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98,851-98,900 of 100,000
Arabian Branch Library, Scot …
2003-2007 (creation)
site: Scottsdale, Arizona, U …
Richärd + Bauer Architecture …
Creator Richärd + Bauer Architecture (American architectural firm, founded 1996)
Preferred Title Arabian Branch Library, Scottsdale
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arabian Branch Library, Scot …
2003-2007 (creation)
site: Scottsdale, Arizona, U …
Richärd + Bauer Architecture …
Creator Richärd + Bauer Architecture (American architectural firm, founded 1996)
Preferred Title Arabian Branch Library, Scottsdale
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arabian Branch Library, Scot …
2003-2007 (creation)
site: Scottsdale, Arizona, U …
Richärd + Bauer Architecture …
Creator Richärd + Bauer Architecture (American architectural firm, founded 1996)
Preferred Title Arabian Branch Library, Scottsdale
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arabian Branch Library, Scot …
2003-2007 (creation)
site: Scottsdale, Arizona, U …
Richärd + Bauer Architecture …
Creator Richärd + Bauer Architecture (American architectural firm, founded 1996)
Preferred Title Arabian Branch Library, Scottsdale
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815, sunset, dusk
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815, dusk
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815, dentils, waterspouts
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe
1806-1836 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Antoine Etex (French sculpto …
Creator Antoine Etex (French sculptor, 1808-1888), François Rude (French sculptor, 1784-1855), James Pradier (Swiss sculptor, 1790-1852), Jean François Thérèse Chalgrin (French architect, 1739-1811) and others
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe
Subjects allegory, architecture, military or war, rulers and leaders, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
1806-1807 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Charles Percier (French arch …
Creator Charles Percier (French architect, 1764-1838), Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine (French architect, 1762-1853)
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
Subjects allegorical, architectural exteriors, military, war, mythology (Classical), Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, victory arch, triumphal arch, "Haussmannization", Voie Triomphale, triumphal way, memorial
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
1806-1807 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Charles Percier (French arch …
Creator Charles Percier (French architect, 1764-1838), Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine (French architect, 1762-1853)
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
Subjects allegorical, architectural exteriors, military, war, mythology (Classical), Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, victory arch, triumphal arch, "Haussmannization", Voie Triomphale, triumphal way, memorial, quadriga
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
1806-1807 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Charles Percier (French arch …
Creator Charles Percier (French architect, 1764-1838), Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine (French architect, 1762-1853)
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
Subjects allegorical, architectural exteriors, military, war, mythology (Classical), Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, victory arch, triumphal arch, "Haussmannization", Voie Triomphale, triumphal way, memorial, quadriga
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
1806-1807 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Charles Percier (French arch …
Creator Charles Percier (French architect, 1764-1838), Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine (French architect, 1762-1853)
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
Subjects allegorical, architectural exteriors, military, war, mythology (Classical), Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, victory arch, triumphal arch, "Haussmannization", Voie Triomphale, triumphal way, memorial
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
1806-1807 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Charles Percier (French arch …
Creator Charles Percier (French architect, 1764-1838), Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine (French architect, 1762-1853)
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
Subjects allegorical, architectural exteriors, military, war, mythology (Classical), Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, victory arch, triumphal arch, "Haussmannization", Voie Triomphale, triumphal way, memorial
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
1806-1807 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Charles Percier (French arch …
Creator Charles Percier (French architect, 1764-1838), Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine (French architect, 1762-1853)
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
Subjects allegorical, architectural exteriors, military, war, mythology (Classical), Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, victory arch, triumphal arch, "Haussmannization", Voie Triomphale, triumphal way, memorial
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
1806-1807 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Charles Percier (French arch …
Creator Charles Percier (French architect, 1764-1838), Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine (French architect, 1762-1853)
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
Subjects allegorical, architectural exteriors, military, war, mythology (Classical), Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, victory arch, triumphal arch, "Haussmannization", Voie Triomphale, triumphal way, memorial
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
1806-1807 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Charles Percier (French arch …
Creator Charles Percier (French architect, 1764-1838), Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine (French architect, 1762-1853)
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
Subjects allegorical, architectural exteriors, military, war, mythology (Classical), Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, victory arch, triumphal arch, "Haussmannization", Voie Triomphale, triumphal way, memorial
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
1806-1807 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Charles Percier (French arch …
Creator Charles Percier (French architect, 1764-1838), Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine (French architect, 1762-1853)
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
Subjects allegorical, architectural exteriors, military, war, mythology (Classical), Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, victory arch, triumphal arch, "Haussmannization", Voie Triomphale, triumphal way, memorial
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
1806-1807 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Charles Percier (French arch …
Creator Charles Percier (French architect, 1764-1838), Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine (French architect, 1762-1853)
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
Subjects allegorical, architectural exteriors, military, war, mythology (Classical), Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, victory arch, triumphal arch, "Haussmannization", Voie Triomphale, triumphal way, memorial
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
1806-1807 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Charles Percier (French arch …
Creator Charles Percier (French architect, 1764-1838), Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine (French architect, 1762-1853)
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
Subjects allegorical, architectural exteriors, military, war, mythology (Classical), Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, victory arch, triumphal arch, "Haussmannization", Voie Triomphale, triumphal way, memorial
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
1806-1807 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Charles Percier (French arch …
Creator Charles Percier (French architect, 1764-1838), Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine (French architect, 1762-1853)
Preferred Title Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel
Subjects allegorical, architectural exteriors, military, war, mythology (Classical), Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, victory arch, triumphal arch, "Haussmannization", Voie Triomphale, triumphal way, memorial
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Aéronau …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Aéronautique et Espace
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, engineering and industrial design, manufacturing, scientific or medical, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, aviation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Carlos …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Carlos Gardel
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, music, portrait, Performing arts, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Claude …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Claude Nougaro
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, music, portrait, Performing arts, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, jazz
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Clémenc …
1998 ()
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Clémence Isaure, la Belle Paule
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, literary or legendary, portrait, Performing arts, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, poetry, troubadours, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Jean Ja …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Jean Jaurès
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, portrait, Jaure?s, Jean, 1859-1914, Toulouse (France : County), World War, 1914-1918, serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: L'Affai …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: L'Affaire Calas
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, portrait, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, Languedoc, Huguenots
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
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