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1 2391 392 393 394 395 396399 400
98,001-98,450 of 100,000
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities, broken pediment
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antigone District
1979-1997 (creation)
site: Montpellier, Languedoc …
Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , bo …
Creator Ricardo Bofill (Spanish , born 1939)
Preferred Title Antigone District
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning, Housing, ideal cities
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antilia (residence)
completed 2010 (creation)
site: Mumbai, Mahārāshtra, I …
Perkins & Will (American arc …
Creator Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Antilia (residence)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antinous Mondragone
ca. 130 (creation)
repository: Musée du Louvre …
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Antinous Mondragone
Subjects portrait, rulers and leaders, Hadrian, Emperor of Rome, 76-138.
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antinous Mondragone
ca. 130 (creation)
repository: Musée du Louvre …
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Antinous Mondragone
Subjects portrait, rulers and leaders, Hadrian, Emperor of Rome, 76-138.
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antinous Mondragone
ca. 130 (creation)
repository: Musée du Louvre …
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Antinous Mondragone
Subjects portrait, rulers and leaders, Hadrian, Emperor of Rome, 76-138.
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antinous Mondragone
ca. 130 (creation)
repository: Musée du Louvre …
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Antinous Mondragone
Subjects portrait, rulers and leaders, Hadrian, Emperor of Rome, 76-138.
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Antinous Mondragone
ca. 130 (creation)
repository: Musée du Louvre …
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Antinous Mondragone
Subjects portrait, rulers and leaders, Hadrian, Emperor of Rome, 76-138.
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Aon Center
1972-1974 (creation), 1990-1 …
site: Chicago, Illinois, Uni …
Edward Durell Stone (America …
Creator Edward Durell Stone (American architect, 1902-1978), Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Aon Center
Subjects architectural exteriors, business, commerce and trade, topographical views
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Aon Center
1972-1974 (creation), 1990-1 …
site: Chicago, Illinois, Uni …
Edward Durell Stone (America …
Creator Edward Durell Stone (American architect, 1902-1978), Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Aon Center
Subjects architectural exteriors, business, commerce and trade
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Aon Center
1972-1974 (creation), 1990-1 …
site: Chicago, Illinois, Uni …
Edward Durell Stone (America …
Creator Edward Durell Stone (American architect, 1902-1978), Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Aon Center
Subjects architectural exteriors, business, commerce and trade
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Aon Center
1972-1974 (creation), 1990-1 …
site: Chicago, Illinois, Uni …
Edward Durell Stone (America …
Creator Edward Durell Stone (American architect, 1902-1978), Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Aon Center
Subjects architectural exteriors, business, commerce and trade
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Aon Center
1972-1974 (creation), 1990-1 …
site: Chicago, Illinois, Uni …
Edward Durell Stone (America …
Creator Edward Durell Stone (American architect, 1902-1978), Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Aon Center
Subjects architectural exteriors, business, commerce and trade
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Aon Center
1972-1974 (creation), 1990-1 …
site: Chicago, Illinois, Uni …
Edward Durell Stone (America …
Creator Edward Durell Stone (American architect, 1902-1978), Perkins & Will (American architectural firm, 1946-1964)
Preferred Title Aon Center
Subjects architectural exteriors, business, commerce and trade
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement, door
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement, window
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement, window
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement, window
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement, wrought iron decorative work
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement, wrought iron decorative work
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement, wrought iron decorative work
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement, wrought iron decorative work
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement, wrought iron decorative work
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement, wrought iron decorative work
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement, wrought iron decorative work
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, 38 Linke …
1898-1899 (creation)
site: Vienna, Wien, Austria
Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, …
Creator Kolo Moser (Austrian artist, 1868-1918), Otto Wagner (Austrian architect, 1841-1918)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, 38 Linke Wienzeile
Subjects architectural exteriors, decorative arts, Housing, Secession Movement, interior
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Greu …
1927-1928 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Greuze
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Greu …
1927-1928 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Greuze
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Greu …
1927-1928 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Greuze
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Greu …
1927-1928 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Greuze
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing, window
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Greu …
1927-1928 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Greuze
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Greu …
1927-1928 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Greuze
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Greu …
1927-1928 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Greuze
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Greu …
1927-1928 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Greuze
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Greu …
1927-1928 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Greuze
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Greu …
1927-1928 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Greuze
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing, window
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Henr …
1925 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Henri-Heine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Henr …
1925 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Henri-Heine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Henr …
1925 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Henri-Heine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Henr …
1925 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Henri-Heine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Building, rue Henr …
1925 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Building, rue Henri-Heine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing, balcony
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing, window
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing, balustrade
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing, balustrade
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment Complex rue La Fon …
1909-1911 (creation)
site: Paris, Île-de-France, …
Hector Guimard (French archi …
Creator Hector Guimard (French architect, 1867-1942)
Preferred Title Apartment Complex rue La Fontaine
Subjects architectural exteriors, Housing
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment House Gradaska
2003-2007 (creation)
site: Ljubljana, Ljubljana-C …
Sadar + Vuga Architects (Slo …
Creator Sadar + Vuga Architects (Slovene architectural firm, established 1996)
Preferred Title Apartment House Gradaska
Subjects architecture, cityscape, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment House Gradaska
2003-2007 (creation)
site: Ljubljana, Ljubljana-C …
Sadar + Vuga Architects (Slo …
Creator Sadar + Vuga Architects (Slovene architectural firm, established 1996)
Preferred Title Apartment House Gradaska
Subjects architecture, cityscape, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment House Gradaska
2003-2007 (creation)
site: Ljubljana, Ljubljana-C …
Sadar + Vuga Architects (Slo …
Creator Sadar + Vuga Architects (Slovene architectural firm, established 1996)
Preferred Title Apartment House Gradaska
Subjects architecture, cityscape, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apartment House Gradaska
2003-2007 (creation)
site: Ljubljana, Ljubljana-C …
Sadar + Vuga Architects (Slo …
Creator Sadar + Vuga Architects (Slovene architectural firm, established 1996)
Preferred Title Apartment House Gradaska
Subjects architecture, cityscape, contemporary (1960 to present), City planning
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
1937 (creation)
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Henri Louis Bouchard (French …
Creator Henri Louis Bouchard (French sculptor, 1875-1960)
Preferred Title Apollo
Subjects deities, human figure, music, mythology (Classical), Apollo (Greek deity), Exposition internationale (1937 : Paris, France), world's fairs, "moderne", lyre, Pythian Apollo
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
1937 (creation)
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Henri Louis Bouchard (French …
Creator Henri Louis Bouchard (French sculptor, 1875-1960)
Preferred Title Apollo
Subjects deities, human figure, music, mythology (Classical), Apollo (Greek deity), Exposition internationale (1937 : Paris, France), world's fairs, "moderne", lyre, Pythian Apollo
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
1937 (creation)
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Henri Louis Bouchard (French …
Creator Henri Louis Bouchard (French sculptor, 1875-1960)
Preferred Title Apollo
Subjects deities, human figure, music, mythology (Classical), Apollo (Greek deity), Exposition internationale (1937 : Paris, France), world's fairs, "moderne", lyre, Pythian Apollo
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
1937 (creation)
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Henri Louis Bouchard (French …
Creator Henri Louis Bouchard (French sculptor, 1875-1960)
Preferred Title Apollo
Subjects deities, human figure, music, mythology (Classical), Apollo (Greek deity), Exposition internationale (1937 : Paris, France), world's fairs, "moderne", lyre, Pythian Apollo
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
1937 (creation)
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Henri Louis Bouchard (French …
Creator Henri Louis Bouchard (French sculptor, 1875-1960)
Preferred Title Apollo
Subjects deities, human figure, music, mythology (Classical), Apollo (Greek deity), Exposition internationale (1937 : Paris, France), world's fairs, "moderne", lyre, Pythian Apollo
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
1937 (creation)
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Henri Louis Bouchard (French …
Creator Henri Louis Bouchard (French sculptor, 1875-1960)
Preferred Title Apollo
Subjects deities, human figure, music, mythology (Classical), Apollo (Greek deity), Exposition internationale (1937 : Paris, France), world's fairs, "moderne", lyre, Pythian Apollo
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
1937 (creation)
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Henri Louis Bouchard (French …
Creator Henri Louis Bouchard (French sculptor, 1875-1960)
Preferred Title Apollo
Subjects deities, human figure, music, mythology (Classical), Apollo (Greek deity), Exposition internationale (1937 : Paris, France), world's fairs, "moderne", lyre, Pythian Apollo
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apollo and Daphne
1513 (creation)
repository: Bowdoin College …
Pontormo (Italian painter, 1 …
Creator Pontormo (Italian painter, 1494-1557)
Preferred Title Apollo and Daphne
Subjects mythology (Classical), Apollo (Greek deity), Medici family, laurel tree
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, putti
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, putti, S. Ignatius
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, S. Ignatius
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, putti, S. Ignatius
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, putti
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, putti
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, putti
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, putti
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, putti
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, putti
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, putti
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, S. Ignatius
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, S. Ignatius
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, putti, S. Ignatius
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, David and Goliath
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, David and Goliath
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, David and Goliath
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, heroic figure, putti
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, Cain killing Abel
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, dome
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, dome
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, dome
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, dome
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
ca. 1685-1694 (creation)
site: Sant'Ignazio (Rome, La …
Andrea Pozzo (Italian painte …
Creator Andrea Pozzo (Italian painter, 1642-1709)
Preferred Title Apotheosis of Saint Ignatius
Subjects allegorical, cycles or series, saints, Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556, fresco, dome
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
ca. 12th century (creation)
repository: Government Museu …
unknown (Indian)
Creator unknown (Indian)
Preferred Title Appar
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
ca. 15th century (creation)
repository: Government Museu …
unknown (Indian)
Creator unknown (Indian)
Preferred Title Appar
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Appian Way
begun ca. 400 BCE (creation)
other: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Appian Way
Subjects business, commerce and trade, engineering and industry, manufacturing, military, war, Roads Design and construction, Roman Empire
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
2006 (creation)
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, Fifth Avenue
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Apple Store, West 14th Stree …
ca. 1910-1930 (creation), st …
site: New York, New York, Un …
Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (F …
Creator Bohlin, Cywinski, Jackson (Firm) (American architectural firm, founded 1965)
Preferred Title Apple Store, West 14th Street
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
1 2391 392 393 394 395 396399 400
98,001-98,450 of 100,000