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29,601-29,650 of 100,000
Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Ishi emerging from river with harpoon
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
May 14-June 2, 1914
Title Ishi emerging from river with harpoon
Creator Name Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date May 14-June 2, 1914
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Ishi flaking arrow point
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
May 14-June 2, 1914
Title Ishi flaking arrow point
Creator Name Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date May 14-June 2, 1914
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Ishi binding points on salmon harpoon
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
May 14-June 2, 1914
Title Ishi binding points on salmon harpoon
Creator Name Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date May 14-June 2, 1914
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Dan (181) of Kenek, old man
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
May 16-June 23, 1907
Title Dan (181) of Kenek, old man
Creator Name Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date May 16-June 23, 1907
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Ishi ready to spear with harpoon
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
May 14-June 2, 1914
Title Ishi ready to spear with harpoon
Creator Name Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date May 14-June 2, 1914
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Chicken hawk, old man, profile,
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
May 16-June 23, 1907
Title Chicken hawk, old man, profile,
Creator Name Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date May 16-June 23, 1907
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Tom Hill, old man
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
May 16-June 23, 1907
Title Tom Hill, old man
Creator Name Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date May 16-June 23, 1907
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Hillside downstream from last, opposite Kepel, redwoods, the fart …
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
May 16-June 23, 1907
Title Hillside downstream from last, opposite Kepel, redwoods, the farthest up stream on Klamath River
Creator Name Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date May 16-June 23, 1907
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Group of dancers in Hesi ceremony
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
February, 1910
Title Group of dancers in Hesi ceremony
Creator Name Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date February, 1910
Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
2 school boys: Charles Peterson, McKinley Slegash
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
May 16-June 23, 1907
Title 2 school boys: Charles Peterson, McKinley Slegash
Creator Name Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date May 16-June 23, 1907
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Ishi swimming
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
May 14-June 2, 1914
Title Ishi swimming
Creator Name Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date May 14-June 2, 1914
Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Illustrating position of man sitting temporarily
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
Title Illustrating position of man sitting temporarily
Creator Name Alfred L. Kroeber, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date 1903
Andre, G. (active ca. 1850), undetermined
California galop [J. C. Viereck, J. Labitzky]
Bancroft Library.
Title California galop [J. C. Viereck, J. Labitzky]
Creator Name Andre, G. (active ca. 1850), undetermined
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date c1850
Andrea Andreani, Italian, 1558/9-1629, after Raffaellino da Reggi …
The Lamentation Over the Body of Christ
Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, UCLA Hammer Museum
Title The Lamentation Over the Body of Christ
Creator Name Andrea Andreani, Italian, 1558/9-1629, after Raffaellino da Reggio, Italian, ca. 1550-1578
Current Location Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, UCLA Hammer Museum
Date 1585
Andrea Mantegna, Italian, 1431-1506
Bacchanal with Silenus
Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, UCLA Hammer Museum
ca. 1475-1480
Title Bacchanal with Silenus
Creator Name Andrea Mantegna, Italian, 1431-1506
Current Location Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, UCLA Hammer Museum
Date ca. 1475-1480
Andrea Mantegna, Italian, ca. 1431-1506
Descent into Limbo
Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, UCLA Hammer Museum
ca. 1475-1480
Title Descent into Limbo
Creator Name Andrea Mantegna, Italian, ca. 1431-1506
Current Location Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, UCLA Hammer Museum
Date ca. 1475-1480
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Andrew, John (1815-1875), British, artist
California emigrants, the last day on the plains
Bancroft Library.
Title California emigrants, the last day on the plains
Creator Name Andrew, John (1815-1875), British, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date [18--]
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Andrew, John (1815-1875), British, engraver
California gold diggers, a scene from actual life at the mines
Bancroft Library.
Title California gold diggers, a scene from actual life at the mines
Creator Name Andrew, John (1815-1875), British, engraver
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date [18--]
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Andrew, W. O. (active ca. 1887-ca. 1891), American, artist
Pen sketch of Point Loma [California] from the beach
Bancroft Library.
Title Pen sketch of Point Loma [California] from the beach
Creator Name Andrew, W. O. (active ca. 1887-ca. 1891), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date [1888?]
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Andrew, W. O. (active ca. 1887-ca. 1891), American, artist
San Diego and bay [California]
Bancroft Library.
[not before 1887]
Title San Diego and bay [California]
Creator Name Andrew, W. O. (active ca. 1887-ca. 1891), American, artist
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date [not before 1887]
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Andrew, W. O. (active ca. 1887-ca. 1891), American, artist (in th …
Pen sketch from ocean side of beach [San Diego, California]
Bancroft Library.
Title Pen sketch from ocean side of beach [San Diego, California]
Creator Name Andrew, W. O. (active ca. 1887-ca. 1891), American, artist (in the style of)
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date [1888?]
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Andrew, W. O. (active ca. 1887-ca. 1891), American, artist (in th …
Glimpse of harbor and US barracks from Babcock and Story's Wharf …
Bancroft Library.
Title Glimpse of harbor and US barracks from Babcock and Story's Wharf [San Diego, California]
Creator Name Andrew, W. O. (active ca. 1887-ca. 1891), American, artist (in the style of)
Current Location Bancroft Library.
Date [1888?]
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Anna H. Gayton, Photographer
Mollie Lawrence, profile
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
April, 1925
Title Mollie Lawrence, profile
Creator Name Anna H. Gayton, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date April, 1925
James C. Sawders
[Title not known]
UCR/California Museum of Photography
Title [Title not known]
Creator Name James C. Sawders
Current Location UCR/California Museum of Photography
Anna H. Gayton, Photographer
Henry Lawrence, husband of Mollie Lawrence
Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, B …
April, 1925
Title Henry Lawrence, husband of Mollie Lawrence
Creator Name Anna H. Gayton, Photographer
Current Location Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology. University of California, Berkeley.
Date April, 1925
29,601-29,650 of 100,000