultry feathers, in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 9. Unsigned.
Format.Medium Fashion plates
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Marty, Andre-Edouard, 1882-1974
Le Parfum de la Rose | Costume tailleur, de Doeuillet.
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Suits (Clothing) -- France, Fur garments -- France
Description Green tailored suit by Doeuillet: Planche 76 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 10. Signed in lower right, "A.E. Marty - 1920" and monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Hermine et Matelasse Moderne | Tissu de Bianchini
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Coats -- France
Description Ermine and matelasse coat, fabric by Bianchini: Croquis VI (6) in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 9. Unsigned.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Marty, Andre-Edouard, 1882-1974
Les Embarras de Paris | Manteau d'apres-midi, de Doeuillet
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Coats -- France
Description Afternoon coat by Doeuillet: Planche 69 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 9. Signed in lower left, A.E. Marty - 1920," and monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Mourgue, Pierre
La Petite Mademoiselle | Tailleur XVIIe en Perllaine de Rodier
Pratt Institute
Subject Suits (Clothing) -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Brown tailored suit by Rodier: [Planche 1] in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 1. Signed in lower right, "P. Mourgue," with monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Martin, Charles, 1848-1934
La Promenade a Montmartre | Ensemble, de Beer
Pratt Institute
Subject Coats -- France, Dresses -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Ensemble by Beer, with purple dress and matching grey coat: Planche 68 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 9. Signed in lower right, "Martin," and monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Erickson, Carl
"Combien de Morceaux de Sucre?" | Robe D'Apres-Midi Garnie de Den …
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Dresses -- France
Description Green afternoon dress with lace, "a la Marechale": Planche 2 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 1. Signed in lower right, "Carl Erickson," with monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
García Benito, Eduardo, 1891-
Monsieur Est-il Rentre? | Robe d'apres-midi en "Kasha" et "Djersa …
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Afternoon dress by Rodier: Planche 56 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 8. Signed in lower right, "Benito," and monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Mourgue, Pierre
Soir de Paris | Robe du Soir, de Martial et Armand
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Evening gowns -- France, Men -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description White evening gown by Martial and Armand, also depicts a man's tuxedo: Planche 5 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 1. Signed in upper right, "P. Mourgue," with monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Fils Tires Sur Transparent
Pratt Institute
Subject Suits (Clothing) -- France, Dresses -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Outfit with matching skirt and vest, decorated with pulled-thread embroidery: Croquis 9 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 2. Unsigned.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Brissaud, Pierre
La Sainte-Claire | Robe de Diner, de Jeanne Lanvin
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Children -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Men -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Brown dinner gown by Jeanne Lanvin, also depicts a girl in a white dress with red bow, an elderly woman, and several gentlemen and young women: Planche 4 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 1. Signed in lower left, "Pierre Brissaud 1921," with monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Marty, Andre-Edouard, 1882-1974
Un Admirateur Sincere | Robe du Soir, de Paul Poiret
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Evening gowns -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Floral evening gown by Paul Poiret, also depicts a baby in a white dress: Planche 6 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 1. Signed in lower right, "A.E. Marty - 1922," with monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Barbier, George, 1882-1932
Le Tombeau des Secrets | Robe D'interieur, de Worth
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Orange indoor dress by Worth: Planche 7 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 1. Signed in lower left, "1922 George Barbier," with monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Les Bibelots de la Chine | Robe du Soir, de Beer
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Evening gowns -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Pink evening gown by Beer: Planche 8 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 1. Signed with monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Hugo, Valentine, 1887-1968
La Jeune Locrienne | Chapeau de Camille Roger
Pratt Institute
Subject Hats -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Pink hat by Camille Roger: Planche 9 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. [2?]. Signed in lower right, "VJH," with monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
García Benito, Eduardo, 1891-
La Fourrure Blanche | Manteau pour la cote D'Azur
Pratt Institute
Subject Fur garments -- France, Coats -- France, Men -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Fur-trimmed coat for the Cote D'Azur, also depicts a man's tuxedo: Planche 10 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. [2?]. Signed in lower right, "Benito," with monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Mourgue, Pierre
La Loge D'Opera | Manteau du Soir, de Martial et Armand
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Men -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Coats -- France
Description Pink and green evening coat by Martial and Armand, also depicts a man's suit or tuxedo: Planche 11 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 2. Signed in lower right, "P. Mourgue," with monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Thayaht, Ernesto, 1893-1959
De la Fumee | Robe de Madeleine Vionnet
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Blue dress by Madeleine Vionnet: Planche 13 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 2. Signed in lower right, "Thayaht 22," with monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
García Benito, Eduardo, 1891-
"On Se Reverra, J'Espere…" | Manteau, de Martial et Armand. Redin …
Pratt Institute
Subject Coats -- France, Men -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Woman's coat by Martial and Armand, and man's Redingote by Lus and Befve: Planche 58 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 8. Signed in lower left, "Benito."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Barbier, George, 1882-1932
L'Averse Intempestive | Robe pour la Cote D'Azur, de Worth
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Black and red dress for the Cote D'Azur by Worth: Planche 14 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 2. Signed in lower left, George Barbier 1922," with monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Barbier, George, 1882-1932
Adieu! | Manteau du Soir, de Worth
Pratt Institute
Subject Coats -- France, Men -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Evening coat by Worth, also depicting a man wearing a tuxedo: Planche 28 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 4. Signed in lower left, "1921 | George Barbier," and monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Brissaud, Pierre
"Vous Etiez Haute Comme Ca" | ou | Ca Ne Nous Rajeunit Pas | Robe …
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Men -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Children -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Woman's blue afternoon dress and little girl's green dress by Jeanne Lanvin, also depicts several gentlemen and two additional ladies: Planche 16 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. [2?]. Signed in lower left, "Pierre Brissaud 1922," with monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Barbier, George, 1882-1932
A Palm Beach | Tailleur, de Worth
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Suits (Clothing) -- France
Description Tailored suit by Worth: Planche 40 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 5. Signed in lower left, "George Barbier 1921," and monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Lepape, Georges, 1887-1971
Lassitude | Deshabille, de Beer
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Lingerie -- France
Description Orange negligee by Beer: Planche 18 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 3. Signed in upper left, "Lepape | 1922," with monogram "CLV" in lower right.
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Dansons la Capucine | Robe D'Ete et Robes D'Enfants, de Jeanne La …
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Children -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Woman's summer dress and children's dresses by Jeanne Lanvin: Planche 37 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 5. Signed in lower right, monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Mourgue, Pierre
Le Rideau D'Argent | Tailleur, de Martial et Armand
Pratt Institute
Subject Suits (Clothing) -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Brown tailored suit by Martial and Armand: Planche 19 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 3. Signed in lower right, "P. Mourgue 22," with monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Barbier, George, 1882-1932
Vesper | Robes du Soir, de Worth
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Evening gowns -- France, Dresses -- France
Description Two evening gowns by Worth: Planche 60 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 8. Signed in lower left, "1922 | G. Barbier."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Brissaud, Pierre
Que Vous Etes Belle, Maman… | Robe du Soir et Robe D'Enfant, de J …
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Children -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Evening gown and blue child's dress by Jeanne Lanvin, also depicts maid's uniform: Planche 23 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 3. Signed in lower right, "Pierre Brissaud 1922," with monogram "CLV."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
Barbier, George, 1882-1932
La Promeneuse Melancolique | Robe D'Apres-Midi, de Beer
Pratt Institute
Subject Dresses -- France, Women -- Clothing & Dress -- France -- 1920-1929, Stencil work -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works, Fashion design -- France -- History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works
Description Afternoon dress by Beer: Planche 63 in Gazette du Bon Genre, No. 8. Signed in upper left, "G. Barbier 1922."
Format.Medium Fashion plates, Pochoir prints
Rights All rights, including those of reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by Pratt Institute.
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