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1 211 12 13 14 15 161999 2000
601-650 of 100,000
French, Edwin D …
American Instit …
Books must foll …
Description States, "Library of the Institute of Electrical Engineers" with motto "Books must follow sciences not sciences follow books." Features the monogram "AEEI" surrounded by garland and a border. Signed "ED French fec. 1904."
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 10 cm.
Language English
Artist French, Edwin Davis, 1851-1906
Klein, Thomas
Description States, "Ex Libris Dr. Fritz Klein;" depicts a man walking under a large scale balanced on oversized books. Signed "B '10."
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
de[…], Alain
Description States, "Alain d[…];" features a shield with vair in pale and red stripes with a helmet and a lion. Signed at bottom right with monogram "RE."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Artist rE
Kobbe, Mary Lym …
Quod verum tutu …
Description States, "Mary Lyman Kobbe" with motto "Quod verum tutum;" features a quartered shield with a roundels, sheep, a chevron stripe, a cross, a helmet, and a demi-bull. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Wyon, Alan
Fais ce que doi …
Description Features the monogram "MG" within an ornate border and with motto "fais ce que dois advienne que pourra." Signed "A. Wyon Sc. London."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 9 cm.
Language French
Artist Wyon, Alan
Kobbe, Mary Lym …
Quod verum tutu …
Description States, "Mary Lyman Kobbe" with motto "Quod verum tutum;" features a quartered shield with a roundels, sheep, a chevron stripe, a cross, a helmet, and a demi-bull. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Description Features the monogram "CKL" and depicts a lizard. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 6 cm.
Langford, Wm.
Description States, "Wm. Langford. M.A.;" features a shield surrounded by garland. Also features a crest with a gryphon. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 7 cm.
Description Features the monogram "HRA" surround by leaves, a portrait, and a book. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Lathom Park Sch …
Description States, "No…The Earl of Lathom, E.C.B. The Lathom Park Schools. Free Library. 1894;" features an Earl coronet, a gryphon, and a lion holding a shield. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 6 cm.
Anderle, Anna
Description States, "Ex-Libris Anna Anderle;" depicts a house on a hill. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 6 cm.
Lawrence, Cathe …
Description States, "Catherine Lawrence;" surrounded by a simple floral border. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 3 x 8 cm.
Sberborn, CW
Description Feature the monogram "MA" surrounded by scrolled border, leaves, and a crown. Signed at bottom "CW Sberborn 1890."
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Artist Sberborn, CW
Lawrence, Charl …
In cruce salus
Description States, "Charles E. Lawrence, New York" with motto "In cruce salus;" features a shield with a cross and lion passant. The crest features a demi-fish. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Language Latin, English
Description Features the monogram "TR" surrounded by circular border. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 4 x 4 cm.
Lechmere, Willi …
Christus pelica …
Description States, "William Lechmere Middle Temple. De Lechmere de Hanley Castle Oriundus" with motto "Christus pelicano;" depicts a shield with a horizontal stripe, two pelicans, and a helmet. The crest features a ducal coronet and a pelican. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 14 x 9 cm.
Language Latin, Latin
Description Features the monogram "TR" surrounded by circular, serpent border. Unsigned.
Format 2 print : b&w, 6 x 5 cm.
Lee, Reverend F …
Description States, "Rev. Frederick Lee. M.A. Magdalene College, Oxford;" features a shield divided vertically. The left section features a horizontal stripe, three crescents, and a molet. The right side features a chevron stripe and three molets. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Language English
Quod severis me …
Description Features the monogram "WBH" surrounded by a border with the mottos "Quod severis mettes" and "Qui seminant in lacrymis in exsultatione metent." Unisigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Le Gallienne, R …
Description States, ""
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Language English, Latin
Smith, Ismael, …
Contreras, Osca …
Mas alla del do …
Description States, "Oscar Contreras Ex-Libris" with mottos "Mas alla del dolor y de la vida" and "Marrones armas y blason e delos senores;" features a quartered shield supported by a naked woman holding branches and a clothed woman holding an open book. Also features a helmet and an arm with a scymitar. Signed at left "Ismael Smith."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 12 cm.
Language Spanish
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Puch Bros. Linc …
Leigh, Egerton
Force avec vert …
Description States, "Egerton Leigh, Esqre." with motto "Force avec vertu;" features a shield with eight sections and a helmet. Also features a crest with a hand holding two arrows and a crest with a semi-lion holding a flag. Signed at bottom "Pugh Bros. Lincolns Inn." Handwritten at bottom "Jodrell Hall."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 8 cm.
Language French
Artist Puch Bros. Lincolns Inn.
Apse, Pierre. E …
Description States, "From the Books of Pierre E. Apse;" features a tree in a circular border, an oil lamp, and an owl. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col?, 12 x 9 cm.
Language English
Ludford, John
Description States, "Ion Ludford Esq.;" features a shield with a chevron stripe, three demi-boars, and a helmet. The crest features a demi-boar. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Copinger, Walte …
Virtute et fide …
Description States, "Walter Arther Copinger" with motto "Virtute et fidelitate;" features a shield parted per fes with gules (red) and or (gold) stripes. Also features a helmet with a leg surrounded by a border of flowers and two shields. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : gold on white paper?, 10 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Leland Stanford …
Description States, "Leland Stanford Jr. University Library. The Gift of…;" depicts the silhouette of two trees with hills in the background. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 8 cm.
Language English
Loye, Rudolf
Description States, "Ex Libris Rudolf Loye" with motto "Klein Aber Mein;" depicts a library setting with a desk, a bookshelf, a window with a view of a cathedral, and curtains. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : brown on white paper, 15 x 11 cm.
Scraby, G.
Baron Leverhvlm …
Mutare vel time …
Description States, "Baron Leverhulme of Bolton-Le-Moors;" features a shield supported by elephants with roses. The shiels bears a rose, garland, veritcal and horizontal stripes, a helmet, and a crow. The crest features a trumpet and a rooster. Signed at bottom "G. Scruby 1917."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Language Latin, English
Artist Scraby, G.
Ehringhausen, W …
Schumacher, Val …
Description States, "Ex Libris Valenlin Schumacher 1911;" depicts a farm setting with cows, a barn, and a pond surrounded by a border made of antler and flowers. Signed at the upper center "WE."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 12 cm.
Artist Ehringhausen, Willy
B. Levy and Co. …
Description States, "B. Levy and Co.'s Circulating Library. No.2003." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 5 x 9 cm.
Language English
Lewis, F.C.
Description States the motto "Cruce!" Features a shield with a lion carrying a cross and three demi-boars. The crest features a crown with a demi-boar. Signed illegibly at bottom.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
?bus Nobus Haec …
Description States, "?bus Nobus Haec Otia Fecta;" features a shield with a pelican holding a branch and supported by a king and a merman. The crest features a pelican. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Robert Sneider …
Logan, Walter S …
Description States, "Presented to this Library by Walter Seth Logan, President-General National Society of the American Revolution;" features the emblem for the "Sons fo the American Revolution", men at sea, men in a battle, flags, a farm setting, and a bookshelf. Signed at bottom "Robert Sneider Co. New York."
Format 1 print : col., 14 x 11 cm.
Language English
Artist Robert Sneider Co.
Loganian Librar …
Description States, "Loganian Library;" features a shields with a lion passant and surrounded by garland. The crest features a demi=stag. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 9 cm.
Language English
Long Island His …
Historia testis …
Description States, "Long Island Historical Society Presented by;" depicts a woman standing on a pedestal with ribbon around her that states "Historia Testtis Temporum Long Island Historical 1862." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 11 cm.
Language English, Latin
French, Edwin D …
Long Island His …
Historia testis …
Description States, "Long Island Historical Society Storrs Memorial Fund" with motto "Historia Testis Temporum;" features a portrait of a bearded man possibly Storrs, an open book, a stack of books, an oil lamp and a Greek statue. Signed at bottom center "EDFrench 1901."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 8 cm.
Language English, Latin
Artist French, Edwin Davis, 1851-1906
A.S. & Co.
Lowell, John, J …
Deo dirigente c …
Description States, "John Lowell, Jr." with mottos "occasionem cognosce" and "Occasionem cognosce;" features a quarted shield with eight seashells, hands with arrows, and crescents. Signed at bottom "A.S. & Co." Handwritten at bottom "F.G. Lowell."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Artist A.S. & Co.
Annin & Smith C …
Lowell, John, J …
Deo dirigente c …
Description States, "John Lowell, Jr." with mottos "occasionem cognosce" and "Occasionem cognosce;" features a quarted shield with eight seashells, hands with arrows, and crescents. Signed at bottom "A.S. & Co." Handwritten at bottom "F.G. Lowell."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Annin & Smith Co.
Lukyn, Robert
Description States, "Robert Lukyn;" features a quarted shield surrounded by garland and a helmet at top. Depicts three beast masks in two sections and a lion rampant in the other two sections. The crest features a demi-lion rampant. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 9 cm.
Lyon, Beber C.
In te domine sp …
Description States, "Beber C. Lyon" with motto "In te domine speravi;" features a shield with three gryphons, two cinqfoils, and a lion passant. The crest features a demi-lion. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
MacDonald, Piri …
Description States, "Pirie MacDonald his Book;" surrounded by a single-lined border. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 11 cm.
Language English
Kofoid, Charles …
Description States, "Ex-libris Charles Atwood Rofold;" features a library setting, two irises, a shield, and a fishing boat. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 7 cm.
Artist BMC
Mackintosh, Hug …
Touch not the c …
Description States, "Ex Libris Hugh Fraser Mackintosh Toronto, Ontario. January 1st 1901;" features an emblem with a cat and buckle border that states "Touch Not The Cat Bot A Glove." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language English
Bagge, B.
Description States, "Aus der Buchersaminlung von B. Bagge;" depicts a window setting with books, a painter's pallette, and a view of a castle. Unsigned.
Format .
Language German
Artist B.B.F.
Endure fort
Description States, "Bibliotheca Lindesiana" with motto "Endure fort;" features a quarterd shield with two lion rampants, a crown and helmet at top, and supported by two lions. The crest features a crown and a demi-bird. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 5 cm.
Language Latin
Balcon, Leo S.
Perserantia omn …
Description States, "Leo S. Balcon;" features an open book under an oil lamp surrounded by a belt border that contains the motto "Perserantia omnia vincit." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
McLeod, Donald
Luceo non uro, …
Description States, "Donald Mc.Leod of Geanies Esqr. Advocate" with mottos "Luceo non uro" and "Quocunque je ceris stabit;" features a shield in three sections with a ship, a lion rampant, legs, and an unidentified object. A crest with a sun is also featured. Signed at bottom right "Kirkwoods."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin, English
Artist Kirwoods
Banckerl, Charl …
Dieu defende le …
Description States, "Charles N. Banckerl" with motto "Dieu defende le droit;" features the number "4" surrounded by an ornate border, roses, grass, a helmet, and wings displayed. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 8 cm.
Language French
Helard, C.
Mausergh, Richa …
Tout jour pret
Description States, "Richard Southcote Mansergh. Crenane, Tipperary" with motto "Tout jour pret;" features a shield with three arrows, a helmet, a crown, and a demi-lion with an arrow. Signed in ribbon "C.Helard 1901."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 14 cm.
Language French
Artist Helard, C.
Bannerman, W. B …
Pro patria
Description States, "w. bruce bannerman f.s.a. scot" with motto "pro patria;" features a knight with a sword, a flag, and a shield. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
1 211 12 13 14 15 161999 2000
601-650 of 100,000