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1 25 6 7 8 9 10399 400
1,501-1,800 of 100,000
Paine, Paul Mayo
Description States, "Ex Libris Paul Mayo Paine;" depicts a landscape with trees, barns and hills. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Noyes, Wm. Curtis
Nuncia pacis oliva
Description States, "Wm. Curtis Noyes" with motto "Nuncia pacis oliva;" features a shield with three crosses and a helmet. The crest consists of a chapeau and a martlet with a branch. Signed at bottom center "H JNS Sc."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Artist H JNS
Peak, Esther
On bokis for to read, I me d …
Description States, "Ex Libris Esther Peak, On Bokis for to read I me delite;" depicts a forest setting with a maiden sitting next to a pond reflecting a medieval castle." Signed "B ?"
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language English
Artist B?
Cameron, Donald A.
Hinc orior
Description States, "Donald A. Cameron" with motto "Hinc orior;" features a shield with two mullets pierced, a stag mask, and estoile above a heart. The crest consists of a an armored arm holding a sword. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Penkner, Josef
Description States, "Ex Libris Josef Penkner;" depicts a castle on top of a floating cloud on a blue background with stars. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Carnegie Library Pittsburgh
Description States, "Class…Book…Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh James Ernes Schwartz Ethical Collection;" features a portrait of James Ernest Schwartz surrounded by garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 9 cm.
Pescatore, Unni
Description States, "Ex Libris Unni Pescatore;" depicts a road lined with trees enclosed by an art nouveau frame. Signed "AP."
Format 1 print : col., 15 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Artist AP
Carnegie Library Pittsburgh
Description States, "Class…Book…Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 1895. The Bernd Department of Architecture;" features a shield with three eagles displayed, ribbon and a border of garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 8 cm.
Phillips, Rowley Wilhelm
Description States, "Ex Libris Rowley Wilhelm Phillips;" depicts a library with a chair, a painting of a ship and a stone fireplace. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Carnegie Library Pittsburgh
Description States, "Class…Book…Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 1895. The Bernd Department of Architecture;" features a shield with three eagles displayed, ribbon and a border of garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 8 cm.
Phipps, Henry
Take me bookshelves to your …
Description States, "Take me bookshelves to your arms, And shield me from the cares of life" and "Henry Phipps". Two cherubs sit atop the enclosed texts and are surrouned by garland. A third cherub sits in the bottom right corner surrounded by books while reading. Signed "Moring Sc."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language English
Artist Moring
Carrington, James
Description States, "James Carrington;" features a shield with a diagonal strip of diamonds, a helmet, and a ducal coronet with a demi-unicorn. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 10 cm.
Lord Carteret, Henry Frederi …
Loyal devoir
Description States, "Henry Frederick Lord Carteret" with motto "Loyal devoir;" features a sectioned shield supported by two winged stags. The crest consists of a crown. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Language French
Osborn, Russel Wright
Quantum in rebus inane
Description States, "Ex-Libris Russel Wight Osborn" with motto "Quantum in rebus inane;" features a shield with a diagonal stripe, two lions rampant, a hand, and a crest with a crowned demi-lion. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Castle, Agnes
Castle, Egerton
Description States, "Ex Libris Egerton Castle. MA;" depicts a library setting with a man reclining in a chair next a a fire. Signed at bottom right "Agnes Castle, Del. 1892."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 6 cm.
Artist Castle, Agnes
Harrison, Joseph, Jr.
Esse quam videri
Description States, "Joseph Harrison, Junr. No.111" with motto "Ess quam videri;" features a crest with crane rising and wings displayed. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Chamberlin, Emerson
Spes et fides
Description States, "Emerson Chamberlin" with motto "Spes et fides;" features a shield with a globe surrrounded by a border of stars. The crest consist of an eagle displayed with a shield. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Clarke, Grace
Description States, "Grace Clarke;" features a shield with two cat masks and a rising eagle with wings displayed. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Chase, George B.
Description States, "George B. Chase" with motto "Forward;" features a shield with four crosses, a lion passant, a helmet, and a crest with a lion rampant holding a cross. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 8 cm.
Language English
Chicago-Kansas City Limited
Description States, "Ex Libris Chicago-Kansas City Limited;" features an open book surrounded by a triangle and a train. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Kobbe, Mary Lyman
Quod verum tutum
Description States, "Mary Lyman Kobbe" with motto "Quod verum tutum;" features a quartered shield with a roundels, sheep, a chevron stripe, a cross, a helmet, and a demi-bull. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Public Library City of Cinci …
Juncta juvant
Description States, "Public Library City of Cincinatti" with motto "Juncat Juvant;" features one hand passing a torch to another, a scale, a sword, a caduceus, a stack of book, an inkwell, and a globe. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Harrison, Theodore L.
Esse quam videri
Description States, "Theodore L. Harrison. No..." with motto "Esse Quam Videri;" features a shield containing a crane with wings open and displayed. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Harrison, Joseph, Jr.
Esse quam videri
Description States, "Theodore L. Harrison. No.142" with motto "Esse Quam Videri;" features a shield containing a crane with wings open and displayed. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Harrison, Theodore L.
Esse quam videri
Description States, "Theodore L. Harrison. No..." with motto "Esse Quam Videri;" features a shield containing a crane with wings open and displayed. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Triangle Service League
Description States, "This book is property of the Triangle Service League San Diego,", depicts a sailing ship on the ocean inside an inverted triangle. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
War Service Library
Description States, "War Service Library - Books are provided by the people of the United States through the American Library Association for the use of the soldiers and sailors;" depicts an armed soldier holding a stack of books. Signed in lower left, "F."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Harrison, Joseph, Jr.
Esse quam videri
Description States, "Theodore L. Harrison. No.153" with motto "Esse Quam Videri;" features a shield containing a crane with wings open and displayed. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
W T Club New York City, The
Description States, "The WT Club New York City." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 4 x 6 cm.
General Circulating Library, …
Description States, "General Circulating Library, York." Surrounded by fleur-de-lis border. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col. ;
Bryson Library Teachers Coll …
Description States, "The Bryson Library. Teachers College. New York City;" depicts a woman sitting ina chair with an open book and surrounded by garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Walker, Robert Crawfurd
Saper aude
Description States, "Robert Crawford Walker, F.S.A. Scot., J.P., Von. Sheriff-Subs of Forfarshire" with motto "Sapere aude;" features a shield with three fleur-de-lis and a crest with a helmet and a demi-dog. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Carnegie Library Pittsburgh, …
Description States, "Class, Book, 1895 Carnegie Library Pittsburgh, School Duplicate Collection;" features a shield with three eages and surrounded by a border of garland and roses. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 8 cm.
Carnegie Library Pittsburgh, …
Description States, "Class, Book, 1895 Carnegie Library Pittsburgh, Home Libraries and Clubs;" features a shield with three eages and surrounded by a border of garland and roses. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 8 cm.
Public Library City of Cinci …
Juncta juvant
Description States, "Public Library City of Cincinatti" with motto "Juncat Juvant;" features one hand passing a torch to another, a scale, a sword, a caduceus, a stack of book, an inkwell, and a globe. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Harrison, Theodore L.
Esse quam videri
Description States, "Theodore L. Harrison. No..." with motto "Esse Quam Videri;" features a shield containing a crane with wings open and displayed. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Harrison, Theodore L.
Esse quam videri
Description States, "Theodore L. Harrison. No..." with motto "Esse Quam Videri;" features a shield containing a crane with wings open and displayed. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Clarke, Thos. F.
Carpe diem
Description States, "Thos. F. Clarke" with motto "Carpe diem;" features a shield with a stripe of three swans, three roundles, and a crest with a bird. The shield is surrounded by flowering garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Hobhouse, Sir John C.
Spes vitae melioris
Description States, "Rt. Honble Sir John C. Hobhouse, Bt." with motto "Spes vitae melioris;" features a shield with crosses, a hand, crescents with estoiles, and a crest with a mural coronet and estoile. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Clawson, Hamilton Phelps
Description States, "Hamilton Phelps Clawson;" features a portraint of a dog, an open book, an inkwell with a quill, and a tablet with various characters. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Parker, H.W.
A maximis ad minima
Description States, "H.W. Parker" with motto "A maximis ad minima;" depicts a caduceus pedestal and torch supporting an open book with the text "Arts Scientis Literature." signed at bottom left "H.W.P. des."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Artist H.W.P.
Coates' Circulating Library
Description States, "Coates Circulating Library, (In connection with Mudie,) 15, Market-Place, Warminster. Class."
Format 1 print : black on blue paper, 6 x 9 cm.
Language English
Cobb Library
A good book is the best of f …
Description States, "Cobb Library Bryantville. In memory of Rozilla Cobb. Founder Bought…19…No…Accession…A Good Book is the Best of Friends. The Same To-Day and Forever;" features a book, an oil lamp, and garland. Signed at bottom left "G.M."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Language English
Artist G.M.
Hadley, Frank L.
Description States, "Ex Libris Frank L. Handley;" features oil wells, a stack of book with an oil lamp, an eagel, and a light shining on a book. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Public Library of the City o …
Description States, "Shelf No…Landscape Architecture. The Collection of Henry Sargent Codman and Philip Codman, Landscape Architects. Given as a Memorial of them to The Public Library of the City of Boston by Mr. And Mrs. James M. Codman. 1896;" features a shield with a pair of wings, three roundels, and a crest with a martlet and branch. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Language English
Coleridge, Francis George
Qualis vita finis ita
Description States, "Francis George Coleridge" with motto "Qualis vita finis ita;" features a shield with a diagonal of four lions passant, six crowns, and a crest of a demi-crane. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
[Art School -- Geometrical C …
Pratt Institute
Subject Art -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Drawing -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Photograph of a geometric curve, probably hand-drawn by a student in the Pratt Institute School of Art. Keywords: Geometrical drawing, Mathematical drawing, Drawings, Sketches, Geometrical models, Curves, Graphic arts, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Campus -- Children's Porch, …
Pratt Institute
Subject College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, Porticoes -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- History
Description The Children's Portico on the south side of the Pratt Institute Library: "Relocated from the south side of the Pratt Library to permit the 1982 Library renovation and extension. The complete portico was an accurate translation of the 12th century Norman porch and staircase at King's School, Canterbury Cathedral. The portico has been admired, fondly and reverently photographed, drawn and rendered since its construction in 1912. Known as "The Children's Porch," it gave entry to the children's library and reading room of the Pratt Institute Free Library, the first in the history of the public library service in this country" [from plaque on the structure, ca. 1982]. Keywords: Porches, Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Campus -- DeKalb Gate]
Pratt Institute
Subject College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, Gates -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- History
Description The gate to Pratt Institute on the corner of DeKalb Street and St. James/Hall Street (now called "Hall Street Gate"), showing DeKalb Hall in the background. Keywords: Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Jimenez, Jorge Luis Garcia
[Art School -- Interior Desi …
Pratt Institute
Subject Interior decoration -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Design for a furnished living room and entrance area of a "Bachelor's Apartment," created by a student at Pratt Institute for Arnold Friedman's Interior Design class. Signed at bottom, "Jorge Luis Garcia Jimenez." Keywords: Living rooms, Furniture, Interior decoration rendering, Renderings, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Advertising D …
Pratt Institute
Subject Advertising -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Packaging -- Design and construction, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Packages in the form of a train engine and cars, for "Little Engineer Toilet Kit for Juniors," consisting of Talc and Hair Tonic. Created by a Pratt Institute student for Robert Dolce's Advertising Design class. Keywords: Containers, Commercial art, Men's toiletries, Toilet preparations, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Advertising D …
Pratt Institute
Subject Advertising -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Packaging -- Design and construction, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Package in the form of a castle turret, for "King Arthur's Knights Unbreakable Plastic Toys;" the toys, armored knights on horseback, are arranged around the package. Created by a Pratt Institute student for Robert Dolce's Advertising Design class. Keywords: Containers, Commercial art, Toys, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Architecture -- Abstract Dr …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Art -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Abstract drawing created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Signed with illegible symbol in lower left. Keywords: Drawings, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Advertising D …
Pratt Institute
Subject Advertising -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Advertisement for "Therapeutic Formula Vitamins," with the motto, "Reliability in action;" depicts two stick figures, one aiming a bow and arrow at a vitamin capsule on the other's head, and two blocks of text pertaining to a boxing match. Created by a Pratt Institute student for Robert Dolce's Advertising Design class. Keywords: Commercial art, Graphic arts, Graphic design, Advertisements, Renderings, Vitamins, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Food Science and Management …
Pratt Institute
Subject Table setting and decoration -- New York (State) -- New York, Food industry and trade -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Arrangement of food with Christmas decorations, created by a student or students in Food Science and Management at Pratt Institute. Keywords: Desserts, Appetizers, Cookery (Avocado), Holiday decorations, Christmas decorations, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Bernstein, Richard, 1939-200 …
[Art School -- Sculpture]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Sculpture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Sculpture of a seated man, created by a student at Pratt Institute for Calvin Albert's Sculpture class. Signed in lower right on wooden platform, "Dick Bernstein." Richard Bernstein, a graduate of Pratt Institute, became well-known for his pop-art portrait photography, particularly his covers for Andy Warhol's Interview magazine. Keywords: Statues, Men, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Architecture -- Sculpture]
Pratt Institute
Subject Sculpture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Sculpture created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Keywords: Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Athletics -- Cheerleaders]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Cheerleading -- New York (State) -- New York
Description The Pratt Institute Cheerleading squad [in no particular order]: Jan Amidon, Jessie Badash, Marilyn Farina (Captain), Jessie Fine, Barbara Grossman, Diane Lauiolette, Ann Marie Valley. Keywords: Cheerleaders, Women, Students, Group portraits, Athletics, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Art School -- Advertising D …
Pratt Institute
Subject Advertising -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Packaging -- Design and construction, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Packages for Skippy Peanut Butter, redesigned by a Pratt Institute student in Advertising Design. Keywords: Containers, Commercial art, Peanut butter, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Dance -- Origami Dance]
Pratt Institute
Subject Dance -- New York (State) -- New York, Origami -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Pratt Institute student in a Japanese-style robe, on-stage for an Origami Dance performance. Keywords: Women, Students, Dancers, Performing arts, Dance costume, Stage props, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Architecture -- Row Housing …
Pratt Institute
Subject Architecture -- Designs and plans, Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Architectural model reflecting design for row houses, created by a student for William Goldfinger's class in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Keywords: Architectural models, Dwellings, Houses, Homes, Buildings, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Pratt Institu …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- Buildings, Photography -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Pratt Institute campus at night, featuring Ryerson Walk, Willoughby Avenue, North Hall, Memorial Hall, Main Building, South Hall, East Building, Chemistry Building, Machinery Building, Engineering Building, and the Brooklyn skyline. Taken by or for James Ramey, a professor in the Pratt Institute Evening School (Continuing Professional Studies). Keywords: Streets, Roads, Automobiles, Architecture, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Architecture -- Row Housing …
Pratt Institute
Subject Architecture -- Designs and plans, Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Architectural model reflecting design for row houses on the corner of Franklin Avenue and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan, created by a student for William Goldfinger's class in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Signed illegibly, possibly "Gottesman." Keywords: Architectural models, Dwellings, Houses, Homes, Buildings, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Playshop -- A Doll's House]
Pratt Institute
Subject College and school drama, American -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Pratt Institute student in costume for a production of Henrik Ibsen's play, A Doll's House. Created by or for Brian Meeson, a professor in the School of Art. Keywords: Women, Students, Actresses, College theater, Costumes, Stage props, Performing arts, Furniture, Theater design, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Campus -- Main Building]
Pratt Institute
Subject College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Front view of the Main Building at Pratt Institute, also showing Ryerson Walk, Memorial Hall, and North Hall. The Main Building was built in 1887 by Hugo Lamb and Charles A. Rich, and was the first building at Pratt Institute, constructed of brick in the Romanesque revival style. Keywords: Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Howard, Alan R.
[Architecture -- A Prison fo …
Pratt Institute
Subject Architecture -- Designs and plans, Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Building plans for the "Central Complex" of a prison, created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture, design includes a chapel, recreation center, auditorium, dining hall, administrative area, medical center, library, school, and various shops (e.g., metal shop, print shop). Keywords: Floor plans, Buildings, Prisons, Architectural drawing, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Dickinson, Mary
[Art School -- Fashion -- Sh …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Fashion design -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Shoes -- Design
Description Shoe last, a model for making shoes, created by a Pratt Institute Fashion student. Signed at top, "Mary Dickinson." Keywords: Shoemaking, Shoe making, Models and modelmaking, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Freshmen Week]
Pratt Institute
Subject College student orientation -- New York (State) -- New York, College freshmen -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Several students on the steps of Main Building during Freshmen Week at Pratt Institute. Keywords: Men, Women, Students, Buildings, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Art School -- Fashion -- Sh …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Fashion design -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Shoes -- Design
Description Shoe last, a model for making shoes, created by a Pratt Institute Fashion student. Keywords: Shoemaking, Shoe making, Models and modelmaking, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Freshmen Week]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, College freshmen -- New York (State) -- New York, College student orientation -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Pratt Institute campus during Freshmen Week, featuring men and women on Ryerson Walk, the Library stands in the background. Keywords: Men, Women, Students, Buildings, Automobiles, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[R.O.T.C. -- President's Rev …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps
Description The R.O.T.C. President's Review on the playing fields at Pratt Institute, with Classon Avenue in the background. Keywords: Men, Students, Military uniforms, Military parades and ceremonies, Processions, Spectators, Audiences, Streets, Roads, Automobiles, Buildings, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York
Description A view of the Pratt Institute campus from the Main Building portico. Keywords: Men, Women, Students, Buildings, Automobiles, Porches, Porticoes, Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Campus -- Engineering Build …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Façade and entrance of the Engineering building at Pratt Institute. The Engineering Building was built in 1928-1929 by John Mead Howells, and extended in 1935. Keywords: Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Athletics -- Soccer Team]
Pratt Institute
Subject Soccer teams -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Soccer, Pratt Institute -- History
Description The Pratt Institute Soccer Team of 1960, with Coach George Davis. Keywords: Men, Students, Soccer players, College athletes, Coaches, Soccer teams, College sports, Athletics, Group portraits, Universities and colleges, Physical education and training.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Art School -- Graduate Art …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Prints -- Technique -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Proof print from a woodcut, created by a graduate student in the Pratt Institute School of Art. Signed illegibly in lower left, possibly "G. Schon." Keywords: Proofs (Prints), Printmaking, Print-making, Wood-engraving, Woodcuts, Block printing, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Architecture -- Waterfront …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Architecture -- Designs and plans
Description Rendering of a building, possibly a shopping mall, on a pier, showing helicopters, boats, towers, and a variety of buildings in the background, including a carousel and amusement park. Created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Keywords: Renderings, Buildings, Waterfronts, Piers, Harbors, Architectural drawing, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Christ-Janer, Albert, 1910-1 …
[Art School -- Lithograph -- …
Pratt Institute
Subject Prints -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Lithographic print created by Albert Christ-Janer, a professor in the Pratt Institute School of Art. Keywords: Printmaking, Print-making, Lithography, Lithographs, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Campus -- Fountain]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Fountains -- New York (State) -- New York
Description The fountain in the Science and Technology courtyard at Pratt Institute, showing a detail of the carvings. The fountain, ca. 1600?, was a well-head of Italian marble converted into a fountain, purchased by the Pratt family in 1900. Keywords: Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Campus -- Fire at Pratt, Ma …
Pratt Institute
Subject College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York, Universities and colleges -- Fires and fire prevention -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Fire engines and firemen on Ryerson Walk at Pratt Institute, in front of the Main Building, with Memorial Hall visible on the left. The Main Building was built in 1887 by Hugo Lamb and Charles A. Rich, and was the first building at Pratt Institute, constructed of brick in the Romanesque revival style. Keywords: Fire engines, Fire trucks, Fire extinction, Fire fighting, Fire fighters, Ladders.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Architecture -- Office Buil …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Architecture -- Designs and plans
Description Architectural model reflecting the design for a high-rise office building on 51st Street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan, created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Keywords: Architectural models, Office buildings, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Lithograph]
Pratt Institute
Subject Prints -- Technique -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Lithographic print, probably created by a Pratt Institute student in the School of Art. Keywords: Printmaking, Print-making, Lithography, Lithographs, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Upper Brooklyn, Aerial View …
Pratt Institute
Subject Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Buildings, structures, etc., Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Aerial views
Description Aerial view showing Upper Brooklyn, Lower Manhattan and Midtown Manhattan, Governor's Island, and part of New Jersey. Keywords: Bridges, Boats, Buildings, Streets, Roads, Aerial photography, Aerial photographs.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Campus -- South Hall Gate]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Gates -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York
Description The gate at South Hall (front view), Pratt Institute. South Hall originally housed the Pratt Institute High School, and was built in 1889-1892 by William B. Tubby. Keywords: Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Architecture -- Salt Water …
Pratt Institute
Subject Architecture -- Designs and plans, Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Design for a salt water conversion plant, showing a cross section and interior view of the Public Building, and an exterior view of the Conversion Plant. Created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Keywords: Renderings, Water treatment plants, Buildings, Architectural drawing, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Food Science and Management …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Food industry and trade -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Table setting and decoration -- New York (State) -- New York, Cookery, Panamanian
Description Arrangement of food reflecting the cuisine of Panama, with accompanying dolls, baskets, and glazed container, created by a student or students in Food Science and Management at Pratt Institute. Keywords: Dolls, Baskets, Containers, Ceramics, Cookery (Bananas), Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Sanoff, Henry
[Architecture -- Redevelopme …
Pratt Institute
Subject Architecture -- Designs and plans, Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Architectural model reflecting design for the redevelopment of a Jamaican village, created by two students in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Keywords: Architectural models, Dwellings, Houses, Buildings, Villages -- Jamaica, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Food Science and Management …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Food industry and trade -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Table setting and decoration -- New York (State) -- New York, Ice carving -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Two ice sculptures, one of an elephant, and one of a horn or cornucopia, created by a student or students in Food Science and Management at Pratt Institute. Keywords: Decorative arts, Sculpture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Biviano, Robert
[Architecture -- City Projec …
Pratt Institute
Subject Architecture -- Designs and plans, Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Rendering of a residential city street in New York, showing the juxtaposition of low-rise and high-rise apartment buildings. Created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Signed in lower right, "Biviano." Keywords: Renderings, Buildings, Dwellings, Apartment houses, Streets, Roads, Automobiles, Architectural drawing, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Fashion Show]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Fashion design -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Fashion shows -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Woman modeling clothes during a Pratt Institute Fashion Show. Keywords: Women, Students, Fashion designers, Models (Persons), Women's clothing, Dresses, Dress accessories, Audiences, Spectators, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Harasymiak, Ireneus
[Architecture -- City Projec …
Pratt Institute
Subject Architecture -- Designs and plans, Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Rendering of 34th Street in Manhattan, as "typical of a predominantly shopping street;" accompanying graphs show rates of pedestrian traffic and vehicular traffic at different times of the day. Created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Signed in lower right, "Harasymiak." Keywords: Renderings, Buildings, Macy's, Saks & Company, Streets, Roads, Pedestrians, Automobiles, Architectural drawing, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
McGahren, Kenneth
[Architecture -- Neighborhoo …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Architecture -- Designs and plans
Description Plans for "A Neighborhood Elementary School," created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Keywords: Floor plans, Elementary schools, Buildings, Architectural drawing, Schools of Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Architecture -- City Projec …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Architecture -- Designs and plans
Description West side study of Columbus Avenue, created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Keywords: Renderings, Buildings, Streets, Roads, Automobiles, Architectural drawing, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Food Science and Management …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Food industry and trade -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Table setting and decoration -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Arrangement of black china, including silverware and a chafing dish, created by a student in food Science and Management at Pratt Institute. Keywords: Tableware, Chafing dishes, Flatware, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Advertising D …
Pratt Institute
Subject Advertising -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Occupancy sign created by a Pratt Institute student in Advertising Design. Keywords: Signs and signboards, Commercial art, Graphic arts, Graphic design, Renderings, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Graduate Art …
Pratt Institute
Subject Art -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Three-dimensional art object designed by a graduate student in Clare Romano's class in the Pratt Institute School of Art. Keywords: Decorative arts, Sculptures, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Interior Desi …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Interior decoration -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Interior model of an office space, showing furniture and interior decoration. Created by a Pratt Institute student in Interior Design. Keywords: Models and modelmaking, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Pratt Center for Community …
Pratt Institute
Subject Architecture -- Designs and plans, Architecture -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Center for Community Improvement, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Architectural model for a Communications Park, created by or for the Pratt Institute Center for Community Improvement. Keywords: Architectural models, Buildings, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Architecture -- Vacation Ho …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Architecture -- Designs and plans
Description Design for a vacation home, showing rear view, section, and the footing and framing plan. Created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Keywords, Renderings, Buildings, Dwellings, Vacation homes, Architectural drawing, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Industrial De …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Design, Industrial -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Automobiles -- Design and construction
Description Model of a taxi cab housed in the Transportation Laboratory at Pratt Institute. This is probably the taxi known as "Parriott's Chariot," designed by a team of faculty members and students, led by Joseph Parriott, Chairman of Industrial Design at Pratt Institute from 1966 to 1990. Keywords: Taxicabs, Taxi cabs, Models and modelmaking, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Vierheilig, Albert Edmund
[Architecture -- A Concrete …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Architecture -- Designs and plans
Description Design for an "Elephant House" in a zoo, showing the Left Side Elevation, Front Elevation, and floor plan. Created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Signed in lower right, "Albert Vierheilig." Keywords: Renderings, Floor plans, Buildings, Zoos, Architectural drawing, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Industrial De …
Pratt Institute
Subject Automobiles -- Design and construction, Design, Industrial -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Model of a taxi cab housed in the Transportation Laboratory at Pratt Institute. This is probably the taxi known as "Parriott's Chariot," designed by a team of faculty members and students, led by Joseph Parriot, Chairman of Industrial Design at Pratt Institute from 1966 to 1990. Keywords: Taxicabs, Taxi cabs, Models and modelmaking, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Architecture -- Church]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Architecture -- Designs and plans
Description Design for a church, created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Keywords: Renderings, Church buildings, Churches, Architectural drawing, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Campus -- Library, Snow Sce …
Pratt Institute
Subject College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York, Libraries -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Rear view of the Pratt Institute Library in the snow. The Pratt Institute Library was built as a public as well as a college library, and was the first free Library in New York City. It was built by architect William B. Tubby in Victorian Renaissance revival style, with interiors by the Tiffany Decorating Company, the Romanesque-style Children's Portico was added to the children's entrance in 1912, the north porch was added in 1936 by John Mead Howells. Keywords: Library architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Architecture -- Church]
Pratt Institute
Subject Architecture -- Designs and plans, Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Design for a church, interior view showing the altar, lector, and congregation, created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Keywords: Renderings, Church buildings, Churches, Architectural drawing, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Campus -- South Hall Gate, …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Gates -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York
Description The gate at South Hall (rear view from bottom of stairs), Pratt Institute, showing snow and buildings in the background. South Hall originally housed the Pratt Institute High School, and was built in 1889-1892 by William B. Tubby. Keywords: Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Grossi, Olindo
[Architecture -- Brooklyn Ci …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Architecture -- Designs and plans
Description Architectural model of the Brooklyn Civic Center area, showing buildings on Adams Street, Jay Street, Tillart Street, Flatbush Avenue, Myrtle Avenue, Willoughby Avenue, Bridge Street, Fulton Street, Court Street, Livingston Street, Hoyt Street, and Atlantic Avenue, created by Olindo Grossi, a professor in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Signed in lower right, "Olindo Grossi | Pratt Institute." Keywords: Architectural models, Buildings, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Hack, Linda Lloy
[Art School -- Interior Desi …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Interior decoration -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Design for a psychiatric rehabilitation center, showing the floor plan with furniture layout. Created by a Pratt Institute graduate student in Interior Design for her Master of Science thesis project. Psychiatric clinics, Buildings, Floor plans, Interior decoration rendering, Renderings, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Vitto, W.
[Architecture -- Chemstrand …
Pratt Institute
Subject Architecture -- Designs and plans, Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Design for a "Mountain Retreat," showing the exterior and living room interior, created by a student in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture for the Chemstrand Competition. Signed in lower right, "W. Vitto." Keywords: Chemstrand Company, Chemstrand Corporation, Renderings, Buildings, Dwellings, Vacation homes, Houses, Living rooms, Architectural drawing, Architecture -- Competitions, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Painted Telep …
Pratt Institute
Subject Sculpture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Painted telephone, probably created by a Pratt Institute student in the School of Art. Keywords: Telephones, Sculptures, Painting, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Pfeiffer, Werner, 1937-
[Art School -- Advertising D …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Advertising -- New York (State) -- New York, Smith, Myron Bement, 1897-1970
Description Advertisement for a lecture given by Dr. Myron Bement Smith on February 19, 1962, at Memorial Hall, Pratt Institute, entitled, "Moorish Architecture in Spain: The Generalife Alcazar, Alhambra." Designed by Werner B. Pfeiffer, a Pratt Institute professor in the School of Art. Keywords: Commercial art, Graphic arts, Graphic design, Advertisements, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Parriott, Joseph Marshall, 1 …
[Art School -- Industrial De …
Pratt Institute
Subject Design, Industrial -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Model for a Pitney-Bowes postage meter, with accompanying carrying case, designed by Joseph Parriott, Chairman of Industrial Design at Pratt Institute from 1966 to 1990. Keywords: Models and modelmaking, Postage meters, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Pfeiffer, Werner, 1937-
[Art School -- Advertising D …
Pratt Institute
Subject Conason, Emil G., Advertising -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Advertisement for a lecture given by Dr. Emil Conason on January 10, 1962, through the Department of Graphic Arts and Illustration (Art School) at Pratt Institute, entitled, "The Chemistry of Choice." Designed by Werner B. Pfeiffer, a Pratt Institute professor in the School of Art. Keywords: Commercial art, Graphic arts, Graphic design, Advertisements, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Art School -- Sculpture -- …
Pratt Institute
Subject Photography -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Sculpture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Photograph of women on tire swings, probably created by a Pratt Institute student in the School of Art. Keywords: Sculptures, Women, Dancers, Dance, Tires, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Dance -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Two students on stage during a dance performance at Pratt Institute. Keywords: Women, Students, Dancers, Performing arts, Dance costume, Universities and colleges
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Kaleidoscope- …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Art -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Kaleidoscopic images of a dancing man, probably created by a Pratt Institute student in the School of Art. Keywords: Kaleidoscopes in art, Dance in art, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Jewelry]
Pratt Institute
Subject Jewelry making -- New York (State) -- New York, Jewelry -- Design, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description A hand displaying three women's rings, created by a Pratt Institute student for Ralph Wickiser's class in the School of Art. Keywords: Decorative arts, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Kaleidoscope- …
Pratt Institute
Subject Art -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Kaleidoscopic images of a dancing man, probably created by a Pratt Institute student in the School of Art. Keywords: Kaleidoscopes in art, Dance in art, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Fashion]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Fashion design -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Woman stepping through the South Hall Gate at Pratt Institute, modeling a coat designed by a Pratt Institute Fashion student. Keywords: Women, Students, Fashion designers, Models (Persons), Women's clothing, Coats, Gates, Architecture, Buildings, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Computer Art]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Computer art -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Artwork created on a computer by or for Haroun Mahrous, a Pratt Institute professor in Electrical Engineering. Keywords: Graphic arts, Computer graphics, Graphic design, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Lane, Judy
[Art School -- Interior Desi …
Pratt Institute
Subject Furniture -- Design, Interior decoration -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Furniture made from garbage, featuring a child reading on an armchair constructed from egg cartons. Created by a Pratt Institute student in Interior Design. Keywords: Models and modelmaking, Chairs, Children, Boys, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Fashion]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Fashion design -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Woman modeling an outfit designed by a Fashion student at Pratt Institute. Keywords: Women, Students, Fashion designers, Models (Persons), Women's clothing, Pants, Blouses, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Beckhardt, Karen J.
[Art School -- Graphic Desig …
Pratt Institute
Subject Prints -- Technique -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Print (probably lithographic) created by a Pratt Institute student in Graphic Design. Signed in lower right, "Karen Beckhardt '71." Keywords: Printmaking, Print-making, Lithography, Lithographs, Graphic design, Graphic arts, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[R.O.T.C. -- Military Ball]
Pratt Institute
Subject Students -- New York (State) -- New York -- Recreation, Balls (Parties) -- New York (State) -- New York, United States. Army. Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Pratt Institute -- History
Description The Military Ball at Pratt Institute, featuring R.O.T.C. students in uniform. Keywords: Men, Women, Students, Dances, Military uniforms, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Beckhardt, Karen J.
[Art School -- Graphic Desig …
Pratt Institute
Subject Prints -- Technique -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Print (probably lithographic) created by a Pratt Institute student in Graphic Design. Signed in lower right, "Karen Beckhardt '71." Keywords: Printmaking, Print-making, Lithography, Lithographs, Graphic design, Graphic arts, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Ceramics]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pottery -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Ceramic vase created by a student in Leon Polansky's class in the Pratt Institute School of Art. Keywords: Ceramics, Decorative arts, Vases, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Beckhardt, Karen J.
[Art School -- Graphic Desig …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Prints -- Technique -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Print (probably lithographic) of a calendar page, created by a Pratt Institute student in Graphic Design. Signed in lower right, "Karen Beckhardt '71." Keywords: Printmaking, Print-making, Lithography, Lithographs, Calendars, Graphic design, Graphic arts, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Ceramics]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pottery -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Ceramic goblet with dragon figure, created by a student in Leon Polansky's class in the Pratt Institute School of Art. Keywords: Ceramics, Decorative arts, Goblets, Drinking vessels, Drinking cups, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Crowe, Susan
[Art School -- Sculpture]
Pratt Institute
Subject Sculpture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Sculpture created by a Pratt Institute student in the School of Art. Keywords: Sculptures, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Graphic Arts …
Pratt Institute
Subject Graphic arts -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Three-dimensional art object created by a Pratt Institute student for Michael Horen's class in Graphic Arts and Illustration. Keywords: Decorative arts, Sculptures, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Farrell, Philip F.
[Art School -- Interior Desi …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Interior decoration -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Design for a space station, showing "Lounge area arranged for 'round table' meeting" and "Quiet area arranged as medical facility." Created by a Pratt Institute student in Interior Design. Keywords: Space stations, Interior decoration rendering, Renderings, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Campus -- Cannon]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Cannons -- New York (State) -- New York, Philip V, King of Spain, 1683-1746
Description The cannon at Pratt Institute: "In 1899, Pratt trustees purchased the bronze cannon. The cannon, which bears the insignia of Philip V of Spain in bas-relief, was cast in Seville, Spain in 1720 and mounted at Havana's Morro Castle in 1859" [from plaque in front of cannon, ca. 1995]. Keywords: Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Campus -- Library]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, Libraries -- New York (State) -- New York, College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Rear view of the Pratt Institute Library. The Pratt Institute Library was built as a public as well as a college library, and was the first free Library in New York City. It was built by architect William B. Tubby in Victorian Renaissance revival style, with interiors by the Tiffany Decorating Company, the Romanesque-style Children's Portico was added to the children's entrance in 1912, the north porch was added in 1936 by John Mead Howells. Keywords: Library architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Campus -- South Hall Gate]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Gates -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York
Description The gate at South Hall (rear view from bottom of stairs), Pratt Institute. South Hall originally housed the Pratt Institute High School, and was built in 1889-1892 by William B. Tubby. Keywords: Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Campus -- Main Building]
Pratt Institute
Subject College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Front view of the Main Building at Pratt Institute, also showing Ryerson Walk, and partial views of the Library and Memorial Hall. The Main Building was built in 1887 by Hugo Lamb and Charles A. Rich, and was the first building at Pratt Institute, constructed of brick in the Romanesque revival style. Keywords: Men, Women, Students, Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Pfeiffer, Werner, 1937-
[Art School -- Book Binding]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Bookbinding -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Photograph of leather-bound book, The Power Elite, by Charles Wright Mills, probably designed by Werner B. Pfeiffer, a Pratt Institute professor in the School of Art. Keywords: Book arts, Fine bindings, Embossed bindings, Book design, Book ornamentation, Graphic arts, Graphic design, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Goldstein, Debbie L.
[Art School -- Industrial De …
Pratt Institute
Subject Design, Industrial -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Model of a three-dimensional object (possibly boxes or other containers), decorated with a pattern of bees, created by a Pratt Institute student in Industrial Design. Keywords: Models and modelmaking, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Goldstein, Debbie L.
[Art School -- Industrial De …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Design, Industrial -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Model of a mechanical object, or machine, created by a Pratt Institute student in Industrial Design. Keywords: Models and modelmaking, Machines, Machinery, Art Schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Kappel, Philip
[Art School -- Illustrators' …
Pratt Institute
Subject Prints -- New York (State) -- New York -- Exhibitions, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Illustration (print from etching or engraving) by Philip Kappel, a graduate of Pratt Institute in 1924, exhibited in the Illustrators' Show at Pratt Institute, which included works from Pratt Institute students and alumni. Signed in lower right, "Philip Kappel." Keywords: Illustrators, Illustrations, Graphic design, Graphic arts, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Johnson, Archer
[Art School -- Glass-Chrome …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Decorative arts -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Tables -- Design and construction
Description Glass and chrome table, designed by a student in the Pratt Institute School of Art. Keywords: Furniture design, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 7 x 8 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Pratt Institute
Subject College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Pratt Institute students sitting on the lawn outside DeKalb Hall. DeKalb Hall was built in 1954-1955 by McKim, Mead and White, and was originally the Men's Residence Hall. Keywords: Men, Women, Students, Dormitories, Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Pratt Institute students on Ryerson Walk, showing Memorial Hall and a partial view of Main Building. Keywords: Men, Students, Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Art School -- Advertising D …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Packaging -- Design and construction, Advertising -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Package in the form of "The Shoe Shine House," for shoe-shining materials. Created by a Pratt Institute student in Advertising Design. Keywords: Containers, Commercial art, Shoe polish, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Adelphi Academy]
Pratt Institute
Subject Adelphi Academy (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) -- History, Preparatory schools -- New York (State) -- New York, Buildings -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn's oldest private preparatory school, on the corner of Lafayette Avenue and St. James Place in Brooklyn. Keywords: Architecture, Automobiles.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Art School -- Ceramics]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pottery -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Ceramic sculpture created by a student in Leon Polansky's class in the Pratt Institute School of Art. Keywords: Ceramics, Decorative arts, Sculptures, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Fashion Studi …
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion design -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Woman modeling a dress and matching wrap, designed by a Fashion student at Pratt Institute. Keywords: Women, Students, Fashion designers, Models (Persons), Women's clothing, Dresses, Dress accessories, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Interior Desi …
Pratt Institute
Subject Interior decoration -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Interior model, possibly for an office space, showing furniture and interior decoration. Created by a Pratt Institute student in Interior Design. Keywords: Models and modelmaking, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Kite Flying Contest]
Pratt Institute
Subject Kites -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Student preparing a large kite for the Kite Flying Contest, held on the Playing Fields at Pratt Institute. Keywords: Men, Women, Students, Aeronautics, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
Wilde, Richard L.
[Art School -- Door Knob]
Pratt Institute
Subject Decorative arts -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Ornate metal door knob with keyhole, created by a Pratt Institute student in the School of Art. Keywords: Doorknobs, Door knobs, Metalworking, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Fashion Show]
Pratt Institute
Subject Fashion shows -- New York (State) -- New York, Fashion design -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Women modeling clothes during a Pratt Institute Fashion Show. Keywords: Women, Students, Fashion designers, Models (Persons), Women's clothing, Dresses, Shorts, Blouses, Pants, Dress accessories, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Adelphi Academy]
Pratt Institute
Subject Adelphi Academy (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) -- History, Preparatory schools -- New York (State) -- New York, Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Buildings, structures, etc.
Description Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn's oldest private preparatory school, on the corner of Lafayette Avenue and St. James Place. Keywords: Architecture, Streets, Roads, Automobiles.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Athletics -- Judo]
Pratt Institute
Subject Judo -- Training -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Women practicing Judo at Pratt Institute. Keywords: Women, Men, Students, College athletes, Martial artists, Martial arts, Karate, College sports, Athletics, Coaches (Athletics), Universities and colleges, Physical education and training.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Urban Vehicle Design Group]
Pratt Institute
Subject Automobiles -- Design and construction, Design, Industrial -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Design modifications for a Subaru FF-IG Station Wagon, created by the Urban Vehicle Design Group at Pratt Institute. Keywords: Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Campus -- Aerial View]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York, Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Buildings, structures, etc., Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Aerial views
Description Aerial view of Pratt Institute and part of Brooklyn. Keywords: Aerial photography, Aerial photographs, Streets, Roads, Automobiles, Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Architecture -- Bridge]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Architecture -- Designs and plans
Description Model bridge created by a student in Christopher Wadsworth's class in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Keywords: Architectural models, Bridges, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Campus -- Aerial View]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Buildings, structures, etc., Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Aerial views
Description Aerial view of Brooklyn, showing the waterfront, trains, highway, and a distant view of Pratt Institute. Keywords: Aerial photography, Aerial photographs, Railroads track, Railroads -- Cars, Automobiles, Streets, Roads, Waterfronts, Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Architecture -- Collage]
Pratt Institute
Subject Art -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Architecture., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Photographic collage of New York City scenes, possibly all of Brooklyn. Created by a student in Christopher Wadsworth's class in the Pratt Institute Department of Architecture. Keywords: Photocollage, Photographs, Men, Women, Automobiles, Brooklyn, Schools of architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Campus -- Aerial View]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York, Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Buildings, structures, etc., Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Aerial views
Description Aerial view of Pratt Institute and part of Brooklyn. Keywords: Aerial photography, Aerial photographs, Streets, Roads, Automobiles, Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Benedict, Nan M.
[Art School -- Painting]
Pratt Institute
Subject Painting -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Painting by Nan Benedict, a Graduate Art Department professor in the Pratt Institute School of Art. Keywords: Paintings, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Art School -- Sculpture]
Pratt Institute
Subject Sculpture -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Sculpture, probably created by a Pratt Institute student in the School of Art. Keywords: Sculptures, Schools of art, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Art School -- Interior Desi …
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Interior decoration -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Wine rack designed by a Pratt Institute student in Interior Design. Keywords: Storage racks, Wine, Models and modelmaking, Art schools, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 6 x 6 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives, Student works
[Pratt's Astral Oil]
Pratt Institute
Subject Pratt Institute -- History, Pratt, Charles, 1830-1891, Petroleum industry and trade -- New York (State) -- New York
Description Advertisement for Pratt's Astral Oil, depicting several manufacturing buildings and ships on the waterfront in Long Island City, New York. At bottom of image: "Oil House of [Charles] Pratt Manufacturers, Packers, and Dealers in Strictly Pure Oils;""Established 1770;""The Major & Knapp Eng. Mfg. & Lith. Co. 71 Broadway, N.Y.;" and "Works: Brooklyn, E.D. and Long Island City, L.I. ~ Office: 108 Fulton St. New York." Charles Pratt & Co. merged into Standard Oil Co. in 1874, Charles Pratt subsequently founded Pratt Institute in 1887. Keywords: Advertisements, Advertising, Oil industry.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Campus -- Aerial View]
Pratt Institute
Subject Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Aerial views, Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Buildings, structures, etc., College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Aerial view of Pratt Institute and part of Brooklyn. Keywords: Aerial photography, Aerial photographs, Streets, Roads, Automobiles, Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Campus -- Aerial View]
Pratt Institute
Subject Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Aerial views, Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- Buildings, structures, etc., College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Aerial view of Pratt Institute and part of Brooklyn. Keywords: Aerial photography, Aerial photographs, Streets, Roads, Automobiles, Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
[Campus -- Main Building]
Pratt Institute
Subject College buildings -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- Buildings, Porticoes -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute -- History
Description Portico of the Main Building at Pratt Institute. The Main Building was built in 1887 by Hugo Lamb and Charles A. Rich, and was the first building at Pratt Institute, constructed of brick in the Romanesque revival style. Keywords: Porches, Architecture, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : negative, b&w, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Safety film negatives
Anderson, Susan
[Art School -- Mural]
Pratt Institute
Subject Painting -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- New York, Pratt Institute. School of Art and Design., Pratt Institute -- History
Description Mural, probably created by a Pratt Institute student in the School of Art. Keywords: Murals, Paintings, Schools of art, Universities and colleges.
Format.Extent 1 photograph : ektachrome positive, color, 10 x 13 cm.
Format.Medium Dye coupler transparencies, Student works
107th and Broadway
1976 (creation)
exhibition: Fondation Vincen …
Alice Neel (American painter …
Creator Alice Neel (American painter, 1900-1984)
Preferred Title 107th and Broadway
Subjects architecture, cityscape, contemporary (1960 to present)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
20th St.-Early Sunday Mornin …
1997 (creation)
repository: Colby College Mu …
Robert Alan Bechtle (America …
Creator Robert Alan Bechtle (American painter, born 1932)
Preferred Title 20th St.-Early Sunday Morning
Subjects architecture, cityscape, contemporary (1960 to present), Automobiles, San Francisco, streetscape, cars, deserted
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
A Militia Parade
ca. 1845 (creation)
repository: Colby College Mu …
unknown (American painter)
Creator unknown (American painter)
Preferred Title A Militia Parade
Subjects architecture, cityscape, genre, military or war, naive art, military parades, militia, community, town
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
A Mysterious Disappearance [ …
1888 (creation)
exhibition: Henry Morrison F …
Charles Taylor (American ill …
Creator Charles Taylor (American illustrator, 1855-1929)
Preferred Title A Mysterious Disappearance [Illustration for Puck]
Subjects apparel, business, commerce and trade, caricatures or satire, genre, Gilded Age, fashion, shopping
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
A Perfect Right [Illustratio …
1895 (creation)
exhibition: Henry Morrison F …
Frank Marion Hutchins (Ameri …
Creator Frank Marion Hutchins (American illustrator, ca. 1869-1896)
Preferred Title A Perfect Right [Illustration for Puck]
Subjects caricatures or satire, genre, Gilded Age, Irish, bigotry, humor, Scots, Saint Patrick, immigrants
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
A Protest [Illustration for …
1894 (creation)
exhibition: Henry Morrison F …
Louis W. Dalrymple (American …
Creator Louis W. Dalrymple (American illustrator, 1866-1905)
Preferred Title A Protest [Illustration for Puck]
Subjects caricatures or satire, genre, government, homeless, hoboes, political parties, elections, Gilded Age, humor
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
A Sea Change [Illustration f …
1889 (creation)
exhibition: Henry Morrison F …
Samuel D. Ehrhart (American …
Creator Samuel D. Ehrhart (American illustrator, ca. 1862-1937)
Preferred Title A Sea Change [Illustration for Puck]
Subjects apparel, caricatures or satire, genre, seascape, Gilded Age, sea bathing, swimming, bathing costume
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
A Substitute Bill [Illustrat …
ca. 1890 (creation)
exhibition: Henry Morrison F …
Thomas Francis Beard (Americ …
Creator Thomas Francis Beard (American illustrator, 1842-1905)
Preferred Title A Substitute Bill [Illustration for Puck]
Subjects apparel, caricatures or satire, genre, baby carriage, horse carriage, maid, Gilded Age, humor
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Academie d'homme
1902 (creation)
repository: Musée Cantini (M …
Henri Matisse (French painte …
Creator Henri Matisse (French painter, 1869-1954)
Preferred Title Academie d'homme
Subjects human figure, nude in art
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
1902 (creation)
repository: Colby College Mu …
Thomas Moran (American paint …
Creator Thomas Moran (American painter, 1837-1926)
Preferred Title Acoma
Subjects landscape, Native North Americans, American West, mesa
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
1902 (creation)
repository: Colby College Mu …
Thomas Moran (American paint …
Creator Thomas Moran (American painter, 1837-1926)
Preferred Title Acoma
Subjects landscape, Native North Americans, American West, mesa
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve Expelled from P …
1961 (creation)
repository: Musée National M …
Marc Chagall (Belorussian pa …
Creator Marc Chagall (Belorussian painter, 1887-1985)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve Expelled from Paradise
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), Old Testament and Apocrypha, Adam and Eve, expulsion from Paradise, Garden of Eden, folkloric, dreamlike
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve Expelled from P …
1961 (creation)
repository: Musée National M …
Marc Chagall (Belorussian pa …
Creator Marc Chagall (Belorussian painter, 1887-1985)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve Expelled from Paradise
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), Old Testament and Apocrypha, Adam and Eve, expulsion from Paradise, Garden of Eden, folkloric, dreamlike
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve Expelled from P …
1961 (creation)
repository: Musée National M …
Marc Chagall (Belorussian pa …
Creator Marc Chagall (Belorussian painter, 1887-1985)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve Expelled from Paradise
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), Old Testament and Apocrypha, Adam and Eve, expulsion from Paradise, Garden of Eden, folkloric, dreamlike
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve Expelled from P …
1961 (creation)
repository: Musée National M …
Marc Chagall (Belorussian pa …
Creator Marc Chagall (Belorussian painter, 1887-1985)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve Expelled from Paradise
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), Old Testament and Apocrypha, Adam and Eve, expulsion from Paradise, Garden of Eden, folkloric, dreamlike
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve Expelled from P …
1961 (creation)
repository: Musée National M …
Marc Chagall (Belorussian pa …
Creator Marc Chagall (Belorussian painter, 1887-1985)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve Expelled from Paradise
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), Old Testament and Apocrypha, Adam and Eve, expulsion from Paradise, Garden of Eden, folkloric, dreamlike
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve Expelled from P …
1961 (creation)
repository: Musée National M …
Marc Chagall (Belorussian pa …
Creator Marc Chagall (Belorussian painter, 1887-1985)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve Expelled from Paradise
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), Old Testament and Apocrypha, Adam and Eve, expulsion from Paradise, Garden of Eden, folkloric, dreamlike
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve in the Garden o …
ca. 1800-1829 (creation)
repository: Musei Vaticani ( …
Wenzel Peter (Austrian paint …
Creator Wenzel Peter (Austrian painter, 1745-1829)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Subjects animal, botanical, landscape, Old Testament and Apocrypha
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve in the Garden o …
ca. 1800-1829 (creation)
repository: Musei Vaticani ( …
Wenzel Peter (Austrian paint …
Creator Wenzel Peter (Austrian painter, 1745-1829)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Subjects animal, botanical, landscape, Old Testament and Apocrypha
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve in the Garden o …
ca. 1800-1829 (creation)
repository: Musei Vaticani ( …
Wenzel Peter (Austrian paint …
Creator Wenzel Peter (Austrian painter, 1745-1829)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Subjects animal, botanical, landscape, Old Testament and Apocrypha
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve in the Garden o …
ca. 1800-1829 (creation)
repository: Musei Vaticani ( …
Wenzel Peter (Austrian paint …
Creator Wenzel Peter (Austrian painter, 1745-1829)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Subjects animal, botanical, landscape, Old Testament and Apocrypha
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve in the Garden o …
ca. 1800-1829 (creation)
repository: Musei Vaticani ( …
Wenzel Peter (Austrian paint …
Creator Wenzel Peter (Austrian painter, 1745-1829)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Subjects animal, botanical, landscape, Old Testament and Apocrypha
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve in the Garden o …
ca. 1800-1829 (creation)
repository: Musei Vaticani ( …
Wenzel Peter (Austrian paint …
Creator Wenzel Peter (Austrian painter, 1745-1829)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Subjects animal, botanical, landscape, Old Testament and Apocrypha
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve in the Garden o …
ca. 1800-1829 (creation)
repository: Musei Vaticani ( …
Wenzel Peter (Austrian paint …
Creator Wenzel Peter (Austrian painter, 1745-1829)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Subjects animal, botanical, landscape, Old Testament and Apocrypha
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve in the Garden o …
ca. 1800-1829 (creation)
repository: Musei Vaticani ( …
Wenzel Peter (Austrian paint …
Creator Wenzel Peter (Austrian painter, 1745-1829)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Subjects animal, botanical, landscape, Old Testament and Apocrypha
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve in the Garden o …
ca. 1800-1829 (creation)
repository: Musei Vaticani ( …
Wenzel Peter (Austrian paint …
Creator Wenzel Peter (Austrian painter, 1745-1829)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
Subjects animal, botanical, landscape, Old Testament and Apocrypha
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adam and Eve with Serpent
ca. 1963-1966 (creation)
exhibition: Montreal Museum …
Marc Chagall (Belorussian ar …
Creator Marc Chagall (Belorussian artist, 1887-1985)
Preferred Title Adam and Eve with Serpent
Subjects animal, contemporary (1960 to present), Old Testament and Apocrypha, Bible, folkloric, dreamlike, snake, temptation, The Fall, Adam, Eve
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1423 (creation)
repository: Galleria degli U …
Gentile da Fabriano (Italian …
Creator Gentile da Fabriano (Italian painter, ca. 1370-1427)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects New Testament, saints, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
ca. 1600 (creation)
repository: Museo Correr (Ve …
Pieter Brueghel II (Flemish …
Creator Pieter Brueghel II (Flemish painter, ca. 1564-1638)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects cityscape, genre, New Testament, Blacks in art, Magi
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1435-1436 (creation)
repository: Brera Museum (Mi …
Stefano da Verona (Italian p …
Creator Stefano da Verona (Italian painter, ca. 1374-ca. 1438)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects animal, New Testament, saints, Jesus Christ, Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1435-1436 (creation)
repository: Brera Museum (Mi …
Stefano da Verona (Italian p …
Creator Stefano da Verona (Italian painter, ca. 1374-ca. 1438)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects animal, New Testament, saints, Jesus Christ, Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Adoration of the Magi
1435-1436 (creation)
repository: Brera Museum (Mi …
Stefano da Verona (Italian p …
Creator Stefano da Verona (Italian painter, ca. 1374-ca. 1438)
Preferred Title Adoration of the Magi
Subjects animal, New Testament, saints, Jesus Christ, Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint, International Gothic
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
1 25 6 7 8 9 10399 400
1,501-1,800 of 100,000