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Description States, "Columbia University in the City of New York" and "Ex Libris Stephen Whitney Phoenix;" features a shield with a crown and a demi-eagle. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 10 cm.
Alancon, Emile Briere
Ma noblesse, ma liberte, mon …
Description States, "Ex Libris Emile Briere, Alancon" with motto "Ma noblesse, ma liberte, mon patrimoine;" depicts a hammer, a flower, a pointed tool, and a violin. Sigend at bottom right "1903 CCE."
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 9 cm.
Language French
Artist CCE
Martin, Roberta Huston
In time
Description States, "Ex Libris Roberta Huston Martin" with motto "In time;" features a shield supported by two leashed dogs. The shield bears a chevron stripe and three martlets. The crest features an hourglass and wings. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Language English
HJ, Wiegaud, Johannes
Schmidt, Carl
Description States, "Ex Libris Carl Schmidt;" depicts a tree with a Greek temple and rising or setting sun in the background. Signed at bottom "HJ." Signed on back "Johannes Wiegaud, Dufeldorf."
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 11 cm.
Artist HJ, Wiegaud, Johannes
Pyle, H.
Players, The
Either For Traged, Comedy, H …
Description States, "The Players. Either for Tragedy, Comedy, History: Hamlet Act II, Scene II;" depicts a Grecian goddess playing a lyre. Signed at bottom "J. Pyle E.D.F. Sc. 1894."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Language English
Artist Pyle, H.
Schwarz, Beiner
Description States, "ex libris Beiner Schwarz;" depicts a man holding a book under his right arm while walking and casting a shadow on a wall. Signed at bottom right "FN."
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 8 cm.
Artist FN
Plymouth Free Public Library
Turriss fortissma est nomen …
Description States, "Presented by…Class…Progressive Number…;" features an emblem for the Pymouth Free Public Library with the motto "Turriss fortissma est nomen jehovae" and a shield supported by two lions. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Haffcke, F.
Stone, Melville
Description States, "ex libris Melville E. Stone;" depicts a Napoleonic figure holding an open book with garland in the background. Signed at upper right "fH."
Format 1 print : b&w, 8 x 6 cm.
Artist Haffcke, F.
Foster, W.F.
Plymouth Free Public Library
Turriss fortissma est nomen …
Description States, "Plymouth Free Public Library" with motto "Turriss fortissma est nomen jehovae;" features a shield supporte by two lions with a crown and an oil lamp in a library setting. Signed at bottom "W.Foster."
Format 1 print : col., 15 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Foster, W.F.
Brooks, Henry M.
Description Depicts a quill, an inkwell, a stamp, a box, and a letter that states "Henry M. Brooks, Salem. Mass." Unsinged.
Format 1 print : b&w, 7 x 11 cm.
Poillon, William
Description States, "Ex Libris William Poillon;" features a stein, a skull, a burning candle, an open book, and a spider web. Signed at bottom "Hog''boom."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Artist Hogeboom
Brunner, Arnold William
Description States, "Ex Libris Arnold William Brunner;" depicts the monogram "AWB" surrounded by a frame, garland, a stack of books, and an oil lamp. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 8 x 6 cm.
Porath, Joseph
Description States, "Ex Libris Joseph Porath;" depicts a cottage surrounded by two columns with potted plants. Signed illegibly at bottom center.
Format 1 print : col., 15 x 12 cm.
van der Willegen, D. Logeman
Description States, "D. Logeman van der Willigen;" depicts a seagull with wings open perched on a rock by the ocean. Signed at the bottom right "E.V.O."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 7 cm.
Artist E.V.O.
Portland Public Library
Description States, "From Frothingham Fund;" features the "Portland Public Library" emblem depicting a shield supporte dby two fish. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Eggimann, H.
Description States,"Ex Libris Buchler, Bern;" depicts a tree with two shields, a person sitting beneath, and a cityscape in the background. Also features masks with garland, a shield with garland, and a shield with a Caduceus. Signed at bottom "H. Eggimann, Bern."
Format 1 print : col., 16 x 12 cm.
Artist Eggimann, H.
Poller, HC
Malo mori quam fae dari
Description States, "HC Poller" with motto "Malo mori quam fae dari;" featuers a shield with three horizontal stripes and a rose. The crest features a demi-lion holding a crescent. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Obratil, K.J.
Description States, "Ex Libris K.J. Obratil;" depicts a landscape setting with a path that winds around a tree. Also depicts a bookshelf with books, an inkwell, and a quill. Signed at bottom "A.K."
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 6 cm.
Artist A.K.
Lord Viscount Ponerscourt
Fidelite est de dieu
Description States, "Lord Viscount Ponverscourt" with motto "Fidelite est de dieu;" features a shield with a crown and helmet and is divided by a diagonal strip made of wings. The shield is supporte by winged horses. The crest features a bird elevated and a sun. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 9 cm.
Language French
Schwark, Peter
Description States, "Ex Libris Peter Schwark 1911 Hamburg Barmbeck;" depicts a cherub-like child pointing to an open book surrounded by an ornated border with an animal skull. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : black on brown paper, 10 x 7 cm.
Artist Barmbeck
Poivys, Tho. Jeff.
Description States, "Tho. Jelf Ponvys;" features a shield supported by flowers and bears a claw and two crosses. The crest features a beastly arm holding a fleur-de-lis. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Buckler, Gwendoline
On bokes for to rede I me de …
Description States, "Ex Libris Gwendoline Buckler" with motto "On bokes for to rede I me delyte. -Chaucer;" dpicts a window setting with an open book and a view of a town. Also features theater masks and a painter's pallette. Signed at bottom "Berthaljorst inv et imp del n aqua folle 06."
Format 1 print : b&w, 16 x 11 cm.
Language English
Artist Berthaljorst
Prattinton, Peter
Vim vi repellere licet
Description States, "Peter Prattinton" with motto "Vim vi repellere licet;" features a quartered shield with a lion rampant and roses in two sections and a diagonal stripe of birds. The crest features a goat. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Cohn, Maimie
Description States, "Maimie Cohn Ex-Libris;" depicts a seated woman holding an open book and a man kneeling at her feet surrounded by garland, a vase, a bust, and a column. Signed at bottom "Senor Ismael Smith 1920."
Format 1 print : b&w, 16 x 12 cm.
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Proctor Free Library
Description States, "Proctor Free Library, Proctor, Vermont Class Book;" features a quill, an inkwell, a scroll and garland enclosed in an ornate border. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Buirette, Leon
Description States, "Ex Libris Leon Buirette;" depicts a forest setting with the monogram "LB." Signed at bottom right with monogram "GI."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Artist GI
Provoost, Iohn
Pro libertate
Description States, "Iohn Provoost" with motto "Pro libertate;" features a shield with three stars pierced by arrows and a helmet. The crest features an arm embowed in armor holding an arrow. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Bulow, Bar. A.
Description States, "Ex Bibliotheca E.I. Lib. Bar. A. Bulow;" depicts a piece of paper featuring a shield supported by two lions and surrounded by books. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 19 x 14 cm.
Nititur in lucen
Description States, "Accession No…Shelf No…Received…;" features an emblem for the "Societ: Litt et Hist." with the motto "Nititur in lucem." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Kehrl, Olga
Description States, "Ex libris Olga Kehril;" depicts two young children reading to a maiden who is looking out a window to a ship and flock of birds. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 9 cm.
Artist T.H.
Radcliffe College Library
Description States, "Radcliffe College Library" with motto "Veritas;" features shield divided vertically with three stars and a chevron stripe in the left section and two diagonal stripes in the right section. The shield is surrounded by garland. Signed at bottom "G.M."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Artist G.M.
Burgerskijk, J.F.
Kos mos
Description States, "Ex Libris J.F. Burgerskijk" with motto "Kos mos;" features a flower, a bookshelf, a camera, a sword with garland, a shield with a helmet, and a five cent stamp. Unisigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 9 cm.
Randall, James H.
Description States, "James H. Randall;" depicts a seated woman writing on paper with a quill and an open book at her feet. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 5 x 7 cm.
Rebotier, Charles
Tourjours ferme
Description States, "Charles Rebotier" with motto "Tourjours ferme;" features a shield with a tower and helmet surrounded by flowers. The crest features a ducal coronet. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language French
Reid, Robert
Pro virtute
Description States, "Robert Reid" with motto "Pro virtute;" features a shiled with an eagle displayed and a helmet. Features a crest with a cloud an arm embowed with an open book. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Reid, William
Pro virtute
Description States, "Willaim Reid" with motto "Pro virtute;" features a crest with a cloud an arm embowed with an open book. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Regnat, Ludwig
Description States, "MCMVI Ex Libris Ludwig Regnat;" depicts an architectural setting with columns and a shield with a helmet and wings. Signed at left "Ra."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Artist Ra
Richards Library, The
Description States, "The Richards Library, Warrensburgh, N.Y." depicts a hand holding a scale that balances a sword and a feather. Signed at bottom K.C. 1902."
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 8 cm.
Artist K.C.
Beverley Robinson
Propere et provide
Description States, "Beverly Robinson" with the the motto, "Propere et Provide;" features a shield that bears three stags trippant and three rosettes. The crest features a stag trippant. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Robinson, John Beverley
Propere et provide, Tria jun …
Description States, "John Beverly Robinson" with motto "Propere et provide" and "Tria juncta in uno;" featuers a shield with three stags trippant, a chevron stripe with three cinquefoils, and a helmet. The crest features a stag trippant. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Robertson, Robt.
Virtutis gloria merces
Description States, "Robt. Robertson Esqr of Auchleeks" with motto "Virtutis gloria merces;" features a shield with three gryphons and a helmet. The crest features a cubit arm holding a royal crown. Also features a man in shackles at the bottom of the shield. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Sobaka, W.
Burian, Agathe
Description States, "Ex libris Agathe Burian;" depicts a woman tossing roses with three cherubs. Signed at bottom right "W. Saboska."
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 10 cm.
Artist Sobaka, W.
Robinson, Wm.
Veritas et integritas
Description States, "Wm. Robinson" with motto "Veritas et integritas;" features a quartered shield with lions passant and a cross. The crest features a son and bird. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Hopson, William Fowler, 1849 …
Davis, Frederick Willis
Description States, "Ex-Libris Frederick Willis Davis. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1907." depicts an open book. Left page: depicts a statue of a minute mans on a pedestal that states "Here once the embattled farmers stood,and fired the shot heard round the world." The statue is surrounded by two torches and a ribbon that contains the names of the authors "Alcott, Whittier, Longfellow, Emerson, Holmes, Hawthorne, Lowell, Thoreau. Right page: features the motto "A Good Book is the Precious Life Blood of a Master Spirit." Also features a shield with a lion. Signed at bottom "W.F. Hopson."
Artist Hopson, William Fowler, 1849-1935
Rockefeller, John W.
Hinc lucem et procula sacra
Description States, "Hinc Lucem et Pocula Sacra;" depicts a siren holding a sun and a torch while standing at a podium that states "Alma Mater Canta Brigia." Signed in pencil at bottom "John D. Rockefeller."
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 5 cm.
Language Latin
Burt, Martha Wyckoff
Description States, "Martha Wyckoff Burt;" depicts a library setting with a child seated on top of a stack of books and holding an open book for another child to see. The image is surround by a floral borders. Signed at bottom with monogram "PBF 1895."
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 8 cm.
Artist PBF
Rouillion, Louis
Description States, "Ex Libris Louis Rouillion;" features a Georgian style building, a tree, a lake with a sailboat, and a cross.
Format 1 print : col., 5 x 7 cm.
Meldram, Kate
Description States, "Ex Libris Kate Mieldram BVSS. No. Vol." with motto "Mens. Immota. Manet;" features an open window with a view of mountains and a hand holding a book. Signed at left "F.A.R. '05."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 7 cm.
Artist F.A.R.
Revd. MrPat. St. Clair, The
Entend toy
Description States, "The Revd. Mr Pat St. Clair" with motto "Entend toy;" features a quartered shield with a helmet. The crest features a gryphon. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language French
Voigt, P.
Busse, W. L.
Description States, "Ex libris W.L. Busse;" features a sailing ship surrounded by a rope border, and anchor, and fish. Signed "P. Voigt."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Artist Voigt, P.
1 215 16 17 18 19 201999 2000
801-850 of 100,000