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751-1,000 of 100,000
Villiers, Earl of Jersey
Fidei coticula crux
Description States, "Villiers, Earl of Jersey;" features a quartered shied with five seashells and is supported by two lions. Also features a crow with a lion and garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 23 x 21 cm.
Language Latin
Niwk, S.
Nov. Oxon
Description States, "E. Libris Col..Nov. Oxon.;" depicts two shields surrrounded by garland made of roses. The left shield features a chevron stribe and three roses with a crest made of a bishop's mitre. The right shield features a chevron strip made of three roses and a crest made of a leg. Signed at bottom right "S. Niwk Sculp."
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 11 cm.
Artist Niwk, S.
Villiers, Earl of Jersey
Fidei coticula crux
Description States, "Villiers, Earl of Jersey;" features a quartered shied with five seashells and is supported by two lions. Also features a crow with a lion and garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 23 x 21 cm.
Language Latin
Collegium Novum Oxon: 1702
Manners makyth man, Honi soi …
Description States, "Collegium Novium Oxon: 1702" with motto "Manners makyth man" and "Honi soit qui mai y pense;" features a shield divided by two chevron stripes and bears three roses. The crest features a bishop's mitre. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Language English
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
S. Hollyer Guttenburg
A jolly good Book and a joll …
Description States, "Ex Libris S. Hollyer Guttenburg. NJ. US." with motto "A jolly good Book and a jolly good Dog by my own fireside, and a birght blazing log. Oft' lightens my labor in this busy Life, Not forgetting the smiles of my loving young Wife. -S.H.;" features a library setting with a dog drinking champagne and smoking a pipe, book, and a portrait of a a woman. Signed at bottom "Saml Hollyer del et scul."
Format 1 print : b&w, 19 x 14 cm.
Language English
Artist Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
Cavendo tutus
Description States, "Cruikshank Langley Park" with motto "Cavendo tutus;" features a shield with three demi-beasts and a helmet. Also features a crest with an armored hand holding a sword. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
Hollyer, Samuel
A jolly good Book and a joll …
Description States, "Ex Libris S. Hollyer Guttenburg. NJ. US." with motto "A jolly good Book and a jolly good Dog by my own fireside, and a birght blazing log. Oft' lightens my labor in this busy Life, Not forgetting the smiles of my loving young Wife. -S.H.;" features a library setting with a dog drinking champagne and smoking a pipe, book, and a portrait of a a woman. Signed at bottom "Saml Hollyer del et scul."
Format 1 print : b&w, 19 x 14 cm.
Language English
Artist Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
Parker, Henry W.
Amaximis ad minima
Description States, "Henry W. Parker" with motto "Amaximis Ad Minima;" depicts a pedastal holding an open book, two snake wrapped around the base and a flaming torch in the back. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 19 x 13 cm.
Language Latin
Hopson, William Fowler, 1849 …
The Bibliophile Society
Eximium opus eximie ornetur
Description States, "The Biliophile Society. This edition is limited to 483 copies. Printed for members only. Boston MDCDX" with motto "Eximium opus eximie ornetur;" features a bookshelf, a stack of books, an easel with a painting, an open book with a torch, and a letterpress. Signed at bottom "W.F. Hopson, Del. J.W. Spenceley, Sc."
Format 1 print : b&w, 15 x 12 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Hopson, William Fowler, 1849-1935, Spenceley, J. Winfred (Joseph Winfred), 1865-1908
Parker Society, The
Mundus transit
Description States,"The Parker Society. Instituted A.D. M.DCCC.XL. For the Publication of the Works of the Fathers and Early Writers of the Reformed English Church" with motto "Mundus transit;" depicts a shield with a bishop's mitre. Signed at bottom center "EVTR."
Format 1 print : col., 16 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Artist EVRART?
Hopson, William Fowler, 1849 …
The Bibliophile Society
Eximium opus eximie ornetur
Description States, "The Biliophile Society. This edition is limited to 483 copies. Printed for members only. Boston MDCDX" with motto "Eximium opus eximie ornetur;" features a bookshelf, a stack of books, an easel with a painting, an open book with a torch, and a letterpress. Signed at bottom "W.F. Hopson, Del. J.W. Spenceley, Sc."
Format 1 print : b&w, 15 x 12 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Hopson, William Fowler, 1849-1935, Spenceley, J. Winfred (Joseph Winfred), 1865-1908
Parkin, Thomas
Honesta audax
Description States, "Thomas Parkin" with motto "Honesta audax;" features a shield with an eagle displayed and a helmet. The crewst also features an eagle displayed and holding two objects. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Elizabeth Bigelow Eftes
Out of olde fields as men la …
Description States, "Ex Libris Elizabeth Bigelow Eftes" with motto "Out of olde fields as men laythe Cometh all this new corne fro yeare to yeare, And out of old bokes in good faythe Cometh all this feyence that men leare;" depicts a cornfield surrounded by garland and books. Signed at bottom right "VCHR."
Format 1 print : black on blue paper, 11 x 8 cm.
Language English
Artist VCHR
Paterson, W. K.
Hostis honori invidia
Description States, "W. K. Paterson" with motto Hostis honori invidia;" features a shield with three pelicans in her piety, with two stars, one roundel, and a helmet. The crest features a bird in a next with three baby birds. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Eftes, Elizabeth Bigelow
Out of olde fields as men la …
Description States, "Ex Libris Elizabeth Bigelow Eftes" with motto "Out of olde fields as men laythe Cometh all this new corne fro yeare to yeare, And out of old bokes in good faythe Cometh all this feyence that men leare;" depicts a cornfield surrounded by garland and books. Signed at bottom right "VCHR."
Format 1 print : black on blue paper, 11 x 8 cm.
Language English
Artist VCHR
Penfold, Miles Poole
Health and independncy
Description States, "Miles Poole Penfold" with motto "Health and independncy;" features a shield with a divided by a chevron stripe with three roundels and bearing three doves with a branch. The crest features a crown and tree. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language English
Anna St. Louis Fowler
Description States, "Anna St. Louis Fowler;" depicts a bookshelf with two open books, an oil lamp, and a framed "AF" monogram surrounded by flowers. Signed at bottom "F.B.S. 1910."
Format 1 print : col, 24 x 16 cm.
Artist F.B.S.
Pennsylvania State Library
Virtus liberty and independe …
Description States, "Pennsylvania State Library, Class, Book, Volume;" features a shield supported by two horses and bearing a ship, an unidentified object, and three garb. Also features a crest with an eagle. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 9 cm.
Language English
Fowler, Anna St. Louis
Description States, "Anna St. Louis Fowler;" depicts a bookshelf with two open books, an oil lamp, and a framed "AF" monogram surrounded by flowers. Signed at bottom "F.B.S. 1910."
Format 1 print : col, 24 x 16 cm.
Artist F.B.S.
Isaac Norris Library, The
Description States, "Library of the University of Pennsylvania, The Isaac Norris Library;" features an emblem with an oil lamp and a globe. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Cope Library, The
Description States, "Library of the University of Pennsylvania, The Cope Library;" features an emblem with an oil lamp and a globe. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Una May Laurence
Description States, "Ex-Libris Una May Laurence;" depicts a woman surrounded by flowers and a guitar. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 19 x 17 cm.
Laurence, Una May
Description States, "Ex-Libris Una May Laurence;" depicts a woman surrounded by flowers and a guitar. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 19 x 17 cm.
McGowan, William Dana
Description States, "Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Library of William Dana McGowan, M.D.;" features an emblem with an oil lamp and a globe. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Bleier Oszkar
Description States, "Ex Libris Bleier Oszkar;" depicts a man sitting on a bench while looking down on a field and house. Signed "K."
Format 1 print : black on blue paper, 8 x 12 cm.
Artist K
Oszkar, Bleier
Description States, "Ex Libris Bleier Oszkar;" depicts a man sitting on a bench while looking down on a field and house. Signed "K."
Format 1 print : black on blue paper, 8 x 12 cm.
Artist K
Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Smith, Isaac
Description States, "Ex-Libris Isaac Smith;" depicts a naked woman atop a ram. Signed at bottom left, "Ismael Smith."
Format 1 print : b&w, 16 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Blomberg, D.
Description States, "Ex Libris D. Blomberg;" depicts a ghostly figure opening a door. Signed at bottom "DB."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm. Brian converted to greyscale
Bohme, H.
Description States, "Tolle. Lege. Ex Libris H. Bohme;" depicts an elderly man sitting next to open windows and a desk with a globe and a cross. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 15 x 7 cm.
Bonnamour, Georges
Description States, "ex libris Georges Bonnamour;" depicts a rooster with the monogram "CG." Signed at bottom left "GI."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Artist GI
Regnat, Ludwig
Description States, "MCMVI Ex Libris Ludwig Regnat;" depicts an architectural setting with columns and a shield with a helmet and wings. Signed at left "Ra."
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 9 cm.
Artist Ra?
Borden, Ellen Louisa
Description States, "Ellen Lovisa Borden, This is her book, Date;" depicts a woman holding a bucket in a farm setting surrounded by pumpkins, corn, and cows. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 8 cm.
University of Pennsylvania, …
Description States, "Library of the University of Pennsylvania;" features an emblem with an oil lamp and a globe. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Spenceley, J. Winfred (Josep …
Starr, Frederick
Description States, "Ex Libris Mexicanis Frederick Starr;" features a lanscape, a statue of Mary, a portrait of a Native American, a Mayan sculpture, two portraits of men, and a medallion. Signed at bottom "J.W. Spencely. Boston. 1905. Copyright Frederick Starr, 1905."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Artist Spenceley, J. Winfred (Joseph Winfred), 1865-1908
University of Pennsylvania, …
Description States, "Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Gift of;" features an emblem with an oil lamp and a globe. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
William Edgar-Fisher, Willia …
The Library of Bowdoin Colle …
Description States, "The Library of Bowdoin College Gift of the Class of the Class of 1882;" features two oars, garland, the Bowdoin College emblem, a bookshelf with an oil lamp, a scene two skulling boats on a river set in a Greek temple with two columns. Signed at bottom "William Egar Fisher 1909."
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 8 cm.
Artist William Edgar-Fisher, William Edgar, b. 1872
University of Pennsylvania, …
Description States, "Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Gift of The Class of 1889 College;" features an emblem with an oil lamp and a globe. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Bradford Free Public Library
Description States, "Bradford Free Public Library MDCCCXVI" with motto "Labor omnia vincit;" features a library setting, a tower, stacks of books with an oil lamp, a painting pallette, a woman, and shields with the monograms "BF" and "PL." Signed at bottom "H.M.N. Sc. R.P.B. INV."
Format 1 print : b&w, 18 x 13 cm.
University of Pennsylvania, …
Description States, "Library of the University of Pennsylvania, Gift of Messrs. Beeber, Bodine, Carson, Castner, Houston, Hutchinson, Rosengarten, Sinnott, and Smith;" features an emblem with an oil lamp and a globe. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Brady, Cyrus Townsend, Jr.
Description States, "Cyrus Townsend Brady, Jr." with motto "Haply I may err but an heretic I will never be;" depicts an interior setting with a priest swinging an incense lamp, a desk, a globe, a statue, a book, an inkwell, and a telescope pointed towards a window with a view of a sailing ship. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 6 x 11 cm.
??iein Siegel ist ein Liegel
Description States, "Pannebakker Samuel W. Pennpacker" with motto "??iein Siegel ist ein Liegel;" features a blank shield. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Language German
Ehringhausen, Willy
Schumacher, Valentin
Description States, "Ex Libris Valentin Shumacher 1911;" depict a bucolic setting with a pond, trees, a barn and two cows surrounded by a fram made of antlers and flowers. Signed at top center "WE."
Format 1 print : col, 11 x 12 cm.
Artist Ehringhausen, Willy
Description States, "Prescott Pepper;" features a quartered shield with owls, chevron stripes, roses, and a helmet. The crest features a bird. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Brainerd, Ira Hutchinson
Description States, "Ira Hutchinson Brainerd;" depicts a mantle supporting a mountain landscape painting, books, an oil lamp, and garland. Signed at bottom "EDF 1902."
Format 1 print : b&w, 7 x 9 cm.
Artist EDF
Liber libere omnibus
Description States, "The Free Library of Philadelphia. Gift of ___ Class___ Book___;" features an emblem that depicts a hand holding a book, has the motto "Liber Libere Omnibus" and states "The Free Library of Philadelphia A.D. 1891."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Brewer, William Augustus
Pro duo et patria
Description States, "Ex Libris William Augustus Brewer" with motto "Pro duo et patria;" depicts a painting of a cathedral surrounded by garland, ribbon, and a shield. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Free Library of Philadelphia …
Liber libere omnibus
Description States, "The Free Library of Philadelphia. Gift of ___ Class___ Book___;" features an emblem that depicts a hand holding a book, has the motto "Liber Libere Omnibus" and states "The Free Library of Philadelphia A.D. 1891."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Smith, Isaac
Description States, "Ex-Libris Isaac Smith;" depicts a bird chasing a naked woman. Signed at right "Ismael Smith."
Format 1 print : col, 11 x 13 cm.
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Description States, "No. 22710. The Library Company of Philadelphia. Deposited (1878) by the Heirs of Edward Armstrong, dec's." surrounded by floral and striped borders. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 10 cm.
Parker, Henry W.
Amaximus ad minima
Description States, "Henry W. Parker" with motto "Amaximis Ad Minima;" depicts a pedastal holding an open book, two snake wrapped around the base and a flaming torch in the back. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Description States, "Columbia University in the City of New York" and "Ex Libris Stephen Whitney Phoenix;" features a shield with a crown and a demi-eagle. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 10 cm.
Alancon, Emile Briere
Ma noblesse, ma liberte, mon …
Description States, "Ex Libris Emile Briere, Alancon" with motto "Ma noblesse, ma liberte, mon patrimoine;" depicts a hammer, a flower, a pointed tool, and a violin. Sigend at bottom right "1903 CCE."
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 9 cm.
Language French
Artist CCE
Martin, Roberta Huston
In time
Description States, "Ex Libris Roberta Huston Martin" with motto "In time;" features a shield supported by two leashed dogs. The shield bears a chevron stripe and three martlets. The crest features an hourglass and wings. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Language English
HJ, Wiegaud, Johannes
Schmidt, Carl
Description States, "Ex Libris Carl Schmidt;" depicts a tree with a Greek temple and rising or setting sun in the background. Signed at bottom "HJ." Signed on back "Johannes Wiegaud, Dufeldorf."
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 11 cm.
Artist HJ, Wiegaud, Johannes
Pyle, H.
Players, The
Either For Traged, Comedy, H …
Description States, "The Players. Either for Tragedy, Comedy, History: Hamlet Act II, Scene II;" depicts a Grecian goddess playing a lyre. Signed at bottom "J. Pyle E.D.F. Sc. 1894."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Language English
Artist Pyle, H.
Schwarz, Beiner
Description States, "ex libris Beiner Schwarz;" depicts a man holding a book under his right arm while walking and casting a shadow on a wall. Signed at bottom right "FN."
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 8 cm.
Artist FN
Plymouth Free Public Library
Turriss fortissma est nomen …
Description States, "Presented by…Class…Progressive Number…;" features an emblem for the Pymouth Free Public Library with the motto "Turriss fortissma est nomen jehovae" and a shield supported by two lions. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Haffcke, F.
Stone, Melville
Description States, "ex libris Melville E. Stone;" depicts a Napoleonic figure holding an open book with garland in the background. Signed at upper right "fH."
Format 1 print : b&w, 8 x 6 cm.
Artist Haffcke, F.
Foster, W.F.
Plymouth Free Public Library
Turriss fortissma est nomen …
Description States, "Plymouth Free Public Library" with motto "Turriss fortissma est nomen jehovae;" features a shield supporte by two lions with a crown and an oil lamp in a library setting. Signed at bottom "W.Foster."
Format 1 print : col., 15 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Foster, W.F.
Brooks, Henry M.
Description Depicts a quill, an inkwell, a stamp, a box, and a letter that states "Henry M. Brooks, Salem. Mass." Unsinged.
Format 1 print : b&w, 7 x 11 cm.
Poillon, William
Description States, "Ex Libris William Poillon;" features a stein, a skull, a burning candle, an open book, and a spider web. Signed at bottom "Hog''boom."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Artist Hogeboom
Brunner, Arnold William
Description States, "Ex Libris Arnold William Brunner;" depicts the monogram "AWB" surrounded by a frame, garland, a stack of books, and an oil lamp. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 8 x 6 cm.
Porath, Joseph
Description States, "Ex Libris Joseph Porath;" depicts a cottage surrounded by two columns with potted plants. Signed illegibly at bottom center.
Format 1 print : col., 15 x 12 cm.
van der Willegen, D. Logeman
Description States, "D. Logeman van der Willigen;" depicts a seagull with wings open perched on a rock by the ocean. Signed at the bottom right "E.V.O."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 7 cm.
Artist E.V.O.
Portland Public Library
Description States, "From Frothingham Fund;" features the "Portland Public Library" emblem depicting a shield supporte dby two fish. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Eggimann, H.
Description States,"Ex Libris Buchler, Bern;" depicts a tree with two shields, a person sitting beneath, and a cityscape in the background. Also features masks with garland, a shield with garland, and a shield with a Caduceus. Signed at bottom "H. Eggimann, Bern."
Format 1 print : col., 16 x 12 cm.
Artist Eggimann, H.
Poller, HC
Malo mori quam fae dari
Description States, "HC Poller" with motto "Malo mori quam fae dari;" featuers a shield with three horizontal stripes and a rose. The crest features a demi-lion holding a crescent. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Obratil, K.J.
Description States, "Ex Libris K.J. Obratil;" depicts a landscape setting with a path that winds around a tree. Also depicts a bookshelf with books, an inkwell, and a quill. Signed at bottom "A.K."
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 6 cm.
Artist A.K.
Lord Viscount Ponerscourt
Fidelite est de dieu
Description States, "Lord Viscount Ponverscourt" with motto "Fidelite est de dieu;" features a shield with a crown and helmet and is divided by a diagonal strip made of wings. The shield is supporte by winged horses. The crest features a bird elevated and a sun. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 9 cm.
Language French
Schwark, Peter
Description States, "Ex Libris Peter Schwark 1911 Hamburg Barmbeck;" depicts a cherub-like child pointing to an open book surrounded by an ornated border with an animal skull. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : black on brown paper, 10 x 7 cm.
Artist Barmbeck
Poivys, Tho. Jeff.
Description States, "Tho. Jelf Ponvys;" features a shield supported by flowers and bears a claw and two crosses. The crest features a beastly arm holding a fleur-de-lis. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Buckler, Gwendoline
On bokes for to rede I me de …
Description States, "Ex Libris Gwendoline Buckler" with motto "On bokes for to rede I me delyte. -Chaucer;" dpicts a window setting with an open book and a view of a town. Also features theater masks and a painter's pallette. Signed at bottom "Berthaljorst inv et imp del n aqua folle 06."
Format 1 print : b&w, 16 x 11 cm.
Language English
Artist Berthaljorst
Prattinton, Peter
Vim vi repellere licet
Description States, "Peter Prattinton" with motto "Vim vi repellere licet;" features a quartered shield with a lion rampant and roses in two sections and a diagonal stripe of birds. The crest features a goat. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Cohn, Maimie
Description States, "Maimie Cohn Ex-Libris;" depicts a seated woman holding an open book and a man kneeling at her feet surrounded by garland, a vase, a bust, and a column. Signed at bottom "Senor Ismael Smith 1920."
Format 1 print : b&w, 16 x 12 cm.
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Proctor Free Library
Description States, "Proctor Free Library, Proctor, Vermont Class Book;" features a quill, an inkwell, a scroll and garland enclosed in an ornate border. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Buirette, Leon
Description States, "Ex Libris Leon Buirette;" depicts a forest setting with the monogram "LB." Signed at bottom right with monogram "GI."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Artist GI
Provoost, Iohn
Pro libertate
Description States, "Iohn Provoost" with motto "Pro libertate;" features a shield with three stars pierced by arrows and a helmet. The crest features an arm embowed in armor holding an arrow. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Bulow, Bar. A.
Description States, "Ex Bibliotheca E.I. Lib. Bar. A. Bulow;" depicts a piece of paper featuring a shield supported by two lions and surrounded by books. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 19 x 14 cm.
Nititur in lucen
Description States, "Accession No…Shelf No…Received…;" features an emblem for the "Societ: Litt et Hist." with the motto "Nititur in lucem." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Kehrl, Olga
Description States, "Ex libris Olga Kehril;" depicts two young children reading to a maiden who is looking out a window to a ship and flock of birds. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 9 cm.
Artist T.H.
Radcliffe College Library
Description States, "Radcliffe College Library" with motto "Veritas;" features shield divided vertically with three stars and a chevron stripe in the left section and two diagonal stripes in the right section. The shield is surrounded by garland. Signed at bottom "G.M."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Artist G.M.
Burgerskijk, J.F.
Kos mos
Description States, "Ex Libris J.F. Burgerskijk" with motto "Kos mos;" features a flower, a bookshelf, a camera, a sword with garland, a shield with a helmet, and a five cent stamp. Unisigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 9 cm.
Randall, James H.
Description States, "James H. Randall;" depicts a seated woman writing on paper with a quill and an open book at her feet. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 5 x 7 cm.
Rebotier, Charles
Tourjours ferme
Description States, "Charles Rebotier" with motto "Tourjours ferme;" features a shield with a tower and helmet surrounded by flowers. The crest features a ducal coronet. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language French
Reid, Robert
Pro virtute
Description States, "Robert Reid" with motto "Pro virtute;" features a shiled with an eagle displayed and a helmet. Features a crest with a cloud an arm embowed with an open book. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Reid, William
Pro virtute
Description States, "Willaim Reid" with motto "Pro virtute;" features a crest with a cloud an arm embowed with an open book. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Regnat, Ludwig
Description States, "MCMVI Ex Libris Ludwig Regnat;" depicts an architectural setting with columns and a shield with a helmet and wings. Signed at left "Ra."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
Artist Ra
Richards Library, The
Description States, "The Richards Library, Warrensburgh, N.Y." depicts a hand holding a scale that balances a sword and a feather. Signed at bottom K.C. 1902."
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 8 cm.
Artist K.C.
Beverley Robinson
Propere et provide
Description States, "Beverly Robinson" with the the motto, "Propere et Provide;" features a shield that bears three stags trippant and three rosettes. The crest features a stag trippant. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Robinson, John Beverley
Propere et provide, Tria jun …
Description States, "John Beverly Robinson" with motto "Propere et provide" and "Tria juncta in uno;" featuers a shield with three stags trippant, a chevron stripe with three cinquefoils, and a helmet. The crest features a stag trippant. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Robertson, Robt.
Virtutis gloria merces
Description States, "Robt. Robertson Esqr of Auchleeks" with motto "Virtutis gloria merces;" features a shield with three gryphons and a helmet. The crest features a cubit arm holding a royal crown. Also features a man in shackles at the bottom of the shield. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Sobaka, W.
Burian, Agathe
Description States, "Ex libris Agathe Burian;" depicts a woman tossing roses with three cherubs. Signed at bottom right "W. Saboska."
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 10 cm.
Artist Sobaka, W.
Robinson, Wm.
Veritas et integritas
Description States, "Wm. Robinson" with motto "Veritas et integritas;" features a quartered shield with lions passant and a cross. The crest features a son and bird. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Hopson, William Fowler, 1849 …
Davis, Frederick Willis
Description States, "Ex-Libris Frederick Willis Davis. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1907." depicts an open book. Left page: depicts a statue of a minute mans on a pedestal that states "Here once the embattled farmers stood,and fired the shot heard round the world." The statue is surrounded by two torches and a ribbon that contains the names of the authors "Alcott, Whittier, Longfellow, Emerson, Holmes, Hawthorne, Lowell, Thoreau. Right page: features the motto "A Good Book is the Precious Life Blood of a Master Spirit." Also features a shield with a lion. Signed at bottom "W.F. Hopson."
Artist Hopson, William Fowler, 1849-1935
Rockefeller, John W.
Hinc lucem et procula sacra
Description States, "Hinc Lucem et Pocula Sacra;" depicts a siren holding a sun and a torch while standing at a podium that states "Alma Mater Canta Brigia." Signed in pencil at bottom "John D. Rockefeller."
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 5 cm.
Language Latin
Burt, Martha Wyckoff
Description States, "Martha Wyckoff Burt;" depicts a library setting with a child seated on top of a stack of books and holding an open book for another child to see. The image is surround by a floral borders. Signed at bottom with monogram "PBF 1895."
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 8 cm.
Artist PBF
Rouillion, Louis
Description States, "Ex Libris Louis Rouillion;" features a Georgian style building, a tree, a lake with a sailboat, and a cross.
Format 1 print : col., 5 x 7 cm.
Meldram, Kate
Description States, "Ex Libris Kate Mieldram BVSS. No. Vol." with motto "Mens. Immota. Manet;" features an open window with a view of mountains and a hand holding a book. Signed at left "F.A.R. '05."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 7 cm.
Artist F.A.R.
Revd. MrPat. St. Clair, The
Entend toy
Description States, "The Revd. Mr Pat St. Clair" with motto "Entend toy;" features a quartered shield with a helmet. The crest features a gryphon. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language French
Voigt, P.
Busse, W. L.
Description States, "Ex libris W.L. Busse;" features a sailing ship surrounded by a rope border, and anchor, and fish. Signed "P. Voigt."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Artist Voigt, P.
St. John, Everitte
Nec ouaerere nec spernere ho …
Description States, "Everitte St. John. No..." with motto "Nec ouaerere nec spernere honorem;" features a shield with two molets, a diagonal stripe, and a helmet. The crest features a monkey. Signed at bottom left "G.M."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Artist G.M.
Presented to […] by The Cork …
Description States, "Presented to …by The Cork Institute of America;" depicts an open book and a stack of books under a tree. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 8 cm.
Salem Public Library
Description States, "Salem Public Library Established 1888;" features garland, a shield bearing the image of an Asian man in traditional garb holding an umbrella and an illegible motto. Signed illegibly at bottom right.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 13 cm.
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
Caldwell, James H.
No Book is worth anything th …
Description States, "James H. Caldwell" with motto "No Book is worth anything that is not work much. Ruskin;" depicts a man reading a book while standing on a ladder in a library setting. Signed "1895 S. Hollyer, Spitzwig. Del."
Format 1 print : col., 18 x 13 cm.
Language English
Artist Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919
Samuel, Henry
Esse quam videri
Description States, "Henry Samuel," with the motto, "Esse Quam Videri;" features a calligraphic "S" atop a shield with a belt. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Cameron, D.Y.
Cameron, Katherine
Description States, "Katherine Cameron" with motto "Ars celare artem;" depicts a cherub and rising or setting sun. Signed at bottom "D.Y. Cameron Sculpci 1895."
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 8 cm.
Artist Cameron, D.Y.
Sanford, Mary Lyman
Description States, "Mary Lyman Stanford" in a calligraphic font. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 3 x 9 cm.
Cameron, Mary Wiley
Pro rege et patria
Description States, "Mark Wiley Cameron;" depicts an arm embowed in armor with a sword and surrounded by a belt border with the motto "Pro rege et patria." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Sanford, Mary Lyman
Description States, "Mary Lyman Stanford" in a calligraphic font. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 3 x 9 cm.
Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Gayangos, Juan Riano
Description States, "Ex Libris Juan Riano Gayongos;" depicts a naked woman with flowers in her hair flipping through a book. Signed at bottom "Ismael Smith."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Engler, Arthur
Schroeter, Herman M.
I sent my sould through the …
Description States, "I sent my sould through the invisible some letter of that after-life to spell and bye and bye my sould returned to me and answered, 'I myself am heavn and hell' Ex Libris Omariana herman M. Schroeter;" depicts a library setting with a man writing on a scroll. The names of the authors "Curtis, Johnson=Paha, Heron-Allen, Payne, Nicolas, Fitzgerald, Bodenstedt, Thompson, Cadell, McCarty, Talbot, Garner, Whinfeld, Roe, and Le Gallienne" are featued on a ribbon. Signed at bottom "A. Engler Del. -SC. -1913."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language English
Artist Engler, Arthur
Capek, J.
Description States, "Ex libris J. Capek;" depicts a blossoming tree with a young couple sitting underneath looking out to a field with a house. Also features the intials "J" and "W" at top. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col, col. 15 x 12 cm.
Artist JW
Engler, Arthur
Schroeter, Herman M.
Chemistry Astronomy Typograp …
Description States, "Ex Libris Herman M. Schroeter" with motto "Chemistry Astronomy Typography;" features a woman with globe, a woman with scroll, a woman with musical instrument, a bookshelf, a letterpress and a chemistry set. Signed at bottom left "A. Engler Del. -SC.-1913."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Language English
Artist Engler, Arthur
Rouillion, Louis Horace
Description States, "Ex Libris Louis Horace Rouillion;" depicts a building with columns, trees, a seal, and two racquets. Signed at bottom right with unidentified monogram.
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 7 cm.
Scovell, George
Description States, "George Scovell" with "Forward;" featues a shield divided horizontally with a tower and three fleur-de-lis in the bottom section and two swords in top section. The crest features a mural coronet with a squirrel. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language English
Hopson, William Fowler, 1849 …
Carter, Lillian W.
Description States, "Lillian W. Carter;" features two images of framed tree settings layered upon one another. Also features a bird, a dog, garland made of flowers, and a shield that states "1908 June 30." Signed at bottom W.F. Hopson. 1911."
Format 1 print : b&w, 15 x 11 cm.
Artist Hopson, William Fowler, 1849-1935
French, Edwin Davis, 1851-19 …
Sedgwick, Robert
Confido in domino
Description States, "Robert Sedgwick" with motto "Confido in domino;" features a shield with a helmet divided verically with five bells in the left section and a lion and two thistle in the right section. Features a crest with a lion trippant. Signed at bottom left "E.D.French fect. 1896."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Artist French, Edwin Davis, 1851-1906
Tiffany and Company
Carver, Clifford Nickels
Description States, "Ex Libris Clifford Nickels Carerver;" depicts a sailing ship. Also features a shield with a chevron stripe, a fleur-de-lis, a crown, and a man. Signed at bottom right "Tiffany & Co."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Artist Tiffany and Company
Engler, Arthur
Shannon, Patrick A.
Cavendo tutus
Description States, "Patrick A. Shannon" with motto "Cavendo tutus;" features a shield with a lion rampant, two molets, and a heart. The cest features an arm embowed in armor holding a sword. Signed illegibly at bottom.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Engler, Arthur
Tiffany and Company
Carver, Clifford Nickels
Description States, "Ex Libris Clifford Nickels Carerver;" depicts a sailing ship. Also features a shield with a chevron stripe, a fleur-de-lis, a crown, and a man. Signed at bottom right "Tiffany & Co."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Artist Tiffany and Company
Wyon, Alan
Sharp, Erneft Hamilton
Dum spiro spero
Description States, "Erneft Hamilton Sharp" with motto "Dum spiro spero;" feature a shield with three demi-gryphons and a helmet. The crest features a demi-gryphon. Signed at bottom center "Allan Wyon Sc."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Wyon, Alan
de Lavedan de Casaubon, Albe …
Description States, "ex libris Albert de Lavedan de Casaubon;" depicts a mountain setting. Also features a shield with a three chevron stripes and three birds. Signed at bottom right "GI."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 9 cm.
Artist GI
Harvard College Library
Description States, "Harvard College Library from the bequest of Samuel Shapleigh, (Class of 1789), late librarian of Harvard College;" features emblem that states "Sigillum Academiae Harvardianae In Nov Ang. Christo et Ecclesiae and three open books with letter that spell "Veritas." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 8 cm.
Castle, Egerton
Pactum serva
Description States, "Egerton Castle, M.A., F.S.A;" with motto "Pactum serva;" features a shield with three towers and surrounded by garland and a tower. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Lachmann, Friedrich
Description States, "Friedrich Lachman;" depicts a man pulling a person and an angel in a boat on a river with mountains in the background. Also depicts three goddesses in the background. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col, 9 x 6 cm.
Caudevelle, Henri
Description States, "Ex Libris Henri Caudevelle;" features an emblem depicting a sailing ship and the monogram "hc." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Jacoby, Clarence S.
Welcome to the Temple and wh …
Description States, "Ex Libris Clarence S. Jacoby, Welcome to the Temple and when you leave, leave my book.;" depicts a house named "Temple of Knowledge" made of books with an inkwell in front and stylized smoke emerging from the chimney. Signed at the bottom right "Hogeboom."
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 7 cm.
Language English
Artist Hogeboom
Description States, "Chase," depicts a stack of book and an open book on a desk. The open book is titled "Companions of My Solitude" and features and anchor with fish. Also featured in the setting are a candle, flowers, a feather, a picture of a demi-lion holding a cross, and the initials "W.H." Signed at bottom right "SLS."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 9 cm.
Artist SLS
Cheatham, Kitty
Description States, "Kitt Cheatham, Her book;" depicts a woman playing a wind instrument while dozens of young children follow her. Signed at bottom left "G.R."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 8 cm.
Artist G.R
Cheney, C.H.
Description States, "C.H. Cheney Ex Libris;" depicts a shield with a diagonal stripe of three birds and a tree growing on the top. Signed at bottom "SC 1906."
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 7 cm.
Artist S.W.C.
Cheney, Warren
Description States, "Ex Libris Warren Cheney;" features an open book, two stacks of books with inkwells and quills, Pre-Columbian sculptures, and a shield with a diagonal stripe of three birds and a tree growing on the top. Signed at bottom "S.W.C. 1905."
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 7 cm.
Artist S.W.C.
Sheepshanks, John
Description States, "John Sheepshanks 1852" in handwriting with the motto, "Perseverando;" features a lamb atop a shield with a decorative frame, three rosettes, seven arrow forms, and a smaller lamb. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Gable, William F.
Description States, "Ex libris William F. Gable;" depicts a forest setting. Signed at right "P."
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 8 cm.
Artist P
Chancellour of Shiedhill
Que je surmonte
Description States, "Chancellour of Shieldhill" with motto "Que je surmonte;" features a shield with a lion rampant, three molets, a hemlet, and torse. The crest feature an eagle displayed. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 6 cm.
Language French
N. Chini & Cie
Description States, "N. Chini & Cie;" depicts a single palm tree with a sun shining from behind and the monogram "NC&Cie" on the front. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Prest d'accomplir
Description States, "Shrewsbury" with motto "Prest d'accomplir;" features a shield supported by two cat beasts with a lion rampant in the center. Also features an earl's crown and garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language French
Arthur Wellington Clark, A.M …
Description States, "Ex Libris Arthur Willington Clark. A.M. M.D.;" depict two young children supporting a pedstal that bears a shield and supports an open book. Signed at bottom "R.H.M. 1900."
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 7 cm.
Artist R.H.M.
French, Edwin Davis, 1851-19 …
Mark Skinner Library, The
And God said let there be li …
Description States, "The Mark Skinner Library. Manchester, Vermont. MDCCCXCVII" with motto "And God said let there be light;" features a portraint of Mark Skinner surrounded by an ornate frame with an open book. Signed at bottom left "EDF Sc."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Language English
Artist French, Edwin Davis, 1851-1906
Clark, Arthur Willington
Sans souci, si sans six sous …
Description States, "Sans souci, si sans six sous, C'est le passepartout qui pass partout;" features the monogram "AWC."
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language French
Tiffany and Company
Smalley, E. G.
Fortis cadere ceder non pote …
Description States, "E.G. Smalley" with motto "Fortis cadere ceder non potest;" feature a shield with three molets and a crown with a demi-head. Signed at bottom center "Tiffany & Co."
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Tiffany and Company
Clarke, Carver
Description States, "Carver Clarke, 1868, Dublin;" features the monogram "Ta." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language English
Smith, Adam
Description States, "Adam Smith" and is surrounded by a single lined border. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 4 x 6 cm.
Crookshank, Arthur C.
Each to his choice and I rej …
Description States, "Ex Libris Arthur C. Crookshank;" depicts an open books that states "Each to his choice and I rejoice. The lot has fallen to me. In a fair ground. In a fair ground. Ye Sussex by the Sea." Also depicts a closed and an opend window with a view of rolling hills. Also features a crest with the motto "Conferre gladio" and an armored hand holding a sword. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 9 cm.
Language English
Suum cuique
Description States and illegible name and the motto "Suum Cuique;" features ducal coronet with feathers. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Clulow, George
Lux in tenebris
Description States, "Ex Llibris George Clalow" with motto "Lux in tenebris;" features a goddess holding grass and a quill. Also features an open book with the initial "CG" and surrounded by a snake. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Smith College Library
Description States, "Smith College Libray, Northampton Massachusettes, L. Clark Seelye Fund;" depicts a portrait of L. Clark Seelye, the first President of Smith College from 1873 to 1910. Signed at bottom right "SM."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7cm.
Artist SM
Hope, R.
Clulow, George
Description States, "Ex Libris Geo Clulow;" depicts a man reading in a library setting. Features a border with cherubs, a shield, fish, and an emblem. Signed "R.Hope 1896."
Format 1 print : b&w, 16 x 10 cm.
Language English, Latin
Artist Hope, R.
Loltau, George
Miseris succurrere disco
Description States, "George Loltau" with motto "Miseris succurrere disco;" features a shield split diagonally with corn in the top section and three fleur-de-lis in the bottom section. The crest features a demi-lion rampant. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7cm.
Language Latin
Clulow, George
Lux in tenebris
Description States, "Bibliotheca Geo: Clulow Domestica" with motto "Lux in tenebris;" depicts a pedestal with a fish in a garden setting. Signed at top "AD 1896."
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Spearman, Robert
Description States, "Robert Spearman of Oldacres Esqr. Durham;" features a quarted shield with a helmet and torse. The crest features a lion rampant holding a military object. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 9 cm.
French, Edwin Davis, 1851-19 …
The Club of Odd Volumes
Description States, "The Club of Odd Volumes Founded 1897;" depicts a bearded man reading an open book in a library setting. Also features an emblem for "Bostonia" and a shield with an open book. Signed at bottom right"E.D. French 1899."
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 9 cm.
Artist French, Edwin Davis, 1851-1906
Spenceley, J. Winfred (Josep …
Spenceley, J. Winfred
Dieu defende le droit
Description States, "J. Winfred Spenceley" with motto "Dieu defend le droit;" features a quartered shield with helmet supported by flowers. The shield contains a bird in two sections and a diagonal of fleur-de-lis. The crest features a mural coronet with an arm embowed in armor holding a sword. Signed at bottom "J.W.S. '96."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 9 cm.
Language French
Artist Spenceley, J. Winfred (Joseph Winfred), 1865-1908
Coffee, Sidney Johnson
Description States, "Ex Libris Sidney Johnson Coffee;" features a background of garland. Signed at bottom right "Lyon."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Artist Lyon
Vanzetti, Bertieri E.
Description States, "Bertieri E Vanzetti Stampato: Ri In Milano Ex Libris;" depicts two unidentified red images at the bottom left and right that state "Nova en Antiovis." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 8 cm.
Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Cohn, Maimie
Description States, "Madame Cohn Ex-Libris;" depicts a soldier holding a sword with a helmet at the right foot. Singed at bottom "Senor Ismael Smith 1920."
Format 1 print : col., 16 x 13 cm.
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Monasterii Staius
Description States, "Ex libris Monasterii Staus;" depicts a monastary and three emblems. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Cohn, Maimie
Description States, "Maimie Cohn Ex-Libris;" depicts a seated woman holding an open book and a man kneeling at her feet surrounded by garland, a vase, a bust, and a column. Signed at bottom "Senor Ismael Smith 1920."
Format 1 print : col., 16 x 12 cm.
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Description States, "Ex Libris Steinhausen;" depicts the view of a mountain top castle next to trees, a lake, and hill framed by a column. Signed at bottom right "WO."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Artist WO
Schreve & Co.
Collins, Nathalie
With my friend and book I wa …
Description States, "Ex Libris Nathalie Collins" with the motto "With my friend and book I walk through the forest of Arden;" depicts a library setting with a window open to a view of a trees and a mountain. Signed at bottom "Shreve & Co."
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 9 cm.
Language English
Artist Schreve & Co.
Stephens, Robert Durell S.
Virtutis amore
Description States, "Robert Darell S. Stephens" with motto "Virtutis amore;" features a shield divided in three sections with an eagle displayed in each section. The crest features a lion rampant. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Contreras, Oscar
Mas alla del dolor ye de la …
Description States, "Oscar Contreras Ex-Libris" with mottos "Mas alla del dolor y de la vida" and "Marrones armas y blason e delos senores;" features a quartered shield supported by a naked woman holding branches and a clothed woman holding an open book. Also features a helmet and an arm with a scymitar. Signed at left "Ismael Smith."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 12 cm.
Language Spanish
Artist Smith, Ismael, 1886-1972
Stewart, Mrs. Genl.
Virescit vulnere virtus
Description States, "Mrs. Genl. Stewart" with motto "Virescit vulnere virtus;" features a crest with a pelican in her piety. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Conway, Moncure Daniel
Fide et amore
Description States, "Ex Libris Moncure Daniel Conway" with motto "Fide et amore;" features a shield with a helmet and a crest with a demi-figure. Signed "PO."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Artist PO
Straton, Samuel
Surgere tento
Description States, "Samuel Straton" with motto "Surger tento;" features a shield and crest with a bird. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 5 cm.
Language Latin
Spenceley, J. Winfred (Josep …
Cook, Charles Emerson
Description States, "Ex Libris Charles Emerson Cook" with motto "Veritas;" depicts a library setting with a desk, a chair, a bookcase, and a window that looks out to a lake. Also features a portrait of a male surrounded by garland, an open book with a rose, and three open books surrounded by garland. Signed "Spenceley 1909."
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Spenceley, J. Winfred (Joseph Winfred), 1865-1908
Stuart, John
Description States, Sr. John Stuart of Allanbank Bart." with motto "Avant;" features a shield divided diagonally and horizontally with a helmet and torse. The crest features a cubit arm holding a sword. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 9 cm.
Language French
Cracroft, Ino.
Description States, "Ino Cracroft;" features a shield with a diagonal of three martlets, a crest with a crane holding an ax, and garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 9 cm.
Swan, Joseph
Sit nomen decus
Description States, "Joseph Swan" with motto "Sit nomen decus;" features a shield surrounded by garland and contains three swans, a horizontal stripe, and a helmet. The crest features a swan. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Avril, P., Brokman, Henry
Crawford, Francis Marion
Description States, "Francis Marion Crawford;" depicts waves crasing against a cliff and a sailing ship on the horizon. Signed at bottom "P. Avril Sc." and "Henry Brokman Del."
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 7 cm.
Artist Avril, P., Brokman, Henry
Sweetland, John
Integritate vicimus
Description States, "John Sweetland" with motto "Integritate vicimus;" features a quartered shield with a tree and three roses in two sections and two seashells and a stripe with a crescent in the othe two sections. The crest features a cubit arm in armor holding flowers. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Moore, George, F.H.O.W.
Creed, Margaret J.
Description States, "Ex Libris Margaret J. Creed;" depicts a library setting with a chair, a table, bookshelf, and a window with a view of an obelisk. Signed at bottom left "Geo. Moore. Eng."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 7 cm.
Artist Moore, George, F.H.O.W.
Zofra, C.
Library of New York Universi …
Description States, "Library of New York University" and "From the Library of the Late Frederic Taylor. Presented in loving memory by Mrs. Frederic Taylor-1985;" depicts a Georgian style building on a hill. Also features the New York University emblem. Signed at bottom right "Zofra 1925."
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Artist Zofra, C.
Criss, Thomas B.
Description States, "Thomas B. Criss;" depicts a grid with images of various bookmaking elements, tools, and figures. Signed at bottom "T.B.C. fect Jan 1902."
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 9 cm.
Artist T.B.C.
Taylor, James Arthur
Fidelisque ad mortem
Description States, "James Arthur Taylor" with motto "Fidelisque ad mortem;" features a shield divided into fourteen section containing a variety of element. The crest features a demi-lion rampant holding a cross. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Cruschnen, Oskar
Description States, "Ex libris Oskar Cruschen;" depicts a naked man leaning on a book and the head of Hermes. Signed at bottom left "Bherovx."
Format 1 print : b&w, 18 x 11 cm.
Artist Bherovx
Tellini, A.
Description States, "Ex-Libris=A. Tellini;" depicts a pomegranite tree growing on top of a globe and a five-pointed star. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 9 cm.
Cunynghame, Wm. Augustus, Si …
Over fork over
Description States, "Sir Wm. Augustus Cunynghame of Livingstone Bart" with motto "Over fork over;" features a shield supports by a knight holding an arrow and a gentleman holding a fork. The shield bears three fleur-de-lis and a helmet. The crest features unicorn passant. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 9 cm.
Language English
Tellini, A.
Description States, "El la Esperantaj Libroj A. Tellini;" depicts a pomegranite branch with one shield that states "Libertas" and another shield that has a five-pointed star. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Curtin, Roland G., M.D.
Description States, "Ex Libris Roland G. Curtin, M.D.;" features a shield with a stack of books, a dog, and a bone. Also features a crest with a harp and two crossed swords. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 9 cm.
Pileri, Q.
Tellini, Nievo
Per pacienco venas scienco
Description States, "Ex Libris Nievo Tellini" with motto "Per pacienco venas scienco;" features a seated woman, a column, a telescope, a shield, and a cityscape. Signed at upper right "Q.Pilbri."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 15 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Pileri, Q.
Daggitt, Dorothy
Description States, "Doroty Daggitt Her Book;" depicts a woman reading a book while sitting in a canoe on a pond with lilypads. Unsinged.
Format 1 print : b&w, 7 x 10 cm.
Language English
Description States, "Biblioteca Terzi Scanz. VI. Cane. IV. Fila Ante No. 13" and "Scan. VI CanVII N.19;" features a quartered shield with various beasts in each section and a ducal coronet on top. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 7 cm.
Description Features the monogram "DALY" and depicts a mask above. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Thistlethwayte, Alexander
Description States, "Alex. Thistlethwayte. Esqr.;" features a shield divided diagonally with three pheons and a helmet on top.. The crest features a torse and a demi-lion holding a pheon. U
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 11 cm.
E. Thompson's Circulating Li …
Description States, "E. Thomson's Circulating Library, No. 20, Market-street, Manchester. By Rule 7th of this Library, any person writing in, or any way damaging the Books, must pay for the work, wether it co ts of one or more volumes." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 8 cm.
Thompson, James
Description States, "James Thomson;" features a crest with a lion rampant. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Thomson, John
Description States, "John Thomson" with motto "Touch-me-not;" features a shied horizontally divided with a stag mask on the bottom and a cross and two stars on top. The crest features a helmet, a torse, flowers, and thistle. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 6 cm.
Language English
Throckmorton, Sir John
Description States, "Sir John Throckmorton, Bart;" features a shield with a simple striped chevron and a sinister hand. The crest features a demi-elephant. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Mechanic's & Tradesmen's Lib …
Description States, "Presented to Mechanic's & Tradesmen's Library, New York City with the Compliments of Katherine Tingley;" surrounded by a border. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 9 cm.
Tisdall, M.
Tutantur tela coronam
Description States, "M. Tisdall" with the motto "Tutantur Tela Coronam;" features a shield containing three pheons and a thistle. Above the shield is a ducal coronet wih an emerging cubit arm grasping an arrow. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Townsend, Charles Cooper
Haec generi incrementa fides
Description States, "Charles Cooper Townsend" with motto "Haec generi incrementa fides;" features a shield divided by a chevron and contains three seashells. The crest features a helmet, a torse, and a stag trippant. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 13 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Hopson, William Fowler, 1849 …
Frederick Willis Davis
A good book is the precious …
Description States, "Ex-Libris Frederick Willis Davis. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1907." depicts an open book. Left page: depicts a statue of a minute mans on a pedestal that states "Here once the embattled farmers stood, and fired the shot heard round the world." The statue is surrounded by two torches and a ribbon that contains the names of the authors "Alcott, Whittier, Longfellow, Emerson, Holmes, Hawthorne, Lowell, Thoreau. Right page: features the motto "A Good Book is the Precious Life Blood of a Master Spirit." Also features a shield with a lion. Signed at bottom "W.F. Hopson."
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 11 cm.
Language English
Artist Hopson, William Fowler, 1849-1935
Travers, John
Ut prosim
Description States, "John Travers" with motto "Ut prosim;" features a shield with a chevron stripe containing three demi-beasts. The crest features a helmet with a demi-best. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Day, Robert
Description States, "Robert Day JP. F.S.A. M.R.I.A.S.P.R.S.A. High Sheriff of Cork 1893. President of the Cork Archaeological Soc. 1902;" depicts a coat-of arms under a tree with a body of water and building in the distant. The shield bears three molets, a crescent, and a helmet. The crest features a pair of wings. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 15 x 11 cm.
Triangle Service League
Description States, "This book is property of the Triangle Service League San Diego,", depicts a sailing ship on the ocean inside an inverted triangle. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language English
Deane, Ruthven
Description States, "From the Books of Ruthven Deane;" depicts a nature setting with a bird, trees, a body of water and hills. Also freatures a shield on top of a stack of books. Signed at bottom "1901 B.E.S."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 9 cm.
Artist B.E.S.
Description States, "Ulrich;" features a shield with lion rampant. The crest features a helmet, a torse, and a lion rampant. The shield is surrounded by a curtain held by two heraldic roses. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 9 cm.
Popot, H.
Decret, H.
Description States, "Ex Libris et Collectis H. Decret;" depicts a man fixing a chair while a woman holding a book looks on. Surrounded by an ornate border featuring two open books with a hammer and a pair of scissors. Signed "H. Popot Del."
Format 1 print : b&w, 14 x 11 cm.
Artist Popot, H.
Union Club
Description States, "Union Club" within a border and calligraphic corners. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language English
Popot, H.
Decret, Madame
De sedaine a carnavalet
Description States, "Ex Libris Madame Decret" with motto "De Sedaine a Carnavalet;" depicts a farm setting with a house, a barn, and a field surrounded by a border made of vegtables. Signed "H. Popot Del."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 14 cm.
Language French
Artist Popot, H.
Union Club
Description States, "Presented to the Union Club by _____;" surrounded by a border with ornate corners. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 8 cm.
Demarest, Josephine M.
Description States, "Ex Libris Josephine M. Demarest;" depicts an elderly man reading a book in a library setting with a window.. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 9 cm.
Head Quarters of the Army
E pluribus unum
Description States, "Head Quarters of the Army" with motto "E. Pluribus Unum;" depict an eagle with an eagle displayed while grasping arrows and a branch. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
de Peyster, John Watts
Forti non deficit telum
Description States, "John Watts de Peyster" with motto "Forti non deficit telum;" features two stacked shields shields and a helmet supported by two eagles with one wing displayed. The bottom shield has an oak tree, two molets, and a crescent. The top shield has a single oak stree. Also features are a crest with a hand holding an olive branch and a crest with an arm embowed in armor holding a sword. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
U.S. Naval Academy Library
Description States, "Class No.___Acession No.___" and "U.S. Naval Academy Library. Annapolis, MD.;" depicts an anchor with a striped background and surrounded by five-pointed stars. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Despard, Douglas Cornell
Description States, "Douglas Cornell Despard" with motto "Pugno;" features a crest with a armored hand holding a broken sword. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 8 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Vale valeque
Description State the motto "Vale Valeque" and an illegible signature. Features a crest with a demi-swan and two axes surrounded by a belt. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Ansart, Pierre
Des Robert, Edmond
Description States, "Ex Libris Edmond des Robert;" depicts a knight holding a sword with a cityscape in the background. Also features a shield with a chevron stripe, three roses, two molets, and a crescent. Signed at bottom "Pierre Ansart."
Format 1 print : col. 8 x 9 cm.
Artist Ansart, Pierre
Vanderbilt, Reginald C.
Description States, "Riginald C. Vanderbilt;" features a quartered shield with a lion rampant, a fleur-de-lis and crown, acorns and eagles. The crest features a helmet with a torse and an acorn. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Hown Pet
Dethick, Thomas
Description States, "Thomas Delthick;" features a shield bearing a stripe and three labels surrounded by roses. Also features a crest with a demi-horse. Signed at bottom "Hown Pet."
Format 1 print : b&w, 8 x 6 cm.
Artist Hown Pet
Vaughan, Samuel
Christi servitus vera libert …
Description States, "Samuel Vaughan Esqr." with motto "Christi servitus vera libertas;" features a vertically divided shield surrouned by garland. The sections of the shield contain chevron stripes and demi-boys with a serpent. The crest features a demi-boy with a serpent. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
DeVinne, Theo L.
Aere perennius
Description States, "Theo. L. DeVinne;" features a shield with three open books and the motto "Aere perennius." The shield is supported by the bust of a woman and a man. All is surrounded by garland made of fruit. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Verenon, George Venable, Bar …
Vernon semper viret
Description States, "George Venable Vernon, Baron of Kinderton" with motto "Vernon semper;" depicts a shield divided in sixteen sections and a crest with a crown. Signed at bottom "Yates Sculp."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Yates
Dexter, Henry
Description States, "Henry Dexter;" features a shield with two blue chevron stripes and a red section. Also features a crest with a tree and scales. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 8 cm.
Volz, Helene Girsberger
Description States, "Ex Libris Helene Girsberger Volz;" depicts an open book, knitting needles, yarn, and a vase of roses in front of an open window with a butterfly and a view of a cityscape. A young boy playing an instrument and a young girl holding a doll sit on each top side of the image. Signed at bottom left "P.G." and at bottom right "1910."
Format 1 print : col., 16 x 11 cm.
Hohne, R.
Diller, Theodor
Description States, "Ex LibrisTheodor Diller;" depicts a tower surrounded by trees and a wall. Also depicts a shelf with books, an owl, and an inkwell with a quill. Signed at bottom right "R.Honne."
Format 1 print : col., 14 x 10 cm.
Artist Hohne, R.
Soane, Harry
Walford, Cornelius
Fortis et stabilis
Description States, "Cornelius Walford, F.L.L." with motto "Fortis et stabilis;" features a shield with a lion passant and a crest with a lion rampant holding a cross. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 10 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Soane, Harry
Spenceley, J. Winfred (Josep …
Dixson, Zella Allen
Description States, "Ex Libris Zella Allen Dixson;" features a street setting with a house, garland, a shelf with books, papers and a candle. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, digital image/no bookplate
Artist Spenceley, J. Winfred (Joseph Winfred), 1865-1908
Walker, Robert Crawfurd
Sapere aude
Description States, "Robert Crawford Walker, F.S.A. Scot., J.P., Von. Sheriff-Subs of Forfarshire" with motto "Sapere aude;" features a shield with three fleur-de-lis and a crest with a helmet and a demi-dog. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 8 cm.
Language Latin
march 1883
Cooper, J.D., Alley, E.A.
Dobron, Avftin
Description States, "Avftin Dobron his Book;" depicts a man reading at a desk with paintings on the wall. Signed E.A. Alley March 1883" and "J.D. Cooper. Sc."
Format 1 print : col., 12 x 10 cm.
Artist Cooper, J.D., Alley, E.A.
Description States the monogram "TBW;" features a shield supported by roses and contains three cat masks. The crest features a cat mask. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Dodge, Helen Blanche
Description States, "Ex Libris Heln Blanche Dodge;" depicts a woman reading a book whole standing. Flowers and a shield with ribbon are also featured. Signed with the monogram at bottom center "AWC."
Format 1 print : b&w, 10 x 7 cm.
Artist AWC
Walter, James
Vincit qui se vincit
Description States, "James Walter" with motto "Vincit qui se vincit;" features a shield supported by two heraldic fish with a lion rampant in front of two crossed swords. The crest features a helmet with an embowed armored arm holding a cross. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Krunimski, E. Kruna
Domel, Georg
Fiat lux
Description States, "Ex Libris Georg Domel;" depicts a man holding a shining piece of paper that state "Fiat lux." A cityscape is depicted in the distant. Signed at bottom "E Kruna Krunimski Bonn 1901."
Format 1 print : col., 18 x 13 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Krunimski, E. Kruna
Dowse, W.B.H.
Labore quaderitur gloria
Description States, "Ex Libris W.B.H. Dowse;" depicts an arched architectureal setting with columns and cherubs. Also featured is a shield with the motto "Labore quaderitur gloria" and supported by a soldier and a man. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 7 cm.
Language Latin
Drobner, Gustav
Ein gutes buch-der best freu …
Description States, "Ex-Libris Gustav Drobner, Leipzig" with motto "Ein gutes buch-der best freund;" depicts the exterior of a window looking in at an elderly man at a desk reading a book.
Format 1 print : b&w?, 14 x 9 cm.
Language German
Drummond, John
Nil timeo
Description States, "John Drummond of Logy Almond Esqr" with motto "Nil timeo;" features a striped shield surrounded by garland with a helmet and a crest with an armored arm holding a sword. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919, …
Dubbs, Henry Alfred
Ex recto decus
Description States, "Henry Alfred Dubbs" and "Ex recto ducus. Stpria. 1446…Belvetia. 1531…America. 1735;" features a shield with a flag, a fleur-de-lis, and a crown with feathers. The shield is surround by a belt and in front of an oak tree. A mountain with a cross on it and a Native American woman are also featured. Signed at bottom "D. McNStauffer" and "S.Hollyer 1906."
Format 1 print : col., 14 x 9 cm.
Language Latin
Artist Hollyer, Samuel, 1826-1919, McNStauffer, D.
Dupeyrat, J.
Description States, "Ex Libris J. Dupeyrat;" depicts a closed book on top of a grapevine and a red monogram of "JD." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Dyrynk, Jiri
Description States, "Ex Libris Jiri Dyrynk;" depicts a man holding an open book in front of a building and surrounded by two trees. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 6 cm.
Lceuiver, T.E.v.
Description States, "Ex-Libris L.C.W.E.;" depicts a shining open book set on a pedestal or altar and surrounded by garland. Signed at bottom right "T.E.v. Lceuiver."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 9 cm.
Artist Lceuiver, T.E.v.
Spenceley, J. Winfred (Josep …
Emery, Mary M.
Description States, "Ex Libris Mary M. Emery;" features an oil lamp, garland, a scroll, stacks of books, and a library setting. Signed at bottom "J.W.S. 1900."
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 8 cm.
Artist Spenceley, J. Winfred (Joseph Winfred), 1865-1908
Washington and Lee Universit …
Exitus acta probat non incau …
Description States, "Washington and Lee University" with the motto "Exitus acta probat non incautus futuri;" features a quartered shield supported by a crow and a squirrel. Unisgned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Enking, Ottomar
Description States, "Ex Libris Ottomar Enking;" depicts a naked woman holding garland that has been strung around a statue of a man. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 14 x 8 cm.
Washington Circulating Libra …
Description States, "Washington Ciruculating Library, Corner of Wall & Wm. Street No. 2003;" surrounded by border. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 5 x 9 cm.
Ennor, Earl, Ennor, Ruth
Description States, "Ex Libris Ruth & Earl Ennor;" features a stack of books framed by an arched ornate border. Signed at bottom right "Lyon."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Artist Lyon
French, Edwin Davis, 1851-19 …
Washington County Free Libra …
Description States, "The Washington County Free Library. Hagerstown, Maryland…MDCCCCI" with motto "Knowledge is power;" depicts a portrait of the bearded Benjamin Franklin Newcomer, surrounded by a frame made of corn. Singed "EDF 1902."
Format 1 print : col., 11 x 8 cm.
Artist French, Edwin Davis, 1851-1906
Eno, Henry C.
Description States, "Henry C. Eno;" depicts a glowing candle on top of a book, an inkwell, and quills surrounded by a border of garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 8 cm.
Orange Webb
Description States, "Orange Webb, New York." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 5 x 7 cm.
Enzio, Re
Description States, "Le Canzoni Di Re Enzio;" depicts an man in medieval clothing with a cityscape in the background and a border made of a shield and garland. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 16 x 11 cm.
Western Library & Scientific …
Description States, "Western Literary & Scientific Institution. Presented by ______on the ___day of____182_." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 9 cm.
Evans, Arthuri B.
Description States, "E libris Arthuri B. Evans. S.T.P.;" features a demi-elephant.
Format 1 print : col., 6 x 5 cm.
Westropp, M.R.
Post funera virtus
Description States, "M.R. Westropp" with the motto "Post Funera Virtus;" features a shield containing a crowned lion rampant and ducal coronet with an eagle's head emerging. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 9 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Evans, Sebastieani
Sat meruisse mini
Description States, "Sebastieani Evans MA" with motto "Sat meruisse mini;" features a shield with a chevron stripe, three demi-elephants, a helmet, and a crest with a demi-elephant. Also features a man with hands tied behind his back and a lamb holding a cross. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 9 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
White Collection
Description States, "White Collection Established by Request of Aaron White;" depicts a portrait of Aaron White. Signed at bottom right "WH."
Format 1 print : col., 7 x 5 cm.
Farnestock, Harris C.
Inter folia fructus
Description States, "Ex Libris Harris C. Farnestock New York;" with motto "Inter folia fructus;" depicts a naked woman leaning on a desk with a stack of books, a scroll, an oil lamp, and an apple tree. Also features garland, paintings, an open book, and a painter's pallette. Signed with monogram "SW."
Format 1 print : b&w, 13 x 10 cm.
Language Latin
Artist SW
White, Richard Samuel
Honorem perseverando petimus
Description States, "Richard Samuel White Esqr." with the motto "Honorem perseverando petimus;" features a quartered shield with roses, an anchor, a lion, two dogs, a helmet, and a bird. Unsigned.
Format 1 print : col., 15 x 11 cm.
Language Latin
Fearing, Daniel B.
Description States, "Daniiel B. Fearing, Newport, R.I.;" features a crest with a dog and and a monogram with an "F." Unsigned.
Format 1 print : b&w, 11 x 7 cm.
Williams, Reverend George
Malo mori quam foedari
Description States, "Revd. George William" with motto "Malo mori quam foedari;" features a dragon with gloves in his mouth surrounded by a belt border.
Format 1 print : col., 8 x 6 cm.
Language Latin
Hopson, William Fowler, 1849 …
Ferry, Charles H.
Garde ta foy
Description States, "Charles H. Ferry;" depicts a desk setting with books, an inkwell, fish, a fishing pole, a lamp, and a painting of a pond with trees title "Garde ta foy." Signed at bottom right "W.F. Hopson."
Format 1 print : b&w, 12 x 11 cm.
Language French
Artist Hopson, William Fowler, 1849-1935
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