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1 2989 990 991 992 993 994999 1000
99,001-99,150 of 100,000
Arch of Janus
ca. 320 (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Janus
Subjects architectural exteriors, historical, rulers and leaders, Constantine, Emperor of Rome, keystone
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, column: engaged column
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, column: engaged column
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, column: engaged column
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, column: engaged column
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, molding
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, entablature
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, capital: composite
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, capital: composite
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, capital: composite
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, frieze
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, architrave
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, frieze
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, arch
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, keystone
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, keystone
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, keystone
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, procession
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, procession
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, procession
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, procession, seven-branched candlestick, menorah
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, seven-branched candlestick, menorah
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, seven-branched candlestick, menorah
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, procession
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, procession
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arch of Titus
81 CE (creation)
site: Rome, Lazio, Italy
unknown (Ancient Roman)
Creator unknown (Ancient Roman)
Preferred Title Arch of Titus
Subjects architectural exteriors, military, war, rulers and leaders, Jews--History--Rebellion, 66-73, Roman Empire, Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81, capture and sack of Jerusalem, Jewish-Roman War, 66-73, procession
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Archangel Michael Slaying Lu …
1725 (creation)
repository: Michaelerkirche …
Lorenzo Mattielli (Italian s …
Creator Lorenzo Mattielli (Italian sculptor, ca. 1682-1748)
Preferred Title Archangel Michael Slaying Lucifer
Subjects human figure, Old Testament and Apocrypha, saints, Angels, Michael (Archangel)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Archangel Michael Slaying Lu …
1725 (creation)
repository: Michaelerkirche …
Lorenzo Mattielli (Italian s …
Creator Lorenzo Mattielli (Italian sculptor, ca. 1682-1748)
Preferred Title Archangel Michael Slaying Lucifer
Subjects human figure, Old Testament and Apocrypha, saints, Angels, Michael (Archangel)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Archangel Michael Slaying Lu …
1725 (creation)
repository: Michaelerkirche …
Lorenzo Mattielli (Italian s …
Creator Lorenzo Mattielli (Italian sculptor, ca. 1682-1748)
Preferred Title Archangel Michael Slaying Lucifer
Subjects human figure, Old Testament and Apocrypha, saints, Angels, Michael (Archangel), Angels
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Archangel Michael Slaying Lu …
1725 (creation)
repository: Michaelerkirche …
Lorenzo Mattielli (Italian s …
Creator Lorenzo Mattielli (Italian sculptor, ca. 1682-1748)
Preferred Title Archangel Michael Slaying Lucifer
Subjects human figure, Old Testament and Apocrypha, saints, Angels, Michael (Archangel)
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation, arch: natural
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation, arch: natural
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation, arch: natural
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation, arch: natural
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation, arch: natural
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation, arch: natural
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation, arch: natural
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
Arches National Park: Topogr …
ca. 2001 (photographed)
creation: Utah, United State …
Preferred Title Arches National Park: Topographic Views
Subjects contemporary (1960 to present), landscapes, parks (recreation areas), rock formation
Rights © Scott Gilchrist, Archivision, Inc.
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