Hall of the Tri
Giorgio Vasari
site: Casa di G
1548 (creation)
Hall of the Tri
Giorgio Vasari
site: Casa di G
1548 (creation)
Hall of the Tri
Giorgio Vasari
site: Casa di G
1548 (creation)
Hall of the Tri
Giorgio Vasari
site: Casa di G
1548 (creation)
Hall of the Tri
Giorgio Vasari
site: Casa di G
1548 (creation)
Hall of the Tri
Giorgio Vasari
site: Casa di G
1548 (creation)
Hall of the Tri
Giorgio Vasari
site: Casa di G
1548 (creation)
Hall of the Tri
Giorgio Vasari
site: Casa di G
1548 (creation)
Harpy with Amor
unknown (Roman
repository: Mus
ca. 49-1 BCE (c
Harpy with Amor
unknown (Roman
repository: Mus
ca. 49-1 BCE (c
Head of a Femal
unknown (Ancien
repository: Mus
ca. 600-580 BCE
Head of a Femal
unknown (Ancien
repository: Mus
ca. 600-580 BCE
Head of a Femal
unknown (Ancien
repository: Mus
ca. 600-580 BCE
Head of a Femal
unknown (Ancien
repository: Mus
ca. 600-580 BCE
Head of a Femal
unknown (Ancien
repository: Mus
ca. 600-580 BCE
Head of a Femal
unknown (Ancien
repository: Mus
ca. 600-580 BCE
Head of a Femal
unknown (Ancien
repository: Mus
ca. 600-580 BCE
Heaven and Hell
unknown (Italia
repository: Pin
ca. 1435 (creat
Heaven and Hell
unknown (Italia
repository: Pin
ca. 1435 (creat
Heaven and Hell
unknown (Italia
repository: Pin
ca. 1435 (creat
Heaven and Hell
unknown (Italia
repository: Pin
ca. 1435 (creat
after Lysippos
repository: Mus
Greek original,
after Lysippos
repository: Mus
Greek original,
after Lysippos
repository: Mus
Greek original,
after Lysippos
repository: Mus
Greek original,
after Lysippos
repository: Mus
Greek original,
Hercules and th
Antonio Pollaiu
repository: Gal
ca. 1475-1478 (
Hercules and th
Antonio Pollaiu
repository: Gal
ca. 1475-1478 (
Hercules and th
Antonio Pollaiu
repository: Gal
ca. 1475-1478 (
Holy Family
Luca Signorelli
repository: Gal
ca. 1485-1488 (
Holy Family
Luca Signorelli
repository: Gal
ca. 1485-1488 (
Holy Family
Luca Signorelli
repository: Gal
ca. 1485-1488 (
Holy Family
Luca Signorelli
repository: Gal
ca. 1485-1488 (
Institution of
workshop of Fra
repository: Mus
ca. 1441-1442 (
Institution of
workshop of Fra
repository: Mus
ca. 1441-1442 (
Institution of
workshop of Fra
repository: Mus
ca. 1441-1442 (
Institution of
workshop of Fra
repository: Mus
ca. 1441-1442 (
Institution of
workshop of Fra
repository: Mus
ca. 1441-1442 (
Interior of the
Ippolito Caffi
repository: Mus
1857 (creation)
Interior of the
Ippolito Caffi
repository: Mus
1857 (creation)
Io Arriving at
unknown (Roman
repository: Mus
ca. 62-79 CE (c
Io Arriving at
unknown (Roman
repository: Mus
ca. 62-79 CE (c
Io Arriving at
unknown (Roman
repository: Mus
ca. 62-79 CE (c
Io Arriving at
unknown (Roman
repository: Mus
ca. 62-79 CE (c
Io Arriving at
unknown (Roman
repository: Mus
ca. 62-79 CE (c
Ithyphallic Str
unknown (Roman
repository: Mus
before 79 CE (c
Ithyphallic Str
unknown (Roman
repository: Mus
before 79 CE (c
Ivory Mask of A
probably by unk
repository: Mus
probably 1st ce
Ivory Mask of A
probably by unk
repository: Mus
probably 1st ce
John the Baptis
Jacopo Salimben
repository: Ora
1416 (creation)