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98,901-98,950 of 100,000
Arcades du Capitole: L'Archi …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: L'Architecture
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, architectural elements, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: La Briq …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: La Brique
Subjects architecture, contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, Architecture, Roman, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, Languedoc, brick
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: La Croi …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: La Croisade contre les Cathares
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, Catholic Church, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, Inquisition, religious repression, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: La Garo …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: La Garonne, le Métro
Subjects business, commerce and trade, contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, engineering and industrial design, manufacturing, Toulouse (France : County), Transportation, serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: La Guer …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: La Guerre d'Espagne
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, military or war, Spain--History--Civil War, 1936-1939, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: La Libé …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: La Libération
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, military or war, Toulouse (France : County), World War, 1939-1945, serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: La Mort …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: La Mort de Simon de Montfort
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, military or war, rulers and leaders, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: La Musi …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: La Musique
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, music, Performing arts, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: La Tech …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: La Technologie
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, engineering and industrial design, manufacturing, scientific or medical, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, space exploration, satellite, planet, spacecraft
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: La Vénu …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: La Vénus de Lespugue
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Le Duc …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Le Duc de Montmorency
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, military or war, rulers and leaders, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, House of Orleans, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Le Past …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Le Pastel
Subjects botanical, business, commerce and trade, contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, textiles, dyes, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Le Rugb …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Le Rugby
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, recreation and games, festivals, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, sports, sporting events
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Les Cap …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Les Capitouls
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, rulers and leaders, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, government, governance, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Les Jeu …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Les Jeux Floraux
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, Performing arts, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, poetry, troubadours, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Les Tou …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Les Toulousains
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Les Wis …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Les Wisigoths
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, Visigoths, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Montség …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Montségur
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, fortress, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Pierre …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Pierre de Fermat
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, portrait, scientific or medical, Fermat, Pierre de, 1601-1665, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, Languedoc, mathematics
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Raymond …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Raymond IV et la Croisade
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, military or war, rulers and leaders, Crusades, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Riquet …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Riquet et le Canal du Midi
Subjects business, commerce and trade, contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, portrait, Boats and boating, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Saint-D …
1998 (creation)
site: Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénée …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Saint-Dominique
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, saints, Dominicans, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, Languedoc, Angels
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arcades du Capitole: Saint-S …
1998 (creation)
repository: Capitole (Toulou …
Raymond Moretti (French arti …
Creator Raymond Moretti (French artist, 1931-2005)
Preferred Title Arcades du Capitole: Saint-Sernin
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), cycles or series, historical, saints, Toulouse (France : County), serigraphy, serigraphs (screen prints), silk screen prints, Languedoc
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Augustus
27 BCE (creation)
site: Rimini, Emilia-Romagna …
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (R …
Creator Augustus, Emperor of Rome (Roman (ancient) ruler, 63 BCE-14 CE), unknown (Roman (ancient) architect)
Preferred Title Arch of Augustus
Subjects architecture, deities, mythology (Classical), rulers and leaders, Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 63 B.C.-14 A.D., Guelfs and Ghibellines
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Constantine
312-315 (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Constantine
Subjects architecture, deities, military or war, rulers and leaders, Constantine, Emperor of Rome, arch
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Constantine
312-315 (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Constantine
Subjects architecture, deities, military or war, rulers and leaders, Constantine, Emperor of Rome, arch
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Constantine
312-315 (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Constantine
Subjects architecture, deities, military or war, rulers and leaders, Constantine, Emperor of Rome, arch
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Constantine
312-315 (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Constantine
Subjects architecture, deities, military or war, rulers and leaders, Constantine, Emperor of Rome, arch
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Constantine
312-315 (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Constantine
Subjects architecture, deities, military or war, rulers and leaders, Constantine, Emperor of Rome, arch
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Constantine
312-315 (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Constantine
Subjects architecture, deities, military or war, rulers and leaders, Constantine, Emperor of Rome, arch
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
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